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8th October

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    8th October

    Hello everyone and how are we today then? Hope everyone is doing okay well they were right it is absolutely roasting outside today, I am just having a bit of a breather full stop ripped all the carpet and underlay up this morning ready for tomorrow full stop it is all rolled up in the back of the car ready to go to the tip tomorrow full start I am now in the process of cleaning my greenhouse windows getting all the algae off. Both rabbits are doing fine one sunbathing and one eating yes you were right Bonnie is sunbathing! Julie has just nipped down to see her dad so shouldn't be too long full stop walk up this morning and on the wall in the field to our left there was a massive owl Who start I tried to take a picture of it with my phone, but it wasn't quite sharp enough and by the time I got downstairs the horses had spooked it full stop it was absolutely gorgeous you can definitely make out it is a to wit to woo bird hope everyone is doing good
    just finishing my cup of tea and
    then back to the grindstone take care have a great day everyone
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: 8th October


    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Re: 8th October

      Horse, and rabbits, and owls, oh my! Thank you for starting us up, Mick!

      It?s a glorious 65 degree here; such a gift and escape from oppressive summer heat. I?m taking in a special needs, untouchable foster at noon today, so have some getting ready to do. Rescue is working on a better placement for this little one with limited options. Minimally, I can keep him safe. Anything beyond that will be a win. Please wish me luck, friends. Will let you know how it goes.


        Re: 8th October

        if you have the time ..listen to of my favourite pieces of music ever

        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Re: 8th October

          Greetings everyone,

          I have enjoyed the cool day here, a high of 56 degrees. Turns out that’s the perfect temp for ripping weeds out of YB’s garden. Our young neighbors came over & helped for a while too, nice.

          Mick are you replacing the old carpeting with wall to wall carpet? I have room sized rugs in the living & dining rooms because I like the hardwoods. The bedrooms have wall to wall to keep it quieter for sleep, haha. I just ordered a new rug for my living room today to replace the one YB’s cat has stained from throwing up, yuck. Hopefully she’ll stay away from the new carpet, hopefully. I can hear owls outside too but never see them, you’re lucky
          The music link was awesome, thanks!

          Cyn, glad to hear there’s no actual overnight shifts involved at TJs. Night shift messed me up after a few years.
          Keep taking good care of yourself, you’re doing just fine

          Pie, I wish you the best with the new pup. You’re a brave soul helping these homeless animals, thanks.

          PQ, Slo & anyone checking in later, hello!
          Have a nice night all.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: 8th October


            I turned the heat on. It has just gotten too cold outside.
            When I was out at dusk watering some plants, I could hear an owl hooting over & over again!

            I hate the cat throw-up all over ruining my carpets too, Lav.
            Boyd is staying close & snuggly tonight after his stay at the pet hotel.

            Bless you, Pie, for taking in that challenging special needs dog.

            Glad you got a little help & companionship with all the weeding, Lav.

            I had a fine time with Young Daughter on Saturday, for lunch, shopping, hot-tubbing, resting, and dinner together. She wanted to spend Saturday evening with her roommate friends though, so I was alone again in my hotel room Saturday night and Sunday morning, and then drove home. That’s fair though. Her swim meet went well.

            TG, they do keep you on your toes at TJ’s! I guess they do need to rotate shifts, because hardly anyone would want the 6 am shift.

            I understand what Young Daughter is going through after her breakup. It is painful. I still feel amputated after my divorce, even though it was not a good situation, and not a good fit. It hurts to break up. She is being brave though, to realize that they are not a good fit for a lifetime together, and staying true to herself.

            Good night, all.
            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


              Re: 8th October

              Mick - so cool that you saw that owl on the wall! I think they're one of my favorite creatures to spot, especially since they're pretty elusive.

              Pie - I hope things go smoothly for you and your new foster. Thank you for taking them in and giving them a safe place to land while a longer term home can be found.

              Slo - what a nice weekend with your daughter. I'm sure she's still hurting and adjusting and figuring out how to best move on, but it sounds like she's doing a pretty good job with all of that. I'm sure you're a big help, especially with your own recent experience. Congrats to you both on seeing your worth and being true to yourselves.

