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12th Feb

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    12th Feb

    mae all how are ewe today then? hopefully folks are feeling is 5 am,so just a quick post ..waiting for my friend and then we have 120 mile drive.My best to you all ....get better soon.x
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: 12th Feb

    Thanks for starting the new thread, Mick. Best of luck on your day out detecting, and I hope the faraway field is full of finds.

    We were just teasing, Lav. You didn’t really get TG sick because you weren’t wearing a mask! Coming out of nursing, mask-wearing was the most sensible & practical solution in the world to me at the beginning of the pandemic, and I couldn’t understand the resistance to it.

    Luckily baby Andy doesn’t go to daycare yet, and his dad works from home and his mom is still on maternity leave; so I can kiss & cuddle him without much fear of catching anything from him.
    I have enjoyed this time to be able to live with them and be part of their daily routine while daughter is still on leave from work. She goes back at the beginning of March.
    We went to an art museum together the other day, which I loved; and Andy did well in his stroller and liked being out & about, Yesterday we all went to some charming gift & antique stores together.
    We played the game Azul together, and have found some more good Netflix shows.
    I’m weirdly tired, and crashed on the couch yesterday afternoon for a 2-hour nap; and that after sleeping solid all night! Oh well.

    My Covid was like yours, TG; in that it absolutely flattened me for the first day, with the fever and writhing pain. I surely hope you feel much better with each successive day. The headache style is super-annoying too, Lav. I can only hope for short courses for you both.

    It’s still way early days for you on the NoSmo King, PQ; so no surprise that the cravings are still there. You are doing great at kicking it!

    Thankfully today is the Day of Rest for us all! Take care, my friends.
    Last edited by Slo; February 12, 2023, 08:36 AM.
    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


      Re: 12th Feb

      MAE ALL....

      A little stiff and sore this morning (nothing compared to what TG is going through) so my goal today was/is to be more active. I went for 2 walks this morning, taking advantage of the great weather. I've always been careful with my footing but am now a lot more diligent in how and where I walk.

      Mick...hope you discover some great finds today.

      Lav/TG...hope you're both feeling better.

      Slo...sounds like you're having a great time. I'm sure being able to spend this time with everyone is at the top of your gratitude list.

      Well, it has been 10 days now with the no smoking and was hoping it would be getting easier by now. Working on changing my mind set from "What I've given up" to "What I've gained." Hope you all have a great Sunday....:smile:PPQP


        Re: 12th Feb

        Mae all -
        Another quick one here... had better rest last night, but still in the throes of this; slight temp and chills, ah well. One day at a time...

        Mick, driving 120 miles for detecting? I hope the ride was beautiful and that you found some good things!

        SLO - sounds like you are having a great family time - enjoy -

        PPQ, so sorry that the Quit doesn't feel easier yet, but it will in time - you are making great deposits into your health bank!

        Lav, hoping that you are doing okay and not suffering any setbacks from this nasty virus... sending health.


          Re: 12th Feb

          Greetings friends,

          Feeling much better today, glad to report that!
          I have to say for me the worst part of this illness was the splitting headache & the all over myalgia. The med routine helped as well as expected. I haven’t done much the past few days, trying to preserve any energy I might have. Hopefully I can get back to my routine tomorrow.

          Mick, i hope you found some really cool stuff today

          Slo, I think there must be different variants on the west & east coasts causing different symptoms. Not sure what’s happening in the middle of the country. Glad you are enjoying your visit with baby Andy & in a healthy household.

          PQ, you’re doing great 10 days smoke free, yay! It will get easier I promise. Keep telling yourself how grateful you are that you will never have to worry about running out of smokes!!
          I stiffen up quickly too if I don’t move around, that’s why I’m anxious to get back to my routine.

          Cyn, I’m sorry you’re having a bad time. This virus just sucks. Getting enough rest is essential to your recovery. The fever didn’t last too long for me but we’re all different. I hope tomorrow is a much better day for you :hug:

          I hope everyone has a nice night!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: 12th Feb

   are we today then?everyone on the mend?cold day here again ..Did pretty good yesterday. found a broken axe head ,spear head ,socketed chisel and a socketed gouge.All made of bronze , all about 4000 years old and made of bronze.All were broken..which in itself is interesting ..Over the years from this area we have found a variety of tools and weapons ,mostly all broken .We have also found pieces of smelted bronze ..indicating that they were recycling even way back then..

            hiya Lav ,glad you are feeling better today and that you can get back into a routine.How is yb doing? Is he out driving yet?

            and good morning teegee are you feeling today?hope you are doing better today.get some rest.

