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26th Nov.

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    26th Nov.

    hiya all ,,,,how are we doing today then? hope all is well..Very cold here this morning ..mind you it is still a wee bit early ...Ive been up since 5.Frosty morning ...but yep thanks to the new light I can see it ...At least we have no rain.

    hiya Lav ,how are you? hope all is ok ..glad it all went off with no dramas .Yep Julies dad sleeps a lot ,but he also gets phases where his blood sugar goes through the roof ..yesterday was one such ..I think its supposed to be about 5 ...his was 14.6 which obviously knocks him about .Now we know his diet in respect of sugars is controlled up there and he doesnt get sweets biscuits etc ..and yet the spike appears from somewhere...
    We have a German markt on here today ...perhaps I may wander down for a schintzel,or a currywurst, bratwurst ,or a jaegerschnitzel mit pommes und senf .. drool.......4

    A big hello to everyone else...hope this is the start of a good week for yall.

    and finally .....

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: 26th Nov.

    Greetings friends!

    Sunny Sunday afternoon in the 60s. Christmas decorations up; no injuries to report.


      Re: 26th Nov.

      MAE ALL…just been out to pick up a prescription, some groceries and a Secret Santa present. The shops are crazy with people and it’s only going to get worse.

      Wags…sorry to hear about your Dad, mine did a lot of sleeping too. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with everything all by yourself, being a single parent, I understand how overwhelming things can get. Don’t worry about posting every day, just take care of yourself. We know what you’re dealing with, and you know we’re here whenever you need us.

      Mick…we’ve been sitting around 3 degrees here as well. Some days are sunny, some cloudy, but no snow in the near future. I’m so impressed with your pics, you’re doing great. You’re going to have to start entering them in some photo contests. Glad the ladders have been put away. The thought of being a poet is the farthest thing from my mind. LOL Thanks for sharing the rest of the dropped torch story and didn’t leave us hanging. LOL Glad you’re rain free today. I’m glad Julie’s Dad is where he is and they can keep an eye on the blood sugar spikes. A load off of Julies. Did you head down to the German market?

      Lav…so glad you had a good Thanksgiving, drama free. Our overnight lows are the same as yours. My weekend has been very relaxing, reading when I want, eating when I want and “I should” thoughts. LOL Even the running around this morning was stress free.

      Pi…nice job getting the Christmas decorations up with no injuries. You should give Mick some pointers, but then again, we’d miss out on the adventures. LOL

      Waves to the rest of the gang and hoping you’re having a good Sunday….:smile:PPQP


        Re: 26th Nov.

        Greetings on this Sunday evening,

        Frosty morning here as well but then it warmed up enough for some light rain later. Not looking forward to those icy walks to the chicken house in the mornings. Son & grandsons stopped by today so I could hand over birthday gift cards. The boys were pleased with their embroidered sweatshirts.I now have designs for a red Miata & a red Toyota Supra if anyone happens to need them Lol

        Mick, our nights have been dropping below freezing, it was 25 degrees here again this morning.
        There’s a lot of things that can cause blood sugar spikes, even some medications. I hope they get it figured out for Julie’s Dad quickly.
        Guess I better get my order in for chicken & kittens drawings haha!!

        Pie, enjoy that nice weather, wow! I will not start thinking about Christmas decorations until the craft fair next weekend is over.

        Pie, glad you are snow free & can get out & about easily. A good stress free weekend is exactly what the doctor ordered

        Wags, thinking of you :hug:.
        I was the only child caring for my parents for over a decade. My 3 brothers wouldn’t even come visit them (granted one lives on the west coast). It’s a hard job for sure.

        Hello to Cyn, Fly & Slo. Hope everyone is OK.

        Have a nice night all!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: 26th Nov.

          We started the day with snow today!

          I haven’t any stamina either. I just don’t anymore.
          But, I always tank badly on Sundays, and I always tank very badly on the day before the full moon, so today is a double whammy!

          PQ, hope you are pretty much over the stupid cold that your stupid son gave you! Thankfully I haven’t been sick with a head cold in a long while, knock on wood. I hate them; don’t roll well at all with them.

          So sad about that woman’s stroke, Lav. And right in the middle of a funeral! How is she doing?
          Aw, that’s nice that you could have some time with the guys today without daughter-in-law, doling out presents. Did you embroider a fire truck on a sweatshirt for your son for his birthday?!

          Wags, no worries about replying individually to people. There are no rules to how one wants to or how one is able to post.

          Good job on getting Christmas going, Pie. I’ll switch over to some Christmas decorations in a few days.

          Mick, it looks like you had some success with “depth of the field” photography technique; with making the background recede while the church stands out.

