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25 June

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    Re: 25 June

    MAE ALL....

    It was an extremely busy day. In early 7:30am to open for an all day Canadian Sports First Aid course, moved the bridge group into a different room and of course it was the big one with all the men invited. Then had to take that down and set for a 244 graduation party in an hour. I'm beat.

    Lav...sorry to hear the "crap" has started again with your DIL. I guess the calm was just too good to be true. I'm glad you got that all out yesterday, happy to be here for your venting anytime. I am sure glad I'm out of all that, haven't spoken/seen the ex for over 12 years. The boys don't tell me anything that's going on with him, they feel I put up with enough too. Glad the B/P is back to a happy place.

    Wags...not quite the quiet start I was hoping for but the rest of the week should be quiet. We our winding down the after school program and our summer camps start next week. July is going to be a quiet month for event bookings which will give me some time to wrap my head around merging 3 customer relation management programs into one.

    Mick...sorry about the bee stings driving you crazy. I like Lav's idea of Benadryl/Cortisone or the good old fashioned baking soda paste. I love that Argyl wants to climb up your legs when he sees you. Bonnie of course is Bonnie. She's quite content to have you as her human. 142 injections OMG! Of course I meant Egg Banjo. LOL

    NS...nope, not confused. I left my husband in 2009 and moved out of the province to live with my twin and get away from an explosive situation. A year later I came back to Calgary and moved in with my 2 boys to try and figure out what I was going to do with my life. Got a job at the community centre a year later. Boys both lost their jobs so now I consider the kids are living with me. LOL

    Texted oldest son to see where he was as his truck was gone when I got home tonight. He's headed back up north for a few days. Younger son, who just started working, gets Friday off so I get my car for the day. YAY Our boss is not recognizing the Canada Day July 1st holiday because it falls on a Saturday. Yet he has booked off Friday & Monday. I can see a bit of backlash coming out of this.

    Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP


      Re: 25 June

      hiya all ,how are we today then?hope all is well.Raining here the good weather didn't last too long !its supposed to be sunny again tomorrow.

      hiya NS ,how are we doing today then?hope all is good for the jokes I trawl all over the place for of the hardest things today is to edit them to be not offensive to anyone...and thats not through wokeism or anything like that ..I feel its just a common courtesy.Having been in the forces and prison service,my humour tends to differ at times!as you will find with a lot of police fire bobbies ambulance forces etc .11 years for me .af and the day after Ive got my just over 21st birthday ....take care and have a good day .

      hiya Lav good turn deserves another ..thanks for the rain.Swelling on leg has gone down a bit ...still itchy so I put a tubigrip bandage on it to stop me scratching .I took piriton for it yesterday and also antihistamine cream ..they knocked me out ..I was in bed at 2030 last night !You and me both with a sickle!!!Im not even allowed pointy pencils!

      hiya ppqp are you doing? hope all is good.Bridge group it back on now?Yes little Argyl is a beaut ..he has a mark on his nose where Bonnie whacked him when they first met up ..but it only adds to his character .Your boss is a nugget ..I would take the Fri and aMonday off too just to prove a point .

      hiya everyone else ,hope you are all doing good.

      My son said his first words to me today! Dad where the fck have you been the last 18 years! There so cute!

      Be thankful it’s not snowing!
      Imagine shovelling snow in this heat!!

      Last night I dreamt I was swimming in a pool of fizzy drinks!
      Woke up this morning to realise it was just a Fanta sea!!

      I’m reading a horror book in braille!
      Something bad is going to happen!
      I can feel it!!

      I said to my doctor, "I have got a problem with the hearing in one of my ears." He said, "Are you sure?" I said, "Yes, I'm definite."

      Prison vs work:
      IN spend the majority of your time in a 10X10 cell.
      AT spend the majority of your time in an 8X8 cubicle.
      IN get three meals a day.
      AT get a break for one meal and you have to pay for it.
      IN get time off for good behavior.
      AT get more work for good behavior.
      IN PRISON..........the guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you.
      AT're often required to carry a security card and open all the doors yourself.
      IN can watch TV and play games.
      AT get fired for watching TV and playing games.
      IN get your own toilet.
      AT share the toilet with some people who pee on the seat.
      IN PRISON..........they allow your family and friends to visit.
      AT're not supposed to even speak to your family.
      IN PRISON.........all expenses are paid by the taxpayers.
      AT pay all your expenses to get to work, and then they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for prisoners.
      IN spend most of your life inside bars wanting to get out.
      AT WORK spend most of your time wanting to get out and go inside bars.
      IN PRISON .you must deal with sadistic wardens.
      AT WORK...........they're called managers....

