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Jan 1st 2023

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    Re: Jan 1st 2023

    Today was my Huxley day, so I was up & out the door at O’dark thirty. He’s getting so big! He ate a lot of baby cereal, and applesauce and bananas. I hope I don’t have to fight with his germs like I did all last week.

    Your virus sounds miserable, TG. I’m sure that took all your strength assembling all the little snack cups while sick!
    Thanks for the insight that people go a little crazy in these situations (fresh divorce).
    I guess I’ll have to get my Santa Clauses down soon, and switch them out for snowmen.

    PQ, great to have you fully back in fine form! Good news that the prog coordinator might not come back at all.
    You really do understand! (RE my mother) Yes, it was a good meal out anyways.

    Lav, you were quite overdue for a do-nothing day, to balance out all those over-doing days over the holidays.
    Luna looks cute & crazy in that photo!
    The end should come soon now for your son-in-law’s poor father. They must be exhausted from keeping vigil.

    Mick, are you putting rocks on the ground around the castle, or building up stone on the castle walls?
    Good thing you know how to fix your own washing machine lines anyways. What a mess.
    Poor Argyl! Bonnie was just waiting for the opportunity to get a swipe in.

    Nitey-night, and sleep tight!
    Last edited by Slo; January 3, 2023, 10:17 PM.
    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


      Re: Jan 1st 2023

      hiya all,,,howz we all today then?hope all is well.just redone the pipe on the washing machine .the amazon man has just delivered it .pouring down with rain again today,

      hiya Slo,how are you doing today after your Huxley day?hope you are doing well.Ill be building the castle up and painting rocks up..will be a long job ,but hey keep me out of we speak ,Bonnie is in the dining room sleeping under the table ,whilst he is in her hutch in the garage!hope you have a good day

      hiya teegee ,how are you today?hope all is good .It takes me a long time to feel yooman every day.I hope he doesnt get an more nose jobs

      hiya ppqp and how are you today then birthday girl...hope you are havin a decent day for your birthday..its Thursday here so...happy birthday to you.hope you have a good day.

      hiya Lav,how are you doing?hope all is well.Sorry to hear about your daughters fil.I think its horrible when it comes to that .. I would rather call it a draw and go ,but we dont get that choice.Yep you are right about the wasnt as bad .Rabbits still not happy bunnies ...we can only try ..Our Amy has just got another kitten..Originally she had a brother and sister,but the female died we shall see how they get on.hope you have a good day ....

      right folks thats me ,,,take care
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Re: Jan 1st 2023

        MAE didn't go by as fast as yesterday but I got a lot of things done today. I have decided to come in to work tomorrow & Friday mornings and take the afternoons off. There are a few things I want to finish up before childcare comes back on Monday. I am usually up really early in the mornings anyways.

        TG...I like the idea of the little twinkle lights staying on through the dark evenings. Hope you're starting to feel better. Yes, I agree that work is a good thing, it certainly is for me.

        Slo...hope you had a good night. No Huxley today? Hope your day was good regardless of what you got up to. are one handy guy! Glad the pipe arrived on time. Thanks for the pre-Birthday wishes. I sure wish the bonding process would start to work. How long are you going to keep at it?

        Lav...I'm sure you'll be checking in soon so I will log back in later to see how your day was.

        Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP


          Re: Jan 1st 2023


          That sounds like a good plan, PQ. You’ll still have time off for your birthday that way, yet not get behind.

          It sounds like you’re making a stone facade on the castle then I guess, Mick. The bunnies are getting a break from each other!

          No Huxley today. Getting up so early on that day exhausts me, so I slept in this morning (finally fell back to sleep after being awake for an hour or more at 4 am).

          What I have been up to is trying to clean my own house after canceling the cleaning service I had to engage after I broke my leg. Unfortunately it’s causing a lot of pain in my bum knee replacement knee. So I’ll have to break it up into smaller chunks and clean 6 days a week instead of three. Then it won’t hurt as much. Unfortunately the physical therapy and acupuncture and all that hasn’t healed this knee, and I live with chronic pain and limited mobility. Was trying to bump my exercise up too, to a 20 minute walk or 20 minutes on my exercise bike per day -but that hurts it too much.