          It will be early to bed again tonight.
          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


            Re: 26th Nov.

            hiya are we doing? just back from the dentist ....a smiley sticker for being good ...this is just a brief note ..Im off to pick Amy up from the airport ..they are flying in from Dubai.took Julies dad out yesterday ...I can honestly say it is heartbreaking ....we wheeled him around ,and he enjoyed it ...but as I wrote in that poem his time is that particular moment fades away so so fast ..he enjoyed it but today he wont remember a thing ...I recall him as the person he was ...I need to accept and change my thinking to the person he is...
            Dry here today ,but very cold ...we have got snow forecast this week..Quick cup of tea and then Im offski to the airport 22 miles but my bet is at this time of day it will take me over 90 minutes easy ....
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Re: 26th Nov.

              Good evening friends,

              Feeling very chilly here with true arctic air moving in, Brrrrr!!! Supposedly we may see some snowflakes Tuesday afternoon.
              Trying to devote this week to gathering all my stuff together for the craft fair coming up. Paypal discontinued their card readers recently (for taking credit card payments). I went ahead & got a Square reader a few months ago but haven’t figured out how to use it yet. This should be fun haha.

              Mick, hope your drive to the airport wasn’t too bad.
              Keep those memories of Julie’s Dad fresh in your mind. What he’s going thru right now is truly sad & there’s just nothing much we can do but keep them safe & as comfortable as possible.

              Slo, did you get a good amount of snow? It’s OK if you don’t have to go anywhere, right?
              Well the story about the stroke has changed a few times. My daughter said her brother-in-law is not a good communicator & has been telling different people different things. Currently the story is that she became ill on the trip to the funeral, they never made it there. After a CT & MRI they have determined she did not have a stroke after all. A Cardiologist was called in to assess her heart rate dropping to 32. They did an Echocardiogram yesterday but no one had the results yet AND they actually sent her home today - believe it or not!!! What the hell is wrong with our medical system these days? I’m waiting to hear more from my daughter tonight. This is such a shame. My son has an entire wardrobe full of fire company gear - he doesn’t want my embroidery haha! I’m just glad the boys liked their sweatshirts.

              Hello to PQ, Cyn, Pie, Fly & everyone.
              Have a nice night all.

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: 26th Nov.

                hiya are we today then?hope all is well with you. P icked Amy and Chris up last night ..they had a ball..I knew they had friends out there ...but didnt realise that one of them is the track manager for the race track in Abu Dhabi...they stayed with him and were treated like royalty ...they met all the top racing drivers etc ..Not really my thing ,but if you are into that its a buzz.they also rode around in the safety car.
                Its dry here today ,but the widows outside are a real mess it looks like a sandstorm has hit them cars the van everything is covered in dust.Im at a funeral tomorrow ,so I need to give my shoes a bit of a shine ..
                I had a real downer on yesterday ,and believe me it took some effort to kick it out

                hiya Lav ,how are you doing? hope all is well..Our medical system is similar ,its a juggling of resources ,experience everything ...ours semms to suffer at the moment with a lack of experience as well as trained staff.When Amy was in hospital a couple of months back it was the mere fact the she is very good friends with a senior consultant who happened to be there when she was rushed in that saved the day ..she went against the decisions of junior doctors ,and her and a friend who she called reassessed the situation and to be fair got it right .
                Ha ha wait till your sons house in years to come ...I had a loft full of prison gear army gear and Im sure Bill had sheriffs gear ...for some reason we squirrel stuff away ...and then think what the hell have I got that for ..
                Glad the embroidery business is doing good ..

                hiya everyone else ....hope all is good..take care and have a good week
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Re: 26th Nov.




                  Last edited by Mick; November 28, 2023, 01:30 PM.
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    Re: 26th Nov.

                    Good evening folks,

                    Below freezing here with wind chills in the teens, oh boy! The cats & dog don’t want to stay out. Even the chickens gave up & went in their house way before dark haha. Keeping out of trouble just trying to get chores done & packing up stuff for the craft fair. Our grandson turned 15 today, I’m just blown away & feeling a tad bit older haha. He’s the reason I finally worked up the nerve to quit drinking for good. Took me a few months to go completely AF but I got the job done & quit smoking a few months later. I’m darn sure my health would be 100% down the tubes now if I hadn’t quit my bad habits. So I remain grateful for his arrival, just at the right time.

                    Mick, glad to hear Amy had such a good trip! It’s good to know people in high places. I’m sure most doctors hate to see us (with medical backgrounds) coming, LOL. We know who we can trust & we know who to question. You can’t assume all doctors know everything because they don’t. Good for Amy for standing up for herself. There’s not much around here from the old police department but i know he’s saved a few of his guns, ugh & still goes to the pistol range to re-qualify every year or two. I imagine our son’s house will fill up with the boy’s stuff too haha.

