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12th of November

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    12th of November

    Hey, we're finally back up & running, yay! It's 6:43 pm but who's counting anyway?
    it was sunny & appropriately chilly here so no complaining from me

    Wags, I saw your last post & am happy to hear your pup is doing OK. take the rest of the month off just to relax haha!!

    Cyn, the early shift is a real butt buster secondary only to the midnight shift, ugh. hope you never have to do that. A nap is definitely in order.

    Mick, you should be asleep by now, nice chatting with you today.

    PQ, hope your day was quiet & restful. Good luck getting your craft show finalized. Nice chatting with you as well.

    Fly, hope all is well in FL.

    Slo, hope your weekend visit with your friend went off as planned.

    who am I missing? Oh, Pie, hope all is well with you too!

    Have a peaceful night all!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    Re: 12th of November

    Mae all -
    Thanks for all the good wishes?
    I really don?t mind the long shifts at work, but switching between them is a bit of a trick. Saturday I did the 6 AM to 2PM, which was fine, but the next day the 2pm to 10 pm, so my head was spinning a bit. I hope when I have more seniority that I can just work that early shift? my mind is generally better earlier in the day. With the holidays coming in, the store is a bit of a madhouse. We?ll see how it goes!

    Lav, I am so glad to hear that you are back to your embroidery work. The world needs your beauty! I hope the pain YB was having diminishes. And hopefully life will get simplified by no feral cat moms or kittens around.

    Wags, so glad to hear that the pup turned out to be okay - what a relief! Best of luck finishing up your students.

    Mick, how are things in the camera world? And I hope you haven?t started any big projects at home (yet)? take a breather perhaps?

    SLO, Pie and PPQ sending best wishes for a good start to the week.


      Re: 12th of November

      Lav and TG - thanks for your positive thoughts for our pup. She is actually NOT ok, she just didn't need to be admitted as an emergency case. There is definitely something serious going on, but the ER vet said she was stable with good vital signs, so they thought we'd be fine just monitoring her at home and waiting for our appt with our regular vet this coming Tue. Best guesses by the vet, based only on symptoms and signs (I sent her a couple of videos), are something with her heart, something with her lungs, or a tumor in her chest or abdomen. I am worried, but I generally try to stay in the present moment rather than thinking about scary hypothetical scenarios, and I'm hoping it turns out to be something treatable or manageable with meds, diet and/or lifestyle. Our pup is not a candidate for any kind of surgery due to her megaesophagus condition - anesthesia isn't safe for her, so that won't really be an option.

      So we will eagerly accept any positive energy or thoughts any of you all can send our way.

      TG - switching from early shift to late shift would be hard for almost anyone I think, except maybe the youngsters. I worked grocery for a few years and the thing I remember most about holiday times was that we were so busy the shifts just flew by! I'm guessing you'll have at least some of that same benefit.

      Lav - glad you had sunshine even if it was cold.

      Hellos and waves PQ, Pie, Slo, Mick, Fly. Happy new weeks to everyone!


        Re: 12th of November

        Morning all at are we today then?hopefully all is good despite the site being down for the weekend.I have tried to find out how to contact the moderators ,but cant see a way to

        If any of the admin are looking in ,can you please havea look and see what went /is going wrong?I appreciate that you are volunteers etc ,but I am sure its as important to you as it is to us to keep the site running.

        Thank you muchly ...

        Back to today ..hammering down with rain..hasnt really stopped since yesterday ..went for a walk yesterday early doors ,a brisk 4 degrees !!and then the rains came .Shoulders are aching today so I am not doing a great deal,

        hiya are you doing today?I am sorry to hear about the pup...I know that feeling ...the on call vet opposed to the regular one ..Fingers crossed for you that she will be ok once you have seen your regular vet in person as opposed to the on call.Stay positive there may be an issue but her vital life signs are good so stay with that thought .

        hiya teegee ...lovely to "see " you ...they are regular shift hours ,,,there isnt a 10-6 is there? youll be doing nights soon.Camera world is doing good ..but the me being me needs to know the how of it working as opposed to the why if that makes reading up on it ..gets pretty confusing ,especially with so many people saying different things ...chatting to one guy who told me ..forget everything work it all out for yourself ..a whole new world of words ...f stops, continuous mode,raw files , iso , far as projects go more at present ,done what we wanted to do one is holiday mode ..

