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    Mae all...How's you all doing then?hope everyone is well ho ho ho...thats my contribution to xmas..
    Unfortunately the sandstorms are back with a vengeance..all the islands have a yellow warning is really windy..we are going for a walk later when it calms down

    Hiya lav..glad the kittens have settled in .i loved Sicilly too we stayed at a place called Taormina..
    So the tree is getting its annual airing?..have fun

    Hiya are you doing..yep we have traded rain for sand !!how are the aches today? Hopefully not too bad

    Hiya ppqp sam pie kensho wags teegee@teejay and everyone else..have nice day..

    Signed Lawrence of Arabia
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: Dec17th

    Greetings friends,

    The big rainstorm has begun so we’ll see how accurate the weather forecasters have been, haha. Spent the afternoon baking up two batches of cookies, more yet to come tomorrow. I try to make everyone’s favorites & something brand new. This year the newbie is an oat flour sugar cookie, yum.

    Mick, I hope you have a chin strap for your hat so it doesn’t blow away. Sorry you found such busy weather in paradise, you just never know what to expect when you plan a trip. Makes sense that the surf looked so rough. My brother & his wife did stay in Taormina & sent us some video, looks very nice.
    Hang in there!

    Hello to PQ, what’s falling from your sky today?

    Hello Cyn, Wags, Pie, kensho, Sam & everyone. I imagine everyone is busy getting ready for the holidays. We’re all so lucky to be alive & well to enjoy the season with clear heads with no a drop of AL in sight

    Wishing everyone a nice night!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Dec17th

      Hi all quick post. Julie not too well.think she has got food. Poisoning..not sure has been up all night and has not long nodded off and its shall see how it goes. Might jump in later
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Re: Dec17th

        MAE ALL...we continue to have mild, no snow weather. Sure makes running around a lot easier. Didn't get my haircut over the weekend but did manage to renew my Driver's License and Registration. I figured that took priority. They opened at noon on Sunday and there was 50 people in line by the time I got there.

        Lawrence of Arabia...I understood exactly why the new name. LOL Sorry to hear about Julie, hope she gets over it soon.

        Lav...nothing falling from the sky and nothing forecast until after Christmas. I'm ok without snow but I know a lot of families are disappointed. Quiet at work today, finding it tough to get motivated to do anything. Childcare directors and I are planning on doing a Chinese lunch, just something different as it's only us here.

        Not much else to report. Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good day all....:smile:PPQP


          Re: Dec17th

          Good evening friends,

          We did have a ton of rain overnight, very windy too. The news said if it had been snow it would have been 30” or more. Glad it was just rain
          Spent the after noon making the first half of pierogi, will finish up tomorrow because my hands started to cramp up on me haha. Love to make a huge amount at Christmas time, they keep well in the freezer.

          Aww Mick, sorry Julie is not feeling well. Hope it resolves quickly.

          PQ, always good to have your license & registration renewed on time. We just do ours online, no standing in line necessary.
          Hope you enjoyed your lunch, sounds good

          Hello to the rest of the crew Slo, Wags, Cyn & everyone.
          Have a nice night all!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Dec17th

            Lav...just watched the news and the storm in New York City. Glad you didn't get clobbered with it.


              Re: Dec17th

              Mae all.
              busy days here, long shifts all in a row, but then a couple of days off. Today I cleaned my apartment (much needed) and just rewarded myself with watching our public broadcasting. I enjoyed Mary Berry?s Christmas - she had 3 guest chefs on as well as her wonderful recipes for a family christmas. I love watching other people cook! I was a bit surprised at how dear Mary has aged... her poor hands are very marred by arthritis - I wondered how she was going to actually cook, but there she was, chopping, whipping up, stirring, getting the turkey stuffed. All with the comment ?So simple - and that?s it!!? Yes, well maybe for her... AND she doesn?t have to clean up the kitchen after. I remember our holidays in Connecticut, when I did EVERYTHING by myself - my husband and step-daughter would go downstairs afterwards and pull up a movie and keep shouting ?come down and join us!? I would shout back ?dishes don?t do themselves1? but they pretended not to hear. But I?d go back to those days in a heartbeat...

              Lav, you do a similar thing as Mary Berry when you prepare all those pierogies... a wonderful tradition. So glad to read that the boys are taking good care of the kittens. Glad you had rain and not snow. Hopefully it will be a calm holiday, weatherwise.

              Mick, so sorry about the dust storms... I can imagine that you feel like Lawrence of Arabia! I really hope Julie feels better very soon - is there a pharmacy near by that might have something for her to take? Food poisoning is no fun...

              PPQ, it sounds like things at work are fairly quiet - I hope you can have a restful time for the end of the year.

              Pie, how did the transfer work out with the pup? I hope all went well.

              SLO - hoping that the orthotics, etc are working out. Hoping you can look forward to less pain soon.

              I am quite worn out, but taking part of the day off today to clean was fine, and after watching a little TV, I?m off to bed, thank goodness. I work tomorrow 6 AM to 2, but I prefer that shift... it ?feels? shorter than the later shift.

              Well, my eyes are closing as I write this... I?m sending best wishes to all - good health!


                Re: Dec17th

                Mae all how are we doing today then .hope all is good the sandstorms have subsided Julie spent all day in bed..feeling a bit better now though obviously not 100%havent a clue what caused it.hopefully we will get out today
                . Happy birthday Lav. Hope you have nice day whatever you do.I keep getting adverts for Longwood gardens..i looked at it in the past and now they keep popping up. Looks good though.

