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11th June

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    11th June

    mae all,how are we doing today then?all good I hope .still waiting for the thunderstorms none landed yet ...though to be fair my friend in Southport messaged saying it was battering down and they had pink lightning.See Lav ,the meaningless gang have even been messing around with our lightning.did you know today is International Lynx Day?heres my contribution...a full family ....


    hiya Wags how are you today then?hope you are doing good.did you get out for your bike ride?along the road comma? haha....whose never heard of a road comma....but yes you are right...I sometimes talk to text on my phone ..which does not understand is meant as a timesaver ,or to do a post somewhere that I have not access to a laptop will not pick up on punctuation...and by the time I have read messed about with it etc ,a week has gone by ,so now I try and deliver it straight from the are things with your dad?Julies wasnt so good yesterday ,but it could be a combo of many things including the heat.All I will say is he wont get any better care than he is ..they are really good.Its so nice after all that has happened.I hope you have a lovely day.

    hiya Lav ,how are you doing?it is 6.40 am and I am watching a heron in the field...slightly bigger than a humming bird!managed to get 95% of the scratches out of the car .I had some jewellers polishing compound that was in the come in handy one day store garage .havent seen the deer in the field for a couple of days eyed deer where they have gone ....(groan)
    Knocking on wood ..did you know that the saying has a couple of different sources..some say from the Indian tribes ,others from the Celts..but the meaning is similar knocked on wood ie the trees to inv to invoke the spirit of the trees to protect you..obviously there were no housing estates etc in those days .there you go.have a good one

    hiya ppqp are you doing?hope all is well ...methinks Doug should be sticking his hand in his pocket for some more coinage for you ..if he can come up with things like dont worry you will be there ,thats starting to take the never seen the grass being watered?regular over here ..lay the hose out on the grass and let it go ...doesnt really matter to me ...these 2 munch it up anyway ..I can remember painting the grass many years ago when I was in cabbage kit for a Royal Visit ..hope you have a good weekend .

    hiya teegee how are you doing? a real flicky page turning book as opposed to a kindle? I have 3 kindles and got to agree ..I still prefer the old page turner .hope you have a restful day ...

    a big shout to everyone out there take care know the drill...... safe sane sober

    I thought I heard an onion singing a Bee Gees song.
    But it turned out it was just a chive talking

    My mate?s wife asked him what would stop the floorboards from creaking.Apparently Slimming World was not the right answer.

    You can?t lose a homing pigeon. If your homing pigeon doesn?t come back, then what you?ve lost is a pigeon.

    I've just joined the local plastic surgery group.
    It was nice to see so many new faces

    A letter a convict received from home.
    Dear Son,
    Just a few lines to let you know I'm still alive. I'm writing this letter slowly because I know you can?t read very fast.
    You won't recognize the house when you get home - because we have moved. Your dad read in the newspaper that most accidents happen within 20 miles from your home, so we moved 25 miles to Wexford.
    This place is really nice. It even has a washing machine. I'm not sure it works so well though: last week I put a load in and pulled the chain and haven't seen them since.
    Your father's got a really good job now. He's got 500 men under him. He's cutting the grass at the cemetery.
    Your sister Mary had a baby this morning but I haven't found out if it's a boy or a girl, so I don't know whether you are an auntie or an uncle.
    Your brother Tom is still in the army. He's only been there a short while and they've already made him a court martial!
    I went to the doctor on Thursday and your father went with me. The doctor put a small tube in my mouth and told me not to talk for ten minutes. Your father offered to buy it from him.
    The weather isn't bad here. It only rained twice this week, first for three days and then for four days. Monday was so windy one of the chickens laid the same egg four times.
    About that coat you wanted me to send you, your Uncle Stanley said it would be too heavy to send in the mail with the buttons on, so we cut them off and put them in the pockets.
    John locked his keys in the car yesterday.. We were really worried because it took him two hours to get me and your father out.
    Three of your friends went off a bridge in a pick-up truck. Ralph was driving. He wound down the window and swam to safety. Your other two friends were in the flatbed at the back. They drowned because they couldn't get the tailgate down.
    There isn't much more news at this time. Nothing much has happened.
    Your loving Mum.
    P.S. I was going to send you some money but I had already sealed the envelope.