        hiya Lav ,how are you then? its your turn to be sleeping ...nice chatting over the weekend ..whats this sun stuff you are going on about??OI watched a really good documentary on the Amish people and modern technology asnd how they adapt to it they can have phonesas long as they dont connect to the internet etc ..same with computers ..really interesting ...then I found these

        thought I would send you this in case you ever got lost !!ha ha ..

        have a good one ...

        big hiya to everyone else ..
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Re: 12th of November

          MAE ALL...we continue to have mild conditions. Sunny and 11C/51F. It's really going to hurt when the snow starts up again. Real quiet here today, 1/2 the city is off and no school till Wednesday.

          Lav...nice chatting with you this weekend too. I wonder if this is going to be a regular occurrences, site down on the weekends. I think the weekend is the most important time to have the site available. Got everything sorted for the craft sale now hopefully everyone shows up.

          TG...switching between shifts would be hard. My mind is definitely better in the morning. Hope you can pick your shifts once you get more seniority.

          Wags...sorry to hear the pup is still not well. I think it's a good idea to stay in the present moment. Hopefully you'll get more information on Tuesday. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.

          Mick...I hope you are indeed doing not much today. Are you getting more rain than usual these days? Typical male, how does this work? Glad to hear the projects are done, now to concentrate on jollidays.

          Everyone should be back to work tomorrow, the peace was nice while it lasted. Busy week with our AGM on Thursday and then the Craft Sale Friday & Saturday.

          Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP


            Re: 12th of November

            Good evening friends,

            Decent enough of a day here, it was only 27 degrees this morning but it warmed up.
            I?m in the process of stitching lace ornaments - Mr & Mrs Gnomes

            Cyn, I know it?s not easy switching shifts but I always figured if it didn?t kill me it would make me stronger, Lol. I?m still much more functional during 2nd shift hours, that never left me . Hang in there & don?t forget the self care, it?s necessary to stay well.

            Wags, still have my fingers crossed for you pup. It?s so sad when they?re not themselves & can?t tell you what?s going on. Every time I hear about someone dealing with an unknown illness my mind naturally darts ahead to all the possibilities & what ifs, I get that. We?re all sending positive energy your way & will be here for you :hug:

            Mick, apparently you forgot to put your order in for some SUN . Sorry the rain is still with you, good time to rest those aching shoulders.
            I?m very familiar with that drive on Route 222 into Lancaster city. It takes you right to the central market in town where you can buy just about everything. We have the Chester county Stoltzfus gang here who are likely all related to the Lancaster county Stoltzfus gang, haha!! Extremely popular name around these parts. Good videos, thanks!

            PQ, Mick & I discussed how we are mostly able to communicate with one another on Messenger & also by text message so at least we have that. If we could actually contact the Admins here it would be helpful when the site goes offline.
            Hope yuor busy week goes well & the craft sale is a huge success.

            Pie, hello & hope yo are well.
            Slo, hello to you as well.
            Sam - where are you buddy?

            Have a nice night all!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: 12th of November

              Enjoyed a pajama day on this cool and rainy Monday. Didn?t even attempt to be productive. At this rate, I could be a member of Congress!

              Have any of you watched Take Care of Maya on Netflix? Thought-provoking for sure! Would be interested to hear your impressions.

              Best of luck at the veterinarian on Tuesday, Wags. Let us know how it goes.


                Re: 12th of November

                Hey the bottom of the page is a "contact us" button. I clicked on it and reposted your Admin request. I'll let you know if they message me back or hopefully they'll just address everyone on the thread.


                  Re: 12th of November

                  Lav...I just love your Mr & Mrs Gnomes!


