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8th October

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    Re: 8th October

    Pie - glad your foster pup is turning out to be easier than expected. Lucky pup to have landed a temporary home with you!

    Mick - we had wonderful weather today too! Maybe we're on a roll for a break in the rain we've both been flooded with lately. Your camera sounds amazing - I hope you really enjoy it, and I look forward to seeing many more of your fabulous photos in the future.

    FlyAway - great to see you! I'm sorry to hear about the troubles you're having with the county/state and your land. We have family in Florida and they are pretty angry and disillusioned too - torn between packing up and moving north, or staying and trying to help turn things in a different direction. I hope you find a path forward that feels fair.

    Slo - sorry I didn't reply to you yesterday. On the one hand, it's good that you have some answers and it sounds like a decent chance for some real pain relief. On the other hand, it's unacceptable that your legs ended up different lengths *and* that insurance won't cover the treatments etc that will bring you relief. I hope you're able to get things done anyway.

    TG - I think you're right about at least some of the drop in activity on this site being due to an increase in other sites/resources. I hope you are able to get some rest and to rejuvenate.

    Lav - I bet between nursing and the year with Blue Cross you've see multiple sides of how the health insurance industry in this country is driven by $ and profit, not by the well-being and health of policy holders. I just do NOT understand why a company or the government should have such a major say in the care provided or available when that should really be decided by the patient and the healthcare providers. Enjoy your hunkered down weekend!

    PQ - glad you finally had a somewhat quieter day and that you set yourself up for an even gentler one tomorrow!

    I'm sorry if I missed anyone - still catching up on the last few days' of posts. Gonna go snuggle my cancer-free pup now :heartbeat:

    Happy Fridays everyone


      Re: 8th October

      hiya all,how are we doing today? hope all is good .Spoke too soon about the weather,back to reality ..this morning it hasnt stopped raining ,but not only that it was really foggy ..the rabbits were supposed to go for their vaccination this morning...and what comes with bad weather ?yep accidents ...a bad smash this morning on the motorway ...the quickest time to get to the vets first thing this morning was just over 2 hours way was I sitting in that lot ..Rescheduled for next Tuesday afternoon.

      Wags ...well chuffed for you mate ..glad the pup is ok and cancer free ...that will be a serious relief to you ...Can I suggest you stick to teaching ? sack weather forecasting ....states"yep we are on a roll""...its a pretty wet and muddy roll..

      hiya are you doing? Almost the weekend ..poets fighting at your place .??
      ?? Id bought a ringside ticket!!! Heres the camera I bought ..and no I definitely didnt pay that much for it ...COOLPIX 95 have a good weekend .

      hiya Lav ,how are you doing?hope all is well...hows Dave doing?Hows the rest of the zoo?I watched Bonnie this morning ..sitting on the step in the conservatory she wasnt impressed the Julies crocs were they were launched ..she picked them up and slung them.Yesterdays rain free day has turned into todays free rain day.

      hiya teegee how are you doing today then?double day yesterday? is today a rest day then?I think a lot of factors come into play why the site is losing numbers ...people come people go ,I agree there are quite a few other forums on the go and also facebook is a lot more advanced than before ,also site popularity and the order that a browser will find it ...also people come get help and move on .Also Im not so sure the drinking issue is the same as it was in days gone by ..The drugs /booze seesaw has tipped in the direction of drugs more .
      Glad the plan worked with your elder ...

      hiya Flyaway ,welcome to you ,jump in ...we have kept the fred going for a good wee while now ,ok we have lost some on the way ,but nevertheless its a haven for anyone who wants to jump in .. yep I keep busy...renovating ,gardening diy ,metal detecting ,model railways and now photography..Dont know where you are in Florida ,Ive been there 7 times ...Olrlando ,the Keys ,Marathon,St Petes ,Augustine .had some good times..hope you get things sorted out with your property ..

      big hello to everyone else.hope you have a good weekend ...

      the Penrose Triangle ...keep looking at it will scamble your mind .