            Ppqp.....well done to you ....on both counts ...the walking and the no smoking ..Thats the way to do it..change your mindset are strolling up nicotine hill....every step forward gives you more health ,more money ,more pride ,more control of your life,so well done to you.

            hiya Slo are we doing today then?I think you are one of many ...I think we all need those booster naps..glad you enjoyed the art taste in art is still definitely "old style" take care and have a good day,

            Right good people have a good day.
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Re: 12th Feb

              Mae on Monday!

              I was able to cancel my appointment today, and extend Boyd’s stay at the boarding place; and stayed overnight at the house of my friend who also lives in this state. I can do that this week because I don’t have to babysit Huxley tomorrow -he is on vacation. This is my friend who fascinates me by how much she can talk, endlessly & nonstop. I proposed that we could watch the Super Bowl together, the three of us, including her husband. But she wanted to go out to dinner just the two of us and have girl talk, so that’s what we did. I guess he wouldn’t have been able to enjoy the Super Bowl anyways if we were there, because she wouldn’t be able to curtail her nonstop yakking to watch any of it.

              It’s warmer here in this state, so I was able to bask in the sun for awhile on daughter & son-IL’s patio yesterday, before I head back to my more northern climate today. Bliss. It certainly is on the top of my gratitude list to have been able to have that time with them and baby Andy, as baby is growing so fast.

              Mick, that is interesting to see the craftsmanship from thousands of years ago. Are they from the Bronze Age?

              You are slowly but surely gaining freedom from nicotine, PQ! And if smokes cost there what they cost here, then there will be extra money. Keep marching up that hill day by day, so that investing in the nicotine patches won’t be for naught. Remember: freedom is at hand!

              Thankfully you’re both turning the corner on the Covid, Lav & TG.
              Last edited by Slo; February 13, 2023, 09:05 AM.
              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                Re: 12th Feb

                MAE ALL...

                TG...I'm sure getting a better sleep Saturday night helped. I am still on hospital time, waking up every 4 hours waiting for someone to take my stats. LOL A slight temp sounds a lot better than the 102 earlier. Hope you were able to get more rest last night and things are better today.

                Lav...glad you're feeling better and are preserving your energy. Did you get back into a routine today? I'm slowly getting over some of my cravings, time will pass and I stop and think I didn't crave a cig after breakfast this morning. LOL Slowly but surely.

                Mick...sounds like you had a good day detecting yesterday. We're supposed to get a bit of snow tonight and temps below freezing, but just for one day. Eastern Canada is getting walloped with a winter snow storm. Yup, working on changing my mindset. One of my instructors told me today that I would be hard to replace as my customer support is excellent. I always listen, emphasize and find a way to make things work. Guess I'm doing good in the grumpy attitude department. LOL

                Slo...good on you for taking the extra time to visit with your friend. I'm sure the husband appreciated your girls night out so he could watch the game. LOL I did the math and it costs me $140/week for cigs opposed to $30/week for the patches.

                Did take a Tramadol this morning as I woke up in pain and knew I'd be at my desk most of the morning. Got the rest of the Spring programs scheduled so now feel like I'm on top of things again. When I got home I just took a couple of Tylenols and that did the trick. Will plan on going for a walk later this afternoon before the snow hits.

                Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP


                  Re: 12th Feb

                  Greetings friends,

                  I retested this morning & still showing positive so I need to be patient. Sent yB to pick up the grandson from school. Don’t feel bad at all, just have no energy. Praying for patience at this point haha!!

                  Mick, that’s some very cool stuff you found. I just watched something on the History channel about your area being so full of relics from the very old days. Nothing like that over here that we know of.
                  Resisted a strong urge to take a nap this afternoon because it always keeps me awake at night, sigh.

                  Slo, I smiled when you described your talkative friend, I have one like that too. By the time she’s finished talking I’ve forgotten anything I wanted to say haha. Gotta love them though
                  Glad yo found some milder weather to enjoy.

