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30th July

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    Re: 30th July

    Seems to me the F word has become part of normal speech, Mick. My daughter and I were listening to a podcast in the car and the F bomb seemed to be dropped twice a minute! The 8 y old kept saying "I heard that". We told him just because he heard it, he can't say it and that the speaker was being lazy by using the word instead of using actual language to communicate. It hardly means anything anymore.

    Hope you're feeling better, Slo. I don't think I'm at all affected by the moon. At least I don't have any sense of what stage it is unless I happen to actually look at it. Have you always been affected by it? I'm very sorry to hear about your sister.

    Enjoy your days off, PQ. Hope you're able to do whatever your favorite downtime activities are.

    Does your husband like your new mower, Lav? It is just after 7 a.m. here and one is already roaring in my neighborhood! I get up early so I don't really care but given how loud they are, it might be nice if they didn't start until a bit later.

    Have a good weekend, All!


      Re: 30th July

      Good evening friends,

      Cloudy all day, waiting for some rain to arrive later.
      My neighbor dropped off a huge spaghetti squash from her garden. We sliced that puppy in half & it still weighed 2lbs 12oz (each half). I popped 1 half in the air fryer & it took about 35 minutes to soften up but boy it was good

      Mick, I sure hope your trip home was easy & you left the rain in Menorca. Thanks for sharing the pics of your vacation.

      Guess I’ll get back to the sewing room, lots to do.
      Hello to everyone & wishing a nice night for all!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: 30th July

        MAE was a do nothing day for me, got up when I wanted to, cooked what I wanted, and didn't think about work once. Still not seeing all the posts unless I go advanced, makes it very frustrating to keep up.

        Lav...haven't seen the car yet, apparently they're going to bring it home this weekend. Spaghetti squash in the air fryer sounds good. When I was dog sitting for my brother they went on and on about the air fryer they bought. The simple examples of the throw in and voila great meals really hit home for me. I wish I had more counter space but may be worth the sacrifice to help my limited cooking abilities. LOL

        Mick...sounds like good timing weather wise to head home. Hope you had a good flight.

        NS...spent a lot of my time around the oil & gas industry and the "F" word was just a part of everyday dialogue. Recently there was a commercial playing on the TV that would show car mishaps and the words used were "Fix Auto". I've found myself using that as a go too now. LOL

        Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good weekend all...:smile:PPQP


          Re: 30th July

          hiya everyone ,how are we doing today then? hope all is well.trip home was good ...until we got to Manchester, then true to form ,the baggage took ages ,the motorway was blocked ..Poun=ring down with rain today,but it has faired off enough for me to get into the garden ,and do a bit.Picked the rabbits up ...what a pair of scruffs!!!they are moulting and getting their "winter" eek coats on .tomatoes are doing good ,Dont know what we are having for tea tonight ,but it needs to be pretty low in calories ,ermmm kicked the bum out of it on holiday.
          Spoke to my brother this morning ,havent spoken to him for a wee while ,but he has just got the all clear for cancer is no more .he was very upbeat,really nice to hear ,he has got positive plans ,He is off most of the drugs he has had to take ,that in conjunction with eating sensibly as opposed his previous ,he has lost over 3 stone in weight .
          Julie has just been to see her dad too,a very positive visit .Im trying to teach Julie how to play cribbage ,her dad was a decent player too,

          early night for me tonight ...feeling weary ...sore eyes !!

          I was just at the beach in Burnham and saw this argument between a bloke and his wife. Jeez the shouting. And then he started hitting her. I just thought “what the hell has the U.K. come to?”
          Luckily a copper ran over quickly and started breaking it up but the bloke got the coppers truncheon and starting hitting him and his wife with it!!!!
          Then to top it all off the blokes sausages were stolen by a bloody crocodile!