      I was woken up last night at 2am by the sound of three Man Utd fans playing football with a hedgehog! I was fuming! I was just about to call the rspca when the hedgehog went 1- nil up!
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Re: 25 June

        Hi, Mick, PQ, and Lav.

        I hope we didn't drive people out when we jumped in from the Nest!!

        It remains really smoky here with a "very unhealthy" AQI. The only upside is keeping the temperatures relatively low. I really hate having to have the house closed and to be inside in the summer - we get enough of that the rest of the year! Glad I like some indoor activities.

        It sounds like you and your boys have been there for one another in times of need, PQ :love: Hope your son's new job works out well for him.

        Gosh, Mick. If you're gonna be 22 and you're 11 years AF, that was a pretty rough childhood :haha:

        Lav, that sounds like a tough situation with your DIL. At least knowing her Dx might help the rest of you not take what she says and does too personally. It is HER, not YOU!!

        Hi to everyone else!! NS


          Re: 25 June

          Gosh, Mick. If you're gonna be 22 and you're 11 years AF, that was a pretty rough childhood was ..I was born at a very early age
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Re: 25 June

            Good evening,

            I’m home from the two days of babysitting grandchildren. Huxley turned one years old over the weekend! He had a nice celebration in another state with his dad’s family. He sure loved his cake! Then Tuesday I drove up & back, and got to help take Mabel & Beckett to swim class and later to Tot’s Sports class. And D1 took the dog to the vet and the baby to the pediatrician. Baby Cooper is coming out of his lengthy illness with chest congestion and ear infection etc., but he couldn’t put on any weight between that and his reflux problems, so he’s still a wee mite at 12 pounds.

            PQ, I’m glad you at least get the car on Fridays. Whew: you were physically busy with a lot of set-up and take-down for those events.

            I’m kind of worried about Pie. She must be affected by the power outages and heat dome over Texas.

            Our air quality is maroon here! Yes, Mick: there is more than just red, yellow, & orange! It’s kind of hazy, and smells a bit smoky.

            No, I’ve no plans for July 4th, NS. My daughters and their husbands & boyfriend and the grandchildren will all be Up North together at the cabin for the long weekend with ex-HB & his GF…becoming one big happy family.

            Sorry about your DIL, Lav. It must be hard to not talk to your son about this spouse of his. At least you understand that you can’t fix her, so you don’t over-worry yourself about the situation. More evidence that the psychotherapist-type people are the psycho ones!

            Mick, 142 mouth injections?!! That is an awful lot!
            I especially enjoyed the comparisons of Prison vs. Work! That and the phone call in the locker room!
            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


              Re: 25 June

              Here’s one for you, Mick:

              “In 2007, Scotland spent six months of research and $162,972 to create a new slogan that would boost tourism. They came up with “Welcome to Scotland.” !

              Young Daughter helps babysit for her swim coach’s family a couple evenings a week, taking care of the 3 y/o and 1 1/2 y/o boys. Well, today the wife who is -get this -40 weeks (!) pregnant with twins, is in labor; and is having -get this - a home birth (!) today! So Daughter should have plenty of excitement when she’s over there babysitting tonight!

              Wags, it makes me wonder if your dad’s father IS coming for a visit soon, to take your father home. The veil gets thinner closer to death…

              I’ve had a tired day, but it makes me feel better talking to you folks!
              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                Re: 25 June

                Good evening friends,

                The Canadian smoke has reappeared, wasn’t expecting that. So we’re Code Red right now & I can feel it in my throat, ugh. The first half of this year has been harsh for most of us. I also heard a report this morning that the # of US acquired cases of malaria is up this year - what? I don’t think we needed more mosquito or tick borne illnesses here.

                Slo, I’ve made no plans for July 4th either. My daughter & her family are busy installing a new kitchen in their house & I’m not going to invite the others & have to pretend to be nice, Lol. They just had their offer accepted on another house so they really need to get their place ready for sale. They can stay home & do that. Sounds like your daughter is about to get a real education!!! Even with my background I wouldn’t want to witness a home birth of twins, geez. People really are something these days. I prefer doing things the safe way for a better chance of a positive outcome.

