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11th June

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    Re: 11th June

    Mae all -
    Hello to everybody - and special welcome to Kensho - great to meet you. I have traveled in Italy, and they bring the pitchers of house wine and can't imagine why your not having any... it's such a cultural thing. Kudos for sidestepping that! Here's hoping you continue to enjoy the trip...

    PPQ - so sorry to hear about work... it sounds like it's really hard there at the moment... sending you best wishes that all works out -

    Mick - well done on the bees - hope it continues to work.

    Lav - glad that you finally got some rain!

    SLO - are you off again? Seeing Huxley or other? Safe travels.

    Wags and Pi, here's hoping all is well -

    I am trying so hard to slow down my thinking - it is a major driver of what I am dealing with... for some reason, I find doing that extremely tiring (plus I did a double-shift with my elder friend, and also got my banking caught up)... so.... worn out brain - headed to bed now!

    Wishing all well,


      Re: 11th June

      Love the jokes, Mick! Especially the Welsh one! Thanks -


        Re: 11th June

        I’m home now from driving up & down to help with the three grandkids; got lots of cuddle time! Thanks to a full day of rain, then plans changed and everything was canceled (their new swim lessons, Beckett’s new “sports time” activity, and their dad’s softball game).

        PQ, well, sad that rent is going up finally, but at least not by much; and your son’s job should handle the increase. Just so they don’t make a habit of rent increases!
        Meetings have to be extra hard at work with everyone fighting. You are so smart to manage to stay out of it, and be everyone’s sounding board!

        Wags, that would be hard to not have central air. Not that I’ve been needing mine, as it’s been cool out.
        One reason I went flat is I tried adding zinc back in to the supplements that I take, and it had a very negative effect. So, that’s out again.

        Kensho, I’m sorry that you’re being pestered to drink wine in that culture. It’s hard enough to say no, without being called attention to and criticized for it! At least your kids have your back.

        Good solution for the bees, Mick. It is a new way of thinking about them nowadays.
        I’m not so sure that No Sugar is doing van life. She may have just traveled in a minivan or a full-sized van to their destination.
        I like the elevator joke -and Burr-gurr King!

        TG, it’s a relief that you do well at the puzzles, unless you are tired.
        COVID can deplete B12…I wonder if that would help?

        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


          Re: 11th June

          MAE everybody!

          Kensho - great to see you here in this thread too. Wine is almost like water in Italy and France and they definitely don't seem to understand not partaking. I wonder what the prevalence of drinking problems is in countries like those.

          PQ - your work situation sounds incredibly challenging and exhausting. Sending you strength.

          Mick - sounds like a good plan with the bees. Keep your bunnies safe and the bees will likely move on pretty soon. Love the jokes/humor. I'm taking the letter to my dad tomorrow (Wed).

          Lav - 77 is one of my favorite temps! Glad you're getting so much badly needed rain. The fact that 2+ inches soaked in completely says a lot about how dry the soil is.

          SLO - hope your travels go smoothly and you enjoy your time with family.

          Pi - hope you're doing well

          I'm off to visit my dad tomorrow and I'll be surprising him with some homemade pizza my wife made. When he was living downstairs in our basement, he used to love joining us for dinner whenever she made it. I think he'll be very happy to see me walk in with some slices he can have for dinner.

          Wishing everyone safe days and nights!
          Last edited by wagmor; June 13, 2023, 11:20 PM.