    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: 11th June

    Look what we've got Lav16864958957502409716525755009764.jpg
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Re: 11th June

      Greetings friends,

      I just had a thought - we need to remind all the newcomers that you start a new thread every Sunday morning. Don’t want them getting lost
      Yes Mick, I am truly & profoundly jealous of your rain at this point. We are brown & crunchy here & I hope no one gets an idea of burning something in their backyard, ugh!
      The air quality is a bit off again today, don’t know why. I spent the majority of my day in front of my machines stitching away. There’s one lady, a regular customer who has ordered 5 more reading pillows for kids. Apparently she likes to give them as gifts

      Mick, I’ll keeping knocking on wood or my head until it starts raining here. My weather app is calling for a 90% chance of rain tomorrow, I sure hope so.
      Hello to all the folks & hoping everyone has a nice night!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: 11th June

        Good reminder about the new Sunday thread, Lav.
        It was a cold & rainy day here today, so you should & your parched grass should get it tomorrow.
        Your frequent customer must know a lot of people to give pillows to!

        PQ, that’s true; if you are on site for one big weekend event with the weekend person, then Boss can be on site for the other big weekend event with the weekend person. It’s a trade off.

        I’m just ok, TG. Kinda flat & de-motivated. Tomorrow will be a busy day though with Huxley, and then Tuesday will be full day traveling up& down to be with the three grandkids. So, I’ll be back out with people soon. I am caught up, anyways, with laundry, shopping, cleaning and the like.
        I prefer reading on a Tablet rather than a real book. Much easier on my eyes.

        Good job corralling the horses, Mick! That was quite a save.

        You’re busy in the kitchen, Pie; making good use of your produce. I bought fresh lettuce at the farmers market this. weekend anyways.

        Take care, all.
        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


          Re: 11th June

          Slo - So glad you put a "this thread is closed" post on last week's thread - I know we do a new one each week, I just don't always know what day it is and thus can see myself writing on the old one thinking it's Sat or even some random weekday. I hope your upcoming times "back out with people" bring you a boost. Of course feeling kinda meh, flat, demotivated is a very normal human feeling and it's healthy to just notice that and ride it out, but it also feels good to come out of those flat times in ways that don't involve al.

          TG - I didn't realize you'd had covid and were still dealing with long-term cognitive effects. I'm so sorry to hear that. I haven't experienced that same thing, but I did sustain a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in a car accident about 20 years ago, and had numerous cognitive issues related to memory, attention, initiative/starting tasks, etc. I can say from that experience that spending time now on the things that help your brain (and sense of "self") heal etc will be well worth it. I hope you have good support for your on-going healing journey, and that the book(s) you have are providing you with helpful information. Sending you sympathy and empathy :hug:

          Mick - the "Dear Son" letter you shared is so exactly my dad's humor style! I'm actually gonna copy and paste it into a doc and print it out to take to him on my next visit.

          Things are mostly good in Wagland. I had the whole weekend off and have tomorrow off as well. I visited my dad yesterday and he seemed pretty good. Then today the care staff helped him call me because he was upset and worried, thinking someone had stolen his wallet and keys. I was able to think on my feet and quickly reassured him that *I* have his wallet and keys - that we had talked "recently" and decided together that it would be best if I keep those items safe. I could almost feel his relief through the phone. He thanked me like 20 times. I feel so bad that the things that periodically upset my father (often WAY more than today) are generally things that aren't really true or aren't happening. I'm grateful that he knows who I am and he trusts me, because this gives me a way to reassure him most of the times he's upset about something he's imagining. I realize that might change as his dementia progresses but I've learned from my sober journey that being grateful is incredibly valuable so I try to find things to be grateful about as I help him through this last chapter of life.

          Hellos to Lav, Steady, Pie, PQ, and everyone else I'm forgetting at the moment. Happy new weeks to everyone!


            Re: 11th June

            Good morning all. How are you today?I forgot about the new start times to tell everyone oops! We had an absolute massive storm yesterday it was definitely the worst hailstone I have heard for a long time, it's lasted about an hour but was pretty ferocious. Argyle definitely didn't like it, Bonnie just kept on eating. The temperature was 34 degrees which is pretty hot for over here full stop it is a bit overcast this morning but still very humid. Happily send you over some of this lav!!you keep knocking on wood.

