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19th Nov ...

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    19th Nov ...

    mae are we doing today?before you ask....yes its raining forecast says not ,the big fella says only started this morning ,dry but windy during the night ,and the light never came on ...which makes me think its definitely rain,,, now whether its an ingress of water into the join or what I dont know ...will find out tonight ..
    Its Julies dads birthday today ,she has just been to see him and is a bit upset ,but things are what they are ...Amy is on her way up ,,,she is leaving her car here and Im taking her to the airport ..They are off to Dubai to watch the formula 1 of Chris friends has something to do with the team.

    hiya Slo are you doing?hope all is well...watching paint dry that is boring ....try watching grass grow ...much more exciting ...I dont think you are a million miles away with building an ark!!!how are the aches and pains this weekend?

    hiya ppqp are you doing? hope all is well..yup up a ladder at 4 ...I forgot to mention wearing crocs too..So the probationer is useless?tbh ...for me that wouldnt matter..for me its the attitude ...and if he is willing to work without moaning the world owes him a living,then that would do for me ..its easier to show him what to do than have someone that does know what to do but has an arsey attitude ..Work on the EDIP principle ..explain the job ,demonstrate ,impersonate practice.hope you are having a good weekend?

    hiya Lav ,how are you doing ...whats this sun thing you are talking about?Im sure I recall seeing it in the past over here...used the new airfryer yesterday chips and mushy peas ..absolutely brilliant .Fish in one tray,chips in the other and then it synchronises the cooking times so that they are ready at the same time .So the grandsons were over? certainly growing up ...big jump from Thomas the tank to a Toyota Supra .

    Ive just lost a post it told me I didnt have permission to post ...Ive recovered half of it .

    hiya Wags is the pup..? glad you enjoyed your hike fir the conversation ..I totally get that !!!...

    right peeps Im offski..

    "Today, I asked my phone ?Siri, why am I still single?? and it activated the front camera."

    "Today on a drive, I decided to go visit my childhood home. I asked the people living there if I could come inside because I was feeling nostalgic, but they refused and slammed the door in my face. My parents are the worst."

    Why is it that if you donate a kidney, people love you. But if you donate five kidneys, they call the police.

    It's like donating blood. They always ask those stupid questions.... "Whose blood is it? Why is it in a bucket?" I stopped doing this.

    Dark humor is like food. Not everyone gets it.

    You don?t need a parachute to go skydiving. You need a parachute to go skydiving twice.

    My grief counselor died. He was so good, I don?t even care.

    "My senior relatives liked to tease me at weddings, saying things like, ?You?ll be next!? They stopped once I started doing the same to them at funerals."

    "I just read that someone in New York gets stabbed every 52 seconds. Poor guy."
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: 19th Nov ...

    Tuning in for the next episode of Mick Up a Ladder in the Rain Wearing Crocs! Just imagine the stories that Julie is telling.
    Mick, I did read your verse. Excellent word choice. Oh what a circus, indeed! Same clown car, different drivers.

    I?m off to a meet up of my car group at 1pm. Weather here is brilliant and I?m looking forward to a bit of socializing.

    Greetings to all!


      Re: 19th Nov ...

      Sunday evening greetings everyone

      We had this brilliant idea to go to Costco just minutes after it opened this morning. Took a while but finally found a parking spot. I don?t think I?ve ever seen it so crowded. Checking out was an experience too, the lines went all the way to the back of the store, geez. I don?t think I?ll attempt another shopping trip there until after the holidays are over, geez. Still mostly sunny here (sorry Mick) but we will be getting heavy rain Tuesday ahead of a cold front.
      Just found a kitten napping in one of the large flower pots we have stored away in the garage for the winter, haha. He looked a bit irritated I woke him up.IMG_6509.jpg

      Mick, sorry you?re still getting all the rain. I hope everything is OK with Julie?s Dad.
      Keep yourself busy but do it SAFELY, Lol I see the Admin commented on last week?s thread & left email addresses for us to contact them.

      Pie, glad you?re out & about on a nice day.

      Wags, saw your post about your dog, glad he?s going to be OK. I have to refresh my memory but isn?t giardia often found in puddles? I know my dogs will drink out of any puddle if I let them, yuck. I know how hard it is to communicate with someone who has dementia. There?s no picking up on previous talks & no remembering anything from previous visits. I guess the best you can do is talk about what?s on their lunch tray?..that sort of thing that doesn?t require any memory skills :hug:

      Hellos going out to Cyn, PQ, Slo & anyone I?m forgetting.