          I hope you heard your alarm(s) this morning, TG. Then rested the rest of the day.
          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


            Re: Jan 1st 2023

            Greetings friends,

            I got word that my SIL’s dad passed last evening, finally. What a long & drawn out affairs that was for him, poor guy. Funeral will be Saturday. His wife is going to have a lot of trouble trying to function on her own. It’s a fairly large family so hopefully most of them will chip in the time & effort to help her along. Still cloudy & drizzling here with cooler temps on the way.

            PQ, sending you Happy Birthday wishes ahead of time. I’m so happy to hear you are doing well & things at work are stable (minus the program coordinator).
            I hope the rets of the week goes quickly for you.

            Cyn, these viruses circulating these days are real buggars. It takes a good long while to kick them out. Keep paying attention to good nutrition, rest & lots of fluids.
            I really do attach myself to some of the animals I’ve had in my care. Luna just reminds me of a kind, loving & grateful person that I may have known. Sounds crazy but that’s the empath in me

            Slo, isn’t it great when the babies start acting more human? Haha. I have a feeling Huxley will be developing a very interesting personality too, enjoy your time with him.
            Sorry your knee is still giving you so much trouble, that’s frustrating. Have you had any xrays recently? Wondering what’s causing all the pain at this point?

            Mick, good to know yuo got your pipe replaced quickly. Even with just two people in the house the laundry piles up pretty quickly when you can’t use the washer, Lol
            .I hope Amy’s new kitten brings her a lot of joy. Mine is changing almost daily & I’m considering changing his name to Beast!!! Tell the bunnies I said Hello!!

            Hello to Pauly, Sam & Det,

            Have a good night all!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Jan 1st 2023

              morning all and as happy belated new year. Been quite interesting watching the political chaos, which seems to typify the extremism we now openly live with. The art of compromise seems to have been lost. A bit of Alice in Wonderland feeling with the Queen of Hearts.

              Had a marathon of music playing for the new year. played 5 hours Saturday night then another 5 hours Sunday. My flippin' hands were tired! It was fun, though. My newest acquisition about a year ago is a resonator guitar, trying to learn some slide stuff, delta blues stuff, it's lots of fun.

              TG, hope you are on the mend. My daughter has had a variety of virus's, the perils of a school teacher. I try to keep her from coming here sick, but she showed up yesterday, still under the weather! Your's sounds like a very weird strain. Get better soon!

              Mick, you had a chance to do any metal detecting lately? This week I was traversing down an old road that was a main highway in the late 1800's but no longer in use. Thought of you when I was out there. Of course all stuff would be fairly modern.

              Lav, sorry to hear of your family member passing. I was curious, you have any decent clock shops up your way? I love the sound of the tick tock. I know PA used to have a few of those type of places around.

              PQ, happy birthday!!! I judging I may be a bit premature but you could be celebrating the fortnight of you birthday?? So glad to see you are doing better!

              Slo, how long ago was your knee replacement? Are still in the rehab stage or is that long ago and far away? Sounds quite painful.

              off to it folks,
              be well
              Liberated 5/11/2013


                Re: Jan 1st 2023

                hiya all how are we today then? hope everyone is well.didnt sleep too much last night so I thought Id do something useful ..put the first colour wash ..grey..onto the rocks of the castle..I then remade the track over the new bridge I had done .After that I went out and made the fenceline in the garden to try and bond these 2 rabbits .The weather is rubbish ,but I can get them out between rain!!I had almost finished it when the rain hammered down.


                Ppqp HAPPY BIRTHDAY.........As I recall you arent at work today ..hope all is well with you and you have a good day..just done a re read ...half day only .Im going to try and bond them till the beginning of Feb ..if there is no change then unfortunately the little fella goes back .hope that doesnt happen but I can only give it my best shot ..and like I said Im not stress bonding them.

                hiya Lav,sorry to hear that SILs dad passed on ...hope the family help out with his wife ...cooler temps? the rain is getting warmer over here!!Im like you ...animals to me are really fact I like them better than a lot of yoomans ...The bunnies say Hi and wave ..

                hiya Slo is the knee today then?hopefully not as sore...take good care of yourself Huxley?

                hiya Sam how are you doing ..especially after your marathon shindig?hope everyone is getting better my friend ,

                hiya pauly hope you are ok.

                right folks all the best to you.
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Re: Jan 1st 2023