                    Hello to PQ, Cyn, Pie, Slo & Fly. Hope everyone is OK & staying warm. I heard there was a brief snow shower today back where we used to live but not a flake fell down this way &that’s OK with me.

                    Have a good night all!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: 26th Nov.

                      MAE Sunday took a turn for the worse later in the afternoon. Started getting severe stomach cramps. The clinic Dr. figured it was something I ate and that my body was trying to get rid of it. Said if it didn't pass is 24 hrs to go to emergency. Not much sleep Sunday night (it felt like I was in labour) and I didn't go into work yesterday. What ever it was finally passed around noon and all the cramps stopped. Slept most of the afternoon. Things are winding down at work with most of my programs ending this week. I think we all need a break.

                      Mick...sorry you had a real downer yesterday, glad you were finally able to kick it out. Sounds like Amy & Chris had a great time. Whenever I hear of a funeral I always think of you and your shoe shine. Thanks for the pics, keep up the good work.

                      Lav...thought of you when I heard the news about the provincial government recognizing LPN's and allowing them to open their own clinics. They won't be paid on a per patient visit but some type of salary, yet to be determined. I think they've decided it's cheaper to fund a LPN as opposed to a Dr. Wishing you luck with your sale this weekend.

                      Shout out to the rest of the gang. It's our staff Christmas dinner tomorrow so I'm be late getting home. Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP


                        Re: 26th Nov.

                        mae all how are we doing today then? hope all is is very cold here this morning ..0635 still dark with frost all over the ground..temp minus 2..Just checked the rabbits,both snuggled up on their hot bed I am at the funeral today ..

                        hiya Lav,how are you today then...hope you are good ..I take it the embroidery business is in full swing then?I guess your animals arent as daft either ...I had a bit of a disaster yesterday ...have you ever heard of black tac?its a high strength adhesive putty ..I use it for sticking lighting in railway carriages ..I usedto do it at the dining room table ...a tiny bit got stuck in a groove on the table ..I dislodged it cleaning the table down the other day and it fell on the carpet...yep and got trodden in .Julie tried to rub it ...and jeez what a mess .tried all sorts to get it out but because it is an oil based putty chance..I got a spare piece of carpet the same and put some black tac on it rubbed it in and put the same stuff on it .I got some WD40 and sprayed it all over took it out no problem ,and didnt mark or stain the carpet ..Did the carpet in the dining room .....just checked it stain gone no marks at all.worth remembering to take marks out.
                        Whats the weather like your way? some parts here have had snow already

                        hiya are you feeling today?chicken soup and chuckie egg time ..Yep shoes are bulled..hope you enjoy the Christmas dinner ...will be interesting to see if there is any arguments there any falling down juice there? have a great time anyway.

                        hiya Slo pie sam teegee and wags how are you all doing?

                        Have you heard Neil Diamonds new Christmas song?
                        I can't recall the lyrics but I remember it had a sweet carol line!

                        There’s a fine line between a numerator and a denominator. (…Only a fraction of people will get this clean joke.)

                        What do dentists call their x-rays?

                        Tooth pics!

                        Did you hear about the first restaurant to open on the moon?

                        It had great food, but no atmosphere.

                        What did one ocean say to the other ocean?

                        Nothing, it just waved.

                        Do you want to hear a construction joke?

                        Sorry, I’m still working on it.

                        Did you hear about the fire at the circus?

                        It was in tents!

                        . Why do ducks have feathers?

                        To cover their butt quacks!

                        8. What’s the difference between a hippo and a zippo?

                        One is really heavy and the other’s a little lighter.

                        What does a nosey pepper do?

                        It gets jalape?o business.

                        Why should you never trust stairs?

                        They’re always up to something.

                        When does a joke become a ‘dad’ joke?

                        When it becomes apparent.
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          Re: 26th Nov.


                          Sorry you had a down day, Mick. I certainly understand that awful feeling. Have been pretty down myself lately.
                          Good news that you were able to save the carpet! Does it have that icky WD40 smell now though?
                          Dementia is so cruel, and a long, slow death. My hope is to go out quickly, and with no dementia!
                          Did it end up taking 90 minutes to drive to the airport? Amy & her guy sure were treated royally in Dubai!

                          PQ, hope you feel recovered from your ordeal, and ready to take on the staff Christmas dinner tonight. Hopefully your load will be lighter at work now in December, and soon your two weeks off will be here.

                          Lav, the ‘Square’ device I think always seems simple to use, and I hope it’s easy to learn.
                          Isn’t it amazing that these boys grew up so fast?! My nephew is 15 now, and big & tall all of a sudden like your grandson, and he is learning how to drive now!
                          I like that you were able to create embroidered sweatshirt designs that even teen boys like.

