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15th octomber

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    Re: 15th octomber

    hiya all how are we doing today then? welcome from the land of storm babbitt..yep its a proper one..wind is blowing a hooley and it hasnt stopped raining..playing with the camera last night,and this morning ...tooksome lovely pics of a robin last night and 3 crows in the rain this morning..bearing in mind I took them through the window theyturned out pretty good .

    hiya Wags how are you doing are right as most of us know ,a pet somewhere along the line becomes a member of the family...and it is immaterial what it is ..hope you arent as tired today mate ...

    hiya are you doing? poets day weekend not cleanig the new carpets ,but the bedroom,x3 hallstairs and landing .Glass arrived for the door today ...looks really should do at the price!just had notification the new suite will arriveon the 30th ,so the new doors will be in pretty soon after.I see folks are starting to wear masks over here again

    hiya Slo are you today then? hope all is good the popping thing helping you? sounds like it is...I love the new camera ...the photo of the robin did it for me .its a case of learning all about it now ..are you up to anything over the weekend?

    hiya Lav ,how are you today? hope all is good ..glad yb is feeling a bit better as is Dave the mad ..Same over here ,you get an email to check the meter settings man in a van no more...the camera is great ..its what I wanted to do all alnog ...but me being a tight ass thought I could do it on the cheap...and it cost me more ...I watched a bit more of the Wrexham prog last night ..that Rob and Ryan between them are worth about 200 million bux ...ha he says ..a mere drop in the ocean ...hope you have a good weekend

    hiya pie ,how are you feeling today then?hope the teeth are ok ..yep it is a bit weird as he asks for the torque wrench ...ok now that you have had it done Ill tell you mine teeth virtually went through stomach acid etc it degraded the teeth pretty bad the extent I could hardly eat solids ..Initially I had a plate made but that was a rip off and a waste of time I elected for implants ...painful? yes expensive yes ,but I can eat easily now with no worries .I ended up with the following : top set 12 implants ,bottom ..2 implants 4 crowns ,in the process I had 3 abscesses ,4 root canals ,and 142 injections in my mouth...was it worth it ? yes..though sometimes it felt not .
    have you noticed even in this day and age the politicians still send the minions and no disrespect meant to do their work ..they havent the balls courage or brains to do it person to person ..

    hiya teegee how are you doing? hope all is well with you..Alot over here are swearing masks again ...Julie s dad seems to be ok at the moment ...

    Fly how are you ? hows the kitten doing and also mil? hope there is improvement ..thinking of you ....

    right folks have a good weekend

    I bought the wife a pug dog yesterday, despite the squashed nose , bulging eyes and rolls of fat ...the dog seems to like her .
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Re: 15th octomber

      Good evening friends,

      We ended up with a pretty nice day, no rain though we may get some later tonight. The weather people seem a bit confused again.
      Tired this evening for no real reason maybe it’s the shorter daylight hours, I don’t know.

      Mick, hope the storm departs quickly. I just saw video on the news of a flooded town in Ireland, looked pretty bad.
      Sorry we can’t see your pics but I’m sure they’re good. I think our meter reading is all done electronically these days. No one contacts us in any way but we get a bill every month. I do get an email from the electric company weekly telling me I used __% less/more than the previous month. It’s weird.

      Wags, sorry to hear about your friend’s pet. You’re right, it is a blessing when they go quickly with little suffering.
      Sounds like you need a quiet & restful weekend. Hope you get just that!

      PQ, hope today was quiet at work for you. Don’t worry about the programmer, it’s job security for him/her to fix the software to your liking
      Ever since we moved here we’ve been dealing with electrical issues. A tree falls down on a nearby road, a car hits a pole, whatever & the clocks are all flashing. Trying to run around & get all the clocks reset with the correct time is useless, haha. We’re supposed to have high winds tomorrow so I’ll just wait a day or two.

      Slo, the toddler tantrums are the worst. I’d rather care for newborns where you can pretty much figure out why they’re crying & fix it right alway, Lol
      I’m looking forward to getting that knee sleeve to see if I can wake up with less knee pain. It’s one of those things that can’t do any damage, right?
      Has the therapist given you any special exercises to do after the popliteal release? It would make sense to keep it moving I think.

      FlyAway, thinking of you :hug:

      Cyn & Pie, thinking of you two as well.

