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30th July

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    Re: 30th July

    Mae all -
    Sorry to be away - Lav, you are quite right, the extra hours with this elder are seriously cramping the rest of my life? she does so much better when I ?organize? her day that it gives me personally a boost, but I have other things to get done in my life, and this could be an endless pit. I notice that the family is not planning their fly-in visits anymore,.. and the granddaughter is hopeless. I think maybe there is a learning disability there, or she?s just an airhead. At this point I do the shopping because she either doesn?t go, or brings all the wrong stuff. On the good side, I?ve hidden all the chocolate and finally that is producing good sleep for my elder? finally!

    Sorry to go on about this - but it helps me to see that waaaaay too much of my mental and physical energy is being spent on this situation, and she is probably becoming dependent? time to wake up the family!

    This upcoming weekend I?m doing a quick trip to Tahoe to be at the Festival my husband started? some very dear friends are performing, and asked that I come? so? trying to get myself ?psyched? for that?

    Wags, good luck on the final push! Lav, glad you got a break in the weather (and YB is getting a new toy). SLO, hope you are getting happy family time. PPQ, how is all going for you? Everyone behaving? Pie, congrats on getting thru this heat? I think of you every time I see rescue posts? thx for what you do. Mick, what a beautiful spot you are in! NS, good luck packing? 3weeks can be daunting, but the trip sound like a good thing?
    Hello to all stopping by..,


      Re: 30th July

      Greetings friends,

      Sunny & dry here today with a high temp of 77 - woo hoo!!!
      The night temps are dropping into the high 50?s so I threw some blankets & bedding outside for the feral cats who sleep outside.
      YB has now decided he?s going to keep hi sold mower & gift the new one to our son. He?ll get a lot of happy years out of it I?m sure

      Cyn, it truly sounds like your elder would benefit from a 24 hr care situation & that?s NOT your problem. Get in touch with the family asap & toss the problem over to them! I guess you?ll be driving to Tahoe? Have a safe trip :hug:

      Slo, I?m doing my best to ignore these full moons this month but we know how that usually goes. Feels like some sort of punishment, right?
      We had a one acre lot at our previous house & my son learned to drive the mower (tractor type) at 14 so yes I?m not surprised he searched for a new home with a much bigger lot than he has now (in town). He now has a farm across the road & one right next door, different environment for sure. I sure hope the grandsons get interested in helping out.

      NS, why is it that lake water is always so much colder than ocean temps? At least it seems that way. Have fun & get lots of R&R
      I agree, a simple walk behind push mower is fine for an in town property.

      Mick, so tell us - did Julie win the golf match? Haha!
      Looks like you?re having a great vacation!

      Wags, good luck with your busy schedule for the next 2 weeks! Hope it goes quickly!

      PQ, isn?t it awesome having the office to yourself?? LOL
      Looks like you?ve caught our weather, sorry??

      Pie, hope you?re OK!

      Hello to the rest of the gang & wishing everyone a nice night!

      Last edited by Lavande; August 1, 2023, 05:28 PM.
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: 30th July

        MAE ALL...a not so quiet day but it was productive. Registration opened for fall programs today and it was nonstop online and in person signups. Makes all the work I did to get things ready worth it. Sadly the honeymoon comes to an end as everyone is back at work tomorrow. It'll take 2 days to get all my questions answered and then I'm off for 5 days.

        Wags...don't worry about us, we know you'll be swamped. Pace yourself and just think of your vaca days.

        Mick...sounds like you're having a lovely, relaxing time. I too want to know if Julie won.

        NS...I often think "What did I used to cook when there was 4 of us?" Haven't a clue but I know I did it every night. LOL I do like the fact that I can cook what I feel like. If I want a dish of spinach, I'll cook that and not worry if there's anything else with it. I figure my body craves the things I need and eventually I get everything in. It'll be great to eliminate the "I should...." from your mind while you're on your trip. Have a great time.

        Slo...I watched the full moon on the news this morning and thought of you. Rental agreements have always been my responsibility. It's the scheduling and booking rooms for ongoing programs that's been added to my plate. She would block off a bunch of rooms and days and not run a program. So at least now I have full control of it. Have fun with the 3 grandkids tomorrow.