      Have a nice night all!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: 19th Nov ...

        Sunday evening greetings from me too!

        Lav, Costco was busy right off the bat when it opened?! I went grocery shopping for Thanksgiving food today too, and the grocery store was quite busy.
        Grocery shopping works out well for me because I can hold onto a cart, which gives me better stability for my mobility with the bothersome encroaching paralysis, and also lightens the load on my painful knee.

        Wags, my MIL always wanted to know “what was new” when she conversed with me, which made me feel put on the spot. And she was easily bored by what I had to share if it wasn’t interesting enough. I found it a relief once she had dementia, because I could share the same things over & over, and it was always “new”!

        It was a cold but sunny day here too. I love the sun!

        Pie, is the car group about antique and collector cars?

        Cute kitten, Lav! He has big ears.

        PQ, good thing the trained & trustworthy former facility worker stepped forward for tear down. It sounds like the event went off without a hitch, thanks to your careful planning!

        Mick; the “you’ll be next” joke: that’s a good comeback for a young woman who is constantly hounded about getting married!

        Tomorrow is Huxley day, and that will be the last long day that I will be scheduled to push my painful body through chasing around a little boy!

        Starting today I have increased the wearing time on my foot orthotics to the point where I can wear them full time now! Very grateful…
        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


          Re: 19th Nov ...

          mae all...5.30am ...couldnt sleep so just got up actual fact been awake since 4 ..and yes its even raining now,,.Amy just texted .they have landed ok in Dubai,they got an upgrade on Emirates flight .7 hour flight my day has started .2nd brew on the go already.

          hiya Slo are you today then?hope all is of luck with the Huxley day....I know it isnt funny re the conversations ...but I know exactly that ..and its the same with tv could put the same programme on a loop..hope your day goes ok

          hiya pie ...the next episode ..well that was last night ...just before I took Amy to the airport ...I put the ladder up the wall ..thinking Ill unscrew it all ...It was dark and raining ..Now I dont have working clothes ...I drive ,work do whatever in whatever Im wearing I was ready to go to the airport ..tshirt tracksuit bottoms ...climbed ladder unscrewed light connector ..but light wouldnt come off is wired into a junction box higher up the wall..At the same time the gutter overflow decides to empty itself on my head Im up a ladder balancing on the top rung with a light unscrewed but wont come off ,p.ssed wet through had glasses on which were useless .so after a few choice words light was screwed back into the holder ,I got changed and off on my merry way ...sounds good?? ok think of the lights purpose ...yep to detect intruders ..and what did I do? left the ladder on the wall for them ..the next episode to replace light .
          hope you had a good car group meeting ..

          hiya Lav ..Air fryer used again ..brilliant ..the pic of the cat looks ace ...As for costco ..I usually get my fuel from there works out about 10p a litre cheaper ..but sometimes you have to balance the length of q versus the cost saving ..You are right...dementia conversation is based on current and mostly visual conversation is so so sad.Yes I saw the message the moderator left the moderator ..thank you for that ...and btw I had a conversation with Jackie Claire last week and she sends you her best ..

          hiya Wags hows the pup?

          hope everyone else is ok ...

          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Re: 19th Nov ...

            Good evening friends,

            Sun has turned to clouds as the cold front moves in bringing rain for tomorrow. I’ll just hang out in my shop making stuff & probably make a pot of soup too, my two favorite things

            Slo, hope your day went well without a lot of toddler hassle. I remember how long & tiring those days were.
            I really wonder who fathered those kittens. He must have big ears too haha. I tested them with some whole dried cat food today & yep their little teeth crunched away without problem. I had been soaking. The dried food in hot water & making a mush for them but I think they’ve grown past that stage. I was also mixing in some canned kitten food for extra flavor which them seem to love. Glad. You’ve made good progress with your orthotics so yuo can keep going strong

            Mick, have you thought about hiring someone to manage that light for you? No way would I go up a ladder these days.
            The gas was pretty ‘cheap’ at Costco but like you said the line was way too long so we skipped that. I am just not a fan of crowded places, especially since the pandemic made. Us all a little paranoid about that. We actually did buy stuff from Costco online during the height of the pandemic.
            I air fried zucchini last night - 12 minutes & it was delicious. Glad you like yours too.

            Hellos going out to Cyn, PQ, Wags, Pie & everyone.

            Have a nice night guys,
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: 19th Nov ...

