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3rd September

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    Re: 3rd September

    Good evening folks,

    Today is day 6 of the heatwave & supposedly the last day. We’ll see about that, haha! Last evening we were promised big storms, we got nothing. A few distant rumbles of thunder & a bit of heat lightning. The lawn is brown & crunchy again & I don’t care.
    I’m having a bit of a time trying to get to my craft room with YB being out of commission. Keeping an eye on him while prepping meals & feeding animals is taking up all my time. I don’t even know at this point if I’m even going to be able to go to the craft festival unless I find some help setting up tables, racks & a tent. Trying not to worry about it yet.

    PQ, you have been busy at work! At least it makes the day go fast, right?
    I’ll take your cool weather anytime ~ please! No one my age should be ealing with hot flashes so long, guess I’m just lucky Lol
    The news is showing literally hundreds of officers armed with long guns focused on Longwood Gardens again today. I hope they get him tonight.

    Cyn, 6 am - 10 pm - wow! Sounds like my old job, haha. Don’t wear yourself out but glad you’re enjoying the job.
    I’m really happy to hear about your nephew making great progress, thank goodness :hug:

    Slo, good to hear the meet n greet went well! I imagine the realtors have a lot of practice with that sort of thing.
    If yo have any of that cool weather leftover you can send it this way.

    Pie, I remember downloading a book back in ‘09 when I joined & purchased the hypno CDs, they were all very helpful. I know there’s nothing offered these days. I have felt supported by all of the members here, also very helpful. It’s good that there’s newer & effective help out there for those just starting out. Stay well

    Mick, I’ll have to consult my geography book again to figure out where you are now. Just keep having fun
    I loved the joke about the gift shop, haha!!!!

    Wags, hope you are well!

    Next week we may have to deal with Hurricane Lee - fun times!
    Have a nice night all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: 3rd September

      If I post, will that make Lav’s post visible to me?
      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


        Re: 3rd September

        Nope -it didn’t work.
        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


          Re: 3rd September

          Testing 1-2-3
          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


            Re: 3rd September

            MAE ALL?Not shouting that it?s the weekend as I am actually working tomorrow. We are hosting a Member Appreciation BBQ and expect about 150 people. At least I won?t have to do the setup or takedown so I can handle 3 hours. LOL

            TG?such good news about your nephew, gotta say that?s a bit of a surprise. I too hope that more families and people can be helped. I hope you can adjust to the time change in your shift. I?m a morning person too and would find that challenging. Sorry about the Canadian smoke, it must have been the other guy.

            Slo?congrats on the success of your neighbourhood party, we knew you could do it. You are definitely strong in your quit. It is busy at work right now with the start up of everything, at least the drama has subsided for a bit.

            Pi..I tend to agree with you about many of the sites offering more content like books, videos, podcasts but when I was first seeking help all I wanted was to be able to chat with people who got how I was feeling and MWO was just what I needed. I would read posts and think ?Oh, I?m not the only one who does/feels that.? It made me feel not alone anymore. Like you, regardless of what unfolds I?ll always be grateful for MWO.

            Mick?I?m so glad your trip plans are meeting your expectations and even the weather is on your side. Now Hadrian?s Wall sounds familiar to me. I?ll have to look that up next. I feel like I?m in Geography Class. LOL I?m stealing the deadly England Garden/gift shop post just so you know.

            Lav?I can?t see your post unless I ?Go Advanced? so will post this when I?m done, just not sure where it?ll show up. LOL Day 6 OMG, to heck with the lawn. The craft sale will be what it will be, you?re right to not worry about it. I think you have some older grandkids that could possibly help? Yes, it has been busy again at work and you?re right the day just fly?s by, with currently no drama, my kind of day. Apparently all the drama is happening in your world at Longwoods. Keep us posted on events and I hope it?s over soon.

            Time to see if this will post. Have a good night all?:smile:PPQP

            Slo?just saw your testing posts while I was in advanced mode. Let?s see if this brings up the next page.


              Re: 3rd September

              Mae all how are we today?no posts this morning yet We are off to the Falkirk wheel later..this was this mornings wake up....20230909_071141~2.jpg

              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Re: 3rd September

                MAE ALL...

                Mick...hope your trip to the Falkirk Wheel was great. Looks like a peaceful way to wake up.