              Lav - nice job getting those weeds out of the garden! 56 degrees F sounds just about perfect for that type of work. Good luck with the new rug and no cat puke.

              All is well here. We should hear back from the vet in 3-4 more days. Pup is still acting like she's ok (other than the giardia, which we'll be able to begin treating tomorrow), so I have reason to remain optimistic. I had a nice weekend mostly off, although a lot of it was spent stacking 2 cords of wood we had delivered for the upcoming cold weather. We have a forced air furnace, but we mostly heat our home with our wood-burning fireplace. That way we can keep the living room warm and the bedroom stays cooler for sleeping.

              Hellos and waves to anyone else stopping by. Happy new weeks to you all!


                Re: 8th October

                Hiya all one very short post..just finished laying underlay and carpet .started at 0730 even been to the tip.I must be honest I am shattered .it doesn't go too well with the brown suite, bu the new one is grey. Should be here soon
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Re: 8th October

                  Good evening friends,

                  Nice & cool again today, yay! I am going to have to hook up the heater for the chicken’s water can soon. Can’t expect them to be happy with frozen water.
                  Still trying to talk YB into stretching that hip flexor……so stubborn.

                  Mick, I think your carpet & furniture colors are fine. You can pull the two colors together maybe with certain window fabric, pillows on the sofa, etc.
                  The new set should work just fine. I’m sure you’re tired after all that activity!!

                  Wags, we have a wood stove too, it’s in the basement. The heat radiates up thru some flor vents to help heat the house. When our heater was broken last Christmas we survived just fine on the wood heat only. The bathrooms were a little chilly though, haha. Stacking firewood is such an ambitious project. We had an Amish kid help us last fall. Glad you enjoyed your weekend. Fingers crossed for your dog.

                  Slo, good to hear your daughter is doing OK. Sounds like she has plenty of good friends & roommates too.
                  That old cat of YB’s has destroyed so much around here, it’s unbelievable. Hope Boyd is OK.
                  Things change so much over the years. I was thinking this afternoon about some of my oldest friends. I hardly hear a peep from them anymore even though I do reach out from time to time. I guess as we age we need to depend on ourselves more & more. That thought makes me especially grateful to be clear headed & capable at all times :hug:

                  Cyn, hope your day was good. Same with your PQ & Pie.

                  Have a nice night all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: 8th October

                    Spent the day with Huxley. He has a cold.

                    Wags, that’s a good idea for how to keep the living area warm but the bedroom cooler.

                    Mick, is that the carpet or just the underlay in the picture? It sounds exhausting to remove all that heavy carpeting and underlay, and haul it all to the tip. That’s heavy work that carpet layers do.
                    Thanks for sharing the Gael song. It was very moving.

                    I’m kinda lonely too, Lav. Sometimes I think I should’ve stayed married, but being lonely & rejected in a “relationship” is especially painful, so, it’s lonely either way. I’m sad that your oldest friends don’t stay in touch. Are they friends with each other too? If so, it would be nice if you could start a group chat with each other.
                    Young Daughter actually ultimately pulled the plug on their relationship. It seems to have run its course, and they have been trying to stay together for the last couple of months, and she’s tired of trying. Ultimately, they want different things. Like she wants kids, and he’d rather not. He wants to move South, and she wants to stay around here. He wants to live rurally and keep chickens, and she doesn’t want to do that (Sorry, Lav!). He wants to be a self-employed artist or maybe carpenter, and she wants to work part time when she has kids -not forced to work full time in order to carry the insurance. And she just wants to be a carefree 20-year-old college student right now, instead of worrying about fitting into someone else’s life plan as he approaches graduation.

                    Hope it’s going ok with the new rescue, Pie.
                    I wonder how PQ’s day went?
                    Hi to TG too.
                    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                      Re: 8th October

                      Slo - your daughter sounds like a very level-headed young woman who knows what she does/doesn't want. Breaking up hurts and healing takes time (as you well know!), but it sounds like she'll be better off. For you, being lonely IN a relationship seems like it would have been far worse. Keep reaching out as you have been, and also giving yourself time to make new connections. There is no timeline for grief or similar processes.