                PQ, there you are busy as ever!!! You need to write yourself a big fat bonus check at work Lol
                No, I’m not going to play the bipolar tennis match with the DIL. I am always just so shocked when she attacks like that, it always comes out of no where! I never attack but I definitely defend myself. I don’t want to risk not seeing my grandkids for 6 months like she did one time years ago.
                I hope you enjoy your car day Friday, haha!

                Mick, it’s true - you get more work for doing good work haha!!
                We’re having 2 days without rain so if you could keep it there another day I’d be appreciative
                Glad you got a bit of sleep & relief from the itching. Night time itching is the worst!!

                NS, I absolutely refuse to take any blame for DIL’s sudden outbursts but they are shocking. I don’t know if she’s off her meds or what but I’m I will not let her mess me up, no way! Stay inside until the smoke clears once again, that’s what I’m doing.

                Cyn & Pie, I hope you’r e both OK. Miss hearing from you both.
                Hello to Sam & anyone else lurking in the shadows.

                Have a nice night all!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: 25 June

                  MAE ALL…started this post by trying to explain what a frustrating/disastrous start to the day I had and after a page of venting thought it was too much so starting again.

                  Mick…we are under a heat warning, going to 30C/86F tomorrow. Just as I was getting home the rain started falling, the clouds rolled in, and I’m listening to the thunderstorms. I hope it lasts all night. Nope, not the bridge group I was in, a renter with a professional bridge group that you’d never find me at. LOL Had my one-on-one with the boss this morning and asked for tomorrow off and he said he was planning on leaving early, doing some work running around. I said no problem I’ll come in and then gave him the rest of the days off I scheduled. I was able to leave a little early today and because of what happened in the morning when I left my voice kind of cracked, like when you’re on the verge of crying. He texted me a few minutes later and said all is good (frustrating/disastrous start) and to take tomorrow off you need the break. So I’m going to. I love the Prison vs Work, will be passing that onto a few people.

                  NS…you didn’t scare off anyone. With time you’ll find the posts go from everyone with lots to say to 2 or 3 of us with nothing to say. LOL If you’re MIA for too long we’ll start hounding you! Loved your “Gosh, Mick. If you're gonna be 22 and you're 11 years AF, that was a pretty rough childhood”

                  Slo…you’ve had a busy time. It’s only this Friday that I get the car but as it turns out he’s off on Monday as well, so I’ll have it that day too. LOL He’s decided to take the Manager job here in the city so the first order of business is to get him his own wheels. It’s been a relief not dealing with the air quality, just sorry we’ve passed it on to others.

                  Lav…that would be the Eastern Canadian Smoke, just so you know. Hadn’t heard about the malaria cases, do you think Mother Nature is a little upset with us all? I hear you about the attacks coming out of nowhere, it blind sides you. I used to give into them and then thought, wait a minute, what did I do? I love that you defend yourself and I remember that 6 months. Bonus that I get my car on Monday as well. LOL

                  TG…busy days, Pi…dental days, Sam…rat patrol…going with “no news is good news”.

                  Have a good night all…:smile:PPQP


                    Re: 25 June

                    For some reason, when i try to post, it is coming up 2 times, or none at all... hoping this will work this time...
                    Last edited by treegirl; June 28, 2023, 08:05 PM.


                      Re: 25 June

                      Mae all -

                      Lav, what a sweet shout-out! I read through all the posts I"ve missed and that was the last one! And I was already planning to post, but thank you.
                      Everybody, I can't keep up with all the news, sorry! It sounds like everyone is chugging along, as am I. Sending a general "wishing you well" to all - sorry that the thread is hard to find? I'm not sure why... it is always visible on my end... maybe because we change weekly, and that is the "name" of the thread? Anyway, sorry about that.
                      Sam, how good to hear you are playing - music is such beautiful way for people to come together.
                      Mick, so sorry about the bee bites - I am pretty allergic to the bites, I swell up like a balloon, and it takes a long time to get rid of the swelling - good luck.
                      Lav, DIL strikes again. So good that you know the drill and can just walk away. She's her own worst enemy... And hey, I didn't know you had started a FB page! Great!
                      Slo - wow, lots going on for you as usual - hope the home birth of those twins was okay... I can't imagine being around that!
                      PPQ - I can't ever keep track of you! But the Boss getting days off around a holiday and not figuring that out for others just sounds WRONG. Hope you get that straightened out.
                      Pie - hope you are okay... we have been in the 90s and parched for a month... there have been storm clouds, and even thunder, but no rain. Here's hoping your garden is still going strong.
                      NS - thx for the heads-up on the difficulty finding the thread, hope we can fix that.
                      Wags - just for a little idea -- in my courses on End of Life, we did quite a bit of reading about "visitations"... and in the lovely Book "Final Gifts" (highly recommended) they devote 2 chapters to writing about it... there's also a great TED talk... I'll try to find it. But anyway, often, often those who sense a shift in their earthly life feel the presence of someone that no one else can see. I find it so interesting...