              MAE ALL...had full intentions of posting yesterday but apparently forgot. LOL Boss asked how tired I was this morning and I said I'm exhausted so I'll be leaving right after my hall viewing appointment at 2pm, he said sure. Another renter phoned and asked if he could come see the hall today. I told him if he was here at 2:30 that would work. My 1 o'clock viewing thought they were in at 2 so when I phoned them at 1:30 they asked if they could come at 3 and I said no, I'll be leaving at that time. They said they could be here in 15 minutes so I said ok. At quarter to 3 my 2:30 appointment still hadn't showed up so the boss said just go, he'd look after them. Other than that the day did go by fast.

     crocs!!! I just laughed when you told Pi you had left the ladder up against the house. Did you get the light replaced? Boss asked about the probationer and I told him that if former staff member wasn't here I would have stayed. I did mention your comments about better than willing to work without moaning the world owes him a living. I do think the boss did a lousy job of explaining the work expectations but after 3 months he should know how to take down and event. Loved Siri activating the front facing camera. LOL Another early start for you, hope you got a good sleep.

              Pi...hope you had a good time with your car group.

     was your last scheduled Huxley day? It doesn't matter how little I'm buying at the grocery store, I always use a cart. I just feel more stable with it. Glad your orthotics are working out for you.

     the kitten pic. I would find it hard to rehome him but wouldn't be able to keep all 4, any luck on that front yet? I am not a Costco shopper but one of the childcare directors is. She said during covid the check out line wound it's way to the back of the store and even though the separation rule is over people are still lining up that way. She just casually walks over to the self checkout and leaves. LOL

              Shout out to the rest of the gang. Going to make some perogies and then head to bed. Have a restful night all...:smile:PPQP

              X-Post Lav...waves.
              Last edited by porqoui; November 20, 2023, 06:33 PM.


                Re: 19th Nov ...

                MAE everyone,

                Seems like folks are doing ok for the most part. I need to start posting in the morning. By the time I have a chance to check in here in the evening, I'm usually pretty wiped out. I'm going to just post hellos and waves to you all right now and I'll put a reminder in my calendar to post tomorrow morning. I should have much more mental energy at that time of day.

                Hope your weeks are off to great starts!


                  Re: 19th Nov ...

                  hiya all how are we today then? hope all is well..guess what rain ...just been on the internet to the lady in Ottowa about the camera ...she is pretty clued up on it ..She runs world wide sessions for folk like me ...well there aint many as dumb as me !!but you know what I mean ..hopefully thats the end of the wet weather for a wee while for us ..

                  hiya wags how are you doing? hows the pup doing? you are 5 hours behind uk time too I guess posting hellos and waves? heres one back....


                  hiya ppqp ...hows you then? hope all is well ..nope light not repaired yet ..its not a repair job ...but replace ..its disconnected now ...without being zapped I hasten to add...early to bed last night ..I was wiped out ..but today full of the joys of Spring ...bit of a bummer seeing its autumn..good for you re the rentors ...put your foot down with a firm hand ..anyways hope you have a good day its about 10.40 am in your world ..

                  hiya Lav ,how are you doing ...hope all is good ..Nah Ill sort the light out myself ..Im not a fan of crowded places ..never have been ..I prefer the quiet Yep the airfryer is a real winner ...Chicken chips and salad last night ....Julie thinks Im mad ..even with salad I put pickled red cabbage in it ...I love it ..First place I ever tasted it was in East Berlin before he wall came down. ..hows the feline family doing?

                  hiya are you doing ? hope all is well at Trader Joes ...

                  Sam where are you mate ?hope all is well..

                  I've decided to release a Christmas record called "Duvet know it's Christmas"
                  It's a cover version.

                  I was in Walmart the other day and I saw a TV made totally from pasta , I said to the manger " what's that ? " And he said " it's a tagliatelle " ��

                  Son: “Dad, did you get the results of the DNA test back?”

                  Dad: “Call me George.”1
                  What is the worst combination of illnesses?

                  "My husband and I have reached the difficult decision that we do not want children. If anybody does, please just send me your contact details and we can drop them off tomorrow."

                  If you were born in September, it's pretty safe to assume that your parents started their new year with a bang.

                  "I was drinking a martini and the waitress screamed “does anyone know CPR?” I yelled, “I know the entire alphabet” and we all laughed and laughed. Well, except for one person."

                  "I visited my new friend in his apartment. He told me to make myself at home. So I threw him out. I hate having visitors."

                  "As I get older, I remember all the people I lost along the way. Maybe my budding career as a tour guide was not the right choice."

                  "My girlfriend dumped me, so I stole her wheelchair. Guess who came crawling back?"

