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30th July

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    30th July

    Mae all how are we doing?hope everyone is doing well .slept pretty good last night ,internet is playing up so back on my network as opposed to the hotels.Lazy day today, not going far.will put some pics up later.
    Take care all and have a good day
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: 30th July

    It looks so very beautiful out your window in Menorca, Mick! Wow! The shower wall is fantastic too.

    Babysitting the little grandkids with “Auntie” (Young Daughter) in the hotel room was chaotic (two toddlers +infant) and full-on but fine. It fills my heart!

    Yesterday I had a lovely, magical day with Young Daughter. Luckily for me, but unluckily for her, she has no high school friends to hang out with this Summer for a variety of reasons; so she hung out with me! (And invited me to the movies last week!) We went to IKEA together on the way home from babysitting; we went to the beach together on a gorgeous day; we went out to eat and then watched a fun movie together.

    Today we get to have brunch with D3 & her HB and baby Andy, and my mother. They are in town /in state for a 30th birthday celebration.

    TG, how thoughtful of you to bring social interaction & levity to your elder on a day when she had a little extra energy!

    PQ, sounds like you’ve got the beginnings of 2024 firmed up now at the community centre, with the long term rentals now in place.

    It’s getting a little cooler here too, Lav; at least overnight.

    Wags, sounds like a good weekend for you.

    Wishing all a great AF Sunday!
    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


      Re: 30th July

      MAE ALL...

      Just checking in before heading out. We're supposed to hit 88F today so am going to get my running around done early.

      Will check back later to see how everyone's doing....:smile:PPQP


        Re: 30th July

        Hi, all.

        Just returned from a rapid trip w/ daughter and her boys to visit SIL and BIL a couple hours away. He is a big time fisherman and the older boy loved doing that w/ him before Covid. This was there first time back there in over 2 years to do that again. They had a blast and caught quite a few fish. A couple were big enough to keep and cook for dinner. Good lesson in where food actually comes from!!

        I came home to more normal summer weather. Am hoping the near 100F heat is gone for this year!

        Hope you all are well, NS


          Re: 30th July

          Greetings friends,

          Such a difference a day & a couple of storms make - high was 80 degrees today no humidity. Overnight the temp dropped to 62 degrees which killed my giant yard shroom though haha! We still have the whole month of August ahead, wish it would stay like this.

          Mick, I hope your lazy day was perfect

          Slo, you sure have had a fun packed weekend, nice!
          High school friends always seem to split pretty quickly. I know mine did & it was the same with my daughter. & her friends.

          Cyn, I read about your party planning activity for your elder, that was very nice. Maybe you could suggest some outings her granddaughter could handle in the future. That’s not something you should have to keep doing, it’s exhausting.

          PQ, hope it didn’t get too hot for you today!

          NS, fishing sounds like fun for the grandsons. I know my son loves to take his boys fishing when they have time. They’re in the process of moving right now so it probably won’t be happening soon. Crossing my fingers for a cooler than usual August for all of us

          Hello to the missing folks, Pie, Sam, Kensho & anyone else popping in later.
          Have a nice night all!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: 30th July

            MAE everyone!

            Sounds like folks have had good weekends.

            Lav and NS - glad you both have a bit cooler or at least more normal summer weather!

            Slo - sounds like several fun outings with young daughter. Hope you get many more days and outings like that together this summer!

            PQ - hope you got all your errands done before things got hot.

            Mick - a lazy day sounds pretty wonderful!

            Had a fairly relaxing day today. Taught one class, worked in our community garden, and made some progress on setting up my new office & teaching space, but also spent time with friends and went on a long walk. I'm off tomorrow too and will be going to see my dad for a bit. I've got 2 hard weeks of teaching starting Tue so trying to rest and restore my energy now and then the last hard push before the August test dates. I'm so grateful that I love what I do!

            Take care everyone and hope you all get great starts to the new week!


              Re: 30th July

              You're living the dream Wags -- it is huge that you love what you do (and have the bonus of being your own boss!). Glad you got a break Lav b/c I know really don't like the heat. This week I start getting ready for over 3 weeks away from home in August :egad: (fun, relaxing, and enjoyable once we are there but the lead up is a challenge!!).


                Re: 30th July

                Hiya are you doing?31 degrees people live with this all the time beats me internet still down in hotel..I usually use it to send pictures as since we came out of the European Union, all allowances are curtailed. Lazy d yesterday was good, this morning was up early, and read on the balcony before the heat started. Then this afternoon played mini golf and went for a walk



                Hope everyone is doing ok?
                Stay safe sane and sober
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Re: 30th July

                  High temps pretty standard for us this time of year, but lack of rain making for a challenge keeping plants and trees alive. The grass is actually crispy.


                    Re: 30th July

                    Hey kids,

                    Hope everyone is doing well today
                    Sunny & 81 degrees, not bad at all.

                    Pie, I don’t know how you cope with that relentless heat, bless you. We went thru a dry spell & had that crunchy grass too but the rainfall has caught up & fixed things. I hope you get a big break very soon!

                    Mick, that water looks very refreshing, hope you’ve had a chance to jump in & cool off

                    NS, 3 weeks aways sounds awesome. I hope it’s someplace cool & relaxing.
                    I can imagine teh prep work for a trip like that, good luck prepping. We haven’t been anywhere in many many years because finding someone to step in & care the zoo inhabitants here is problematic haha!

                    Wags, glad you had a couple of good days to rest up. It’s a shame we can’t store extra sleep/energy for those busy times ahead. Good luck!