                  PQ, sounds like you’re doing great. We’re all very happy & proud of you :hug:
                  I spoiled my grandkids with the savings, you can spoil yourself a bit. Keep moving forward friend!

                  Cyn, I hope things are looking up for you today. Being sick is no fun, I’m not exactly what you would call a good patient

                  Hello to anyone else dropping by & wishing everyone a nice night!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: 12th Feb

                    mae all how are we doing today then? hope all is good with everyone .yet again yesterday the rabbits were together for a long time...She is grooming him ,but I need to see them groom each other before I take the fence down,but things are definitely positive.Frosty here today.

                    hiya Lav how are you feeling today then?Are you still testing pos. America has got history ,def not as old as we have ,but it is still debatable as to whether the Vikings discovered America long before Columbus did.A lot of your European history starts with the pilgrims and the "tree penny" here is what I found...the gouge ,the chisel,the broken spearhead and the broken top of a socketed axe .you can see where it has snapped and the loop has broken.






                    I slept well last night

                    Hiya are you doing today? sounds like you had a good day yesterday.Yes that stuff is from the bronze age..All we are really doing is the exact same as our forefathers only tweaked up.Have a decent trip back today.

                    hiya ppqp. how are you today?Another day looking after yourself,well done to you .Can I suggest something to you? you say that the cravings are starting to go at breakfast?why dont you change your routine at breakfast?replace the cig with something ..exercise ,the breathing tube ...and see how it improves daily ,a sweet or a treat?just an idea are doing brill well done .

                    hiya teegee how are you doing? hope all is good .

                    right good people have a nice day.
                    Last edited by Mick; February 14, 2023, 03:43 AM.
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Re: 12th Feb

                      MAE All...

                      Lav...I'm glad you don't feel bad and I hear you about the energy. Yup, you and me both have to pray for patience. Are you taking anything extra for the low energy? It was payday today so I'll be picking up some Feramax. A quick google search on iron supplements says too much can cause breathing problems. Is that right?

                      Mick...great finds, thanks for the pics. That new coil sure has made a difference for you. The rabbits are coming along, YAY. Have you always waited till they groom each other before letting them get together? Doesn't a good nights sleep make all the difference? So about the after breakfast cravings, they seem to have stopped. The ones I'm having problems with now is when I finish a certain project at work I want to take a break and have a smoke. I have started walking around the hall when that hits and it seems to help. I'll get there.

                      TG...been thinking of you and hope you're feeling better.

                      Slo...are you traveling home now?

                      Another productive day but after a zoom meeting with one of our software programmers I can see a lot of work ahead of me. We are going to migrate off of one system (again!) and merge with a new program we've been using for certain things. Hoping to have it live come September so there'll be a big learning curve over the summer. It's good timing as that's a quiet time for my programs.

                      Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP


                        Re: 12th Feb

                        Can’t a positive Covid test last for weeks after having had Covid, Lav? I was sick for three days when I had Covid, then was weak & low energy for the rest of the week.

                        I drove home all yesterday evening, and got in about 11 pm. And then couldn’t fall asleep! Hopefully will do better tonight. Trying to avoid taking a nap this afternoon though I feel like it.

                        I seem to have been somewhat sick the whole time I was gone, with nasal stuffiness, and muscle aches & inflammation all over, especially bad in my neck. No wonder I was tired!

                        Andy sure was visibly growing while I was there. Now the outfit he was wearing the first day I got there doesn’t fit him anymore!

                        I like semi-modern art the best, Mick; like the late 18th century and early 19th century. The art museum we went to did have some of the stupid ultra modern art: a crooked wire mounted to the wall; a few tiles on the floor that they called “art”. Not too much nonsense though.

                        The friend whom I visited who talks nonstop has a new friend in her current locale who confronted her and said: “Do I get to talk?” Then said, “Now you ask ME a question.” I love it: someone is teaching this woman how to have a dialogue instead of a monologue! But yeah, we still gotta love ‘em, Lav.

                        True, Mick: we still make the same types of tools, just not out of bronze anymore.

                        Glad you feel caught up now at work, PQ. And that the extra work to switch computer programs will fill into a less-busy time of year.
                        I just found out from reading around that [MENTION=21602]abcowboy[/MENTION] is one month into quitting cigarettes. So you have a quit buddy here on MWO!