          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Re: 30th July

            Mae all - quick post just to say I am fine, and don?t worry if I don?t post the next couple of days? i can?t remember if I said that I was coming out west to be here for the last 3days of the music festival which my late husband started in 2022? it is the first year that I didn?t spend a lot of time out here in the Lake Tahoe region? I wasn?t going to come, but a few dear friends are being featured, and I didn?t want to miss hearing them live.
            It definitely has been an emotional roller-coaster, and so many ?coffees? with so many people. I?ll be glad to get on the plane and go home Monday (actually arriving at 1AM on Tuesday. )

            So that?s me. Glad to hear you are home safe, Mick, and that Julie?s dad is doing okay. I hope all are hanging in well -
            More by the middle of next week?
            Take care all;


              Re: 30th July

              Greetings all,

              Now I’m not so sure if I am seeing All of the posts either??
              Anyway, decent day here today. Started with clouds then went to sunny & very warm. Visited an Amish grocery for some of our favs that you don’t get anywhere else

              Mick, glad you’re home safely, travel can be exhausting. So now you need to plan some light calorie meals, oh well at least you had a good time.
              Love the naked muppets pic, haha!!!

              Cyn, I hope the weekend goes easy for you. Of course there will be lots of emotions & feelings. Take it easy on yourself :hug:

              PQ, anything in the air fryer is pretty good, haha. You just have to figure out ‘times’ to cook your fav foods without overcooking them. Some of the preset times & temps are OK but some are not. I love the idea that you’re saving big $$ on energy by not heating up your big oven & clean up is quick & simple. I found a place on the countertop for mine & put the toaster away, don’t need that anymore. Maybe you could put one on a rolling cart like I did when I bought my parents a microwave back in the early 80’s. They had little counter space so the cart worked out. I think you should put it on the top of your Christmas list

              Hello to everyone else & wishing for a nice night for all!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: 30th July

                Here we are on another weekend,

                Such an emotional time you are having at the music festival, TG. And too much coffee! It sounds like an event that doesn’t completely revolve around alcohol, like so many things do. Like that it actually does revolve around music. I hope ultimately your time there gives you connection and closure.

                That’s a huge spaghetti squash, Lav! It must’ve been hard to cut through. My daughters like their air fryers. I have taken to cooking Huxley a potato in it, and it does cut down on the cooking time.

                Young daughter was babysitting Huxley last night while his parents had a date night, and she asked if I could come over and help her; so I did. It was so nice having that time with her, and I was glad to be able to support her.

                Mick, leaving a vacation destination in the rain always makes it an easier time to leave.
                Such good news about your brother! He has turned the corner! I was worried that that wouldn’t happen.
                I liked the visual jokes about the fish, and the one about the cat.

                NS must be at her vacation destination now on Lake Michigan!
                No, I haven’t always reacted to the moon like this. But I did always have bad PMS, and now, post-menopausal, I seem to sync to the monthly lunar cycle.
                Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                  Re: 30th July

                  I realized I’m in the doghouse again with my twin sister. When D3 & her HB & baby Andy were in town, I went to bat to try to arrange for them to see my sister and to see my little brother’s kids, daughter’s cousins, too. (Sister was out there with the teens while my brother was away for his DUI sentencing. Although she needed to dry out herself for a couple days before she could even go there…).
                  We eventually got it arranged to go to the beach together, and had what I thought was a nice time -although Brother’s three kids were being moody & disinterested teens. I tried to get it arranged with everyone’s needs in mind; like that it would be warm enough at the beach for Andy, that the teens could sleep in all morning, that D3 & her HB wouldn’t feel in rush mode to get up & drive out there, etc. I wasn’t sure how food would fit in, and didn’t want gluten-free, meat-free daughter getting hangry; so I tossed out the idea of should we go to go to a restaurant?

                  Now I see twin sister has been seething about this against me, accusing me of “changing plans” (I was just trying to make plans!), of having to go “during the heat of the day”, and angry that I threw out the idea of a restaurant. D2 had inserted herself, and wanted to go out there on the early side since she had plans later that day…is that why I’m being accused of “changing plans”?

                  I am so tired of my sister constantly harboring rage against me for every perceived misstep I make. Like she can’t go with the flow and be flexible about anything, and then holds onto every little grievance for forever. And then drinks over all these injustices & slights.

                  So then it’s like my fault - that my foibles have sent her on another bender. When I’m trying to make sure that she’s included and is seeing people.

                  But if I don’t include her, then she’s lonely & pissed off that, say, she didn’t have time with baby Andy and her niece etc. So I can’t win!
                  Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.