        TG...don't stop venting about the elder situation, you're right it helps to see what's really going on when you write it all down. Yes, it is time to wake up the family and put your foot down. As long as you're there they're not going to do anything. Things are going good, everyone's behaving mainly because they're not here. LOL You'll have a great time at the festival in Tahoe and will be grateful to have spent time with your friends.

        Lav...interesting YB is keeping the old mower, I'm sure your son will be thrilled to get the new one. It's been heaven in the office, like having my own vacation and no work pileup to deal with. LOL No worries about catching your weather, I'll be sending my weather winter back just before Christmas. Opened up the Craft Fair to the public vendors yesterday and have been getting a steady stream of requests. I'm almost full. Are you ready for your sale next month?

        Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP


          Re: 30th July

          Mae all -

          Well gosh, how did I miss the posts before mine yesterday? Unless we posted at about the same time? Or maybe my tired eyes were not paying attention! Anyway, I am always thinking of this hardy group and how much life experience is here for celebrating.

          Yes, I wish the family would come more often again... the eldest daughter is on top of things, and talks to her mom every day. I think (even at 96) my friend has issues with boredom... when we get to talking about the things that interest her (she was very much involved in the arts in our city and nationally) she is a live wire. I think the thing that will determine where she lives is the memory issues... if she stops recognizing me or her kids, then.... In the meantime we have a lot of laughs. Today was great because her AWOL granddaughter remembered to come over and bring dinner (but she brings all fried things! makes me crazy!) so I didn't have to make a second hike up the road. That felt better. I think I'll get some light stretching bands and we can do some of that together. She needs to use her body more if she wants to stay at home... we'll see... if she goes into a nursing home she'll go downhill fast. If she wants to stay at home, she'll have to work for it!!! (And I'm trying to get her off of her "cocktail at 5 pm" routine...)

          PPQ - you are so good at your job, they are SO lucky you are there. SLO - the dedicated grandma, those kids will always remember their time with you. Lav - "boys and their toys"... but how nice that YB decided to gift his to your son. I hope the wide open spaces helps your DIL to get her head screwed on! (And thank you for being an Award-Winning follower of my posts - I am heartened that (tho they don't use reaction buttons) the new Page is getting traction - I can see the numbers of visits growing. You have planted the seeds - thank you!) Wags, good luck with this week's schedule - "eyes on the prize!" VACA! NS - I know how cold those lakes can be, especially in early summer! Good Luck with the daily meal-making... now that I am alone, I find it a challenge too. Mick, you and Julie are Award-Winning vacationers - you always know how to have a lovely time. Mini Golf! So fun!
          Wishing all well -


            Re: 30th July

            Hiya all how are we doing today then?hope all is well. Just been to Cuitadella,got the bus..I love using local transport though Julie is unsure at times. I once got us lost in the dodgier parts of Moscow!!!went early this morning before heat o clock, just been for lunch Checked the weather forecast, rain is here on Friday. I won at the golf..8=6 and 4 drawn holes .here's some pictures from today



            Last edited by Mick; August 2, 2023, 07:29 AM.
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Re: 30th July

              Good evening friends,

              Just finished wrestling my dog trying to remove a few ticks, ugh. I give her the flea/tick treatment every month but I found these on her face & neck, poor dog, poor me haha. Another lovely weather day, a person could get used to this but I know I shouldn’t. I heard the humidity will be making a return soon.
              I am please that the ex president has been indicted on 4 more charges BUT it’s sad to see the BS is already starting in DC a day ahead of his arrival to the federal court tomorrow. I don’t want to see anyone else getting hurt down there, especially my kid & his cohorts. DC Fire & EMS are at all of these events. Someone made a bogus call today stating there was an active shooter in the Capitol & of course everyone went berserk. God how I hate that man & his idiotic followers. Sorry.

              Mick, lovely pics today, thanks! I hope you continue to enjoy your time there.

              Cyn, we certainly are a hardy group! There’s a lot of strength here collectively & it shows
              Filling up a 96 yr old with fried food, geez. That’s not what I call taking care of granny Lol. I hope the family steps up & starts addressing her needs soon.
              If your elder was in a nursing home she would have access to physical & occupational therapy & of course activities. Socially she probably would find some friends there too.

              PQ, I saw that moon thru my curtain last night just as I turned off the light haha. But, I did actually get some sleep anyway haha.
              Sounds like you’re going to be fully ready for a week off, good for you. I am in the process of getting ready for my craft event Sept 30. I’ll get there sooner or later.