                    We went to the tractor store today haha. YB ordered a new zero radius turn mower for himself to cut these 2+ acres here. He’s sending his current mower back to the dealer for a tune up then he’s going to gift it to our son who just bought a house with a huge yard like ours. Grandson will be getting his ‘license’ to mow very soon. He’s at the right age I think & he seems eager to learn. So that’s what is new in Lav-land.

                    Hello to PQ, Cyn, Kensho & Sam & anyone else stopping by.
                    Have a nice night all!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: 30th July

                      MAE ALL...spent the day working on the newsletter publication. My deadline is Friday but I'm off that day so want it ready to go by Thursday. I'm finding it not as stressful to hit my deadline and was wondering why. It finally dawned on me, I only got 1 event rental inquiry today. Responding to rental inquiries takes a lot of my time. Hopeful that will improve when we move to the new platform. August is fully booked. YAY Boss off again tomorrow and as a bonus so is the accountant. LOL

             great that you could get back to pre-covid activities. That's a keepsake memory. 3 weeks away, I can't even fathom that, guess I'm getting too old, I'm quite happy to stay put. Good luck with your prepping.

                      Lav...may your yard shroom rest in peace. LOL We actually hit 90F yesterday, glad I got out early. Today was around 82F but I didn't have to be outside. I have A/C at home and the only office with it at the community centre. Haha A new toy for YB. Nice that he's going to gift the current mower to your son. I think learning to mow is a great precursor for your grandson.

                      Wags...yup, I timed things just right. Sounds like you had a nice relaxing Sunday, good for you. Hope your visit with your Dad today was a positive one. Just keep your vacation plans front and centre while you work through these last 2 weeks. I know exactly how you feel about loving your job, it makes a difference.

                      Pi...oh my, I don't know how you survive. I hope you get a weather break soon. My news broadcast keeps getting interrupted with Severe Thunderstorm Warnings for South Central Alberta, exactly where older son headed to today. Geeze!

                      Mick...nice to hear you had a lazy day yesterday. The down time will do you good. Reading on the balcony early in the morning sounds like heaven to me. I love mini golf, haven't done that in ages. Nice pics, thanks for sharing.

                      Younger son is going to BBQ porkchops tonight, so why do I feel I have so much more to do to get ready for dinner. LOL Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP


                        Re: 30th July

                        MAE everyone -

                        Sounds like everyone is doing well even while coping with a lot of hot temps and mostly dry weather. Good thing nobody drinks since that's so dehydrating (among other nasty effects of course). I'm heading into a 10-day stretch of very busy work, so I might not be on here too many times over these next 2 weeks but I'll pop in as much as I can.

                        Safe travels home at the end of your trip Mick, and to you on your way wherever your 3 weeks will be NS.

                        Happy AF August everyone!


                          Re: 30th July

                          Mae all how are we doing today then,?hope all is well .went for a bimble yesterday, only 4 miles but in this weather that is plenty..Sat and read my kindle, never seem to get time to do that at home, and then we played crazy golf. Today is water day

                          Hiya lav.hows you then?a new mower?that's one serious lump of land you have got there. And your lad has the same. Have you got much planted up or is it meadow?

                          Hiya ns hope all is well. 3 weeks away?hopefully a nice place for y'all to enjoy

                          Hiya pie how are you doing,?hope all is well...apart from that crispy grass .(I'm struggling writing on this phone)

                          Big shout to everyone else

                          Julie taking on the champion!!!!!



                          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                            Re: 30th July

                            It looks like your weather forecaster got stuck, Pie! The lack of cooling off at night would be tough. I get up early and really enjoy the cooler mornings. Then again, you never are miserably cold like several of us are each winter so I guess there are trade offs.

                            Lav, we live in town and people here hire lawn companies that have those riding mowers. They are loud and unnecessary for the size of the lots but clearly the goal is to mow as quickly as possible. They make sense for areas like you and your son have but they are annoying here.

                            PQ, sometimes dinner looms as a big deal for me, too. Weird when it is just 2 of us eating. I used to love to cook (when I drank while doing it.) After that it was just ok for several years and now I have no interest at all. It could get pretty bad if I lived alone so its good there is another person involved!!

                            It looks like you have great views from your hotel, Mick. We will be in a small town on Lake Michigan. The forecast for the first few days there is quite cool - 70s F. That will feel nice but a bit chilly for swimming (in the pool - the lake is TOO COLD all of the time for me!). We don't have views like you have but it isn't a long walk to the beach. Mostly its just nice not to have the day to day responsibilities of 'real life'. When I see a weed in the yard, it is fun to think 'not my problem!'
                            Last edited by NoSugar; August 1, 2023, 07:23 AM.


                              Re: 30th July

                              Today is the full moon day, and I will be ever so happy to get to the other side of it, and leave exhaustion and irritability and extra pain & swelling behind for another couple of weeks -before we do it again, for another super moon at the end of August.

                              Pinch-punch, first of the month, Mick!
                              Your vacation in that very beautiful locale seems very restorative.

                              Lav, your son is following in his parents’ footsteps! Hopefully they all will be happy in their new home. At least they will have two teenaged boys these upcoming years to help handle all the mowing.

                              PQ, the Program Coordinator used to handle the rental agreements, right? So you’re extra busy taking on two jobs.

                              I can imagine that being away for three weeks takes a lot of planning and packing, NS.

                              Good luck, Wags, for the intense push before the August exams.

                              Pie, we are dry and hot too -but not that hot! I’m having to do a lot of watering of the grass to keep the new sod going, and one of the new baby trees is looking very stressed (leaves turning colors already), so need to keep the plantings watered too.

                              Yesterday was my long Huxley day. I napped when he napped! Tomorrow is my day with the three grandkids further north.
                              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.

