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16th July

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    16th July

    mae all how are we doing today? hope all is well..pretty busy today still not finished ,but had to stop shoulder and hands are absolutely aching.its also hammering down with rain,been stormy all night

    hiya Lav ,how are we doing today then? we definitely have an excess of rain here ..moved a few plants in the front garden between the rain.and the back garden ,and done about 70% of the kitchen get the danish oil off the surface ,so far Ive used 11 craft knife blades scraping it off,and Ive sanded part of it down too...hence the aching thumbs .
    Not only is over there crime ridden ....we are the same here ,but the problem is the wokes and do gooders run the the judicial system is shot,all the way through.....from when crims are nicked by the police all the way through to sentencing and jail time .Some of the horror stories I have heard ,Im glad Im out of that game .

    hiya pie how are you doing? hope all is well your routine sounds similar to mine ....sit outside with a brew first thing in the morning before the world wakes up .When I pick the rabbits up ..Argyl runs to me and climbs up my leg ..the other one kind of gives you the "oh its you"look!have a good day.

    hiya are you doing ? hows the smoke in your area,? has it gone yet? good idea about the computer ...forget work up to anything today?

    hiya Ns are you doing ? think about it Johnnys father ......had 5 sons one of them is Johnny ...I always go to the last page of posts and work backards from it ....hope youve had a good weekend?

    hiya wags ,how are you today?how did the parade go ..?yep Julies dad wasnt very sociable today either ..refused to get up apparently ,kept telling everyone to get out of his room,and told Julie to take him home now...hope things work out better today for you mate ...

    An Irish Road Accident..
    Paddy phones an Ambulance because his mate's been hit by a Car.
    Paddy: 'Get an Ambulance here quick, he's bleeding from his nose and ears and I tink both his legs are broken.'
    Operator: 'What is your location sir?'
    Paddy: 'Outside number 28, Eucalyptus Street ...'
    Operator: 'How do you spell that sir"..???
    Silence.... (heavy breathing) and after a minute.
    Operator: 'Are you there sir"..??
    More heavy breathing and another minute later.
    Operator: 'Sir, can you hear me'..??
    This goes on for another few minutes until....
    Operator: 'Sir, please answer me. Can you still hear me".??
    Paddy: 'Yes, sorry bout dat... I couldn't spell Eucalyptus, so I just dragged him round to number 3, Oak Street.

    A wise Chinese man once said:-

    Brenda O'Malley
    is home making dinner, as usual, when Tim Finnegan arrives at her door.
    "Brenda, may I come in?" he asks. "I've somethin' to tell ya."
    "Of course you can come in, you're always welcome, Tim. But where's my husband?"
    "That's what I'm here to be tellin' ya Brenda. There was an accident down at the Guinness Brewery ..."
    "Oh no!" cries Brenda. "Please don't tell me .."
    "I must, Brenda. Your husband Shamus is dead and gone. I'm so sorry."
    Finally, she looked up at Tim. "How did it happen, Tim?"
    "It was terrible, Brenda. He fell into a vat of Guinness Stout and drowned."
    "Oh my dear! But you must tell me the truth, Tim. Did he at least go quickly?"
    "Well, Brenda
    .... no. In fact, he got out three times to pee."

    My son asked ?where does poo come from?? I was a little uncomfortable but gave him an honest answer! He looked at me perplexed and and in stunned in silence for a few seconds then asked and Tigger?!

    What do you call a Magician who has lost his Magic?

    I was in a restaurant the other evening and I ordered Napoleon chicken for the first time , when It came there was no meat just the carcass , I said " what's this ?!! " She said " it's the boney part"

    As I look in the mirror at my naked body I think to myself!
    I?m going to get kicked out of ikea any minute now!!

    I just got 3 tips off a bookie for the Grand National.
    Good Times
    If they don't win, don't blame it on Sunshine, don't blame it on Moonlight, don't blame it on Good Times, blame it on the Bookie.

    Mr and Mrs Burr lost their son Tim in the Forest!
    It wasn?t awkward at all!

    My wife asked me what my plans are for Easter.
    The same as Jesus: disappear Friday, show up Monday!

    I asked the doctor doing prostate exam where I should put my pants.
    "next to mine" was not the answer i was expecting.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: 16th July

    It’s so windy today! No bike ride today.

    Pooh & Tigger, Mick!
    Your kitchen worktop sounds like a lot of work.

    NS, I access the most recent post by going to the upper right hand column of the forum page called “Most Recent Posts”, and clicking on the most recent post for this thread.

    Pot roast sounds heavenly, PQ! Do you add potatoes & carrots as well?

    These chocolate chip cookies are like crack to me! If I feel I need sugar, I’ll have to make a treat that’s lower in butter, sugar, and white flour.