      Have a nice night all, time to close up the chickens.
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: 15th octomber

        Mae all - just a quick pop in to say hello - I?ll read everything tomorrow morning when my eyes are actually working?
        Thinking of you all and sending good wishes?


          Re: 15th octomber

          MAE all - popping in for a quick sober hello. Ready for the weekend and will catch up with you all tomorrow.

          Take care everyone!


            Re: 15th octomber

            Good Saturday all! Looks like I missed a day.

            As of last night my mother in law may have turned the corner. Her numbers were looking a little better yesterday, but we'll see what today brings. My cat got to come home yesterday and I spent the night sleeping with her on a mattress on the floor of a room in my house. We must keep her jumping to a minimum so we removed the furniture, the bed frame, and box spring. Just a mattress and me and kitty. She gets medicine around the clock. She used the litter box at 3am and everything was good.

            Hiya Mick, love the photos! That longhorn photo reminds me of an old painting. Really beautiful.

            Tree-I think it's smart to wear a mask. I've had to fly a few times in the last couple of months and I always have a mask on. I don't care what people think either.

            Pie, oh no! I wonder if your poor doggies are upset by the new foster. I hope all settles down in that department. I'm ashamed to say it, but I pretty much stopped reading and watching the news. I get so upset thinking about the wars and global warming and just the overall hate that seems to be reported that I feel like it's bad for my mental health. I see the headlines, have the gist of what's going on, but I feel such despair about it all that I don't want to read the articles.

            Slo, the hardest thing about being a grandparent (at least in my case) is keeping my mouth shut! How old is Beckett? My oldest grandson had a lot of screaming fits and outbursts, has seen all kinds of therapists, etc. He's settling down now at nearly 14. I'm hoping things are changing.

            Hi PQ

            Wag, so sorry about your friend's dog, but really nice of you to be there with her. It's such a hard thing to do.


              Re: 15th octomber

              hiya all how are we doing?hope all is well ...apologies for the pics not turning out yesterday ,but it told me I was a guest and wasnt allowed to .today Im not a guest I dont think..We were quite fortunate with the storm ,a lot of places got battered ..Its been overcast today ,..the deer were in the field this morning so I was doing my jimmy the click with the cameraI will put all the pics on at the end .I went up to the dam and took some pics a friend of mine puts food out for the birds ..I sat for about an was peaceful.

              hiya Fly ,glad things are on the positive side for you ...hope things keep improving for you .I dont watch the news either so you arent on your own there ..hope all goes well for you

              hiya teegee ,,how are you ? hope all is good with you ...are the eyes working ?

              hiya Lav ...storm has gone ...yes it was a bit more than we thought..some of the roads down the bottom of the hill were flooded ..was going to go metal detecting tomorrow but nope it will be like going through the is yb doing ?hope all is well.

              big shout to everyone to follow .

              hiya wags ....a nice sober hello back ...have a good one mate .

              I have just done a post in total,and now it is telling me that I dont have permission to add pics???I have had to refresh and most of the post is missing .
              I have then just recovered the post and most of it is missing ..Im not being ignorant but I aint writing all that out again ....

              If there are any admin monitoring this ..can they have a look and see what is happening please ?





              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Re: 15th octomber





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                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Re: 15th octomber

                  Greetings friends,

                  We just got back from the Halloween party across the road. Couldn’t stay too long, the noise was incredible with a couple dozen kids (mostly boys) under the age of 12 Lol. It was nice to say hello to a few new neighbors though & they liked the batch of pumpkin spice snickerdoodles I made

                  Mick, your pics are` beautiful. Love the birds, such a variety that we `don’t have here. I think I’ve seen the same deer here though haha.
                  Glad you made it through the storm OK. Sorry for the folks dealing with floods though. Our neighbor’s house is up on a hill so walking up that driveway was a stretch for YB but he made it haha.

                  Fly, glad to hear your kitty & MIL are both improving. Hope you can relax a bit now. I hear some real cold weather is moving in here on Monday but we’ll see.

                  Wgas & Cyn, hello & hope both of you ladies had a good day!

                  Hello to PQ, Slo, Pie & everyone.

                  Have a nice night all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: 15th octomber

                    Hello on the weekend!

                    Sounds like a nice party, Lav! Especially for the kids. Clever to put pumpkin spice in your snickerdoodles! Consider the walk up the driveway to be physical therapy for YB.

                    Kitty has some recovering to do, Flyaway. Lucky she has you for TLC, and to passively control from jumping. Glad to hear MIL is recovering too. Does she live alone?