                  Greetings friends,

                  More rain, a little sun then a rainbow over Walmart haha!! Such a strange sight this time of year

                  Sam, hope your hands are OK after all that playing this past weekend.
                  I haven’t seen a clock shop in years but I checked with Google & apparently they are still around. Here’s the ones nearest me:
                  With everything being digital & disposable anymore you just don’t run into these things too often. Might be worth a ride when the weather is good

                  Mick, going thru another of those sleepless stretches? I just had a long stretch of that myself, so annoying.
                  I hope the bunnies appreciate your efforts & warm up to one another soon. We will be traveling back to our old hometown Saturday for the funeral service. It’s at the Catholic church where I went to school too, haha. I really don’t like going in there, brings back too many unwanted memories. 40 miles there & 40 miles back.

                  Thinking of our under the weather friends, Cyn & Slo. Hope you’re both doing better today.

                  PQ, hope your workday was OK.

                  Hello to Pauly & Det.

                  Have a nice night all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Jan 1st 2023

                    MAE ALL...

                    Sam...thanks for the Bday wishes and yes I'm doing much better. Not sure what you mean by fortnight of my birthday? Sounds like you had a good time bringing in the New Year.

                    Mick...yes, my choice to take this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon off. I'm always up early and didn't want to leave the boatload of the work for Friday. Chinook hitting tomorrow so will be able to spend the afternoon outside. I remember that fence line. You've made a couple of them. Hope the bonding works, maybe it was just a little too soon after Jeeve's passing? I'm sure you're the best at bonding and if it doesn't work with Argyle it will with the next one. Hope your sleep improves.

                    Lav...when I clicked on the link you gave to Sam I got clock shops in Calgary. LOL No hiding from Google. Gotta say I'd rather have the snow than the rain. We're going above freezing tomorrow, it'll be like a heatwave. The good old prog coord still hasn't made an appearance and I rather doubt she'll be back. We've all gotten into a good working routine and I'd hate to have that disrupted. Hope the weather is good for your travels back to your hometown tomorrow.

                    Wishing all a good night....:smile:PPQP


                      Re: Jan 1st 2023

                      Happy birthday, PQ!! From one Capricorn to another. Hope you enjoyed your free afternoon today.

                      A rainbow over Walmart! It’s a sign! Of what we do not know.
                      I like the name Beast for the little boy kitty! It sounds fitting.
                      I feel ya, Lav; having to go to a funeral back at the Catholic Church/school you went to. It would feel weird to have to go back to mine.

                      I’m sorry you’re not sleeping well, Mick. I’m sleeping better if I supplement enough of both potassium and magnesium.
                      The bunnies better start getting along if they only have until February! And they will have to start getting outside together if they’re going to get it done by February. Nice fencing.

                      That’s a lot of music you were playing over the weekend, Sam! But, there was a new year to ring in! I guess all that strumming would take a toll on your fingers.
                      I’m 5 years out from knee replacement and three years out from knee replacement revision surgery. I guess the revision just didn’t work out right. I’ll keep doing acupuncture. My last Great White Hope.

                      Tuesday is Huxley day. He is looking like a real boy now!

                      Hope you’re getting lots of rest, TG.
                      Last edited by Slo; January 5, 2023, 08:21 PM.
                      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                        Re: Jan 1st 2023

                        Mae all-
                        Happy Birthday, PPQ!!! I hope this is the start of a wonderful year for you!

                        Lav, good luck on the drives to the funeral and back.., and sorry it will take you to an un-fun memory place... glad you got out of there...

                        Sam, congrats on the long gigs! So glad you had fun and have a new guitar to enjoy as well.

                        SLO - I hope you can find some help for that knee... I now break cleaning into smaller bits... easier to maintain, and much less tiring in the long run.

                        Mick, goodness, how do you deal with so much rain? Glad you have the Hogwarts to unleash your creativity into... looks dazzling already! Here’s hoping the 2 furry ones turn into “pals” soon...

                        Sorry to miss yesterday and to be so brief today... still really knocked out by this bug... better than early in the week, but still not great. And wouldn’t it be great to have a good sleep? But no, I can hardly stay awake all day, but when I lay down at night I’m wide awake!! WTF?!

                        Okay, I’ll stop ranting... wishing all well and healthy... sending bright vibes...