    My cat is fine. So embarrassing that I thought he was dying; not because of the Mt. Vesuvius explosion of vomit etc. everywhere, but because he crawled into a dark corner out of the way for a long time: something that he never does, but that dying cats do!

    I went to a Bastille Days event last night. One of those street festivals that heavily features drinking, and has some vendors selling stuff and some food to buy, plus some live music. It was ok. It was a joy once my 12-month-old grandson Huxley arrived -I liked how much he enjoyed the live music, and moving to the rhythm.

    Wishing you all a good Sunday.
    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


      Re: 16th July

      Good evening friends,

      Still pretty disgusting out although we did have a heavy rain this morning. I seriously do not like this summer torture haha!
      We even had the electric & cable go out for a few minutes so I’m afraid to turn my machines on to get any work done, feeling like a weather victim Lol

      PQ, sorry about the crappy air, it really makes breathing difficult. Staying inside while your crockpot does the work sounds perfect!

      Pie, glad you get at least a little outdoor time before the heat sets up in the morning.
      I’ve only done 4 days of this hypnotherapy but it really is making a difference already. It feels like the decades old war in my gut is coming close to an end! Praise jeebus, haha! The gut brain axis has been studied for a long time so this program makes sense. Nothing makes me happier than staying aways from doctors & pharmaceuticals

      Wags, I’m sorry your Dad is feeling rough this weekend. It’s hard thing to witness. My Dad claimed to be ‘dancing with the nurses’ at one point in the nursing home. My Mom was a nurse so maybe he was thinking of her? Who knows how these things go. Just remember he is being well taken care of & is safe :hug:

      NS, hope you don’t get a full dose of the smoke, it is hard on yuor eyes & throat, ugh. We will have to remember this as the summer we mostly stayed INSIDE.

      Mick, my hands & wrists hurt just reading about all that work you’re doing. I just can’t anymore sadly.
      YB claims it’s the Democratic DAs not prosecuting these criminals & sending them right back out on the streets. I know he was frustrated with that towards the end of his law enforcement career. I just feel like no one is in charge anymore!!!!
      Btw - I feel sorry for Pooh & Tigger too haha!!

      Slo, I’m glad Boyd is OK. They really know how to put a scare in you, don’t they?
      Glad Huxley enjoyed the Bastille event. Kids do love music, that’s for sure!!

      Hello to Cyn, Sam, Kensho & everyone stopping by tonight.

      Have a nice night all!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: 16th July

        MAE everyone,

        Sorry for my short posts recently. Things with my dad have been very draining and I'm just so sad for him. Long hard visit yesterday but we had him laughing and ready to eat lunch by the time we left. I didn't receive any phone calls from care staff today so fingers crossed he's emerged from this episode.

        The PRIDE parade today was fabulous!!! It's such a positive inclusive celebratory event. If the whole world (or even just one state or country) could embrace the Pride mindset it would be an amazing place. We saw no protesters or hate groups or even hateful individuals. There were thousands of people participating in probably almost 100 parade groups - lots of corporate groups, various recreational sports teams (my old outrigger paddling team!), the fire dept, several groups of "allies" like PFLAG - so uplifting!

        Lav - I'm going to call my dad's Dr tomorrow and fill her in on these latest hard days and see what she thinks about the psych consult. Thanks for your reminder and advice. I'm glad to hear you're seeing positive results from hypnotherapy already - that's really awesome!

        Mick - all the work you're doing sounds exhausting, but I'm sure you'll be so happy you put in the effort when you get the end result. Sorry to hear Julie's dad has had some rough days too. I hope he and my dad both have easier upcoming weeks. Thanks as always for the humor/jokes - hard to pick a fave this time!

        Slo - sorry you missed your bike ride, but sounds like fun with Huxley at the Bastille Days event. I would say there's no need to feel embarrassed about your cat. They definitely go and hide in dark places when they're nearing the time to pass, so it was a reasonable thought/concern for you to have - especially after the vomiting episodes. Glad he's ok!

        PQ - I can relate to the poor air quality you're having and how restricting (and dangerous!) it is. We had a particularly serious fire season back in 2020 and it was impossible to go outdoors without a mask for about 2 weeks. I hope your area clears up soon.

        NS - I hope the smoke doesn't hit you too hard. As others have said and you already know - it's not easy.

        Pi - time outside before the heat sets in is just wonderful isn't it?

        Hellos and waves TG, Steady, Kensho and everyone else I missed. Hope your weekends wrapped up well and you have great upcoming weeks!