            Re: 11th June

            hiya all how are we today then?hope everyone is doing good .Another real scorcher yesterday here,Certainly glad I got an extractor fan fitted in the van thinks it will be a scorcher .Bees are still there ,but put some mint and ground cinammon powder down ..they arent impressed with that .the trouble is they burrow into the ground and build a nest that way ..its fascinating watching them in and out .I need to think about getting the stuff ready for going away this weekend .

            hiya Wags,how are you doing?so you are off to see your dad today?Im off to see Julies dad pizza tho!!hope all goes well.

            hiya Slo,travelling again? wow you never stop...have a good trip ...Ah ok I thought NS was in a van travelling around ..Houses over here arent build with or to take a/c ,but as everything things need to change as the temps change ,so do working practices etc .have a great time .

            hiya teegee how are you doing ? hope all is well with you .you can borrow my brain ...its still in the original wrapper!!yes hopefully the bees will be(e) gone soon .whitetailed bumble bees I just had to find out which of the 16 types they were .you take care and have a great day.

            hiya ppqp...remember rule 1....look after you ..One thing though are fortunate that you recognise that the workload is getting too much for you..for a lot of us we keep going ,moaning along the way until the body or part of it says ...nah thats enough .So you have a rent increase ?I think thats a damn good reason for Doug to recognise your efforts financially wise .

            hiya Lav,how are we doing?hope all is well ..yep Ive got a fan downstairs ,one upstairs and one in the garage for the rabbits ...spoilt or what ?yes the bees will move on .hopefully tomato plants will produce well..Fruit seems to be in abundance atm apple trees are very much full ..even though the apples are in their infancy ..take care .

            Buongiorno a te Kensho nice to see you .I live on the Yorks Lancs border literally near Oldham,rural but still within reach of suburbia.I love Italy...been there twice now trip we did we started in Venice and ended up in Sicily .Ive run round the craters of both Vesuvius and Etna ,and all sorts of other mad things.Its a great place .hope you enjoy it .

            hiya pie hope all iswell ...another day ticked off ? good for you .

            right folks time to go.

            Two blondes were walking home from the pub.
            The first blonde says, “What a beautiful night, just look at the moon.”
            The second blonde stops and looks at her friend, “You're wrong, that's not the moon, that's the sun.”
            They started arguing for a while when they came upon another blonde walking, so they stopped her.
            Hiya could you please help settle our argument? Tell us what that thing is up in the sky that's shining. Is it the moon or the sun?”
            The passer by looked at the sky and then looked at them and said, “I’m Sorry, I don't live around here.”

            A moral test for you....
            This test only has one question but it's a very important one. By giving an honest answer, you will discover where you stand morally.
            The test features an unlikely, completely fictional situation in which you will have to make a decision.
            Remember that your answer needs to be honest, yet spontaneous.
            Please scroll down slowly and give due consideration to each line.
            THE SITUATION
            You are in England, York to be specific.
            There is chaos all around you caused by a hurricane with severe flooding.
            This is a flood of biblical proportions.
            You are a photo-journalist working for a major newspaper, and you're caught in the middle of this epic disaster. The situation is nearly hopeless.
            You're trying to shoot career-making photos.
            There are houses and people swirling around you, some disappearing into the water.
            Nature is unleashing all its destructive fury.
            THE TEST
            Suddenly, you see a man in the water.
            He is fighting for his life, trying not to be taken down with the debris.
            You move closer... Somehow, the man looks familiar...
            You suddenly realise who it is... It's Prince Andrew.
            You notice that the raging waters are about to take him under forever.
            You have two options:
            You can save the life of Prince Andrew or you can shoot a dramatic Pulitzer Prize-winning photo, documenting the death of one of the country's most well known men..
            THE QUESTION
            Here's the question, and please give an honest answer...
            Would you select high contrast colour, or would you go with the classic simplicity of black and white ?

            A blonde wanted to try out ice fishing. She went out and purchased all the gear she would need and headed to a local spot to try to catch some fish.
            She went out onto the ice with her gear and after getting comfy on the stool, she started to cut a circular hole in the ice as she had seen on the internet. As she was cutting, she heard a voice from the heavens speak out, saying, "THERE ARE NO FISH UNDER THE ICE."
            The blonde was startled. She stood up and looked around but saw no one. Cautiously, she moved a little further out onto the ice and set up in a different spot. She sipped some hot chocolate from her thermos and then started cutting another hole. Again, the voice called out, seemingly from all around her.
            Now feeling quite scared and starting to get a bit frustrated, she moved all the way to the far end of the ice and laid out all her gear, sat upon her stool and started cutting another hole. Right away, the heavenly voice boomed out, this time louder than ever, "THERE ARE NO FISH UNDER THE ICE!".
            She jumped off her stool and looked all around her. She shouted to the heavens, "IS THAT YOU, LORD?"
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Re: 11th June