                          Re: Jan 1st 2023

                          mornin all
                          Lav, thanks for the link. I'll take a look. PQ, I had a friend whole celebrated his birthday for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after his birthday, enjoying his "day" for a month. TG, hope your day is better.
                          Slo, does the acupuncture help? I've had some success with it before. Mick, when the moon is full, I have a heck of a time getting sleep.

                          off to the mountains today, hope to finish this job!!
                          Liberated 5/11/2013


                            Re: Jan 1st 2023

                            hiya all how are we doing today then?hope all is well .was up early again ,and at 6.30 am was finishing the fence for the 8 they were outside ..probably got more time together than all the time so far.put them out tonight and what happened?it rained ..

                            hiya Sam how are you doing?hows the mountains of Virginny?hope the familys feeling better.

                            hiya are you feeling today?hope you are better .I know that feeling of wanting a decent kip. you take care.

                            hiya Slo are you doing?hope all is good with you.yep they were both outside today..I took a video of them but you cant post it here..or at least I cant ..I think it has to be done through you tube .hope the knee is doing ok today .

                            hiya birthday girl hows you then?did you have a good one? a Chinook hitting tomorrow?you still got helicopters flying around then?you might be right may have been too soon Im not sure ..the other thing is ...My friend has Bonnies sister...and she never bonded with any rabbit at all..couldnt get on with any ..but Bonnie bonded with Jeeves.I think Ive struck lucky in the past bonding them ,not skill,so we shall see how we get on be honest today was really positive .hope you have a good weekend .

                            hiya Lav are you doing? hope all is well ..hows catsville doing?hope all goes ok with your trip back for the funeral.especially if there are not so good memories of the place .

                            right good people all it remains to say is ..hope you have a great weekend
                            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                              Re: Jan 1st 2023

                              Greetings friends,

                              It didn’t rain today haha!!! We did have a lot of interesting clouds & wind gusts though. The cooler air has moved in just as promised.
                              Tomorrow is the funeral & we’ll be bringing the granddaughter back for an overnight stay.

                              Sam, if that link didn’t work for you there’s a clock shop in Havre de Grace, MD & one in Quarryville, just north of here.
                              Hope your day on the mountain was good

                              Mick, isn’t it time for some snow instead of rain? Haha. We were just talking about not having any snow yet, weird.
                              I was up by 6 too, not by choice, ugh.

                              Cyn, hope you’re feeling stronger.

                              PQ, any weekend plans for you?

                              Slo, how’s your knee today? I don’t imagine the cold weather helps you a whole lot. Take it easy.

                              Hello to Pauly& Det.

                              Have a nice night all & will check in tomorrow a
                              When I get back.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Jan 1st 2023

                                MAE ALL...what a gorgeous day, up to 48F/9C and sunny and bright. Got a lot accomplished this morning with 3 programs up and running. Having the afternoon off was perfect, didn't have to deal with a new long-term renter starting tonight. LOL Met up with a friend and went for a long walk, something I plan on doing a lot more of this year.

                                Slo...thanks for the Bday wishes, another Capricorn eh? We do have a lot in common. I've never heard of knee replacement revision surgery before. Sorry you're going through all that. Hope the acupuncture brings some relief.

                                TG...thanks, I feel pretty positive about this year. Boy, that bug has really hit you hard. Glad you're feeling a bit better. I can relate to being tired all day and then wide awake at night. Very frustrating. Maybe once the wolf moon is done your sleep will get better. You take it easy.

                                Sam...I love it. Will propose that to the boss, a whole month off for your birthday. LOL Did you manage to get your mountain job finished today? You be careful out there.

                                Lav...see what happens when you take an afternoon off! Thought for sure today was Saturday. LOL Safe travels tomorrow and you can look forward to having your granddaughter spending the night when you get home. I don't have any definite plans for the weekend except to spend as much of it outside as I can. Going to take advantage of this mild weather before Winter comes back to kick our a$$es. I have finished my meds so will see how things go tomorrow. (I've kept 2 pills in reserve just in case.) One positive out of all of this is I've improved my eating habits. 3 meals a day and healthy snacks in the morning and afternoon. Getting lots of veg/fruits in, something I neglected before. I've noticed a big difference in how I feel.

                                Waves to Pauly & Det. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP

