Greetings friends,
Ugh, hot again. The temp on my deck was 108 (in the sun) this afternoon, 112 in the greenhouse. Not for me haha!!!
YB still c/o a sore bum so I bought him a tube of Desitin this afternoon & told him no to over do it, LOL if he had simply complied with the post op instructions to do a Sitz bath a few times a day this wouldn’t be happening. BUT he knows best, as always. His choice to suffer, I don’t want to hear it honestly.
Mick, we got storm warnings this afternoon but no storms, oh well. Tomorrow morning, just before dawn is supposed to be the best time to see the meteor show - if I can wake up, we’ll see. My first rescue cat Luna pulls an all nighter once in a while too but she knows where the food comes from too. I think they’re basically all the same. I think that SUV might be hovering - LOL
Pie, glad to hear the doggie transfer went well. Sounds like a lot of work but it all worked out. Hope the heat didn’t get to you today.
Cyn, I sure hope you are able to get a break from the elder care, you need one. Her family needs a good talking to if yo know what I mean. I don’t understand why they think she’s in a good & safe living situation on her own like that. Sometimes you just have to put your foot down with people. YB’s grandmother was like that, stubborn & unsafe on her own. I really hope her kids do the right thing!! Take a good break this weekend
PQ, sorry there’s so much drama at work that affects you even though you don’t participate. Life is usually unfair in these situations. Your coworkers are all adults & should communicate as such, geez. I sure hope th eboys figure out the car thing real soon - not your problem either!!!!! Hope the weekend is good to you!
Hello to Wags, hope all is well.
Hello to Slo, Kensho & everyone.
Have a nice night all.