                  "I'll never forget my Grandfather’s last words to me just before he died. "Are you still holding the ladder?""

                  I remember the last words my grandfather told me right before he kicked the bucket. He said "Wanna see how far I can kick this bucket?"

                  Wife: “I want another baby.”

                  Husband: “That’s a relief, I also really don’t like this one.”

                  Husband should have said "but you already ate two!"

                  Priest: “Do you have any last requests?”

                  Murderer sitting in the electric chair: “Yes. Can you please hold my hand?”

                  Why are cigarettes good for the environment?

                  They kill people.

                  A man walks into an enchanted forest and tries to cut down a talking tree. "You can't cut me down," the tree exclaims, "I'm a talking tree!" The man responds, "You may be a talking tree, but you will dialogue."

                  Option 1: Let’s eat grandma.

                  Option 2: Let’s eat, grandma.

                  There you have it. Proof that punctuation saves lives.

                  When is snot not snot? When it's not.

                  Why does a mermaid wear seashells?

                  Because she outgrew her B-shells!
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    Re: 19th Nov ...

                    Good afternoon,

                    The mix of pumpkins and Christmas decorations is going on here. People have to get their outdoor Christmas lights up early here before they’re dealing with ice and frozen ground.
                    It was a cold and rainy day here.

                    My Huxley day was fine. I took him to a restaurant and got good, hearty food into him -not their vegetarian, no sugar, mostly fruits & vegetables stuff. D2 will say, “He likes carbs” with a frown on her face -like as if that’s a bad thing! Carbs are energy; which is what he needs, to be able to grow and play!
                    Then he fell asleep for a long early nap, so I dozed a little too. Then we spent some time at a children’s play place. Luckily I could sit some there, and make it through that way. He had a good poop, and played cheerfully at home so I could get their house vacuumed. Son-in-law looked peeved that I was lying on the couch watching my show when he got home. I look physically normal on the outside, but I am not; and they just don’t understand that. The other daughter D1 certainly doesn’t. I haven’t even spoken to her yet since the “incidents” at her house involving childcare, and her finding me deficient. So I’m glad that I am done trying to push my compromised body through all this childcare and doing other people’s dishes & laundry, vacuuming & sweeping.

                    That’s a nice wave you gave Wags, Mick!
                    I was up at 4:00 am too, thanks to a cat constantly whining and nipping at me because he wants to be fed.
                    I loved the last request in the electric chair: “Please hold my hand!” Ha!

                    Did you make soup, Lav? Good news that the kittens have good teeth now! Huxley too has a nice set of teeth now, and can eat lots of different things now.
                    Like I can bring him a chocolate chip cookie, or make him a sandwich on thin bread.

                    PQ, do you mean that you boiled up some frozen pierogies? Good to hear you are being careful to compensate some for working extra on Friday and Saturday; pacing yourself so you don’t end up getting sick.

                    Hi to Wags, Pie, TG and all!
                    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                      Re: 19th Nov ...

                      Good evening friends,

                      The cold rain has arrived as promised. YB is out at a crew dinner with his old firehouse buddies in our old hometown. Took him more than 1 1/2 hrs to get there due to the weather. The trip home will likely be worse

                      Slo, glad your Huxley day went well. Why on earth would anyone withhold carbs from a kid? Does that mean no bread or cereal or birthday cakes??
                      My 3 grandkids all have their likes & dislikes but I did try to accommodate them all. As far as invisible ‘boo-boos’ go, I understand certain people just don’t get the whole picture. My Dad & brother both had severe PVD & couldn’t walk without pain. I understood the situation but it took me years to convince YB that YES they were in severe pain. I’ve decided some people are just unwilling to open their minds.
                      I never did get to the soup today but I did bake. Up a double batch of banana nut muffins (no white sugar, sweetened with maple syrup). Forced myself to put half of them in the freezer, Lol

                      Mick, we got your rain, you’re welcome
                      I’m another cabbage lover, red or green, pickled or not. Cabbage was a staple of my childhood. I even stuff pierogie (no S). Pierogie is plural!!!
                      My German granny made good pickled red cabbage too. The cat herd is just fine although they missed getting outside once the rain started. The kittens are still happy, still hoping someone will take one or two soon. I just can’t keep anymore cats!

                      Wags, hope your day was good!

