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31st December 2023

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    31st December 2023

    mae are we doing then? hope everyone is feeling better today .Need to be on top form to see the old year out.I remember as a wee kid ,my brother and I used to get chucked in the tin bath and scrubbed on the evening of old years night .jammies on ..and a drink of ginger wine .My mum and dad would get washed and dressed ..I think all this was about washing off the old year and welcoming in the new ..ring any bells with anyone ..if you'll pardon the pun .
    Its dry outside atm ,thank goodness though bad weather is on the way
    did well yesterday ..went to the charity shop ..and spied a big dog bed ..yep youve guessed who buy new ?22-50 ...I got it for ?3.50 result ..they love it .



    hiya Lav..glad you are feeling better .Ive still got a headache but nothing of consequence ..I love thespin on the mattresses that you put ..they dont make them like they used to..yup I agree with that ...and definitely ignore the fact that our bones and bodies aint what they used to be it .
    And yes we had turkey too ...and yes done in the Ninja ..Julie loves the new freezer ..opens the door pulls the drawers out gets the food more scrabbling in the bottom of the chest freezer ..

    hiya Slo rae you doing today then? hope you are feeling better after that veritable concoction you whacked down your neck!!glad you got some kid time in .Did you find a good show?

    hiya ppqp..get the old dancin shoes out to the ball are we?how come you are getting sun and all that jazz...who is allgoing to this dance tonight? all your work colleagues as well ..hope you have a decent time ..even tho you dont want to go ...

    hiya teegee ..I know its memory time for you ....stay strong ..

    Wags ..hope all is well and the best to you

    Pie hope you are ok is the dog fostering going?

    Sam .hope all is good with you mate are you doing ..

    ok just a couple of things ...wishing you all the best in the new year everyone .

    and lastly those on here ..take a minute just to reflect ...another year ...another year you have control of your life .dont be modest proud ..give yourself a pat on the back all deserve it .

    you had the bottle to bin the bottle .....God bless
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: 31st December 2023

    MAE Friends, Sorry to read that many are feeling off. Wishing you all rest, liquids, and speedy bounce-backs!

    Wabbits look mighty comfortable in the big dog bed; such a clever idea, Mick! Appreciate your suggestion of the Slow Horses series. I checked it out, and will be spending NYE watching episodes.

    Best thing I did in 2023 was to, once again, get the AL monkey off my back. So glad to be heading into the new year without dragging that pest along with me. Second best would be getting the dental work done. Filet mignon is on the menu tonight in savory celebration!

    How about you guys? Care to share any Bests of 2023?


      Re: 31st December 2023

      Happy NYE all!!!!

      Chilly but dry here for all the idiots who insist on lighting off fireworks. The local wankers really seem to love them
      The cold virus has left my head & settled into my chest so there’s lots of coughing but at least my head feels better. Never did like being the patient.

      Mick, Happy New Year to you already in 2024
      The rabbits look comfy in their new bedding, very nice. We had an upright freezer in the garage but YB insisted on giving it to our son. Then he bought a chest freezer which I refuse to put my hands in to look for things so I send him out to the garage when I need something haha! I’m not freezing my hands off, no way.

      Pie, Happy New Year to you & I hope you enjoy that filet!!
      Going into a new year without a monkey on our backs is the best , for sure. I think the best thing i did this year was to see my husband thru his mysterious pain episode & driving him back & forth to the hospital where I used to work for repeated steroid injections in his hip & knee & 2 epidurals. It wasn’t fun, he’s not used to being told what to do & not do if you know what I mean. It all worked out & he’s mostly comfortable now.

      PQ, I see you’re being called into service tonight after all, sorry. I hope everything goes OK & you’re not out too long.
      Sorry about the lousy haircut, I don’t think I’ve ever had to deal with that. Why don’t you call the shop & ask to speak to the manager & request a freebie visit with someone else to get it shaped up better? I’m pretty sure I would. Happy New Year to you!

      To Slo, Cyn, Wags, Sam, Fly, Kensho & everyone, Hello & Happy New Year!

      Have a good night all!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: 31st December 2023

        MAE ALL....Happy New Year to everyone.

        Mick...well I'm glad we didn't have your New Year's Eve ritual. LOL When we were younger my parents always had NYE parties. Easier to invite everyone over than figure out babysitting for 8 kids. Later on the ritual became a bidge game and Chinese food at midnight, that was my favourite. Just to set the record straight I am not attending the NYE Social/Dance at the community centre. I popped over for an hour to help them get setup and now I'm home for the evening. Great find on the dog bed, the peskies look very content.