      A woman was enjoying a good game of golf with her girlfriends. "Oh, no!" she suddenly exclaimed. "Look at the time! I have to rush home and fix dinner for my husband! He'll be so pissed if it's not ready on time." When she got home, she discovered all she had in the fridge was a wilted lettuce leaf, an egg - and a can of cat food.
      With no time to go to the supermarket, she opened the can of cat food, stirred in the egg, and garnished it with the lettuce leaf. She greeted her husband warmly when he came home, and then watched in horror as he sat down to his dinner.
      To her surprise, he seemed to be enjoying it "Darling, this is the best dinner you've made me in 40 years of marriage! You can make this for me any day?" Needless to say, every golf day from then on, the woman made her husband the same dish.
      She told her golf partners about it, and they were all horrified
      "You're going to kill him!" they exclaimed. Two months later, her husband died.
      The women were sitting around the clubhouse and one of them said, "You killed him "We told you that feeding him that cat food every week would do him in!
      "How can you just sit there so calmly knowing you murdered your husband?" The wife stoically replied, "I didn't kill him.
      He fell off the windowsill while he was licking his ass."
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Re: 8th October

        Good morning everyone. Just sipping my coffee, fed the cats, and reading for a bit before I get moving.

        With regard to the eminent domain issue: We live just outside of Orlando, very close to Disney. I'm not a theme park person, but I suppose if I had little kids it would be fun. We moved here to be close to my husband's brother. I live in a small community that has special zoning and we all have 5 acre lots. There have been many attempts to change our zoning by the government; can you imagine how much money could be made developing 5 acres near Disney? But with our zoning we can only have one house on each property. I was taking a master gardening class in the fall of 2021 because I wanted to learn about the plants and environment in Florida. It's so different than what I'm used to. I was planning an elaborate landscape of our property. Halfway through the class we were notified by the county that they were going to build a road through about a dozen of the 5 acre lots in my community. One man who stood to lose his house has lived in his house since 1983 and his wife, whom he takes care of, has dementia. Moving out of their home would kill her and probably him. My husband and I hired an attorney and eventually our community as a whole hired him to represent us. After much negotiating, everyone else's houses were saved but we are going to lose ours. We are at the end of the community and the road is going to be making a sweeping turn over our property before continuing on. So we first heard about this in the fall of 2021. My landscaping plans and all of our home improvement plans stopped. I haven't planted a single thing in my yard. It's hard to live in limbo for so long. It's been two years now of just waiting and we've probably got another year at a minimum to wait. I feel like my life is on hold yet I keep getting older.

        Lav I said we may be moving to your neck of the woods; we are looking from the Philadelphia area to Lancaster, preferably closer to Philly. I have grandkids in Maryland and Philly and my family is in NJ. I want to be close to good health care since we are getting older.

        Good morning TG, you sound like you stay busy too! I love that you feed the homeless and take care of your friend. I bet she really appreciated her lunch.

        Lav, are Bob and Dave your dogs? If I remember correctly you used to have a Bernese mountain dog, didn't you? Or at least a dog who looked like one. It still sounds like you've got the girls pecking around your yard.

        Porqoui I hope you have an easy day today, sounds like you've been incredibly busy!

        Wagmor, Hallelujah, what wonderful news and what a relief!

        Mick, always good for a laugh. I had to chuckle at the husband licking his arse!


          Re: 8th October

          Greetings friends,

          It was another one of those days where I was busy all day but not sure of what got done, haha!! At this point just keeping up with feeding & watering the animals in my zoo takes half a day.

          FlyAway, I don’t know if you’ve been looking at home prices up here lately but things have really gone up, big time. I hope you can find a comfortable spot close to your loved ones. My Swiss Mountain dog passed several years ago but I still have a beagle mix. Dave & Bob are cats (named after two of my brothers lol). I still have some chickens, not as many as I did in the past. Sorry you have been pushed into uprooting yourselves at this stage of life. From where we are now I think Christiana hospital in DE is closest to us, believe it or not. So many small local hospitals have been closed the past few years.

          Mick, sounds like Bonnie has quite an attitude for a rabbit haha! Sounds like a good decision to reschedule the vet appts. Apparently people don’t know how to drive in the rain, sad. I know you’ll enjoy the Coolpix, I have one around here somewhere, haven’t used it since my last trip to Europe so it’s an old one, takes great pics.

          Wags, glad you got good news about your pup
          I took that job at Blue Cross when I was burned out from hospital work. My job was to communicate with the hospitals, get updates on patient treatments & progress & put it all in the computer system. The system, not me would decide how many more days would be approved. I was so upset after a few ‘bad decisions’ (in my opinion) I left there & went right back to my old job. I can still hear the sobbing mother of a 4 yr old who had just had a tonsillectomy but was feverish & bleeding badly & no overnight stay would be approved. They were scared to take him home & I didn’t blame them. That’s just cruel business as far as I’m concerned. So I worked another 6 years at the hospital after that then retired for good!! Have a great weekend!