              Hi All,
              Coordinating a rescue dog intake and transport this week has consumed a lot of my time. PQ, it strikes me to think of all that you juggle on a daily basis, while I’m maxed out with a single volunteer activity! Doing a 3 hour round trip drive this afternoon to get the pup to final destination. Should be an easy ride. PQ, garden flowers are doing very well! I’ll snap some pics to share soon.

              Kensho, what I think of re: one glass of wine is that wicked uncomfortable feeling as the glass nears empty. It takes my entire focus, so that where I am, or who I’m, with matters not. I’m fixated on the wine. Don’t want to live like that anymore. Don’t wish to have my brain hijacked by a poison that offers no upside for me. Or if there is any upside, like a 20 minute buzz, it’s short-lived and costly.

              It’s time now to get moving, so off I go.


                Re: 11th June

                Greetings friends,

                This morning’s rain was short lived, more coming on Friday I hear. Went. To COSTCO for a few things, the place was packed on a Wednesday afternoon. I noticed SO many shoppers leaving with multiple bottles of booze in their carts, wow! Must be party time or something.

                Pie, good to hear you are out & about with the dog rescues once again. I’m sure. Your help os appreciated.
                I agree with you about the fixation on the bottom of the wineglass, ugh. Grateful to be out of that trap as well

                Mick, I’m glad your bunnies are safe & oh so comfy, haha!
                Where are you headed to on your next trip? Somewhere with a nice ocean breeze I hope.

                PQ, down this way rentals have gone way up. The young folks are complaining they can’t afford to move out of Mom & Dad’s house even. Though. They have decent paying jobs, etc. housing prices have skyrocketed all over & interest rates on mortgages is very high. Don’t know the answer to all this. We can only do what we can do. I think Mick’s idea is good - tell the boss he needs to cover your rent increase or ha can do all of his. Own work from now on haha!

                Wags, hope you had a nice visit with Dad & he enjoyed his homemade pizza, yum!!

                Slo, glad you got to have some nice kid time, that always makes me feel better too.
                Isn’t it amazing how we suddenly cannot tolerate minerals in our diet all of a sudden? A few years I was having horrible allergic reactions (bright red skin & itching). Turned out I tested + to chromium, an essential mineral& we found our well water has a high level, go figure.
                I love my B 12 supplement but had to back it down to 3X/week when I found my serum level was way high.

                Cyn, speaking of B12 do you take any? The best is a lozenge you let melt under your tongue so your stomach acid doesn’t destroy it immediately. I highly recommend one sold by Stop Aging Now online. Get. Your rest, that helps a lot too.

                Hello to Kensho & anyone else stopping by later.
                Have a nice night all!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: 11th June

                  MAE ALL...short post from me today as I'm exhausted. Boss went home this afternoon saying he was tired. What! He did say I can take off early tomorrow or Friday if I want. My response was ya, nope. Not if you want the community cleanup on Saturday to happen. Geeze. We got your rain Lav. I'm waiting for it to snow! It was only 8C/46F! I'm wearing my parka tomorrow. Sounds like everyone is doing ok. I will check in again tomorrow.....:smile:PPQP


                    Re: 11th June

                    What is the boss thinking, PQ?? Even you know that you can’t take off early on the days before a major event!
                    I picked up asparagus from the farmers market today, and had roasted asparagus with chicken & rice for dinner. Delicious asparagus!

                    Ran into two neighbors there, so hung around with them at the market while we visited with vendors. So, I got some socializing in! One way or another, to keep the loneliness away! Young Daughter stopped by for a bit too, on her way to swim practice.