          Re: 16th July

          Hello everyone and how are we today then question mark hope all is well. I've just taken a quick break, it's a stopped draining so I'm doing this post in between reorganizing the front garden, and finish sanding the kitchen worktops there are almost done. It is nightmare trying to do this in a working kitchen. Hopefully I will have it finished standard by about five o'clock and also cloth wipes to get rid of the dust collar and then tonight I can put the first coat of Danish oil on it. It hasn't really stopped raining for the last couple of days this morning we had another storm thunder and lightning, but now that has calmed down. Big shout to everyone, I will put some jokes up later on if I can. Take care all20230717_102148.jpg


          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Re: 16th July

            Good grief, Lav! Pennsylvania is the star of evening news. Flash floods, train derailment, wildfire smoke! You guys got it all! You okay?


              Re: 16th July

              MAE ALL...nice quiet day at work, boss took a personal day as his dog had puppies over the weekend. Accountant riled up with the boss, all the childcare staff are rebelling against the directors, thanks to the boss, building superintendent sad that things aren't the way they used to be. Me, I'm doing good and staying out of the line of fire. LOL

    , you go all out when doing the touch ups in the kitchen. I swear you just did those counter tops recently. We got a horrendous thunderstorm last night, I thought of you. Had a heavy downpour a couple of hours ago, it looked like it was midnight out there. Thankfully that cell was moving quite quick and it took all the smoke with it. We shall see what tomorrow brings.

              Slo...isn't it wonderful how kids can make all the difference at an event. It's like watching things through their eyes. Yup, got to have carrots and potatoes in a pot roast. LOL Sorry about missing out on a bike ride yesterday but like that you consider safety first.

              Lav...this summer's weather is interesting to say the least. I'll take it over the heat dome we had a couple of years ago. Good plan on not firing up the embroidery equipment.

              Wags...sorry you're going through rough times with your Dad. I hope things improve for him. Glad the pride parade was good. I agree, it would be a nicer place if more people could embrace the pride mindset.

              Pie...hope you had a good day.

              It's a lazy dinner tonight, popped a frozen lasagna in the oven. Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP


                Re: 16th July

                Good evening all & reporting in OK!!!!!

                Pie, it?s true that Pennsylvania is hogging all the current news, geez.
                I feel so sorry about that flooding situation, 5 dead adults & still 2 very young children missing. Breaks my heart & it happened in a county north of Philadelphia so not nearby. The Canadian smoke has returned, we are code orange today, again.

                Mick, beautiful work as usual
                You really like to take things apart & put them back together again, don?t you? Lol

                Wags, glad the Pride parade was successful & peaceful! Hopefully someday people will open their minds & stop lashing out at others who are different from them. It?s ridiculous people are so stupid sometimes. Glad your Dad is feeling quieter once again. My comments about the psych consult come from direct experience. I had a long talk one day with a psychiatrist who specialized in geriatrics & he convinced me the antipsychotics were the meds of choice. The intention is never to sedate the patient but to help them ?get around? the delusions causing them so much fear & angst. You end up with a calmer & happier person in your care & that?s the best!

                PQ, glad to see you had a decent day! Thanks for sending the smoke back, haha!

                Cyn, hope your day was good as well.

                Hello to Sam, Kensho, Slo & everyone. Where?s Ava? I?ll have to contact her on Facebook I guess.

                Have a nice night all!
                Last edited by Lavande; July 17, 2023, 06:44 PM.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: 16th July

                  Moving Treegirl's post from last weeks thread to here.
                  Welcome to the cyber post club. LOL
                  Will check with you tomorrow.

                  Oh dear. Doing this on my phone, and lost a whole post. Sorry! Hoping all is well , and I?ll write more tomorrow..,
                  Good luck to all -


                    Re: 16th July

                    MAE everyone, hope you all are doing well.

                    Mick - the kitchen work looks great! I love that style of sink too.

                    PQ - glad to hear of your mostly quiet day with the boss gone. Flying low and avoiding the radar is a good strategy.

                    Lav - I appreciate your personal experience on the dementia/delusions front (and everyone else's experiences too!). I swear we should let people opt out when they're facing a decline like this. I live in a state that has Death with Dignity, but it's almost impossible to meet the criteria to be eligible. I know there are legal and ethical concerns, but forcing people to go through such a horrific decline is inhumane IMHO.

                    TG - sorry to hear you lost your whole post! I hate when that happens, and I usually don't have the mental energy to rewrite it. See you tomorrow!

                    Hellos and waves everyone else who stops by. Happy Tuesdays!


                      Re: 16th July

                      mae all ,howare we today then? hope all is good ...first coat of Danish oil put on the worktops says 6 hrs to dry ,but its still not good enough to take the "nibs"off the top coat .


                      Ive got to take the van up to Preston this morning the air con unit needs checking to be there for 11 so need to leave hereabout 9 .Not raining this morning ,but not sunny either .Started work on the front garden yesterday ,in between the "showers"

                      I said Id put some jokes up ,but apologies for not doing so you go ...the early edition ..