                        Hope you’re doing ok weathering Covid, TG.
                        Last edited by Slo; February 14, 2023, 05:42 PM.
                        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                          Re: 12th Feb

                          Happy Valentine’s Day friends,

                          Feeling more like myself today & had no soul crushing afternoon fatigue, yay. I won’t bother retesting for a while as YB is still testing + but feels fine. I think it takes some of us longer to shed the virus than others - age related maybe? I’ll go back to masking & carry on with life.

                          Mick, the boys sure did a lot of digging around here when they were little but never came up with anything like you found, haha! It would be a very big deal if anyone around here started finding those objects, never really can know who was here first I think. Glad the bunnies are staying on schedule. Warmish here today, in the mid fifties.

                          PQ, no I’m not taking anything extra for the low energy. It just part of the disease process. It will change. Were you told to take an iron supplement for a low iron level? I’d be careful taking that, it doesn’t mix well with some other meds & even some foods. Here’s a link that may help: FeraMAX 15 Advanced Patient Information -
                          I cringe when I think about having to learn a new computer system. I think I have passed the age limit on stuff like that hahha!!!! Good luck!

                          Slo, I sure hope you didn’t pick up Covid along the way, sorry. My daughter keeps telling me everyone is getting this current variant. I don’t even know how we can escape these things forever
                          Glad the baby is healthy & growing, they do change so quickly. Hope you can rest up & feel better quickly.

                          Cyn, how’s it going for you today? Thinking of you :hug:

                          Have a nice night all!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: 12th Feb

                            Mae all -

                            Sorry if I didn't post yesterday - there seem to be no definable days for me... everything is blending into everything else! I am doing better today, but as Lav says the fatigue is bad, and I am still filled with muscle aches. Slo - have you tested yourself? Might be a good idea... I realize now that I had strange muscle tenderness (elbows, for example) for a week before I came down with this ferocious bug. Just happy I am climbing out of the hole...

                            Mick, Iron Age. Just the sound of the time period gives a person pause. So is it called Iron Age because by then they had learned to smelt? What a fascination... congrats on your finds. Good news about the further "thaw"!

                            PPQ - congrats - you have such good plans in place to help you - a wow what a lot of money to save! Good Job! Keep on going!

                            Slo - hoping that you haven't caught anything on your travels... testing can help you know for sure. And will keep others safe... I'm with Lav, I'm going back to masking. I think there are far more cases out there than we know, as the stats might not be correct... with all this self-testing, many cases are going unreported. It is definitely still around.

                            Lav, so sorry you are having the "leaden afternoons"... I haven't quite gotten there yet...I'm still pretty groggy all day, but slowly the muscle aches and chills are receding. I did pay a couple of bills today - Victory!

                            Okay, I'm off to stare at the wall some more... honestly, it's crazy when that seems like progress!

                            Wishing all well -


                              Re: 12th Feb

                              hiya all how are we doing? all ok ?a lovely sunny day ,though its supposed to change later on for bad weather .At yoga tonight .didnt sleep at all last night .so feeling a bit weary.

                              hiya teegee how are you doing? hope all is well..staring at a wall? seems like a bit of dodgy hobby!If you stare at it long enough does it paint itself? if so Ill have some of that !!!hope you have a good day.

                              hiya lav ..glad you are feeling better..yes the rabbits are spending a lot more time together...She spends a lot of time washing him.I wonder who the boss is ......




                              take care and look after yourself.

                              hiya Slo. how are you then ?like you I didnt sleep.totally agree with you re painting ..modernism cubism and all that jazz aint for me.are you at home now or travelling again?take it easy and take care.

                              and how are you today then ppqp?hope you are well.all the books say that they should both groom each other ,but Im pretty sure I didnt do that with Jeeves ..Bonnie mothered him and I think thats whats happening with Argyl Im not convinced the reciprocal grooming needs to take place. when you finish a project instead of a smoke give yourself something else....its a case of linking your achievement to mind equals reward ..all you need to do is change the reward ...sounds easy but I do appreciate how hard it is.good idea taking a walk.I remember in the covid when we weren't allowed out ..I walked 12 miles the garden!and youve seen the size of my garden ,so I concur with the walking .hope you have a good day..

                              right folks thats me ...take care all.
                              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