                    Just beautiful birds pics, Mick! Such colorful ones! Some are different from what we see around here.
                    The pug joke was funny.
                    At pain therapy, I also get laser treatments to my neck, very low back, and feet; e-stim to similar; traction to neck and knee; and a roller bed that works the whole spine.
                    Why were your teeth bathed in stomach acid?

                    Yesterday was my day with the daughters & grands! We had a sunny day at the pumpkin farm! It was so nice being outside, and getting all those cuddles. Cooper cuddles especially. That kid needs a haircut-even if he is only 8 months old! Young daughter says he looks like Jack Black. Beckett is 3 1/2 years old. He’s the oldest of the 5. He settled down and got happy once we found the corn sandbox (corn instead of sand) for him to play in. Relief!
                    Ex-HB got them all today for his Company Picnic. It was a cold & rainy day. Young Daughter fed me a line of bull and assured me that ex-HB’s girlfriend wouldn’t be there at the company picnic that we always put on, but there was her car right in his driveway. I knew she would be there, barring a conflict.
                    Don’t know why the girls can’t be honest.

                    Today I took a spectacular scenic drive -like a Fall Leaf Tour at peak color! -through rolling hills and farmland with dried cornfields, and a lake that reflected all the trees -to get to Young Daughter’s swim meet. Her college team travelled to this area to swim this weekend. And she slept over last night, and we had breakfast together this morning. Boyd (cat) loved seeing his girl!

                    I hope Wags, TG, & PQ are all getting the restorative weekends that they need. Although TG works weekends…
                    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                      Re: 15th octomber

                      Mae all - another quick post. I will write more hopefully tomorrow morning from my computer. I am annoyed at how messed up my posts are when I do them on my phone., so will try to do them from the computer.
                      Today was an interesting and emotional day - I went to the cinema to see the MET Opera simulcast (real-time from New York City) of an opera written by a friend of ours. Not only was the composer was a friend, but many of the cast members had worked with my husband, and the orchestra members, and of course there was the beautiful crimson of the theater where I was so privileged to be so many times. Emotional opera (Dead Man Walking), lots of memories. So tonight I am worn out. Going to try to have a good sleep tonight to be ready for an extra shift tomorrow- I took it on to help a young friend at work who is doing a big presentation tomorrow, he was so grateful -it was sweet.
                      So, nite nite, and best wishes to all?
                      I?ll read back and be able to address each one of you soon - -


                        Re: 15th octomber

                        Mick - fantastic pics, thanks for all that you are sharing here. Strange that you cannot always post them though - hope that gets solved soon!

                        Lav - sounds like a fun neighborhood halloween party. I'm sure your treats were very popular.

                        TG - what a moving experience that must have been to see the simulcast and have so many personal/emotional connections. Hope you got good rest before your extra shift tomorrow. That was a nice thing to do for your co-worker.

                        Slo - sounds like you have had some wonderful family time these past few days! How did your young daughter's swim team do?

                        Fly - glad to hear that your MIL and your kitty are both doing better. It sounds like you thought kitty's care needs through very carefully and I hope she continues to respond to your love and attention. And I hope you can take a deep breath that at least the acute most stressful part of this is behind you.

                        Really good couple of days in Wagland. I got two fantastic new students yesterday - one will be frequent intensive tutoring sessions for just the next 4 weeks, and the other is aiming to take her test in about 3 months, so we will have a more relaxed (by comparison) pace. I also got contacted by a small university in California, and they're interested in having me create and deliver a day-long seminar for pre-law students sometime next spring. I'll be chatting with them on Monday to learn more and assess whether it's an opportunity I want to pursue or not. Either way, it always feels amazing to be asked!

                        Today we got loads of projects done as we continue to transition our house and yard from summer into fall and eventually winter. Tomorrow I have 2 tutoring sessions but otherwise will have a good amount of time to relax, go for a walk, etc.

                        Hellos and waves to Pie, PQ, and anyone else I missed. Hope you're all having great weekends!
                        Last edited by wagmor; October 21, 2023, 11:53 PM.


                          I’m glad to hear YB is moving around better and even getting back to work with his Amish customers. That’s a positive sign! It’s unfortunate that the Amish community often faces challenges in accessing medical care, but it’s great that you’re providing helpful resources for diabetes management. It can make a big difference in their lives.

