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Jan 15th

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    Jan 15th

    Mae all..hope all is well today. It is really sunny here today, unbelievable. Rabbits have spent most of the day outside. Bad news though..I was eating a piece of toast this morning, and snap...broke an it looks like back to the dentist for me..thought I was over all that.oh well, more fun...not have agood day everyone
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: Jan 15th

    Greetings friends,

    Oh Mick, sorry about the broken implant - how does that even happen? Somme of us are just lucky I guess
    Glad the sun finally made an appearance, you were overdue for a visit. I’ll bet the bunnies were happy to be out & about again.

    We had sun here too but it’s still pretty cold. Heading down to 25 tonight, Brr. Not much else going on with me.

    Hello to PQ, Cyn, Slo, Pauly, Sam & Det.

    Have a nice night all!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Jan 15th

      It warmed back up here today! (40 F) -and some sun! You finally got a sunny day in rainy England, Mick!

      I came home mid-day today after a couple days with D1 and Mabel & Beckett. It was very comforting spending the time with them. I made them roast beef with mashed potatoes, green beans, and applesauce the one night; and baked chicken, rice, and broccoli (daughter air-fried it) the second night. I think I was pretty helpful to greatly pregnant daughter with bad back pain, and she could sleep in the one morning, and get a nap in the other day.

      Beckett still wanted to do his “farm puzzle” with me each day! I like to put puzzles together, but only smaller ones. A 500-piece puzzle would be a stretch for me.

      That must have been some hard toast you bit into, Mick! Ava and Wags have had implants, and it’s quite a lengthy process to put those in! That is bad news.

      It’s good to be home too, as it can get a little intense with kids all the time. It’s good to be a grandma!
      Last edited by Slo; January 15, 2023, 06:39 PM.
      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


        Re: Jan 15th

        Mae all,

        Mick, sorry about the tooth! But happy to hear that you have a little break in your rainy weather. So the furries are out and about, eh? I hope someday they will co-exist peacefully. I will have to go back to last week - I didn't see all the photos that others were describing... your work sounds fabulous!

        Lav, oooooooh felted wool... I love anything made of that... sorry that Luna disagrees with me, lol. But nice if you have a place to hand it on to. Our weather is up and down - sounds like yours is too? But nice today - high of 40, and a little sun... I meant to get out and walk, but didn't get myself out the door. (Blame the puzzle!)

        SLO, that's a lot of cooking that you did for your daughter - it sounds like she is mighty uncomfortable -- I'm sure she was so grateful for the good food.

        PPQ - sounds like things are hopping at your center... I hope that you have a good week coming up.

        Well, I took myself to a movie in the late afternoon - 4:30. There's a wonderful "art house" cinema downtown - my first trip there, and I was a little nervous, but all worked well. I saw a foreign film "Corsage" (corset) loosely based on the life of Austrian Empress Elisabeth - she was quite the rebel in her day, and this film depicted that but was very free with the actual details of her life... but beautifully filmed and acted. Now I might look at a few puzzle pieces. It's so interesting to me, that my subconscious seems to direct my hands... often my hand will plunk something right into place without my "mind" even thinking about it. Strange but true!

        Wishing all well, and a good week to come -


          Re: Jan 15th

          Hiya all how are we today then?hope all is well .I am sitting outside the dentists now..the sun is cracking the flags. I've got an appointment for 2pm..I left early. Because it was snowing!!it was coming down thick and fast, and in the space of 2 hours it has all melted temperature tonight is going to be minus 4 you wouldn't think it at the moment.
          Hope you are all doing good..Time to go in
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Re: Jan 15th

            Good evening friends,

            We had sun & a temp in the upper 40’s, heading right back down to 26 tonight. Still no snow in the forecast, that’s OK with me.
            Made some organic granola this afternoon & gave the older stale stuff to the chickens. They love it haha!

            Slo, the little ones are so much fun but after a day or two with them I always needed a break. I always ended up physically & mentally exhausted Lol
            Your daughter hopefully appreciates your help. When is she due? Back pain is no fun.