        Pi...enjoy the filet mignon, one of my favourite dishes. Getting back on track after Christmas last year was the best for me too. And the fact that I actually got through 2023. LOL cough still continues and today I woke up with a headache, made me think of Mick. I rarely have headaches so it surprises me when I get one. I thought of calling the salon but there's not enough hair left for them to do anything about it. It will grow out quick enough and then I'll find a new place to go to get it styled. I've been thinking of checking out the new place that opened just down the street so now's a good time. I'm sure if anything comes up at the dance tonight the staff person will deal with it or contact the boss, as it should be.

        Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP


          Re: 31st December 2023

          Ahoy Aberoooos! oh my, I only have about 1 1/2yrs of catching up to do
          Looks like some fun times for the crew. My sweetie and I are going out to the club dancing and I'm so grateful
          to be doing it AF.
          Super good to be putting this rough year behind me. yeeesh. upward and onward.
          be well loves and a very happy new year to all
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Re: 31st December 2023

            hiya all ...hny to everyone .we had a quiet one,, yes we had fireworks but not many it was lashing down with rain.Personally I dont see the big thrill in them ...but to be fair once you have seen heavy artillery and tracer rounds firing fireworks kind of pale into insignificance.I remember one tour coming back from Ireland and hearing fireworks ..I dived straight under a car !!everyone looking like I was some kind of nutcase!!
            Went out for a walk today..just up by the reservoir ..I saw a female kestrel hovering about 600 yards away so I took a load of pics and messed about with them is the result ..not too shabby considering it was hand held and the distance


            Det ..long time my friend are you doing? great to see you mate have things been for you? judging by your comment not the best of years..but honestly nice to hear from you

            hiya ppqp ...hny to you you werent in the Calgary dance team then?hows the headache hope you feel better ..bridge and a Chinese....a Chinese sounds good to me ..yep those 2 look dwarfed in the bed..have a great day

            hiya Lav hny to you ..I must be following you headache or blocked nose ..its on my chest now too!!Having a look at the news from Gran Canaria ..they have a massive outbreak of the Noro virus I reckon thats what we had ..
            Youve done the opposite of us with the freezer .

            hiya Pie hny ...Slow Horses is brilliant ..hope you enjoy it .

            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Re: 31st December 2023

              Happy New Year one & all!

              Partly sunny here with the temp in the mid 40’s. Got a text from my grandson this afternoon. He said his kitten is still sick & they are all quarantined with Covid. So I went over, had him meet me in the driveway with both of us wearing masks. This kitten is the one I took to the vet for the upper respiratory infection, 10 days in the antibiotic didn’t quite do the job. I’ll call & try to get her seen tomorrow. She really hasn’t grown much so I’m concerned.

              PQ, I hate the lingering coughs with these viral infections. Hope yours & mine go away soon.
              I still think I’d pitch a bitch at the salon owner even if you want to go somewhere else in the future, Lol. That’s just me I guess! Hope your night i s good.

              Hey Det, good to see you
              Drop in any time, we’re still here listening.

              Mick, fireworks & rain don’t mix real well, haha!
              That’s. A great bird photo, good job! Yep, I’ll bet you & Julie had the Noro virus, glad you guys are over it now.

              Hello to Slo, Cyn & everyone checking in tonight.
              Have a good night all.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: 31st December 2023

                Happy New Year aberoooskies,

                made it through the night at the dance club with nary a drink so it's a glorious zero-hangover new year which is grand.
                Mick, these Utards are insane for their fireworks that's for sure. It seems a lot less this year for some reason. Yeah, I've been
                too close to an artillery simulator when it went off and it about stopped my heart.

                Lav, dear friend, sorry family are down with the crud... even kitty! goodness.

                Birds, especially birds in flight are indeed trick stuff for sure. I've gotten a few keepers over the years but just a few.

                Watching some drone footage over Europe which is very pretty and way more relaxing than the dreadful news.

                PPQ how are you?

                be well loves
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Re: 31st December 2023

                  Happy New Year!

                  Welcome back, Det! What do you mean by “rough year”? Do you mean drinking-wise? Then an AF New Year’s Eve spent out dancing is a good start back! Do you have the same sweetie?

                  Taking a bath on New Year’s Eve to wash off the old year’s “dirt” must be an old Scottish thing I guess, Mick! Sweet memory.

                  I don’t have noro virus; it turns out I have COVID. No wonder I have been sick for a week, and getting worse and sicker as the days went by.
                  Maybe you need to test yourself too, Lav.

                  PQ, what festive New Year’s Eve’s you had growing up! Playing cards and getting Chinese food in sounds like a very enjoyable tradition.

                  Cool work of art you made out of the bird photo, Mick.

                  My brother’s teenage sons set off fireworks on Christmas Day, and baby Huxley asked for “more” after each one, while baby Andy did the sign language sign for “more” after each one was set off!

                  Come to think of it, I added a memory foam mattress topper to my mattress. It helps some.

                  Those are good accomplishments, Pie! Worthy of filet mignon.