                      Thx everyone for you patience with me... I have had a couple of projects that I forced myself to do - posting an eblast for my business (it's been 2 years... but why rush?). GEtting that post on my website, etc. It's not my strength and it makes me crazy, but I got it done. (PS - If anyone wants the link to a beautiful PBS film that explores Grief, the link is on my website: - look in the down-left corner for the image of the Roller Coaster - there's short blog, and the link is there. Highly recommended film...
                      This morning I was with my band of folks where we make food for our homeless population. we had a best effort today 400 bagged lunches, so I had to come home and take a nap after that.
                      (Lav, got the B12 and have started it along with folate for absorption... crossing fingers it gives me some spunk!)
                      May we be well -


                        Re: 25 June

                        MAE everyone - I've got some reading back and catching up to do, and am planning to do it tomorrow when I have a fairly relaxed day. Today was crazy busy including a visit to my dad, so I'm just gonna check in here to say it was a good AF hump day, and I'll reply to everyone more thoroughly tomorrow.

                        Have good days and nights!


                          Re: 25 June

                          mae all ,how are we doing today then? hope all is good . hafta report the sunshine is back ,though for how long I know not.Julies dad had an operation to remove a skin tag yesterday ,trouble was it was at Salford Royal,the other side of Manchester ,and the hosp itself is massive,so the book patient transport for him from the home ,Julie obviously goes as she is his carer.the op was done in about 4 minutes ...done by3.30pm..the trouble is no one had booked his transport back .yet it had been all arranged .so at 7.30pm last night he was still at the hosp waiting ,everyone had gone home ,apart from 2 nurses bless them who had stayed .The system is absolute crap ,but the staff themselves on the ground floor are superb .they ended getting a taxi back.any govt organisation we have is the same...more managers than you can count all with heads in the sand .

                          hiya wags how are you doing today?hows your dad ?is he ok?when is your holiday?have a chillaxed day my friend .

                          hiya NS ,the young un are you today then?hope things are ok with you .

                          Slo welcome back after your babysitting travels..hope things areok with you.that doesnt surprise me about the sign in Jockland failed didnt attract tourists attracted migrants .Scots dont stay home they jot around the world getting places that water cant even get into you go ..some facts about Scotland

                          The world’s shortest commercial flight is in Scotland, which connects two of their islands. The flight can be finished in 47 seconds, and it spans a distance of just 1.7 miles.

                          Scotland is the birthplace of golf – it has been played there since the 15th Century and has evolved into what is now modern golf.

                          Since 1494, Scotch Whisky has been the national drink of Scotland. It is among the finest and most sought-after whiskies in the world. Scotch whisky can only be labeled as such if it was made and matured in Scotland.

                          There is an estimated 3,000 castles in Scotland – which equals one castle for every 100 square miles.

                          Of Scotland’s 800 islands, only about 100 of them are permanently inhabited.

                          The world’s first international football match was played between Scotland and England’s national teams in 1872. It was played at the West of Scotland Cricket Club.

                          The highest mountain in the United Kingdom is in Scotland. Ben Nevis is 4,409 feet tall with an estimated 100,000 ascents on Ben Nevis every year.

                          Water is essentially free for the average household in Scotland. Scots families simply pay for the connection of the water, but not for how much they use.

                          The highest proportion of red-haired people in the world is in Scotland. About 13% of the Scottish population has red hair, while 40% carry the recessive redhead gene

                          The unicorn is the official animal of Scotland, used because of its nobility and purity.

                          There are three officially recognized languages in Scotland: English, Scots, and Scottish Gaelic. Only 1% of the population uses Gaelic.

                          Edinburgh, Scotland’s capital, was the first city in the world to have its own fire brigade.

                          There are over 600 square miles of freshwater lakes in Scotland. Only one of these, Lake of Menteith, is referred to as a lake – the rest are lochs!