                      Lav - I think there are lots of factors that contribute to drifting apart from friends, with aging being one of them. It's definitely hard. Do any of these friends live nearby or are you all scattered all over the place?

                      Mick - I'm sure you're exhausted from all of that hard work! I agree with Lav - you could tie the colors together, but it sounds like you've already got different stuff ordered and on the way. Can't wait to see the full new look!

                      Hellos and waves Pie, PQ, TG and anyone else. Hope your weeks are off to great starts!


                        Re: 8th October

                        hiya are we today then? hope all is good with yall..I slept well last night ,and was determined that today was going to be a do nothing day....I failed at 7.10am this morning!!!Because the new carpet and underlay is a lot thicker ..than the theprevious one ,the door to the front room had to come off.I was sanding and planing early doors ..pardon the pun..Its a solid teak door and weighs a fair bit..lovely bit of wood ..anyway now fits perfect ..till the new one comes ..then I drilled tapped and screwed a bench in the greenhouse.then took out the old stump that Jeeves used to sit on was rotten but it welled me up.Now replaced it with a new one ...and that is it more even I know Ive had enough.A lovely day out there ...I saw the owl again this morning flight this time ..about 8.20am.

                        Hiy Slo ...thats the carpet ..the underlay is purple ..sorry to hear about your daughter,it seems like they were polar opposites ..ok there has to be give and take in every relationship,but that seems to be a heck of a lot of give and take ..She is 20.
                        The biggest nightmare yesterday was cleaning out the car after dumping the carpet ...all the dust and detritus thats left ...took ages to hoover out .
                        you take care and have a good day

                        hiya Wags how are you doing mate? hope all is well with you is your dad doing?Is he settled now ?hope so..

                        hiya are you doing? you still working at Trader Joes ?

                        hiya ppqp are you doing? hope all is well...did you have a decent weekend?hows things at work? have things exploded or bimbling along?

                        hiya pie hows the rescue dawg doing ? hope all is well in 3.142(recurring)land

                        hiya Lav,how are you today then? hope all is good is yb doing ?have you got him stretching yet?You are right we get older the circle of friends from years gone tends to drop off ..Its really strange they move on ,we move on etc.I could count the number of people I keep in touch with from the prison service on 1 hand ..3 ...and yet all the guys I knew in the 70s in the army ,we are in regular contact ..
                        I see Longwood are advertising again ...have you been?my greenhouse is looking clean and shiny ..

                        big hiya to everyone else.

                        After nearly 50 years of marriage, a couple was lying in bed one evening, when the wife felt her husband, begin to massage her in ways he hadn't in quite some time. It almost tickled as his fingers started at her neck, and then began moving down past the small of her back. He then caressed her shoulders and neck, slowly worked his hand down, stopping just over her stomach. He then proceeded to place his hand on her left inner arm, working down her side, passing gently over her buttock and down her leg to her calf. Then, he proceeded up her thigh, stopping just at the uppermost portion of her leg. He continued in the same manner on her right side, then suddenly stopped, rolled over and became silent.
                        As she had become quite aroused by this caressing, she asked in a loving voice, ?Honey that was wonderful. Why did you stop?' To which he responded: 'I found the remote.'...

                        It's a little known fact that the singer Alfie Boe has a brother, who is a confectioner, called Harry

                        My doctor said to me, "Do you know your sperm count?" I said I didn't know they were that clever.

                        Congratulations to Tu Youyou on winning the Nobel Prize in Medicine and for being the most confusing person to sing Happy Birthday to!

                        My dwarf girlfriend went to work this morning upset with me, because I've been taking the pee out of her size. So I'm going all out to make it up to her tonight.
                        I've got a good bottle of wine in and bought her the latest dvd box set of her favourite programme. When she gets in from work I'm going to order her favourite takeaway for her tea, then go upstairs and run her a nice hot sink.
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          Re: 8th October

                          Good evening friends!