                A big hiya to everyone..apologies that the post is a wee bit short and lacking in content but yesterday wasca kindvof non day!!!

                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Re: Dec17th

                  Happy birthday, Lav!! You are so important to us here in MWO? and so many other places! Blessings on you for your day m, and another new year? 🎉🌹🙏


                    Re: Dec17th



                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Re: Dec17th

                      MAE ALL...actually did some work today! Pretty quiet around here.

                      TG...nice that you were able to get some housework done and relax with some TV. Don't overdo things at work. Hope your day was good.

                      Mick...glad Julie is feeling better. Hope you were able to get out for a bit today.

                      Lav...:balloons: Happy Birthday :balloons: hope you had a great day. Is your weather behaving.

                      Stopping on the way home from work for 2 more gift cards and then that's me done. Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP


                        Re: Dec17th

                        Greetings everyone,

                        Chilly but sunny here (mostly) for my birthday. Met with daughter & her family for dinner, it was nice
                        Finished up making the pierogie this morning so I have two big bags of them in the freezer, yay!

                        PQ, I think the northern states got even more rain than we did out of that storm, geez. Our weather was good today, grateful for that.

                        Cyn, I did step into my Mom’s shoes for the Christmas eve dinner when she could no longer handle all the work. The entire family enjoyed the feast & each other for many years then things changed. So now it’s just us, our two kids & their families & that’s enough & it’s still a lot of work. Starting early & freezing things helps a lot. Hope your day was good.

                        Mick, glad to hear conditions & Julie have both improved.
                        Longwood Gardens is a greta place when yo can actually get inside, they’re so busy Lol

                        Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone, makes turning 7 Ohhh a little easier to take, haha!

                        Hello to Slo, Pie, Wags & all.

                        Have a nice night everyone!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Dec17th

                          .ae all how are we doing today then?hope all is well. Julie a lot better. We went for a 9 mile walk today..enjoyed it but prett windy out there if Britain had the we would never leave the place i think we have both decided this is a no to coming back..the break has been nice.. but

                          Hiya Lav. How did the birthday go?7 zero? You mean sixty ten. Glad you enjoyed lunch out. We get back on Friday night..Saturday check and load van Sunday offski..just going loca an taking the car too we are going to Julie's sil house for xmas dinner..she is on her own now.
                          Yes I see Longwood take bookings for entry .hope you have a good day..

                          Hiya ppqp how are you ?hope allis well. Nah don't worry about my card. Messing around earlier and worked something out. Since i quit drinking at the2012 prices financially I save over ?26k so my guess is you could up that to around the 38k mark..a fair wedge to spend on sore heads and talking rubbish. How are things at work?

                          Hiya everyone hope all is good
                          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                            Re: Dec17th

                            It’s sunny out! And it’s warming up! It will be a mild, rainy Christmas this year.

                            TG, I stopped at Trader Joe’s today, as my nerve regeneration pain clinic appointments put me near there. I love their prices!
                            I have never watched Mary Berry. Sounds like I had better check her out sooner rather than later.
                            I wish you could go back to those days in your house in the woods in Connecticut with your husband too.
                            I happened to think today, that today would have been my little brother & his beloved wife’s 20th wedding anniversary, if she hadn’t died young of breast cancer. I’m glad I thought of it, so I could send him a message. And so I can be sensitive to why Christmas is probably a tough time for him, and why he doesn’t offer to host Christmas etc.

                            Mick, you must be feeling ready to shake the dust & sand of that place off of you and go home!

                            Happy Big Birthday, Lav! A new decade! It is hard to adjust to these new decades in these older years. At least it is for me.
                            I used to order frozen pierogies from Schwan’s Frozen Foods (delivery truck). It must be quite a project to make them homemade!
                            I did make the cornbread with oat flour, and it is very good. And now I have a gluten-free food on hand for when gluten-free D3 gets here tomorrow night.
                            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                              Re: Dec17th

                              Yesterday I went to our neighborhood ladies luncheon at a restaurant. It was fun. I did not cancel in order to help D1 with a doctors appointment for Cooper down this way. Which means I didn’t get to see Mabel or Cooper. They have probably forgotten me by now. But it’s important to me to get to know my neighbors, and I made this commitment a long time ago.
                              I did babysit Huxley yesterday afterward the luncheon, for 6 hours.
                              Today I did not cancel my nerve regeneration therapy appointment in order to babysit Mabel & Beckett down this way while Cooper went to another appointment. I need it! I was going to be meeting up with Young Daughter and the kids after my appointment though; however, when I called to meet up, she said she was at her dad’s house with them. I asked if I could stop over and see them, and she said that wouldn’t be a good idea. I said is Dad’s girlfriend there; she said “yes” and hung up. But when I drove by on the way home from my appointment & errands, the girlfriend wasn’t there, but ex-HB was. So I think she’s lying to me! And I don’t know why it has to be this way: we share kids & grandkids! Would it really hurt if I stopped by to see them? But he makes sure that I stay very far away and separate, and his minions (his daughters) heavily enforce this too. Whatever…

                              PQ, I just have one more Christmas gift to buy too. Then it’s “done & dusted”!
                              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.