            Cyn, I love felted wool too, that’s why I purchased them. The little Beast loves his but then again he enjoys a good cardboard box too haha.
            That movie sounds interesting, glad you went & enjoyed yourself. We don’t even have a movie theater around, closest one is in DE near the university. I should take myself & just go sometime.
            Having that unfinished puzzle sitting around will be distracting but that’s part of the fun

            Mick, I hope the trip to the dentist went OK. My daughter just had her implant finished up last week & she’s happy with the results so far.
            I hope the sun sticks around for a while & the snow stays away.

            PQ, hope your day was good!

            Hello to Sam, Pauly & Det.
            Have a nice night all!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Jan 15th

              What a gray rainy day. Too warm to snow -the cold is going over to Mick.

              That’s a shame that your warmer weather might threaten the Learn to Skate program and the Winter Carnival, PQ.

              I like those artsy little cinemas, TG. Even though they tend to sell wine. Then again, the mainstream cinemas sell beer now too. Sounds like an artsy, beautiful foreign film as well.

              Oh Mick, I hope they just screwed that implant right back in! Probably not that simple though.

              Time for bed, so I can get up well before dawn to drive the 45 minutes to Huxley’s house!
              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                Re: Jan 15th

                hiya all how are we doing today then? hope all is well.The sun didnt last long ...really foggy today as well as snowing ..We are scheduled for some real bad weather apparently .managed to get the rabbits out for a little while this morning... possibly 10 cms of snow tonight .

                hiya are you doing then? hope you are doing is the puzzle doing? do you like the scenic ones ?Im still doing the Harry Potter job as well...its coming on pretty good ,The rabbits are getting along slowly ...they will get there eventually.

                hiya Slo how are you doing? hope you are doing ok .happy to send you some snow if you want.nope definitely not that simple with the implant ...struggled getting the screw out and it was the abutment has been replaced ..ouch ...and it needs to set in again .next Wednesday ..meanwhile dribbly mince and watered down custard.hope you have a good Huxley day.

                hiya Lav are you doing today?hope all is good need some snow?Yes Im pleased with my implants ...and Ive got shall we say more than one,but its like tyres on a car ,they do wear with all the work they do ..dont know whayt your prices are like over there ,but over here it works out roughly 1500 -2k a tooth ..ok you can get plywood ones done by some back street guy for a few bob ..but .no chance..Ive seen the results of some of those messes .Our Amy picks her kitten up on Friday...hope you have a good day.

                hiya ppqp are you doing today then? hows work doing ? hope all is well

                big hello to everyone else .

                Yesterday I saw a guy spill all his Scrabble letters on the road.
                I asked him, “What’s the word on the street?”

                Knock! Knock!
                Q: Who’s there?
                A: Control Freak.
                Q: Con…
                A: Okay, now you say, “Control Freak who?”

                Hear about the new restaurant called Karma?
                There’s no menu: You get what you deserve.

                A bear walks into a bar and says, “Give me a whiskey… and a cola.”
                “Why the big pause?” asks the bartender. The bear shrugged. “I’m not sure. I was born with them.”

                Why don’t scientists trust atoms?
                Because they make up everything.
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Re: Jan 15th

                  Greetings friends,

                  Had another one of those partly cloudy/sunny days. Same on the menu fir tomorrow.
                  Busied myself with little things today, pot of soup, getting a new embroidery design (in case I ever get back to embroidering), etc
                  We went out for sandwiches for dinner - such excitement haha!

                  Slo, hope you had a good Huxley day. Too many of these dark days in a row make me unhappy LOL

                  Mick, hope you didn’t get too much snow.
                  A soft diet is definitely in order for you for a few days, hope it’s not too painful.
                  I liked the Karma restaurant, haha!!!

                  PQ & Cyn, hope you are both doing OK!

                  Hello to Sam, Pauly & Det.

                  Have a nice night all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Jan 15th

                    mae are we doing today...? yep the snow has arrived not as much as they said but certainly enough to cover the ground.pretty cold too.dont think the rabbits will be outside today.

                    hiya Lav are you doing ? hope all is well.Yep definitely a soft diet....tried to be more clever than I really am ..and cut my mouth , I think I ll be making soup too.

                    hope everyone else is doing ok
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Re: Jan 15th

                      Hi everyone,

                      Such a shame about your tooth, Mick. I’m glad it is fixable anyways. Meanwhile, a pot of soup is a great idea.
                      You get a break from the rain in the form of snow! We’re gray and rainy here for the day.