                  Let’s all stay AF together -and happy & proud of it too -for 2024!
                  Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                    Re: 31st December 2023

                    Happy New Year! Great to read all that has been going on... Det, so nice to see you here again, I hope you stop by and see us often.

                    Lav, sorry to hear about the kitty not feeling well... I hope that gets sorted. And awful for you to have a bad headache for days! I hope grandson gets better too. Your kitchen appliance sounds wonderful... sadly I don’t have the room in my tiny kitchen, but I manage just fine most of the time. Having only myself to feed makes things easy. I hope the “cold” in your head goes away well and truly.

                    Mick, oh dear, no wonder you were so sick... Norovirus! Good luck with mending completely. I love the kestrel photo! Just a tiny bit of its beak showing, and such a graceful pose. Well done! Glad to see that the bunnies look so content... the “hay” must smell nice -

                    SLO, sorry about all the colds being passed around... I hope you stay well! Glad that you’ve had some holiday family time.

                    Pie, is rescue a little quiet this time of year? Or busy? I had a quick conversation with someone as I was bagging her groceries... she has a rescue from Humane Society... I asked her about volunteering there, and she said they need dog walkers. That would be perfect for me, so we’ll see if that works out.

                    PPQ, I hope that you were able to go check on the New Year’s event and then go home and have a nice time for yourself. You deserve it!

                    I was so exhausted from working in the insane crowds of 10 to 6 on New Year’s Eve Day that I came home and literally “crashed” on the couch. Really... bone weary and every muscle in my body was tired and ached! I was thrilled that my brother and SIL called off having me come over for dinner... I was even more thrilled when they called this morning and reported that they both came down with COVID. Honestly, I feel safest alone in my apartment, or at work with a mask on (100% of the time.) Until we can eat outside in the spring, I think I’m not going to dine with anyone. Just too risky. Not that I’m a social butterfly...

                    I did NO decorating for xmas this year. So, that makes it easy-peasy for cleaning and getting set up for a new year. I’m so glad to see 2024... I had a feeling 2023 was going to be a hard one - and it was. Hoping that 2024 treats us all gently.

                    Wishing you all, my dear AF friends, a wonderful New Year season, and a great year to come.


                      Re: 31st December 2023

                      good morning all..hope all is well.Back to reality for the uk today ..apart from Scotland where its still a holiday.I have got a thing about making lists of jobs that need doing I guess its time to start doing them ...varying from simple cleaning up to rethinking and planning the garden

                      Hiya Lav ,how are you feeling today?hope you are better.Still havent got sunshine over here ...please send asap.hope the kitten is ok and recovers .Im with you ...even with my haircut Id be in there kicking off!

                      hiya are you feeling? hope you are on the mend,how long have you had the lurgy ? any idea ...take care and look after yourself .

                      hiya teegee ..happy new year to you too.Yes the rabbits love the dog box for the hay thats the stuff we import from Scotland ...they love it .thank you for your help over the new year .I think the covid has mutated so such an extent that its so widespread like a cold ..thats not minimising it simply that its diluted itself but spread more .You take care of yourself .

                      hiya Det how are you mate ..hny to you buddy .Yep no hangover...I can headaches without booze!!Yep Ive got a Nikon P950 bridge ..Just learning it and lightroom classic....and yep just renewed my drone licence .

                      hiya pie how are you doing?

                      big shout to wags Kensho ppqp and everyone else .
                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        Re: 31st December 2023

                        Thanks for the kickstart our ever-industrious Mick. Any metal detecting lately?
                        Slo and Treegirl, thanks for the shouts yesterday. So nice to see friendly faces carrying on.
                        rough year for AL, depression, anxiety, ongoing drama with m'ladys daughter. At least the police
                        haven't been by in some time so that's a relief. the daughter has been staying with friends for some months
                        so that's actually given me a stress relief for sure. and of course financial woes. it's a rough market up here
                        competing with all the college kids trying to do photo/video as a side hussle and lowering expectations of pricing.
                        at any rate I've managed to pull out of my off/on constant AL struggle and feel quite comfortable being a full-time
                        water and coffee guy again.
                        education myself on some marketing ideas and implementing them best I can. And downsizing. our lease is up end of
                        Feb so I'm trying to sell things I need to for some much needed bucks.
                        Mick, so cool you're getting into photo. Lightroom Classic is a gem once you get used to it.
                        Hope all is calm and well for the rest of AB land.
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          Re: 31st December 2023

                          Greetings friends,

                          Part time sun today, it’s OK. Apparently we will be getting a somewhat large snowstorm this coming weekend, oh boy. It will be the first in 2 years!! I’m sad to say the kitten didn’t make it overnight. She was a lot sicker than I initially realized, her breathing was rough but she went quietly. It’s sad but may be just as well since she’s been showing signs of illness since right after birth. I think she had some structural issues in her throat. I left it to my son & DIL to inform the grandson. I accompanied YB to a doc appt this afternoon & we stopped at Applebees for a dinner burger on the way home.