            Hiya slo how's you then?sounds like you have a busy week coming up. I am sure that flat feeling will disappear!!I've got an original kindle, a kindle white and a kindle fire .the fire is by far the best. It has colour and basically is a tablet. Despite all that I am still a page turner

            Hiya wags ns pie ppqp tg and everyone else hope you have a good day
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Re: 11th June

              I just left a breadcrumb trail over in the Nest to help them find us.


                Re: 11th June

                Good evening friends,

                IT’S RAINING, thank the gods, universe & anyone else involved. We’ve had about 1.75” so far & it’s supposed to continue until 9 or 10 pm. We are really grateful for the rain. Today was the last day of school for the grandsons. The oldest will be going to high school in September, unbelievable how time flies.
                I’m happy catching up on some work projects so I’m happy

                Pie, thanks for the bread crumb trail over in the nest! I really don’t want to lose anyone so I hope they feel free to jump in here with us. Air fried some fresh broccoli today, yum. How are yo doing with your veggie feast?

                Mick, you can bet I’m one happy camper seeing all this rain today. When things dry out I’ll rake all the displaced mulch back into the garden beds haha.

                Slo, this rain is coming from the west they say so Thank you!
                I think we’re all pretty familiar with those occasional flat moods. I know I get like that after I’ve been busy for days on end then suddenly everything comes to a stop, that’s when I feel low. Like Mick said, it’s temporary, just recognize it & occupy yourself with something that makes you happy.
                When my Kindle croaked I put the Kindle app on my iPad - easier reading for sure.

                Wags, I’m glad your Dad is mostly settled. He will have occasional senior moments but you know he’s safe & well taken care of, that’s a relief!
                My very own head injury will be 23 years old this coming November. Yes it certainly did take a long time to heal from that. I am happy where I am now doing what I want to do. I think you’ve done very well too. Mick is another one with his own story to tell, I’ll let him fill you in on that. We’re all pretty darn lucky!

                Cyn, I truly hope that book gives you some good information. Since Covid is relatively new I guess we don’t know the long term effects with any certainty.
                I think learning new things was very helpful for me. I went to the one week long embroidery academy for a crash course in learning how to use my new machine, build a business, etc & that was a good thing. Hope your week has started off. Well.

                PQ, how are you today?

                Steady, hello!

                Have a nice night everyone!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: 11th June

                  MAE to work determined to get the newsletter out. Success. Got a coffee at 9am and the next time I looked at the clock it was 2:30pm! What a day. I've got the Community Cleanup on Saturday, where the city brings in 3 trucks to haul garbage, a paper shredding company and Drop In Centre donation truck. I'm a little concerned about the air quality though. It looked like another Armageddon yesterday, walked from the condo to the car then turned around and went back home. There's no way we can do a clean up under those conditions.

                  Mick...34 is pretty hot for you. We're supposed to be 32C tomorrow and then 13C on Thursday. Crazy weather. With the cold front coming in it might keep the smoke away on Saturday. I hope Julie's Dad is better.

                  Lav...I did mention the new Sunday thread start when NS was asking how to find us easily, but Slo's "this thread is closed" post was a good idea. Glad to hear you finally got some rain, you deserved that. I don't know why it's so busy at work these days. Could be all the useless meetings the boss has I going to. I have now started forwarding useless email requests to him asking him to take care of them. LOL Once I get the community cleanup over with I'm not obligated for anything till the craft fair. I'll be able to get the fall programs created and then hopefully take some time off.

                  Slo...hope you're feeling better today, I hate feeling that way even if I know they'll pass. A Huxley day should have helped today and then a busy travel day tomorrow. I never did invest in a kindle, I'm a page turner. LOL

                  Wags...I'm jealous for your down time, you deserve it. This is a hard transitional time with your Dad, I remember going through it with mine. He was from the "old school" and would always want to pay for things, including his lunch (which was covered) when we visited in the inhouse caf?. I'm glad he's still at a stage where he remembers you, you are a great comfort for him.

                  Pi...good job on leaving the breadcrumbs. How are all the flowers you planted at the condo doing?

                  I'm totally exhausted so it's time to make some tacos and then curl up with my book. Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP


                    Re: 11th June

                    Quick AF check-in this evening. It was super hot here today and that always wears me out more than milder temps.

                    Lav - glad you're getting the rain you so badly need. Sounds like quite a bit though!

                    PQ - congrats on getting your newsletter out. Hope you enjoyed those tacos too!