          PQ, you definitely deserve a peaceful weekend after this week, geez!
          I do have a lot of projects lined up to keep me busy this weekend. I also want to try to get my son or grandson over here to help me move furniture, roll up the old rug & get the new one in place. Wish me luck with that, haha! YB can’t help with that stuff yet.

          Hello to Slo & Pie.

          Have a nice night all!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: 8th October

            MAE ALL...YAY it's the weekend. No drama at work but a steady day that seemed to fly by. Great way to end a Friday! No event scheduled this weekend so no surprises come Monday.

            Wags…what great news. No kidding you were dancing. I consider today gentler and was glad it flew by.

            Mick…no rain today but boy there were big black clouds just blanketing the sky. Tonight, driving home, you could see the chinook arch form so hopefully it’s going to be a warm weekend. Good choice on rescheduling the vet. I will happily refund your tickets. LOL Nice camera, can hardly wait to see what you produce. I love that Bonnie launched Julie’s crocs. Were you able to convince her that it was the rabbit not you? I was mesmerized by the Penrose Triangle.

            Flyaway…feel free to shorten my name to PQ as I’ll probably shorten your name to Fly. LOL How disappointing about your landscaping/garden plans, I bet you were really excited to get going on it. I find it interesting that you and your husband initially hired the attorney and ended up being the only ones to lose your home. I definitely don’t think it’s fair that you keep getting older while your life is on hold.

            Lav…bribe your son or grandson with food, especially the one that eats you out of house and home when he comes to visit. I wish you luck with your furniture project.

            Pi…hope everything is continuing to be calm with the new rescue and that you hear something soon about the adoption.

            Slo…trying to remember what you were up to today, or even where you are. LOL Hope you had a good day.

            TG...hope you're taking time for you.

            Wishing everyone a restful evening…:smile:PPQP


              Re: 8th October

              I’m up way too early again; Wish I could sleep longer and be more rested. But, like Flyaway, this way I can sit for awhile before I get moving.
              My daughter D1 and the three little kids are coming for the day! We are going to go see the Paw Patrol movie.

              Welcome back, Flyaway! Another disillusioned Florida resident. That is just so frustrating about your property and home, and stuck in limbo like that too. Are they taking your entire 5 acres, I suppose? Regardless, I guess you wouldn’t want to live that close to a highway.

              PQ, quiet there without the accountant! Then you can get your work done peacefully. And no worries over the weekend this time either. Did your older son head off getting into depression?

              Wags, hopefully you can relax your brain some this weekend, with your pup! My lymph nodes are having some reactive swelling too this week, probably from babysitting sick Huxley.

              Where getting lots of rain here! I’m glad my grass, trees, & plantings are getting a good soaking before Winter hits. And I’m glad I’m not doing it by hand!

              TG, great solution for your elder! Very clever. Elders can lose their appetite and thirst signals, so don’t even think to go searching in the fridge for food.

              Mick, I guess you know to check the traffic before you go venturing into that big city for appointments! You saved yourself a lot of inconvenience. That Bonnie is spunky! Such a cute story.
              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                Re: 8th October

                Lav, when a 5-year-old daughter had a tonsillectomy, she was finally asleep in her hospital room after having surgery the previous day, which is exactly what I thought she needed for healing. But then, before dawn, the hospital staff woke us up and said our 23-hour stay was up, and we had to leave! She couldn’t even finish her night’s rest! So I had to stumble out to the parking ramp carrying her in the dark, and drive home. Madness!

                I have wasted my time this year going from one specialist to another for my knee & low back issues, waiting months in between until I can get in to see them. And they got nothing! Absolutely nothing. And insurance pays them handsomely. Meanwhile, more signs of nerve degeneration and arthritis and pain are setting in. So now I found an alternative pain specialist, who can diagnose exactly what’s going on, and work to fix some of it. I’m so thankful! It has cost $7000 -so far. I have kept my “good” post-divorce insurance because of my preexisting condition, instead of seeking cheaper insurance. So that is also costing me $1450 per month -yet it’s not really there for me when I need it.