                      I met this girl on the weekend and took her home to meet my dad.
                      He whispered to me, “Where the heck did you get her from, son?! She’s cross-eyed, bow-legged, and she’s got no teeth!”
                      I replied, “There’s no need to whisper, Dad. She’s deaf as well.”

                      It's hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally.

                      met a hooker who said she would do anything for 20 bucks ...guess who has just had the kitchen worktops redone!!!

                      In school we where doing letter of the day! And this day was the letter N! Teacher said Dave tell the class something you’re not good at that starts with a N!
                      I said spelling!

                      before the iron age, did people just walk around in creased clothes....

                      My mate has a stutter and was telling that his nana had just died! By the time he’d finished we where all singing hey Jude!!

                      I was going to sign up for a self-amputation course, but the fees cost an arm and a leg!

                      The inventor of the cats eye invented them after seeing the cats eyes in his car head lamps! But if the cat was the other way round he would have invented the pencil sharpener!

                      What was Whitney Houston's favourite type of co-ordination?
                      HAAAANND EYYYEEEEE...

                      One of my mates told me that I often make people uncomfortable by violating their personal space.
                      Which was an incredibly unnecessary and hurtful thing to say. It ruined our bath.

                      Pulled a nose hair out today to see if it hurt!
                      Judging by the screams of the guy asleep on the bus next to me! Yes it did hurt!!

                      The inventor of throat lozenges has died. There'll be no coffin at his funeral.
                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        Re: 16th July

                        Kitchen looks lovely, Mick. Full of warmth, personality, and stunning worktops! How is it that you and Julie came to settle in the area where you live now?


                          Re: 16th July

                          Warning: NEVER pull a nose hair from the stranger sitting next to you. :rotlf:
                          Thanks for the heads up Mick, LOL. Hope you got the AC working in the van. It?s too hot everywhere to go without!!

                          Wags, I swear our medical community skipped the class on dying with dignity. It?a pathetic & sad what some people have to go thru as they near the end. This is why every patient/resident needs a strong family member to speak up for them. If you see something that?s just wrong, say so!! I did so with both of my parents & never regretted it for a minute. I often advocated for my patients too pointing out their wishes on their advanced directives when I saw the docs ordering things they clearly stated they did not want. I?m sorry, I know how difficult all this is & I?m sending you strength :hug:

                          Pie, still super hot in TX I hear, ugh! Stay safe!

                          Hello PQ, hope you are well today!

                          Cyn, I know you?re busy with all your activities. Hope your day was good.

                          Slo, child care keeping you on your toes? It?s a fun & exhausting busy, I remember!!!

                          Hello to the rest of the crew & hoping we all have a good night.
                          It?s still hot & disgusting here, the weekend is supposed to be better & I sure hope so.

                          Last edited by Lavande; July 18, 2023, 05:34 PM.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: 16th July

                            MAE ALL...another nice day, no account, no boss. It's back to reality tomorrow. As I've said taking Friday off to dog sit for my brother and just realized I had also booked Monday off. Way to go PQ! LOL

                            Wags...hope you had a good day and things are ok with your Dad.

                            Mick...the worktops look super. Well worth the work you put into them. Did you get the A/C fixed in the van? Hope the drive to Preston wasn't too busy.

                            Pi...hope you had a good day. Any more rescues in the near future?

                            Lav...I hope your weather breaks soon for you. It should, we're supposed to heat up again. No pop up thunderstorms today so that was good. I had a good day, thanks. Have you fired up the embroidery equipment yet?

                            Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP


                              Re: 16th July

                              Mae all -

                              Writing on my computer this evening... last night's experiment with using the phone didn't turn out too well - Thx PPQ for moving my post to the new week. And congrats on giving yourself a little time off.

                              Wags, so very sorry for the angst of seeing your father's decline... I agree, I wish that we had more control over End of Life in this country... sending you strength.

                              Lav - what a terrible story that Advanced Care Directives sometimes are not followed??? EEEk. Thank you for stepping in as advocate whenever you had to do that... honestly... no wonder that job wore thin... Sorry that you are still coping with extreme heat - crossing fingers for a good change on the weekend...

                              Mick, just seeing that photo of Julie Andrews takes me back to childhood - I SO wanted to grow up to be her... Unfortunately for her, Mary Poppins hit the theatres before her dramatic film - "Torn Curtain"... so no one knew she was a fine dramatic actress...
                              i have yet to see that - maybe I can find it somewhere. I saw a pic of Gregory Peck from the movie Roman Holiday... one of my favorites... I'd like to get a hold of that one too...
                              Great job on all your projects... very shiny!

                              SLO - how are things going with the kitties and the kids? Hoping you are okay...

                              Pi - I keep watching the TX map, hoping that you are escaping the terrible heat for now - how is the garden going?

                              Almost 9 PM here, so time to get ready for bed (for me! - I can't stay up later than that anymore...)
                              Wishing all well -

