ck on one. Job done..back home tomorrow but at least everything works .lovely and sunny here sitting outside.
No announcement yet.
2nd of April
2nd of April
Hiya all how are we doing today then,hope you are doing good van is doing ok,it is nice and sunny. Went on the bike this morning, my first time in over 50years..and never fellow...its just like riding a bike ...I lost a lot of my balance awareness previously and it scared me to try and get bahe
ck on one. Job done..back home tomorrow but at least everything works .lovely and sunny here sitting since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12 -
Re: 2nd of April
Mick...jealous of your weather. It's not snowing at the moment but there's a bitterly cold wind blowing. Was going to go for a walk but quickly changed my mind. Thanks for kicking off the thread this morning.
Will check in later to make sure everyone's ok. Have a nice Sunday all...:smile:PPQP
Re: 2nd of April
There’s a bitter, cold wind here too today & yesterday, and it has turned my cheeks red. The day of the tornados was a warm air though…I guess the air temp differences probably played a role in them forming.
Boyd is home, on some meds, and perking up! Although not really eating & drinking yet. I have my sister here this afternoon. Boyd needs more company, and me to stay home more. I feel comforted having her here too. I have been lonely lately. She’s sober right now, so it’s working out.
Mick, good news that your balance is working, and riding a bike is still just like riding a bike!
PQ, yes, that tracker needs to document why those overtime events occur! Just what you didn’t need, so close to the end of the workday.
I hope that scary feeling in your lung when you turned out of the car heralded nothing more than a warning not to do that movement too quickly!
Sick of pain! The knots in my low back and hips that radiate, the dumb chronic knee pain. I’ll try my new memory foam mattress topper tonight and see if that helps anything. My new next door neighbor said she’d refer me to a pain management doctor whom she recommends; who she works for. I’m trying to learn a Gokhale method for posture & movement too, in hopes of help. Continuously blew a large amount of snot out of the snoot last night, signaling the end of the cold!
Pie, I can see where keeping the greyhound is laborious, what with having to treat the yard continuously! Maybe it’s best if he finishes treatment for hookworm first before re-homing. Boyd is on an appetite stimulant medication too.
Best go before I lose this post!Last edited by Slo; April 2, 2023, 04:32 PM.Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.
Re: 2nd of April
Hey all, we’re tornado free here!!
The tornado did touch down in Delaware, a couple of counties south of here & there was lots of wind damage in Maryland at the little zoo about 5 minutes away from here. We lost our internet & cable overnight but that’s all thank goodness. I really hate these storms, they’re getting nastier as time goes on. Climate change, you bet!!!
Mick, glad you’re enjoying your time away & have nice weather. I used to love riding a bike but am afraid to now with my older bones, haha. Keep enjoying
PQ, I hope that snow decided to go elsewhere. You really don’t need anymore. Stay warm.
Slo, do you feel the damp & cold weather is making things worse for you? I swear I remember doing a college paper on aging & the research said there was definitely no correlation, I thought that was BS. I still think that’s BS because I definitely hurt more during the cold & damp weather. Ihope yo can find some comfort, one way or the other. It’s nice that your sister is available for you right now, enjoy.
Cyn, hoping everything is A-OK for you!!
Hello to all & wishing a nice night for everyone!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: 2nd of April
Mae all - yes, thanks Lav, everything is A-OK-ish here. I read back to the end of last week's post - but sorry, I can't remember what I was going to say! Uuuugh. I hope this brain fog clears up soon, or I'll have to have some tests -- I am extremely tired and SO groggy, dragging myself around. Ah well. Maybe spring allergies are playing a part... or my apartment has some wacky 1970's mold in it or something. Whatever - soon I'll be able to open the windows. Sunny, then snow, then wind... this too shall pass.
Mick, congrats on the bike ride' wishing you happy times riding around. Are you off again already?
Lav, I knew that when the weather warms and you get outside you'll start feeling like yourself again... hang in there, and glad to hear the tornado didn't visit.
SLO - ending marriages has it's own grief... be kind to yourself, you've been through a lot. Glad the babies are ok... good luck with the kitty, hope all goes well. I always find that if I have inflammation in one place, it seems to travel... I bet now that your cold is gone your muscle aches may improve. Hope so!
PPQ - you are responsible for so much; I can't even keep is straight as I read about it! Best of luck, and take GOOD CARE of yourself!