                    I have reverse-osmosis water here, Lav. Well, for drinking anyways. I’m still bathing/showering in the regular well water, so still susceptible I guess to absorbing whatever is in it.
                    I’m always amazed at how much booze is being purchased by other shoppers when I go to the grocery store too. And Wednesday isn’t exactly a typical party day.!

                    It warmed up today, so I got a bike ride in! Otherwise just got my bedding washed, and vacuumed.

                    Well, at least you can handle a volunteer activity, Pie! I can’t even seem to do that much. Hope your rescue trip went well today.
                    Yes, drinking booze definitely offers a reward. BUT: only for a brief spell of feeling good. As you say, it’s short-lived, and it’s costly. Not worth it!

                    I see online that my brother finally had his court case. For his second DUI, he is supposed to maintain complete sobriety and no going into bars or taverns for a year; have an interlock ignition device on his car for a year; and go stay at this lock-up overnight facility for drug & alcohol offenders for 60 days. I suppose he may be able to wriggle out of that one in order to take care of his teen-aged children. I remember when my father-in-law had a brief stay at that facility. My MIL tried to explain to our little girls where Papa was going. They understood immediately: “Oh! Papa’s going on a field trip!”

                    Wags, that taste of home will really help your dad as he adjusts to his new place.
                    My neighbors next door have been running their air conditioning today and the two days last week when it hit 80 degrees. Having the doors & windows open and using the ceiling fans has been fine for me.

                    Signing off for today!
                    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                      Re: 11th June

                      Mae all -

                      Pie, you are a saint to help give these rescues a home - bless you. Glad to hear the flowers are coming up.

                      Mick - I have never heard of that name for bumblebees... here's hoping they move along soon. Where are you off to on your next adventure? Hoping Julie's dad is settling in...

                      PPQ - it sounds like your boss is a little out of it... keep reminding him of your value! I'll be happy when the big Saturday event is off your plate...

                      SLO - thanks for the B12 suggestion... just by chance, this morning I saw that I had hi-quality raw B complex, and I took it. I do think it helped my energy... I did my volunteer work this AM, helping to make 350 lunches for the homeless... it's always a madhouse - that's a lot of food for 6 or so volunteers to make, package, and put in containers to be delivered... and I don't even do the delivery part. Usually I am "toast" by the time food prep is done, but I felt ok-ish, and am still awake now (8:30 pm) so that's pretty amazing. We'll see about the brain fog...

                      Lav, sorry that you only got a splash of rain... here's hoping there is more coming soon. Yes, the AL at Costco is a real frustration... I may drop my membership... there is so much more AL around now than a few years ago... and seeing people wheel cartloads of gallon-size booze bottles... really disheartening about our culture...

                      Wags, sending good wishes your way -

                      Wrote the first of this, then took a call from my niece who is the spouse of my nephew that some of you know is struggling. Long and tough conversation... so will sign off now, and hope to be more "present" tomorrow.

                      May we be well -


                        Re: 11th June

                        MAE everyone -

                        I visited my dad today and not only was he very excited to hear I'd brought him pizza, he LOVED the "convict receives a letter from home" that [MENTION=17668]Mick[/MENTION] posted the other night. Like laughed out loud several times. I know he'd find it funny. And the good part about having short-term memory issues is that he'll find it in his stack of books and get to laugh while reading it all over again!

                        PQ - sounds like your boss is a tad clueless about how much you're really doing and what it takes to pull off a community event.

                        Pi - thank you for helping those pups. Breaks my heart how many never get good forever homes.

                        Slo and Lav - I'm taking note of your B-12 tips, as I probably need to supplement with that too. I've done so off and on but it's been awhile and as a vegetarian I'm not sure I get enough in my diet. Thanks for the recs!

                        TG - hope things work out ok for your nephew and niece. Sounds like they're going through some challenges. Sending you and them positive energy.

                        Take care everyone and hope you all have good days & nights!


