Good evening all!
We had 51 degrees & some sun today - I’ll take it

Mick, I hope you made your destination safely & you are having fun!
Slo, I meant to mention yesterday I read there’s a solar storm going on & it’s affecting radio/TV communications, etc. It’s probably also responsible for waking us up at unholy hours.
I also eat a lot of high oxalate foods, veggies, nuts & fruits but if we get enough water in (so I was told) we should be OK. I was concerned about kidney stones, ouch. I think if you have gout the oxalates could increase your uric acid. Sounds like you’re going to be busy watching grandkids - good luck

I do ‘see’ Pauly & Det on FB from time to time & always try to say ‘hello’.
PQ, I’ve been going to a chain shop ‘Great Clips’ for quite some time. They seem to be open all the time for haircuts. I do a ‘check-in’ on their app & jump in the car & go haha!
Glad you’re feeling peppier & when the vitamins kick in there will be no stopping you, Lol.
Being a girl scout leader my #1 job was getting 17 girls home alive after a weekend of camping. BUT I also pushed the responsibility of leaving a clean campsite (including the latrines), not wasting water, etc.
The boy scouts should follow our lead!!! I love cabbage & anytime I find a new way to cook it I do

Cyn, hope your day was good & you’re out & about as well.
Have a nice night all!