                    Hellos and waves Mick, Pi, Slo, Steady, and hopefully some additional Nesters are finding their way over here.

                    Have safe nights and days everyone and I'll catch up more fully tomorrow.


                      Re: 11th June

                      Mae all -

                      Hoping all is well for everyone - great to hear the news.

                      Mick, I hope Julie's dad settles in - I'm so glad to hear that you like the place where he is. Congrats on the rain - I think your pic sent good luck rain to Lav! The letter was hysterical, thanks for that.

                      Lav, your work is too good for people to let you retire from embroidery! So glad that you finally got some rain - it is a beautiful sight, right! Hope it helps everything. ( Wow - I remember the early days on these threads when you were describing the Baby Shower for one of the boys... time flies...

                      PPQ - I am tired from just reading your post, goodness! They are SO lucky to have you -

                      Wags - thx so much for your words about TBI - I really appreciate it. The info now is that the damage from Covid looks similar to a TBI on scans... so I guess that makes it "real." I appreciate the info! Hope all is well in wag-ville.

                      Slo - I know what you mean! But hopefully the trips you have planned and seeing Huxley will give you a boost... sending good wishes your way.

                      Pi - hope all is well - thinking of you -

                      Hoping I haven't missed anyone! Apologies if so. RE: Brain stuff. Just by kind of "testing" myself, I am finding out some interesting cognitive things... I've gone back to doing the NY Times Games daily, and I have been doing really well - as long as I am rested. If I do them late in the day or after poor sleep, I struggle. Good data. I also notice that I seem to have several thoughts racing around at the same time, so I'm trying to really hold just one thought until that task (or whatever) is done. That is really changing the "I'm losing my mind" vibe... so, a little progress. Going to try some meditation again... see if I can tame the racing thoughts. I'll give you a full report!

                      Take care all - wishing you well -


                        Re: 11th June

                        and how are we all today then? good I hope ..more storms forecast last night...never happened.I was outside at midnight it was so hot and at 5.30 I was up this morning .If you see some of the pics of London they got flooded !
                        Yesterday morning ,went out into the garden early doors and was just mooching around as you do.I saw 2 or 3 bees buzzing around so I watched them.they have made a home in the ground at the back of the garden on the raised beds where the rabbits play.They are white tailed bumblebees .first thought after videoing them was how can I get rid of them.Now in this age of preserving bees etc you would have thought it easy to get someone to come and do the biz.Not a chance...being critical,people will come and collect honey bees...strange that when there is a product at the end that is sale-able .to get rid of these could cost up to ?700..I then got to thinking ..just leave them,encourage them to move on ,but fence it off ,on the basis leave them leave you...deny access to that area to the rabbits ..job done.and thats where we are now ..just checked and they are busy already at this time of morning .

                        hiya Lav ,well the rains finally came ..and washed the beds out least the garden will be tomatoes are doing pretty good ...9 plants all different types,and my grape vines have picked up.Roses havent done too well this year though.Its nearly time for you to go and visit your other gardens ?

                        hiya pie hope alll is well over there ?

                        NS are you enjoying van life?we are away on Sunday fingers crossed.

                        hiya Wags ,hope all is good is your dad?did you take him the letter?

               are you doing? heres a thought for you know you said about the effect of doing things after poor sleep etc? have you tried the same after different foods drinks? ie coffee etc ?As for the head full of thoughts whizzing round at a million miles ..I get that all the time .and Im sore lots of us who are just out of our younger days do too...thats why I write everything down ..I have a list of lists!!!!

                        hiya ppqp,how are you doing? have you got the high temps too? wow that place wouldn't survive without you. I think its time Doug stuck his hand in his sky rocket and gave you the financial remuneration you deserve,well dones etc dont put food on the table .

                        right good peeps time to go .have a good one ..



                        I see the Police have found a piece of luggage on a desert island.
                        They say it's an isolated case.

                        Have u noticed that
                        Your little toe is actually a device used for locating furniture in a dark room.


                        To the person who stole my glasses...
                        I will find you..
                        I have contacts!

                        Went to a fancy dress party as a jigsaw piece - I just didn’t fit in.

                        I met a cowboy today with a brown paper hat, paper waistcoat, paper chaps and paper trousers. I found out later he’s a rustler.