                One tired puppy here. Standing for 5 hrs is harder than sitting for 8! It was also outside and I can feel the heat on my face. I'll be sleeping good tonight. Time to put my feet up. I'll check back later to see if any posts appear. LOL Have a good day all...:smile:PPQP
                Last edited by porqoui; September 9, 2023, 04:20 PM.


                  Re: 3rd September

                  I’ll have to figure out how to do the advanced search or whatever, PQ, when posts don’t load onto this site. Mick’s post triggered yours & Lav’s to finally appear.
                  Three hours at the BBQ should be doable, and maybe even enjoyable.

                  Pie, yes, I think MWO is stagnant and failing because it hasn’t really turned up in search engines for a long time, I hear. And, you’re right: way more competition -which is a good thing! I have personally benefited from the explosion of alcohol-free beers in recent years. Many to most restaurants around here will carry at least one kind. It used to be they’d look at you like you had two heads if you’d ask for an NA beer.

                  Mick, you woke up to a donkey?! I have heard the phrase “Hadrian’s Wall” before too…
                  We are having gorgeous weather today, just like you are having.
                  That gift shop joke is too funny!

                  I thought the same thing, Lav; those grandsons can help you with set-up and take-down at the craft fair! It is time-consuming to be a caregiver. My friend thought the same thing when her husband had a slow recovery from a hip fracture with pinning.
                  I hope the cooling sheets will help with your hot flashes. Can’t imagine why you’re still having those.
                  That escaped prisoner can’t hide forever if he’s surrounded.

                  I’m low-energy and out-of-sorts today. And I stubbed my toe badly on the drain in the tub; bleeding too. It feels like it’s going to take awhile to heal.

                  You have to work different shifts at Trader Joe’s, TG? At least not night shift.

                  Yesterday I babysat Huxley for the afternoon. In the morning, daughter gave me a guest pass to her posh fitness center, and we worked out while Huxley went to the childcare center. I swam laps and went in the hot tub! It was a bit too much on my knee. Maybe if I wore a brace for more stability…
                  Huxley took a good, long nap after that! He loves it there.

                  I hope I have a better day tomorrow, and I hope you all have a good weekend.
                  Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                    Re: 3rd September

                    Greetings friends,

                    I guess the heatwave is over - today’s high temp was 86, still super humid.
                    We have another severe thunderstorm watch going until 11 pm.

                    I’m just trying to do what I can do around the house, taking care of animals. YB too. He is definitely miserable & looking forward to seeing the pain specialist again on Tuesday for another steroid injection. I feel bad, there’s not much you can do for nerve pain unfortunately.
                    I may see if the oldest grandson is willing to help out for the craft fair. He’s been to many of them with me so maybe he’ll say yes. The other one is a definite no. No one can roust him early enough to help hahah!! He’s a definite night owl that kid.

                    Slo, I can see the 3 posts you wrote last night shortly after mine. This is so weird, I hope the powers to be can fix things for us.
                    Sorry about you toe, sounds like something klutzy me would do. My new cooling blanket arrived today so I’m hoping for a miracle. None of the docs or NPs have a clue why I’m still dealing with all these hot flashes. Guess it’s karma or something haha!

                    PQ, I hear you about standing outside for long periods of time. I come home from these craft things completely exhausted. Glad it went well at the BBQ today

                    Mick, thanks for the fascinating glimpse into old Scotland. I hope the donkeys are nice, they probably appreciate treats

                    Cyn, hope your day is going well. My lifelong fav shift was 3-11 pm. Great to work but not so good when raising kids.

                    Pie, hello to you & I hope you’re getting some relief from the heat.

                    Hello to anyone else popping in & wishing a good night for all.
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: 3rd September

                      MAE everyone...

                      Posting quick to see if my own post is visible to me. I posted yesterday and it seems to have vanished! I hope the admins can figure out why the site is so glitchy. Will try a longer post in a minute (fingers crossed). If my next post doesn't stick, please know I'm here and reading and responding to everyone.


                        Re: 3rd September

                        Welp, I can't see my own post from about 10 mins ago so I'm not sure if this will show up either. Sending you all hellos and waves and support and cheers for your challenges and successes. Tomorrow I'll try posting from another device and see if that helps.

                        Hope you all are having good weekends!