                          Doctors sure don’t know everything. Like, why isn’t assessing leg length difference standard aftercare practice with knee replacements?! Instead, I was blown off when I asked if my legs would be different lengths, and was told by the orthopedic surgeon that my body would adjust to any difference!
                          Well, it didn’t adjust! I’m still trying to reverse the partial paralysis that I’m left with, on top of the chronic knee pain.
                          Yesterday’s X-rays showed that my pelvis, and on up the chain, is still quite crooked despite the foot orthotics, so now I have a lift in my shoe under the left orthotic, and have to find a cobbler who can adjust the sole of a shoe to accommodate the lift.

                          Hi to Pie and Wags. I think Flyaway has flown away.
                          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                            Re: 26th Nov.

                            Chilly greetings to all tonight!!!

                            No snow here yet but it has been falling in areas not too far away. It’s kinda early for snow for us but you never know
                            I took the smallest of the 4 kittens into the Vet yesterday. I figured she hasn’t been able to clear the upper respiratory infection on her own so I got an antibiotic for her. She’s only 2 doses in & there’s already less sneezing, coughing & nose drainage going on. I have all my craft fair stuff packed up & ready to transport Friday night for Saturday’s 8 am start at the craft fair. Busy times for sure.

                            PQ, sorry to hear you were sick, ugh. Stomach viruses are the worst & they are popular this time of year. Glad you’re on the mend. LPNs in the US can’t function on their own. Maybe they are talking about NPs (Nurse Practitioners). NPs can work on their own for the most part although there’s usually an MD nearby for coverage. I love my NPs, they are the best & really listen to your concerns. Hope your vacation time gets here quickly so you can rest up.

                            Mick, you’re lucky Julie didn’t smack you over the head with something after tracking that stuff on the carpet, haha!! Good job finding something to remove it though. YB has all that messy stuff in the garage & he knows to keep it there, Lol hope the funeral went as well as possible today.

                            Slo, I ‘think’ we have the Square device figured out now. If I take my iPad along it makes the Square easier to use if you know what I mean.
                            Yes, 15 yr old boys are huge these days haha. Technically you can’t get a learner’s permit here in PA until 16. They will allow you to apply two months before your 16th birthday. That’s soon enough in my book. I feel bad about your leg length & I agree the Ortho surgeons seem nonplussed about the whole thing. Of course your pelvis is going to be thrown off, geez. There was a really good orthopedic shoe store wher eI used to live, I hope you can find one nearby. Thinking of you :hug:

                            Cyn, hope you’re OK.
                            Hello to Pie & Fly & anyone dropping by tonight.

                            Have a nice night all, stay warm.
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: 26th Nov.

                              Mae all,

                              So good to read about things going on... thank you for your patience with me...

                              Mick, wonderful pics, congrats on all you are learning. And weren't you clever to try out the WD40 on the carpet sample... bravo. So glad Amy had a great time on their trip - treated like royalty, as it sounds! I hope your blue day passed and that things are looking up... attending a funeral always gets me thinking about life and where I stand...

                              Lav, how did the Craft show go? I'm hoping that you had great sales - you so deserve it, with your beautiful things. I was glad to read that all the holiday plans went well... and loved the descriptions of the the boys sweatshirts.

                              Wags, sorry for all the strain you are under... hopefully the staff or docs can give guidance on what constitutes a "normal" day at this stage - it must be so hard.

                              PPQ - sounds like you made it through all the party times and have come out the other side? I hope so.

                              SLO - yes, I agree - it's pretty astonishing that the surgeons are not interested in the possible imbalance of the pelvis... I hope the orthotics and other aides start to help you - no fun living in pain.

                              Pie - aren't you the energizer bunny, getting your xmas decorations up! I thought about trying to decorate my little balcony, but then I thought... naw. I'll enjoy yours in theory from afar.

                              Trader Joe's (TJ's) is not slowing down after the last holiday... I guess things will just be nutty until after the first of the year. This was an interesting time to join up and try to learn everything. I think/hope I'm getting a handle on the job. Still pretty worn out after each work time, but I can handle back-to-back days now, so progress.
                              I had the MRI (I think I spoke of it?) yesterday, and results today - "nothing out of the ordinary" or some words to that effect. I'll be interested in what my doc says. I'm grateful for that - at least that rules out injury to the brain. It also helps somewhat to know that my cognitive deficits are more to do with Long Covid -- I just read a science article about MRIs not seeing brain changes that are caused by LC - one needs a DMI test (new technology I guess). So after the first of the year I'll sign up with the Long Covid Clinic that started up recently. We'll see. In the meantime, I'll muddle along and try not to feel too bad about the times when the "fog" rolls in.

                              Hello to all dropping by, and my thanks to our little group here --