              I saw Det posting some beautiful photos on FB today. He said to say HI to everyone

              Hello to Slo, hope your day went well.

              Hello to anyone else popping in tonight. Have a good one y’all.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: 30th July

                MAE was a steady day. Boss answering all my questions so I could deal with the few rental inquiries, completed my submissions for the newsletter and will work on finishing my vendor requests for the craft sale. Should have everything wrapped up in time for my 5 day escape. LOL

      's not you. The site has been doing the same thing to me. I found if I went "advanced" for my reply I could see everyone else. LOL It sounds like the eldest daughter is the one you need to talk to. Thank you for your kind words. At least with the new GM I feel valued.

                Mick...I'm surprised Julie goes anywhere with you after getting lost in the dodgier part of Moscow. :egad: Your pics are lovely, as always thanks for sharing with us. Looks like you've had some fabulous weather and lots of relaxing time.

                Lav...didn't see your post till I went advanced. Saw your light on earlier and figured it's got to be here. Poor you is right, at least it wasn't Porcupine needles. Another scorcher here today but it's going to be nice over my time off. No apologies needed, I feel the same way. Sending safety vibes to your son and his cohorts. Yup I feel like I'm in great shape for disappearing for awhile. Thanks for letting us know you heard from Det, I often think of him.

                Son informed me he has to go south for a couple of days for work next week and won't need the car. I can feel that independent feeling coming back, what will I do! His brother has managed to buy a car at an auction and we'll see if it's something I'm willing to drive. They both know it has to be reliable or I won't go for it.

                Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP


                  Re: 30th July

                  Mae all -

                  Started the day trying to get through a flooded area to get downtown to my Homeless Meals duty... but at one point I had to go over a curb to get turned around and headed out of the flooding!! in front of me was a car that was in a low-lying flood area, behind me was a string of cars, so I did what the person in front of me did, and s-l-o-w-l-y- and carefully got up on the center island and down the other side to safety. Then drove to a hotel close by where I knew the (1st of 2) of my buses would stop. Parked in their lot, and here came my first bus, so that was great. Bus driver told me that the storm was so strong that it was blowing the manhole covers off of the streets, hence the flooding. EMTs were on the scene for the car that was stopped in the water - I hope no one was having a heart attack or anything. Sheesh. Anyway, that was my day before 8 AM!

                  Was with my elder, who was in good shape this afternoon - she really has a great attitude about life (when she isn't anxious about something.) I'm talking to the family about trying to get a PT person in once or twice a week to just do some activity... she might like that, who knows...

                  Sending best wishes to all - I need to go pack - I'm making a quick trip (flying) out to Lake Tahoe for just 3 days to see some beloved musician friends perform. They asked me to come, or I wouldn't be going... but maybe this can be my final time. Anyway, there's a bit of packing to be done and logistics, even for such a short trip.

                  Hoping good weather holds for everyone - wishing all well -


                    Re: 30th July

                    Mae all how are we doing today?hope all is good. Well last day here today, we get picked up at 8 in the morning..been a good break, it served its purpose, though it will be nice to get home and see the rabbits .it's great, I can pick even from here the security cameras on the me a clue as to the weather back home. Dry there today and the van is there!


                    That's the good side of technology .going for a walking a little while, and probably the last game of golf.i might go back in the sea but it is kind of choppy today .hope everyone has a good day
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Re: 30th July

                      Seems like you had a good trip, Mick. But it is always nice to be home. Safe travels!

                      I'm sorry to hear that this thread is acting up for some people like the Army thread is. Several of the people who post there have tried to contact Admin but there has been no response. It could be that there no longer is maintenance on the site anymore. It that is the case, it might become unusable which really is a shame.

                      Your flooded streets sound bad, TG! Did you have a sudden downpour or a long period of rain? We want the rain, of course, but flooding is such a mess. I hope it has gone down by now.

                      Have a good one, All!


                        Re: 30th July

                        Good morning!

                        Mick, I can’t believe how breathtakingly beautiful it is where you are vacationing.

                        Lav, what a nice housewarming gift the new mower is for your son! That is perfect.
                        I really hope things stay calm in DC for your son and his colleagues.