                          Re: 11th June

                          mae all how are we today then? hope all is well.dont know what it was ,but something has decided to feast on my arm ..itchy as heck and swollen .def not a bee sting .Weather is lovely here today ,little breeze taking the heat off .

                          hiya wags..glad your dad laughed at the letter ...I found another similar ...some of the stuff is the same but .....


                          hiya ppqp ...boss went home because he was tired ??/ really you know waht I know it must be a hard conflict between taking Friday off and making sure the job runs right ..some people actually rely on the moral standards of others ..personally Doug ewould be cleaning the place up himself ..hoe runs the show not you ..he has ultimate responsibility and takes the extra money,so for me it would be Doug the the tired cleaner off job done for the weekend .

                          hiya teegee how are you doing ?all good despite being tired? bees are starting to move on now ...with a little assistance ..they aint impressed with mint or ground cinammon.yes there are different types 16 recognised in uk .hope you have a good day that isnt tiring .

                          hiya Lav,how are you doing? hope all is good ,yes the rabbits are loving this treatment gets worse ...I open them up in the morning ..there are 3 doors on the huthc ..and they must have all 3 open ...especially bonnie ..unlock 2 of them and she will sit at the unopened one ..until you do!and soft lad here does!!we are going to Llanberis again at the foot of Mt Snowdon in Wales ,and then on to Lake Bala..hopefully the weather will hold .

                          hiya pie ..hows you then? all good ...and well donefor both the dogs and the no booze .

                          Slo .how are you doing ? hope things are good for you ...hows the knee doing? I used to use RO water years ago for marine fish ..I had a 6ft tank done like a coral reef took a huge amount of work ..RO water ,salinity ph levels nitrate and nitirite levels temp..and so on ..iI had living corals etc and fish ...thought it looked brilliant ...until I went diving in the red sea for 3 weeks on a liveaboard ..I came home and got rid of the lot ..mine was nothing compared to what I had seen ...never ever kept them again ,both for ethical and practical reasons .anyway how is the knee .

                          hiya Kensho ..hope all is well.

                          right folks short and sweet have a good one .
                          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                            Re: 11th June

                            Greetings folks,

                            My exciting day was getting my hair cut, a trip to Walmart to buy cat food & a trip to the dentist to get my crown glued back in haha!!!
                            Weather is sunny & 79, rain due again tomorrow.

                            PQ, I ordered rain for you not SNOW, geez! I hope it warms up soon.
                            I was just thinking maybe you should suggest switching jobs with Doug for a month. Then he can really know the meaning of tired Lol
                            Save your energy for the weekend

                            Slo, nice running into neighbors at the farmers market. I find it so hard to maintain friendship’s at this age. Everyone has moved far away & making new friends at this age just doesn’t happen naturally. I was happy when I was able to go to Curves 3-4X/week just to see other people & hear other voices. I’ve really missed that since it closed several years ago. Nothing better than roasted fresh veggies. I’m using my air fryer for that these days, works great.
                            This is Father’s Day weekend coming up. I’ve made no plans, I really don’t think they even care so much.
                            There’’s still one market around here where I mostly shop that does not sell wine or booze so when I hit the doors at COSTCO I kinda go into shock haha.

                            Cyn, I guess you need to prioritize your energy when going out to do volunteer work. I would be exhausted too making that many lunches, my feet would be killing me too, ugh. I really do like the extra boost of energy & mental clarity I get from the B12 supps.
                            I hope your nephew is improving & getting the attention he deserves, such a sad situation for him.

                            Wags, I really do prefer this B12, SL lozenge MAX-B12™ Vitamin B12 1 MCG | Methycobalamin | B12 1 MCG
                            I eat very little meat, no red meat at all so I knew I deficient.
                            Glad your Dad enjoyed his pizza & ‘letter’, haha! It’s the small things that make the biggest impact.

                            Mick, those are two lucky rabbits
                            Your upcoming trip sounds great. Hope you have the best weather & enjoy yourselves.