                          I had a change of heart & decided the chickens can stay a bit longer. Of course that meant we had to go to the feed store we like up in Lancaster Co. It was partly sunny/cloudy here but when got drove 40 minutes north this is what we saw, kinda scary! IMG_6402.jpg

                          Slo, I hope Huxley feels better soon. My daughter works with toddlers & school age kids & says they?re all sick right now, ugh.
                          YB & I both were in a large group of friends when we were in high school. The problem is we decided to go to college & have careers & the majority of the group ended up in deda end jobs, big drinkers & pot smokers. A few years later YB became a cop & a lot of the group no longer wanted to associate with us. I had to work weekends & holidays (YB too) & none of them did. Our lifestyles just no longer meshed. The friends that did stick around have since dispersed to FL & other places. I do still have 2 old work friends that I see on occasion. It?s just not the same & making new friends at this age is not easy, you probably know that.
                          I think your daughter was smart to pull the plug when she did. She needs to be in charge of her life & her choices, she?ll be fine.

                          Wags, you?re right about the aging problem but there?s not much we can do about that haha! I was thinking last night I have turned my compassion skills towards animals since the grandkids are self sufficient now & that?s OK. I never ever thought I?d be caring for a herd of chickens & cats but here I am LOL. Hope your day was good!

                          Mick, I think it?s time for Julie to tie you to the chair again & force you to take a little down time, haha! You have to be the hardest working person I?ve ever heard of, really. YB is trying to do a little more walking but still won?t do the prescribed stretches. If only I had a rack in the basement that I could tie him onto?..

                          Hello to PQ, Cyn, Pie & everyone.
                          Sad news what?s happening in the Middle East. We all remember the last war in Israel, hope this isn?t a repeat.
                          Have a nice night all!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: 8th October

                            MAE ALL...sorry for missing in action. We had a summer like weekend but it's going to turn tonight with rain all day tomorrow. Our sky looked like the pic you posted Lav. It was a quiet weekend, we had a big meal on Saturday and then basically did nothing. Sunday I had a flare up of my arthritis and could barely move. It eased off after I took my injection. Definitely not stopping my biologic. The one renter in the smaller room did everything right but the university students did everything wrong. They stayed an hour late and helped themselves to some of our supplies. With extra cleaning they'll be getting a hefty ding to their damage deposit. Boss came in around 10:30 this morning, I thought he was taking the day off. Apparently he has to be part of a meeting being held tonight. I was up to my ears in event bookings today, but it made the day go by fast. It was another no sleep night last night so I'm pretty worn out right now and will be hitting the sac early, hopefully getting some sleep. Sorry for not responding individually but will do better next time.

                            Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP


                              Re: 8th October

                              Mae all -

                              Goodness, Mick! I got tired just from reading all that you did... hope you really will take some time off. I understand about removing parts of the lawn or other changes that remind us of our dear departed pets... hugs. Those owls are a special site! A few days ago I saw a bald eagle, flying right overhead - magnificent! I think it was starting the search for nesting trees near water... fortunately there are some close by... Please take a break! (and loved the jokes - "looking for the remote"... hahaha

                              Lav, so you decided on the keeping the chickens? Okay! lucky them. I hope that YB's cat stays off your new rug. Night shifts, I can't even imagine how you did it. I am getting used to the change in shifts and getting stronger at work. Just have to figure out the sleep thing now. I hope that all improves with YB... it sure would be less stressful for you --

                              PPQ - there is always something crazy going on at your job... congrats on rolling with all the punches... I hope the rest of the week goes well...

                              SLO - well, it does sound like your daughter made a very good decision, even if painful. As you know, change is really hard... sending you support for your journey...

                              Pie - Wow, how great of you to help with the special needs pup. I fostered and then kept a deranged weimaraner... he was such a love, but had terrible separation anxiety... I adored him, but it changed my life drastically. Still glad that I did what I could. You are a saint to take care of a pup like that. I actually looked into getting a pup today - I saw a picture on a FB friend's site... a 9-year old... I want to take care of elder dogs and be with them for their end of life. But this one is in MN, and I can't get up there anytime soon - they will only let the pups go with the adopter... so I will be watching to see if she is taken by anyone else until I can get up there.
                              Wags, sounds like things are humming for you - how is your dad doing? Last report sounded like he was stable..
                              Mick and Lav - I'll look at your pics after posting this (so I don't lose the post)...
                              Cheers all,