                        TG, yes, maybe this is the year you wind down and say goodbye to your husband’s festival. The long goodbye as you leave that chapter of your life.
                        PT would be good for helping your elder to remain in her own home. It would give her more stimulation, and they can work with her with the exercise bands to keep her body strong enough for daily activities.

                        PQ, I’ll just bet the first day of signups for the Fall programs was busy! You are really ticking along, and ready for your long weekend. And with a car no less!

                        I had a good enough day with the young grandkids, and it was so hot out that daughter & I were able to take the toddlers back to the community pool in the evening for more swimming (they had swim lessons in the morning). Daddy stayed home with Cooper. They had lots of rides down the big slide with Mommy!
                        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                          Re: 30th July

                          I’m crawling out of the full moon pain & fatigue slowly. I’m on a detox diet with supplements that revs up this detox time, and I just can’t seem to shift it (my response to the second half of the lunar month), despite dropping supplements.

                          I found out that my twin sister is hospitalized with pericarditis and a new atrial fibrillation diagnosis. She had pericardiocentesis done, which removed a half liter of fluid from around her heart, and a drain in place which removed another 1L. I’m sad that she doesn’t inform me immediately when she gets admitted to the hospital. This has happened before. I’m sad for her about this new health setback.

                          Time to get out for a bike ride on this gorgeous morning!
                          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                            Re: 30th July

                            MAE ALL...

                            TG...what a start to your day. Glad you are ok and it's just as well you parked the car and took the bus. Safe travels and enjoy your trip.

                            Mick...nice pic on your security camera. Wish ours were as clear as yours. Sounds like the trip was a success. Did you let Julie win ate golf today? Safe travels.

                   travels to you too.

                            Slo...yes, I feel pretty good at the shape I left work in. All event rentals booked, all articles submitted and I even call forwarded my phone to the boss early. LOL What a nice treat for the toddles to have an evening swim, sure they enjoyed it. Sorry to hear about your twin sister.

                            Went "advanced mode" but nope, no post from Lav yet. LOL Time to get into holiday mode. Have a great evening all...:smile:PPQP


                              Re: 30th July

                              Good evening folks,

                              The weather is beginning to change, more humid, cloudy & a light drizzle of rain now. It’s been a nice 4 days or so haha!
                              Son & grandson just came over to pick up their surprise mower, they were very happy!

                              Slo, sorry to hear about your sister, that’s some serious stuff. I hope she stabilizes quickly. She may need some rehab time to rebuild strength after all that.
                              Glad yo enjoyed your time with the grandkids. This full moon period isn’t bothering me as usual, I think I had all that nonsense last week, weird!

                              NS, hope your day was a good one!

                              Mick, safe travels home, glad you two enjoyed your trip! The rabbits will be happy to see you

                              Cyn, sounds like you had a real flash flood event. They can be scary & dangerous, glad you got thru it OK.

                              PQ, you’re sounding confident & successful with work responsibilities, nice.
                              Good to hear your son has gotten his own wheels, yay! I never feel ‘right’ unless I know my car is in the garage & ready to go when I need to go, haha!!
                              Vacation time should be enjoyable

                              Hello to everyone stopping by later & hope we all have a good night!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: 30th July

                                Hiya all, it's pouring down with rain here in Menorca so yes good move going home. Sitting in the departure lounge now just waiting for the flight. Take care

                                To My Knowledge There has been only Eleven times in history where the "F" word has been considered acceptable for use:
                                11. What the f. ... do you mean we're sinking? - Capt. E.J Smith of RMS Titanic, 1912
                                10. What the f...... was that? - Mayor of Hiroshima, 1945
                                9. Where did all these Indians come from? - Custer, 1877
                                8. Any idiot could understand that. - Einstein, 1938
                                7. It does look like her! - Picasso, 1926
                                6. How the f.... did you work that out? - Pythagoras, 126 BC
                                5 You want WHAT on the ceiling? - Michelangelo, 1566 .
                                4 Scattered showers, my ass! - Noah, 4314 BC
                                3 Aw c'mon. Who the f ... is going to find out? - Bill Clinton, 1999
                                2. Geez, I didn't think they'd get this mad. - Saddam Hussein, 2003
                                1 I Must get that f. .ing handrail fixed. - Robert Maxwell, 1991
                                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