                            Pie, hope yo are doing well!
                            Hello to Kensho & anyone stopping by tonight.

                            Have a nice night all!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: 11th June

                              MAE ALL...son dropped me off at work today as he was heading into his first day and needed the car. I was planning on being at work till after 5:30pm when he texted just before lunch saying he could pick me up any time. First thought Oh Sh*t, what happened. Turns out they didn't have his computer setup yet so he worked from home. LOL It was a quieter day today, accountant was in her office all day. Had to be, she's so far behind in her work (because she's too busy creating drama with everyone). She is off all next week, it's going to heaven. haha

                              Pi...I knew it wouldn't be long before you were back in action. Hope everything went ok.

                              Slo...apparently the boss isn't thinking. LOL I'm craving asparagus now. It used to grow wild behind my house in Duchess. Would get on the ATV and cruise the acres early in the spring. Had to pick it quickly, it's amazing how fast it would go to seed. Farmers markets are great places to socialize. Sounds like your brother got the book thrown at him, wonder if any of it will make a difference, I hope so.

                              TG...the boss brought up the idea of a permanent part time employee to cover the front desk. I said it would depend on what their job was and how much of my time would be taken up training them. He said you and I are the only ones here, that one (pointing to the accountants office) can't do customer service. haha He said it might free up some of our time as he or I always have to be here. I just thought ya it might free up some of your time. Sorry about the long and tough conversation with your niece, I'm so sorry for everyone going through this.

                              Wags...what a great attitude... And the good part about having short-term memory issues is that he'll find it in his stack of books and get to laugh while reading it all over again! ... I'm glad it was a good visit. He did make a comment in one of our team meetings...and then there's PQ, no matter you throw at her she just gets it done and never complains. He's going to miss me when I win my millions and and we're off to Scotland. The whole gang is going, we'd love to have you aboard.

                              Mick...I sure hope it's not another round of shingles! I wouldn't have minded so much if the boss had said he's not feeling well but give me a break, I'm tired! It rained all night and this morning. When it quit, the smoke rolled in. I'll take the rain please. Bonnie sure has your number, gotta love her. I hope the weather holds for your trip, it's a nice one.

                              Lav...I'll take your exciting day any day. Hah, I did manage a hair cut last weekend. Weather projection keeps changing for Saturday, now it's no rain with thunderstorms later afternoon. I'll hope for that one as we'll be in the parking lot from 8am - 3pm. Just hope the wind will be coming from the south and not bringing the smoke from the north in.

                              Waves to everyone I haven't mentioned.

                              I suggested chicken wings and fries for dinner and son offered to cook it. YAY Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP


                                Re: 11th June

                                Mae all -

                                PPQ - I love how you see right through some of the "help" that the boss suggests... good "eye". Glad that someone took on the cooking for tonight - and sorry about the smoke... it is even effecting us here in the middle of the country...

                                Lav, thanks so much for the link to the best B Vit... I really appreciate it - there are a million varieties out there. Just taking the raw b-complex seems to have helped a little, so I look forward to the B12 effects. I am doing my best to "corral" my thinking so that I do One Thing At a Time... and that's a challenge. But the slowing down seems to really help the focus. The "names" of things are still floating just out of reach... I was shocked when my 96-year-old elder friend finished one of my sentences today!! That's kinda pathetic on my part!

                                SLO - how is the knee? Are you having smoke in your air? I hope not... Sorry to hear about your brother - maybe things will turn around ---

                                Mick - oh my what a beautiful vacation you are planning. I was in Wales, but more the south and west coast... still have to make it to the mountains. Your trip sounds great...

                                Wags - Dad excited about the pizza - love that! How lovely that - though many things fall away - some of the favorites seem to stick around in our heads. Good job bringing joy.

                                Kensho - here's hoping your trip is going beautifully, and no "opinions" from anyone!

                                That's me done for tonight - cheers all -