I am still struggling with this class - I turned in an assignment, and I wrote about all the wrong stuff... how did I manage that? UUUUUgh. well, trying again. SO sleepy right now - maybe tomorrow...
Wishing all well -
Re: 2nd of April
Morning all..a frosty night but the sun is out and shining. Just having a quick brew then heading off for home. Next trip out is the 23rd when we go up the east coast to Edinburgh. Hope everyone has a good
16805062417117041392855968814631.jpgaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: 2nd of April
Happy Monday All,
Temps expected to hit 90 degrees today, but it’s only 80 now, so heading out to walk dogs. Taking both the big, and one little. Walking two at once is not my favorite, but can tell they’re both anxious to go, so will give it a try.
TG, what are you studying?
Re: 2nd of April
Monday Monday…
I’m playing hooky today and not babysitting Huxley, as daughter put him at the day care provider’s; because she wanted me to nurse Boyd the cat. Boyd is doing better with lots of TLC & snuggles when my sister visited. We watched a couple movies together, and just hung with Kitty Boy. I am enjoying having the day off! I could sleep in until 7am, and finally got a good night’s sleep. I woke up at 4 am like on the previous two nights, but this time fell back to sleep.
The dregs of the head cold are not done yet. TG, so true about everything being inflamed at once. My neck has been so stiff & painful the last couple days, but applying a warm pack has been very helpful. Hopefully some of this inflammation will abate after the dumb full moon. Lav, while I personally don’t yet ache in tune with precipitation in the weather, I have no doubt that it is a very true phenomenon.
Tomorrow I will go again to help my mother go through her stuff, downsize, and pack to move.
Walking two dogs at once is hard, Pie. Especially with uneven sizes and ages. At least you aren’t walking all four at the same time!
Thank you for your reminder, TG, that grief has its own timetable, and the ending of a marriage IS hard. You think you’re done, and then a fresh grief wave hits.
Lav, I am getting back to looking towards my own peaceful life now.
You seem to have been close to the eye of the storm, Lav! Only 5 minutes away from some destruction.
I hope your daughter & granddaughter & SIL are having/had a great trip overseas.
Mick, I remember all those international trips you were taking! Now you’re staying closer to home and using the van.
TG, it is humbling to try to go back to school when no longer used to being a student, and the formats have all changed now. It is quite a challenge! One I haven’t been brave enough to take.
Hope your day at work was steady today, PQ.Last edited by Slo; April 3, 2023, 04:51 PM.Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.
Re: 2nd of April
MAE ALL...quick check in for me, I'm not feeling great, upset tummy. My hours are back to 8:30-4:30 and of course I was awake at 12, 2 and 4am. Took my vitamins later on this morning and have had an upset tummy ever since. Got to work and nothing was working. Couldn't get the doorbell camera to work, all my bookmarks and shortcuts are gone and my save passwords have disappeared. What a pain. On top of that my inbox was full and a staff meeting which I didn't need. Took a gravol and am sitting here sipping ginger ale. Not making or eating any dinner.
Mick...home your trip home was uneventful.
Lav...glad to hear you survived the storm, I was glad to see your post yesterday.
Pi...hope your dog walking was uneventful too.
Slo...nice that you were able to stay home and be with Boyd.
Ok, got to sign off now. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP
Re: 2nd of April
Good evening all,
We had a sunny & calm day after the weekend craziness. Just traveling the 7 miles up town I could see lots of fallen trees that were cut up & piled on the side of teh road. I guess that’s why we lost our cable & internet with those wires coming down. Hoping to ge my hair cut tomorrow & stop by & give my younger grandson his birthday gift. His birthday is on the 6th but I know I’ll be tied up supervising the kitchen painters haha.
Cyn, I’m with you on the roaming inflammation. It’s weird but definitely happens to me as well. I know the allergies are kicking up into high gear causing me a fair amount of head fog too, happens every single year. Don’t be hard on yourself with the assignments, sometimes the instructors actually understandHang in there, you’re doing something very different & doing well.
Pie, 90 degrees already? Geez! I hide in teh AC when it gets that hot, I’m a wimp, Lol
Mick, hope your trip home was OK. I’ve been getting some cool pics from the London sights the past few days. The kids seem to be enjoying the trip
Slo, glad Boyd is doing better. Maybe he was a bit lonely, poor guy.
Keep preserving your peace, you can never go wrong!!
PQ, sorry you’re feeling poorly. I hope it goes away quickly. Get lots of rest & feel better soon.