                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          Re: 11th June

                          Hi to you all! I?m coming on over from the Nest for a hello. Nice to see you and meet some new folks. I?m from Colorado, USA and am currently traveling in Italy? enjoying it all but not the wine. Last night at a local farmer?s table, they could not believe I wouldn?t have alcohol. He asked why so I told him? I was drinking too much and alone. They said they never drank alone, and remarked even just sipped wine alone as it is considered a sort of addition to a meal, like an ingredient. All good, but I could understand how the acidic flavor could add. The thought of just one wine came, and the left when my kids flashed looks at me.

                          Hi Mick! Remind me what part of the world you are residing?

                          LAV, you are usually the rainy place! We have had nice weather but I sit at a window now listening to the thunder and sprinkles. Glad you are finally catching up on moisture. Is the poor air from Canadian fires?

                          Wags, glad you are able to calm your dad. That must be such a relief to help him feel better at times.

                          Hi PQ? I hope your book was great! Hi Treegirl!

                          I am told we are leaving so I will catch up more later. Not a lot of sitting, but I do enjoy the adventure!

                          Thanks for the invite. It is important to me to share sobriety with others. Thank you.
                          Last edited by KENSHO; June 13, 2023, 06:20 AM.

                          Done. Moving on to life.


                            Re: 11th June

                            Good evening friends!

                            Sunny & 77 degrees here today, nice. I was out & about today & didn’t see any puddles anywhere so I guess that dry ground just soaked up all of the 2.12” of rain last evening. More rain due here Wednesday, that’s OK!

                            Kensho, glad you dropped in here & happy to hear you are enjoying your trip. Saying ;no thanks’ to an offer of wine isn’t all that hard after all. Yuo have lots of AF time.& are strong in your quit, yay! Yes, the wildfire smoke we had was coming from Quebec, unusual.

                            Mick, I think I would leave the bees alone, they’l move on eventually. Of course you need to protect your rabbits.
                            We have the AC on, it just gets way too humid around here for sleeping or coping with life, haha. Do you have any box fans or something you can use to move the air around when it’s too hot? Sounds like you’re going to have quite the tomato harvest at some point.

                            Cyn, glad you’re working around the post Covid brain stuff. It’s all challenging stuff but we can do it if we work hard & want it bad enough.
                            I think you probably remember the baby shower I had. Here for my daughter when I made the diaper cake Lol. That was a challenge but fun too!

                            PQ, sounds like you’re still doing the jobs of a few people. Sending you many blessings
                            I used to hate the useless/time wasting meetings at work haha! I went to all of mine then went to some o the bosses meetings too when she didn’t feel like going haha.

                            Wags, hope your day was good, more relaxed too

                            Hello to Slo, hope your day was good.
                            Pie, hello to you as well.

                            Going back to work for a few hours. Have a nice night all!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: 11th June

                              MAE ALL...

                              Wags...the hot weather wears me out too. That and the wind. Hope it was cooler for you today.

                              TG...I told the boss he was working me too hard. I'm exhausted. I used to have busy times then down times, but those down times are few and far between now. I was glad to hear you've started doing the NY Times games again, that should make a big difference for you. Sounds like you're doing all the right things, will be interested to hear how the meditation goes for you.

                              Mick...we can't do anything about bees here as well, only wasps. I knew you'd come up with a solution for the rabbits. It was a scorcher here today then black clouds rolled in, a couple of thunder booms, a sprinkle of rain and then it left. haha More rain predicted tonight and throughout the day tomorrow, we shall see.

                              Kensho...welcome to the thread. Sounds like you're having quite the vacation. Well done on just saying no to the wine. Some people just don't get it.

                              Lav...I've learned the meeting trick, show up, keep your mouth shut, agree with everything and leave. haha Things at work has become toxic with a full blown war between the two childcare directors, the boss and the accountant. I really wish they'd sort it all out. I've become a sounding board for everyone. I'm willing to lend an ear, everyone needs to vent at times but I don't offer an opinion on anything.

                              Pi, Slo...hope your day was good.

                              I don't remember if I told you I got a rent increase notice. My rent is going up by $150 effective October 1st. I currently pay $1100 for a 2 bedroom condo (have been paying that since 2007) and the market price is $2500. I consider myself very lucky! Younger son (well he is 38) is starting work on Thursday. Will wonders never cease! I think it's meatballs in mushroom gravy and mashed potatoes for supper. Have a nice night all....:smile:PPQP