                          Bonnybridge, a small town of Scotland, has become notorious for UFO sightings. There are more than 300 UFO’s reported every year.

                          The first recorded sighting of the Loch Ness Monster was in 565 A

                          The world’s first color photograph was taken of a Tartan Ribbon in Scotland.

                          The United Kingdom’s most remote bar is The Old Forge Pub in Scotland. To get there, you can either take a 7-mile ferry, or hike 1 miles over rough terrain.

                          In Gaelic, Scotland is called “Alba.”

                          The 17th deepest lake in the world is Loch Morar in Scotland, which reaches a depth of 1,077 feet.

                          The land area of Scotland is about the same as the Czech Republic, United Arab Emirates, and Panama

                          Scotland had cave dwellers until 1915 when it was outlawed.

                          432 people own half of the land in Scotland, however the Right To Roam laws allow most of the country’s privately owned land to be freely walked on and used as long as you leave no trace behind. You can’t go walking through someone’s house, but you can usually walk across their farmland!

                          Edinburgh wanted to build a replica of the Parthenon, bigger and cheaper to be their National Monument. Construction started in 1826, but due to the lack of funds, was left unfinished in 1829. It has been nicknamed “Edinburgh’s Disgrace.”

                          Bagpipes were invented in Ancient Egypt and were brought to Scotland by the Roman invaders.

                          Scotland only has 6 officially recognized cities – Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Inverness, Dundee, and Stirling.

                          The oldest known tree in Europe is the Fortingall Yew in Perthshire, Scotland. It is between 2,000 and 3,000 years old.

                          The most famous Scottish dish is haggis. Haggis is typically made with the heart, liver, and lungs of sheep, and boiled with oatmeal and seasoning in the animal’s stomach.

                          Scottish people are more likely to have blue eyes than anyone else in the rest of the United Kingdom.

                          The coastline of Mainland Scotland is 6,160 miles long, which is 3 times longer than England’s.

                          Scotland has its own version of Stonehenge – the Callanish Stones. They were built around 3,000 B.C. on the Isle of Lewis, and no one knows why the stones were erected.

                          and youve guessed it ..Ive got blue eyes too.

                          hiya Lav are you doing today then? hope all is well ..yes the itch tends to be worse at night ..seemed a lot better yesterday ...until bedtime .the lavender in the front is growing pretty good .Im going to take a pic of it for you to ID for me .Ive got my first tomatoes on the plants now ..

                          hiya teegee how are you doing today then? hope all is well with you .yep my leg swelled up like mad ..even my sock wouldnt fit me ..ha ha .

                          hiya pie how did it go ?hope you are ok Im back for part 2 on Monday night...

                          right good people ..have a lovely day



                          I took this pic yesterday with my phone ...the quality is superb

                          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                            Re: 25 June

                            Hi All,

                            Taking things slow and easy to recover from the dental stuff. Face is swollen, so wearing reading glasses is uncomfortable, hence I'm not online much. Our extreme heat continues, on day 17 so far. I'm out pre-dawn most mornings to water the garden. Everything that I planted is heat-tolerant, and doing well so far.

                            Happy to report no wildfire smoke, or attacking bees!


                              Re: 25 June

                              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                                Re: 25 June

                                You make me want to visit Scotland, Mick!

                                I'm afraid our smoke is heading east, Lav. What Slo and I experienced yesterday is heading your way :sad:

                                Slo, I know the family gathering up north was always important to you so this must hurt :hug:. Please do something to make the holiday less sad -- pamper yourself, volunteer, spend the day doing whatever you feel like doing, etc. etc. It is great you get to spend so much time w/ your grandchildren. The young years sure pass quickly. Our 8 y old GS seems more like 13 these days... I'll be w/ all 4 of mine this wknd so that should be fun.

                                Glad to hear you are doing ok, Pie. I hope the swelling goes down quickly.

                                Your website appears to be full of important information, TT. Thank you for sharing the link.

                                PQ, it is interesting that you get a heat warning at 86F. We only get them if it is in the 90sF with high humidity. Is AC common in your area? Without that, 86 might be tough to take!

                                Hope you have some downtime over the extended holiday weekend, Wags.

                                As a busy weekend with 4 GSs approaches, I'm once again reminded how grateful I am to be free to focus on them, not resent their presence and interruption of my addiction. xx