                Ok, rant over. I hope everyone has a relaxing weekend!
                Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                  Re: 8th October

                  hiya all...well how are we today then?hope all is good today we have sun ,rain sun and rain....the rabbits are on elastic leads !!!!the same tomorrow as well too.I didnt do too much yesterday ...and to be honest with you I was bored out of my tree!!kept nodding off and feeling grumpy ..(and thats a mood ....not one of the dwarves!!!behave)so hope everyone is having a decent weekend .

                  hiya Fly excuse the shortened name ,but im running out of ink to write the away bit ......:biglaugh:how are you today then?hope all is well...fist time I went to Orlando was 1986,the last was 2018,so yes I have even as an irregular visitor see the Disney Empire swallow up large tracts of land where you are .different theme parks and worlds popping up.Do you get a say in the price ifvthey take it or is it like a compulsory purchase order?I would have thought it would have been better for them to review their current assets and upgrade ,to try and recoup some of the losses via covid...when it first reopened the park prices were inflated ,but now I see they are including meal deals parking cars etc to try and entice custom back.As for gardening ...oranges and grapefruits are the staple gardening things there?hope you have a nice weekend .

                  hiya Lav ,hows you then today? hope all is good ..yep Bonnie is certainly one stroppy rabbit ..but think the world of her ...and Argyl.Yes Im looking forward to getting camera should have been here today but not so ..I was looking at the price of bits and pieces for it light hood etc ,I looked on Amazon ,and then found the exact same things on Temu!!thats my new go to .Ive bought stuff for my railway there ...everything ..8 trees..?3.58.. same in model shop 10.99..If you remember when I left work I was the same ..I went to work at the birds of prey rescue ..Enjoy the furniture moving ..get some brush poles uner the things and roll them...

                  hiya ppqp..great minds ..I hadnt read your message re fly!!so its a quiet weekend for you ?you and the chinook? have a good weekend no matter what you do .

                  hiya slo ...did you sleep any better?hope so..Oh yes Bonnie is a star ..She cannot talk but can certainly express herself .Heres one for about wasting money..I did my back years and years ago,trying to rip a shrub out of the ground ..went to a chiro who told me I had a prolapsed disc.I went every couple of months for at least 10 years getting heat massage etc..then I was in agony ,and went to a sports physio instead as the chiro had packed up.Rick listened looked,and then checked it .He told me it wasnt a disc,and what I had done was twisted my femur ,and the muscle had pushed in that way .I lay on my back he pratted about a bit and pulled stretched etc ..then there was a massive shock like pain..I left that night walking normally wondering where the pain was ..the following week I ran up the track to the top of Mount Etna.Weight also does it ..I was 12st10 4 months ago...this morning I was 11st it is worth getting a second opinion.anyways ..woffle over ..hope you have a lovely weekend .

                  hiya pie wags teegee and everyone else..

                  I phoned my work this morning and said, "Sorry boss, I can't come in today, I have a wee cough."
                  He said, "You have a wee cough?"
                  I said, "Really? Cheers boss, see you next week!"

                  Last night, my friends and I went to a Ladies Night Club. One of the girls wanted to impress the rest of us, so she pulled out a ?10 note. When the male dancer came over to us, my friend licked the ?10 note and stuck it to his bum cheek! Not to be outdone, another friend pulls out a ?20 note. She called the guy back , licks the ?20 note, and sticks it to his other bum cheek. In another attempt to impress the rest of us, my third friend pulls out a ?50 note and calls the guy over, and licks the ?50 note. I'm worried about the way things are going, but fortunately, she just stuck it to one of his bum cheeks again. My relief was short-lived. Seeing the way things are going, the guy races over to me. Now everyone's attention is focused on me, and the guy is egging me on to try to top the ?50. My brain was churning as I reached for my wallet. What was I to do? The woman in me took over... I got out my ATM card, swiped it down the crack of his bum, grabbed the eighty quid and left!.