                      I had a fine Huxley day with lots of kisses & hugs. He is starting to learn how to sit up. And he tries to get up on all fours, and can maneuver himself backwards a bit. And I was able to accompany him in the early evening to his first swim lesson with daughter D2!

                      I get exhausted with the two toddlers/preschoolers too, Lav. And I wasn’t even handling them alone like you did; I was just helping with D1! I should get back up there this week, but young daughter has a swim meet this weekend, so I should probably travel that direction instead.
                      That sounds like a nice day that you had yesterday!

                      I found some Mick-style jokes in the Reader’s Digest that are from, of all places, the Fringe Festival held in Edinburgh, Scotland!:

                      -“I used to live hand-to-mouth. Do you know what changed my life? Cutlery.”

                      -“I tried to steal spaghetti from the shop, but the female guard saw me and I couldn’t get pasta.”
                      Last edited by Slo; January 18, 2023, 09:13 AM.
                      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                        Re: Jan 15th

                        Hey friends,

                        We had sun & 58 degrees today. Tomorrow will be an all day rain event, oh well.

                        Mick, you really have to stop breaking yourself LOL. It surely pours when it rains on you, sorry.
                        Glad the snow was light in amount & will hopefully melt away quickly. Do you have an immersion blender? They’re great to stick in a pot of soup & make it as smooth as you need. Take care of yourself & those bunny friends.

                        Slo, glad you had a good Huxley day. Swimming lessons already? Yikes!!
                        The worst part of watching two boys two years apart in age was keeping an eye on the toddler while I was changing the diaper on the infant. One day the oldest one unlocked the door & walked down the driveway & attempted to walk across the road but fortunately my neighbor was there & caught him. I came flying down the driveway with the freshly diapered infant with my heart pounding out of my chest LOL make sure there’s a lock high enough that the oldest can’t reach
                        I won’t try stealing any pasta either haha!

                        Cyn, hello to you!

                        PQ, time to check in with us please.

                        Hello to Sam, Pauly & Det.

                        Have a nice night all!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Jan 15th

                          Well, goodness... I tried to post from yet another device, thinking all would work out, and in the moment of trying to copy it, I deleted it. Then re-posted something short so all knew I was around in the thread, but now I don’t see it here. Ah well, mysteries abound.

                          Hopefully you all will be able to see this.

                          Ice/rain/snow mix today, so it was a bit of a trick to keep spirits up. Normally I don’t let my moods be challenged by the weather, but I’m not really feeling myself these days, so I had to give myself a pep talk. Then I had success with a really difficult part of the puzzle, so that made me happy. (a feeling of accomplishment, and that little tic of dopamine... &#128521

                          Mick, sorry about the tooth, but glad the bunnies are calming down and starting to accept...
                          SLO, goodness what a lot of driving - good luck and stay safe!
                          Lav, thank you for mentioning the Immersion blender! I recently saw mine (still in its plastic sleeve) and briefly could remember that it was for... scary! But now you’ve reminded me, so I can my favorite pumpkin soup! (And then I remembered our dear New Mexico friend and her African Peanut soup... I’m ready to make that one too!!
                          PPQ - hoping all is well and that you can post a little something soon...
                          Time for bed! I can hardly keep my eyes open...

                          Hello Sam, Pauly, Det, and all dropping by...
                          May we be well...


                            Re: Jan 15th

                            mae are you doing?hope all is well with yall...see that speaking Merican!!!Couldnt sleep much last night again...woke up with a headache so here I am at 5.30 am.Frosty outside,and icy too.Both rabbits ok ...on their warm mats enjoying life.Yesterday ,Argyl managed how to work out to climb up the steps into the conservatory ,and since then he hasnt stopped!Meanwhile my Hogwarts project moves on .

                            Ppqp are you ?where are you ?hope all is well ? Let us know .

