Good evening all & now I really feel like a creep for spreading Covid around

The symptom for this newest variant are much different, more annoying than anything. The headache is mostly gone today, yay & no fever. Still have plenty of nose leaking going on & a bit of fatigue.
We did talk to a doc friend a few days ago & he said Paxlovid won’t help with any of these symptoms. He did say to call back if we develop chest pain or shortness of breath. If either of us develops that we will be on the way to the nearest ER, trust me. I think we have passed that threshold. We had sun & 46 degrees today, not bad at all. Today is my dog’s 11th birthday & I’ve been thinking all day of when I brought her home & the two youngest grandkids were just a year old themselves. Time sure flies!
Cyn, I’m so sorry yo’ve been in contact with the virus again. My daughter has been telling me everyone has been sick at the schools where she works. I’m pretty sure YB picked it upon his Amish runs, you likely picked it up at the grocery store. Tylenol alternated with ibuprofen has worked great for us & lots of liquids of course. I found this article that may help: Most Common COVID-19 Symptoms Are Changing | Everyday Health
Take good care of yourself :hug:
Slo, I think maybe we should all go back to masking for a while…….just to be safe. I know that’s a very unpopular opinion but it does work. I’m thinking about all the isolation rooms I worked during my career & I never picked up any of that funk.
Mick, nothing better than bunny success! Good for you & for them.
Hope yuo have another successful detecting day.
PQ, hope all is well with you!
Hello to anyone else looking in & wishing a nice night for all!