                  A wealthy Arab Sheikh was admitted to hospital for heart surgery, but prior to the surgery, the doctors needed to store his type of blood in case the need arose:
                  As the gentleman had a rare type of blood, it couldn't be found locally, so, the call went out. Finally a Scotsman was located who had a similar blood type. The Scot willingly donated his blood for the Arab.
                  After the surgery, the Arab sent the Scotsman in appreciation for giving his blood, a new BMW, 5 carats of diamonds, and $50,000 dollars.
                  A couple of days later, once again, the Arab had to go through a corrective surgery.
                  The hospital telephoned the Scotsman who was more than happy to donate more of his blood again.
                  After the second surgery, the Arab sent the Scotsman a thank-you card and a box of Black Magic chocolates.
                  The Scotsman was shocked that the Arab did not reciprocate his kind gesture as he had before.
                  He phoned the Arab and asked him. "I thought you would be generous again, that you would give me another BMW, diamonds and money ... but you only gave me a thank-you card and a box of chocolates."
                  To this the Arab replied. "Aye laddie, but I now have Scottish blood in ma veins."

                  I cooked a Sunday Roast for Lionel Richie today.
                  He asked once, twice, three times for gravy.

                  My parents were really poor.
                  On my 12th birthday they put half a cake with six candles up against a mirror.

                  I’ve just finished building a model of Mount Everest.
                  My mate asked “Is it to scale?”
                  “No, “It’s to look at”

                  The man who invented the automatic tennis serving machine, is celebrating his birthday today.
                  Many happy returns!
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    Re: 8th October

                    Hi all,

                    Woke up with a massive headache today, so I'm slow moving. Not doing much. We need a new mattress. I think that contributes a bit to my headaches. Hubby has woken up with a painful back the last several days.

                    Lav, yep, been looking at the home prices. I think they've gone up all over. Mine is almost double what we paid for it. Living in PA would be beneficial for us not only because of proximity to family, but also because hubby and I both get a federal pension and PA doesn't tax them. I can't imagine all that you saw and had to deal with in nursing and then dealing with the insurance companies. Good luck getting your rugs moved.

                    PQ, we were just happy that our neighbor who's lived in his home for 40 years didn't get kicked out. By the time that decision was made, hubby and I had made up our minds that we would move closer to family, so we were okay with the decision. The waiting is frustrating, however if we wait the county has to pay our moving costs and also any difference in our mortgage rate. I'm hoping to not have a mortgage, however, we currently have a super low rate and it would make me happy in an evil way if the county got stuck paying for that too! Lol Hooray for drama free Fridays and a laid back weekend!

                    Slo, we were told by someone from the county that we wouldn't want to live here while they were building the road. There is going to be a bridge because we have a creek behind our house and the road will be elevated. We'd be living under an overpass! But they are going to take the whole thing and who knows what they will do with whatever land remains after the road is built. I'm resigned to the idea of moving, just want to get on with it. I hope you have fun with the little ones seeing Paw Patrol!

                    Hiya Mick! How are you today? How many bunnies do you have? I've had some really good physiotherapists and massage therapists over the years. It's amazing what they can do.

                    Hello Wags and anyone else I may have missed. Really not feeling well so I'm signing off. Hope you all have a nice day.


                      Re: 8th October

                      Good evening friends,

                      Dark & damp all day with a bit of a chill too. The wood stove in the basement is now at work taking the edge off a bit. The heavier rain should be arriving very soon. I dangled a $20 bill in front of my grandson’s nose today haha. He’ll be here tomorrow at noon to help me move furniture & rugs. YB wanted to do it & I told him NO. He can barely walk as it is, geez.

                      FlyAway, sounds like PA is the choice for you! There’s a lot of building going on all around including 55+ communities so you should be able to find something you like. Sorry you have to wait so long for the wheels to turn.

                      Mick, how can you get bored so quickly? Ha ha!!! Most ‘normal people’ can take a day or two off now & again without going nuts
                      I haven’t purchased anything on Temu yet, maybe as the holidays get closer. I’m sure the teenager & I will get the job done tomorrow hopefully without scratching up the hardwood floors.

                      Slo, the cost of healthcare insurance is awful. Sorry you have to pay all that. We were fortunate to be covered by YB’s employer per their contract even after he retired. When it came time to go on Medicare the switch was easy & they are still covering the cost of the supplemental Blue Cross coverage. Hopefully you can work things out with your providers - payment plans possibly?
                      So you had experience with the infamous 23 hr unit too? I think it’s God awful what they do to people these days. Hang in there.:hug:

                      PQ, glad your workweek ended on a good note. I’ll most likely end up feeding the kid in addition to padding his pocket tomorrow haha. It’s all worth it to me. Have a great weekend!

                      Cyn & Pie, hello to both of you & hope you are well.

                      Time to put the chickens to bed. Have a nice night all!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