                            Teegee are you doing?hope you have had an extra shot of dopamine,,how is the puzzle doing?or should I say how are you doing with the puzzle?Yes the rabbits are slowly taking to each other ..its pretty obvious they do, but they are both apprehensive and scared? M gut feeling says not yet .

                            hiya Lav ,how are you doing? hope all is good .Yep most of the snow has gone .the trouble is ,the road gritters never get up here ,so its down the folks up here to clear the road .basically.An immersion blender? yep Ive got a blender I just whack into the pot once Ive made it all ...Last nights tea was spag are the cats?Amy pics her new kitten up tomorrow.hope you have a good day.

                            hia Slo how are you doing today? hope all is good with you.Well done on the joke finding ..Im sure I pulled some from there along the way. D1 +D2 +KIDS =tired Gran.hope you have a good day

                            hia pauly det sam et are you all doing .

                            I used to be addicted to the hokey pokey…

                            … but then I turned myself around.

                            What’s the most terrifying word in nuclear physics?


                            I was wondering why the ball kept getting bigger and bigger…

                            And then it hit me.

                            I got fired from my job at the bank today.

                            An old lady came in and asked me to check her balance, so I pushed her over.

                            What did Batman say to Robin before they got in the car?

                            “Robin, get in the car.”

                            Sometimes I tuck my knees into my chest and lean forward.

                            That’s just how I roll.

                            A man got hit in the head with a can of Coke.

                            Thank goodness it was a soft drink.

                            Have you heard the one about the bad pole-vaulter?

                            It never goes over very well.

                            Two fish are in a tank. One says to the other, “Do you know how to drive this thing?”

                            Never criticize someone until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, they won’t be able to hear you from that far away. Plus, you’ll have their shoes.

                            The shovel was a ground-breaking invention.

                            What do you call cheese that isn’t yours? Nacho Cheese.

                            Want to hear a joke about construction?

                            I’m still working on it.

                            What do you call an elephant that doesn’t matter?

                            An irrelephant.

                            Dad, can you put my shoes on?

                            No, I don’t think they’ll fit me

                            The world tongue-twister champion just got arrested.

                            I hear they’re gonna give him a really tough sentence.

                            I own the world’s worst thesaurus.

                            Not only is it awful, it’s awful.

                            So what if I don’t know what “Armageddon” means?

                            It’s not the end of the world.

                            What’s the difference between a good joke and a bad joke timing.

                            Don’t you hate it when someone answers their own questions?

                            I do.

                            If I got 50 cents for every failed math exam, I’d have $ 6.30 now.

                            Some people just have a way with words, and other people … oh … not have way.

                            I don’t want to brag, but I do speak pig Latin; I mean, I’m not fluent, but I’m sure if I ever went there, I could get by.

                            My girlfriend and I often laugh about how competitive we are.

                            But I laugh more.

                            What’s red and shaped like a bucket?

                            A blue bucket painted red.

                            What do you call a fish with no eye?


                            Why do you smear peanut butter on the road?

                            To go with the traffic jam.

                            I still remember what my grandpa said right before he kicked the bucket:

                            “How far do you think I can kick this bucket?”

                            What’s the stupidest animal in the jungle?

                            A polar bear
                            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                              Re: Jan 15th

                              You’re speaking Southern Murican, Mick!
                              Argyl climbs the steps to the conservatory…isn’t that where Bonnie is?!
                              This round of double entendre jokes were especially funny!

                              I was surprised at how many soup recipes still called for transferring soup to a full-sized blender (what a mess) after immersion blenders had already been invented.

                              Lav, scary story about your toddler grandson getting out of a LOCKED door! You were outnumbered.

                              I’m just tired all the time. No energy. I suppose that’s how you feel too, TG, as you recover from the virus. We have all cloudy weather in the forecast for the next 10 days, including today.

                              I was going to go visit young daughter and spend the day with her on Friday, and stay over in her on-campus apartment; but she’s too busy now that day. So I’ll just have to make the long drive there & back on Saturday for her swim meet.

                              I’m worried about PQ again.

                              Here’s one of those jokes, from Quora:
                              “I can’t believe some people actually collect old magazines. They must have a lot of issues.”
                              Last edited by Slo; January 19, 2023, 05:52 PM.
                              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.