                    Re: 12th of November

                    Pi...At this rate, I could be a member of Congress! :rotlf:


                      Re: 12th of November

                      mae all...well thats it another storm braved,,,Storm Debi .....tick ..what is it with giving them all names ..going down to see my friend tomorrow and go out for lunch..I am round about the weight I wanted to be so I can do that ...I went from 12st10 and now 11st 3 and I certainly havent starved ,,the air fryer played a big part in it ,as did no bread at all and portion control.Got it wrong ...just looked out of the window...its hammering down...

                      hiya ppqp are you doing today?cheers for sending that message ..I never saw the contact me ...there is nothing typical about me !!!yes you are right the weekends are important ..for me the site is important ..ok we can maintain contact between ourselves ,but the other part is is a focal point for others needing help or reassurance ,,,though not sure if there are many or indeed any atm. even you are getting sunshine???

                      and hows pajama pie? hope all is well...if you are on facebook ,have a look atmy post yesterday ..I wrote a verse about our political state ...what a crock we have got!!

                      hiya Wags ...hope all goes well today at the vets for you and the pup.

                      hiya Lav ...those gnomes are ace!!!!!well done you ..I found it really interesting about the Amish ,but between you and Trish you drive me mad with the place names ,Southport Chester Oxford Lancaster etc...the mayflower gang and the rest of the settlers certainly didnt have too much imagination leave somewhere ,land somewhere brand new to start afresh ...and call it the same name as the gaff you have left?It was interesting watching the vids of where you are ..hope you have a great day...

                      hiya Slo and Sam hope all is well.


                      Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field.
                      Why did the melon jump into the lake? It wanted to be a water-melon.
                      What did the duck say when it bought lipstick? “Put it on my bill.”
                      What do you call a pig that does karate? A pork chop.
                      What has a bed that you can’t sleep in? A river.
                      Why were the teacher’s eyes crossed? She couldn’t control her pupils.
                      What starts with E, ends with E, and has only 1 letter in it? An Envelope.
                      How does the ocean say hello? It waves.
                      What lights up a soccer stadium? A soccer match.
                      What creature is smarter than a talking parrot? A spelling bee.
                      Which U.S. state has the smallest soft drinks? Minnesota (as in, “mini-soda”).
                      Why couldn’t the leopard play hide and seek? Because he was always spotted.
                      Apparently, you can’t use “beef stew” as a password. It’s not stroganoff.
                      Why did the drum take a nap? It was beat.
                      Where do hamburgers go dancing? They go to the meat-ball.
                      Why did the tomato turn red? It saw the salad dressing.
                      Why shouldn’t you write with a broken pencil? Because it’s pointless.
                      What do you call two monkeys that share an Amazon account? Prime mates.
                      Why are teddy bears never hungry? Because they’re always stuffed!
                      Why did the tree go to the dentist? It needed a root canal.
                      If athletes get athlete’s foot, what do elves get? Mistle-toes.
                      Why couldn’t the pony sing? Because she was a little hoarse.
                      Where do cows go for entertainment? The mooooo-vies!
                      What do you call a pig that does karate? A pork chop.
                      How does NASA organize a party? They planet.
                      Why did Adele cross the road? To sing, “Hello from the other side!
                      What runs around a yard without actually moving? A fence.
                      What’s an astronaut’s favorite candy? A Mars bar.
                      Where do sheep go to get their hair cut? The baa-baa shop.
                      Why are there gates around cemeteries? Because people are dying to get in.
                      What do you get when you cross a snake with a pie? A pie-thon!
                      Why is Peter Pan always flying? He Neverlands.
                      What’s the most musical part of the chicken? The drumstick.

                      I told my girlfriend she drew her eyebrows too high. She seemed surprised.

                      What do you call a nose with no body? No body nose

                      A roman walks into a cafe holds up 2 fingers and gets 5 coffees. think about it ...go many of you did this ??? I did

                      What do you call a guy who’s really loud? Mike

                      3 unwritten rules of life . 1) 2) 3)

                      Q:what does a cloud wear under his raincoat ? A:Thunderwear.

                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        Re: 12th of November

                        PQ, :welldone:
                        Last edited by Pie; November 14, 2023, 08:12 AM.


                          Re: 12th of November

                          Hello everyone,

                          I had a great weekend visiting friends over the weekend. It’s a long drive (5+ hours each way), but otherwise very relaxing and enjoyable. I’m still proving to myself that I CAN socialize without booze!

                          Babysat Huxley yesterday, at my place because I didn’t get home in time on Sunday to get Boyd out of the pet motel, so needed to do that on Monday morning. It is too hard to have a toddler boy at my place! They wreak such destruction! I took down my decorations and put them up high in a laundry basket, but he still managed to grab at anything & everything, and he throws everything and nicks & dents & breaks things. It was bad when the other three grands visited too. It just isn’t for me. I’d rather have my home be my sanctuary rather than a place for toddlers to wreck.