                          Det, I sure hope this year brings you more peace & lots of fun work. I love your FB pics, always fabulous! Are you looking to move at the end of your lease? Staying in the same area?

                          Slo, I feel a lot better now, just dealing with the lingering cough I always end up with after a cold.
                          I’m sorry. The Covid virus found you, ugh. Hope it goes away soon. I did get a booster in September along with the flu shot but who knows if they’ll work.
                          Take it easy & feel better.

                          Cyn, I can remember opening my apartment door back in the 70’s & falling face first on the sofa, exhausted after a full day on my feet & I was very young. It’s not something I could do well at this age, geez. Get all the rest you need & take care. You know, I also have an air fryer lid for my Instant Pot. It’s great for doing one or two servings of something. Maybe you could look into one of those for your IP.

                          Mick, you have had more than your fair share of rain lately, sorry. I know we are way above average rainfall here for the month of December too. Too mnay dark days in a row wreck my cheery outlook, haha!!!

                          Hello to PQ, Pie, & anyone checking in later.
                          Let’s all have a nice night!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: 31st December 2023

                            MAE ALL..checking in before you all come looking for me. LOL Oldest son came home from up north for NYE so we were all together. Didn't get up to much and we were all in bed way before the celebrations at midnight. Visited with my brother on New Year's day getting caught up on my niece's relocation to Texada Island. It's going to be quite the adventure for her and her family.

                            Det...great to see you. Was wondering if you were still in Utah. Sounds like you've had a time of it, sorry you've had to go through all that but glad to see you posting again. So glad to hear you're comfortable with being AF again. I had a rough time last Xmas and the gang here were a lifesaver for me. Hope you stick around.

                            Mick...that kestrel pic is amazing. Happy to report the headache was a one off, actually starting to feel more like myself now. A little anxious about the procedure I have to have done tomorrow but the more my kid tells me I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill the more I believe him. LOL Our weather is starting to return to normal temps but there is still no snow, which I'm happy to see.

                            Lav...sorry to hear kitty is not improving. I know you'll do everything you can to help. Were you able to get her seen today? My cough is easing up, hope yours is too. After tomorrow I don't have any appointments for the rest of the week so plan on doing some decluttering around the house. Even with the mild weather we've had I'll be glad when the window gets fixed, my feet are always freezing!!

                            Slo...sorry to hear you've got Covid and hope you get through it quickly. At least you know why you've been feeling so sick. I have noticed over the last 4-5 days that the commercials on TV have changed from the alcohol party/celebrations to moderation. Highlighting more energy, sleeping better, thinking clearer...I was impressed.

                            TG...yes, I was able to spend NYE exactly the way I wanted to. I could just feel how tired you were with your post. So glad you were able to just stay home, especially with the announcement of Covid. I have never stopped wearing my mask in public, it's become a habit and I feel strange without it. As long as we're going through this viral raspatory stage I'll be keeping it on.

                            Pi...hope you had a good NYE and that all is good.

                            Shout out to the rest of the gang....:smile:PPQP


                              Re: 31st December 2023

                              Mae all,
                              Happy 2nd day of the New Year... sounds like a lot is going on...

                              Det, so happy to have you back here - it sounds like things have been pretty up and down, I'm sorry. But we are here for you, and so happy to see your post! And you are doing your photography - here's to a great year of photo work for you! It would be great to have you stick around here ...

                              Lav, oh I'm so sorry about the kitty... dear me. But as you say, sometimes there is a congenital issue. It was nice that you were with her for her passing onto the Rainbow Bridge. Some of us creatures are just here for a bit, I guess. Thank you for saying what you did about working! I was pretty shocked at how completely spent I was. But luckily, 2 days with 3 days off in a row, I should have my energy back (though then I work 4 in a row...). It will be fine. I also got a call to start going back to my elder friend's house, so will be doing that, but it will have to be on my schedule and I can't sit around and chat. I hope that she understands...

                              PPQ, I hope you get that window fixed soon, that sounds cold! I'm glad that all the special parties are over; hopefully things will be calm for you in January.

                              SLO - how are you feeling? I hope things are working out for you.

                              Mick - good to know that the rabbits have Scottish grass... I was worried that it might be some "pretender" grass that you are giving them . On the health front, strangely enough I have a friend in Wisconsin who has Norovirus, She is dreadfully ill... she thinks she ate bad food at a smorgasbord, but I wonder then how she knows it is Noro? Anyway, I hope you are feeling better... my friend sounds like it has been a terrible struggle.

                              Hello to Sam, Fly, Pie and anyone else dropping by... cheers for a still-new year...