Have to go close up the chickens, just got dark suddenly. Have a nice night all!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: 2nd of April
hiya all,how are we doing? managed to get onto the internet ...apparently there was a country wide problem with virgin media this morning .dont know what it was but Ive had to log in to all sites again.been to pick the rabbits up this morning would think they hadnt been fed!!Lovely sunny day today...frosty this morning but lovely now .I see you have got the trump saga starting today.The childkiller of that little girl got weighed in yesterday with a 42 year about £48k a year to the public purse thats some serious wasted money ..I know of a cheaper alternative.
hiya Lav ,how are you doing? glad you are getting some decent pics of London fairness its a nice place for tourists ...there are some cracking sights.lovely weather here today .hope its as good for you.
hiya ppqp,how are you feeling today then?sounds like your yesterday is a larger edition of my today ...Large television has just been picked up and the sky box delivered ,and they have just phoned to say they are going to do Julies dads bloods now ...anyway hope your day is better today.
hiya pie how are you doing? did you get the high temps that you thought?you need to get one of those waist belts to clip the dogs to!have a great day.
hiya slo how are you doing? playing hookey eh? you doing the same today?yes the international travelling has gone now ,though I will take the van abroad ,and still go to Tenerife and Gran Canaria at Christmas ...but the long hauls are history..hope you have a good day .
hiya teegee hope all is well with you
right folks take since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: 2nd of April
Greetings all,
Glad your internet was fixed Mick.
I take it the rabbits were happy to see you & missed your home cookingI watched on TV this afternoon while Trump arrived at the courthouse for his arraignment, he looked like he was going to have a stroke - oh well. After all that was over he hopped on his private plane & returned to Florida. This will be the trial of the century I imagine, can’t wait to see him squirming.
A child killer should be treated like a cop killer in this country……
I think we are ready for the cabinet painters who will arrive at 8 am. I know my allergies will be going insane with all the paint fumes, etc. but it will be nice to have the job done.
Sunny & 75 ish today, very nice!
Hello to Cyn, PQ, Slo & everyone. I hope you are all OK
Have a nice night.
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: 2nd of April
MAE ALL...everything that comes up I push off to my boss these days. Met with one of our renters who is going to do a community dance in partnership with us. She had some good ideas and boss want to make it an annual event along with a couple of other dances, Halloween, New Year's Eve. Told them both I'd give them till Tuesday to submit the article for the newsletter. Boss comes into my office later today and says how do I put "this" on "this". I said you can't, just exactly what are you doing. He's been playing around in a program trying to set up a ticket ecommerce form for the dance, geeze. Told him I haven't even looked at those programs and honestly I don't have time to learn something new right now. My priority is to get the community cleanup organized and everyone else can just bugger off. LOL
Mick...obviously your home cooking/growing is better than the hotels'. LOL Glad they are happy and healthy. We've still got a bitterly cold wind, feels like the start of winter not the end. I ended up sleeping for 10 hrs last night and felt great when I woke up. Must have been the stress of everything at work. Today wasn't much better, everyone seemed to have an issue with their programs. I'm looking forward to this Easter long weekend!
Lav...makes sense that you'd loose your cable and internet with those winds and downed trees. Glad they were able to restore everything. Hair cut and birthday gift delivered yesterday? Do you know if they put a ban on Trump talking about the trial? Apparently he's supposed to have a rally at his house in Florida tonight. You take it easy with all those paint fumes tomorrow. Make sure you get outside off and on.
This shift in my work hours sucks. It's amazing how much less traffic/people there is out there with just a 1/2 hour's difference. Time to get dinner started. Shout out to Det, Sam, TG, Slo and Pi. Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP
Re: 2nd of April
PQ, why did your hours change? I guess you go in later now? You seem to have a rough job! Lots of computer programs to know. I can see that you really have to prioritize. You all need a new program coordinator!
My mother canceled me helping her pack due to some weather she claimed was coming, which was nothing. She gets all whipped up about the weather lately. I drove to Huxley’s to see him, bring some borrowed toys to him, and bring son-in-law’s birthday card over.
It must have felt so good to sleep for 10 hours, PQ!
I am nauseous about ex-HB and his gf. It feels nauseating to be replaced. This is hard around holiday times. Many of the girls will go to their dad’s / my old house on Easter. She will probably be there. I miss him. But, that’s how it goes, isn’t it? Maybe I can go to sleep for 10 hours instead of puking.Last edited by Slo; April 4, 2023, 09:11 PM.Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.