                          Mick, the eyebrow riddle and the one below it are funny! Love the crystal clear photo of the orange-breasted bird too, and the bird in the impossibly blue water.

                          PQ, the craft fair is upon you! That means it is heading towards Christmas…

                          TG, I do hope they will leave you on the early shift soon, and let the young ones do the later shifts.
                          I was in Trader Joe’s today! I can go there now, even though it isn’t close, because my thrice-weekly regenerative pain clinic appointments take me far afield.

                          Lav, where is Penny re-homed to? That will be funny if she finds her way back. Is she being spayed as well?

                          Thank you for explaining, Wags, that it is important for your sobriety too that your beloved dog maintains her health for now. My daughter D2 is facing the possible impending loss of her dog, and she is just a mess over it, of course.

                          Nothing wrong with a day of rest, Pie! I don’t have Netflix.
                          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                            Re: 12th of November

                            Good evening friends,

                            Nice & sunny today, took a ride up into Lancaster County today (where the rest of the Amish live), Lol. There’s certain stores in that area we like to visit.
                            Still working on gnomes & other ornament things tonight.

                            Pie, glad to hear you had rain & cool air for a change, nice!
                            I’m getting news alerts that Congress got off their a$$es today & passed some bill to keep the government open for a while. I guess they’re expecting a lollipop or something now haha! I do have Netflix but honestly don’t watch much TV. I’ve heard of that show, I should look it up/

                            PQ, thanks for getting the message to admin - maybe we’ll get some answers. Hope your day was fantastic.

                            Mick, what on earth have you done to deserve all those storms? Bad Karma or what???
                            Congrats on the weight loss. I’ve dropped a pound each of the last 3 weeks - hope it continues for a while, Lol
                            Hope you enjoyed your lunch out & you wore your thunderwear haha!!

                            Slo, I put certain things away when my grandkids started reaching for stuff. I just can’t see yelling NO TOUCH. All day, it’s just easier to store the stuff away for a few years. The youngest was good for picking up ceramic items & throwing them at someone. He luckily grew out of that stage.
                            Penny was trapped overnight & YB took the trap with her in it & disappeared in the truck for a while. I don’t think there’s a chance of her finding her way back. I would have been willing to have her spayed but getting her into the vet (in the trap) presented a big hassle. I feel bad about her but I really have had enough with rescue animals. We now have 4 rescue cats & a rescue dog living in the house & I still need to find homes for the 4 kittens in the garage.

                            Cyn, hope your day went well.

                            Fly, hope you are OK.

                            Wags, waiting to hear from you & hoping your pup is OK :hug:

                            OK, have a nice night all!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: 12th of November

                              MAE ALL...cooler day today with a cold wind, but it was sunny. They're still golfing on some of the city courses. LOL We're supposed to get a bit of snow tomorrow afternoon but it won't amount to much. Things seem to be wrapped up at work. Was just working on the Ambassador descriptions for the volunteers. Tested out our commercial coffee maker and even though it still leaks I'll be able to use it. Annual checkup at the Doctors tomorrow, AGM Thursday night and then craft sale Fri night and Sat. It'll be a long couple of days but then it's all over with for another year.

                              Mick...I guess Debi wanted to stick around for a little while longer. Hope the weather improved for you with your day out plans. Nice job on the weight loss, keep it off so you can splurge on your joylidays. Haven't heard anything from the moderators but if they don't post on the thread I'll keep you updated.

                              Slo...glad you had an enjoyable weekend. You'll have to plan on babysitting at Huxley's house till you're done. You're right, your home should be your sanctuary. I can not believe it's Nov 14th already. I'll be on Christmas break soon.

                              Lav...I think the gnomes are going to be a winner. Boss has decided to have a staff Xmas party/dinner at the end of November. We have to give a naughty Santa gift max $20 so hopefully I'll find something at the sale this weekend. It's not a naughty gift, it's the game where you pick a present and then the next person can steal from you. Accountant said she wouldn't be able to come but got a gift anyways. Boss just looked at her sideways and said if you're not going to be here why would you get a gift. Really, what are supposed to do with it. She doesn't understand the concept.

                              TG, Wags, Pi...hope you all had a good day. Have a peaceful evening all....:smile:PPQP