                      PQ, I’m enjoying the kittens but not getting attached if you know what I mean.
                      The self checkout lines were long at Costco too haha!!! It was just massively overcrowded Sunday morning. Glad to hear the boss stepped up to help out with the future renters. Make him do that more often Lol

                      Hello to Cyn, hope all is well. Hello to Pie as well.
                      Sam, we’re missing your voice here.
                      Fly, how are you?

                      OK, have a nice night all!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: 19th Nov ...

                        MAE ALL...we continue to experience warm mild weather, sorry Mick. It's currently 15C/59F and pitch black out there. LOL Our Zoom meeting with the new software company went well, I'm feeling more confident that things will get done.

                        Wags...waves and hi back. I tried posting in the morning for awhile, then would post just before leaving work. I've been so busy that hasn't happened for awhile. So, when I get home posting is the first thing I do before anything else or it won't happen.

                        Mick...WHAT! NO RAIN? Are you sure you're at home? I hope the dry weather continues for you. Good job not getting zapped. LOL I managed a good sleep last night so today went much easier. We're supposed to get some snow tomorrow afternoon but then the temps are on the raise again. I hope winter doesn't start in May!

                        Slo...what's with the son-in-law. Geeze, anything you do should be appreciated. Glad you're done with all the childcare. Yup, just boiled up some frozen perogie, actually got my son to do it. Haha I was pretty exhausted yesterday, got to remember I'm not a young chicken anymore.

                        Lav...who knew perogie is plural! Thanks for the spelling lesson. LOL Sounds like it's just as well you didn't go with YB this time. Is it your Thanksgiving weekend? Quite frankly if I never go into another Costco I'm fine with that. Just end up spending way more than I wanted to. I know what you mean about not getting attached to the kittens. Hope you get things sorted with them soon.

                        Just heating up some New England Clam Chowder for supper then hitting the sack.

                        Shout out to TG, Pie, Sam, Fly. Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP


                          Re: 19th Nov ...

                          Oops, I was so tired when I was posting last night, that by the time I finished my short post I'd already forgotten to put a reminder in my calendar for this morning!

                          I just went and put a reminder there for tomorrow morning so we'll see how that works. By the time evening rolls around my brain is just done for the day a lot of the time. This week is a bit hectic trying to get all of my teaching for a regular 5 days into just 3 days.

                          Hope you all are doing well and I'll try again tomorrow!


                            Re: 19th Nov ...

                            hiya all ,how are we doing today? hope all is well.Im pleased to say the weather is back to normal again ...rain..I was worried I might get sun stroke ....very windy today..Up the ladder saga today ...its really windy ,so I put the ladder against the wall to measure where and length of cabling to put in ..I asked Julie to hold the ladder its a 3 piece ally ladder ,Im about 30ft in the air ..complete with crocs and shorts you do in the rain,so yes there is a purpose to asking her to hold the ladder ...mebbes I should have explained ...I cannot see her holding the ladder one handed with a cup of coffee in the other being an effective safety measure .
                            Anyway job done ...then moved on to next one ...yep a little shelf in the front room is definitely finished now.

                            hiya Slo are you doing? hope you are doing ok..glad you had a good a Huxley day.

                            hiya Lav ,how are you today? hope all is good we didnt trade weather ...Ive still got the rain ..So you like Rot Kohl too? has anyone shown any interest in the kittens at all?Im going to make some soup today ..leek and lentil ..and any other veg lying around ...Hows yb doing?

                            hiya are you today in your nice mild weather? hope all is well.Clam chowder ...a nice thick mix..hope you have a pain free day at work today....

                            hiya wags are you doing today? hope all is well and you arent so tired ...hows the pup.....take care ..

                            hope everyone else is doing good ...Im nipping out the rain has stopped ...but no sun ...

                            take care all..
                            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                              Re: 19th Nov ...

                              MAE ALL…it looks like the new software company we were working with for the childcare programs isn’t going to work out. Both boss and I are a little disappointed with what they’ve come up with so far. Boss said he was going to look at something else and not to worry about finishing what I was doing. That’s a relief as I was starting to get stressed over it.

                              Wags…so did you set your alarm? Did you remember what it was for when it went off this morning? LOL

                              Mick…our weather is back to normal today too. It started snowing about 10am and hasn’t quit. We’re sitting around 0 so it does fluctuate between rain and snow. Supposed to last all night but hopefully there won’t be much accumulation. Julies probably thinking the same thing about you up a 30ft later in crocs and rain. Glad the job is done. So, the shelf finishes the front room? We shall see, it’s early days.

                              Shout out to Lav, Pi, Slo and Sam. Thant’s all I got so have a good night all…:smile:PPQP

