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31st December 2023

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    Re: 31st December 2023

    mae all are we today then? hope all is good ..Well we are into our next storm ..this is unreal..Storm Henk..who thinks up these names? is really windy and the fields are flooding has caused a fair bit of damage already .

    hiya teegee how are you doing? Im sure this time off is called rest days for a reason ..use them ...says the kettle calling the pot !! nope its the real legit stuff peskies dont get "pretender" neither auld or young...I hope your friend gets better if its Noro virus it certainly wipes you ...I had it but nowhere near as bad as Julie .. take good care .

    hiya Det mate a bit of a year for you by the sound of it ...sorry to hear that .sounds like you have been banjoed on all fronts family al the lot .thats when the brain hits overload and cant cope ..theres a lot to be said for sitting writing it all down and addressing it all one at a time ..but I guess you know that .Im just on baby steps with LR...again its the same with everything go on the font of all knowledge in pics ..(You tube) and everyone has their own interpretation methodology and view of something .I tried a few progs and that and Topaz were for me the tops .For you as a professional it must be a minefield as a you say anyone and everyone has a picture taking box ..and all you need is to be at the right place at the right time .Keep it together mate .

    hiya ppqp hny to you texada island ..had to goggle it ...very smart indeed .first thing that struck me was the greenery lush it was that means not hot temps ,and rain ..but it certainly looks pretty .glad the headache has gone ...mine has ..and the chestiness is easing too.Yes I wear a mask would be foolish to rob banks without one ....(only kiddin for any cops reading this) I think there is 2 sides to your sons mountain and molehill argument...yes sometimes for want of better words we imagine symptoms ..but at other times they are real..obviously if your leg falls off or something its a seeable physical one,but its things like pains in head chest pains etc ..and I think only you as the individual can make that call.Ignorance isnt always bliss.Anyways enjoy your last days before work?

    hiya Lav ..sorry to hear about the little kitten not making it ..hope grandson is ok too. sun and snow ?want some rain to chuck in the mix?Cant wait for the light nights ..then I can watch the rain ..ha ha .hope you have a good day .

    hiya Slo how are you feeling? hope you are on the mend

    right folks big shout to everyone..

    Did you hear about the pasta that got locked out of the house? Gnocci.

    I once bought a hat for my leg. It was a kneecap.

    What's the best way to put a spaceship to sleep? Rocket.

    Bacon and eggs walk into a restaurant. The manager says, "Sorry, we don't serve breakfast here."

    What causes dry skin? A towel.

    What do you call a bug that can't make a decision? A may-bee.

    Why did the deer go to the dentist? It had buck teeth.

    Why did the computer get glasses? It wanted to improve its website.

    Did you hear about the medieval lamp? It's a knight light.

    Where do chefs learn how to make ice cream? At sundae school.

    What did the Dalmatian say after dinner? That hit the spot.

    Where do elephants store their clothes? In a trunk.

    What did the lawyer wear to court? A law suit.

    Why did the Oreo go to the dentist? It lost its filling.

    How do you identify a dogwood tree? By its bark.

    How do celebrities stay cool? They have a lot of fans.

    What's the best way to watch a fishing show? Live stream.
    Last edited by Mick; January 3, 2024, 01:35 AM.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Re: 31st December 2023

      Good evening friends,

      The weather forecast keeps changing, now we’re to get more rain than snow this weekend, oh well. Ran out & hit the stores for necessities anyway today & pick up meds. So I’m ready for whatever comes. I have a batch of chicken bone broth going in the Instant pot right now that I’ll use for something. YB is out running a young Amish couple around, they’re getting ready to buy their 3rd farm & they’re only 35 or so. These boys know how to make & save the bucks.

      PQ, better buckle. Up for the cold weather, it will get here eventually. The kitten passed away the night before last, it was sad. We’re still waiting for them to feel better & take the remains home for burial.

      Cyn, sounds like your schedule is going to be pretty full moving forward. Don’t let the old lady suck up too much time, haha!
      I just wish my grandson had notified me sooner about the kitten, maybe something could have been done for her.

      Mick, still soggy huh? Is the whole UK dealing with all this moisture or just your area? Sounds like a big mess, sorry.
      Stay dry out there friend!

      Hello to Det, Slo, Pie & everyone.

      Have a nice night all!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: 31st December 2023

        MAE ALL...the only time I had to go out this week was this morning for my procedure at the hospital. Of course, woke up to the whole city socked in with fog. Left early to give myself plenty of time and ended up 1hr early for my appointment. Fortunately I went right in and 8 seconds later was all done!! The Urologist said my bladder was very healthy and after reviewing my CT scan said there is no issue with kidneys so to go ahead and cancel my upcoming renal MRI. I was ecstatic and home before my actual scheduled procedure. Some times it pays to be early. LOL

        Lav...looks like we cross-posted yesterday. Sorry kitty didn't make it but she did have health issues from the get go. There was probably nothing you could have done if you'd known earlier. Heard the forecast for Eastern US including PA and thought of you. Sounds like most of the snow will hit farther East than you but you never know. Other than today we're going to be good till the weekend and then negative temps and snow by Sunday. At least I've had the good weather for my days off.

        TG...I agree with Lav, set your limits with your elder and stick to them, it's time the family looked after their own. Winter programs are starting next week and I just received my invitation to sign up for our Annual Community Cleanup from the city. Honestly, it's never ending. You make sure to take some down time, nothings more important than your health.

        Mick...Wow, your weather just keeps giving and giving. Been seeing lots of your weather updates on the news here. I have always been a worrier, I think it's a Mom thing. The boys are very supportive of me even if they give me a hard time. I had to google Texada Island too! LOL My niece's husband is an RCMP officer and the Islanders pay his salary. The 3rd day he was on the job he had to pull over a drunk driver.

        Det...I see your green light on so we'll probably x-post. Will see how your day was in the morning.

        Pi...just wondering what you've been up to, hope your days have been good.

        Slo...hope all is good with you.

        Shout out to everyone else...have a good night...:smile:PPQP
        Last edited by porqoui; January 3, 2024, 07:31 PM.


          Re: 31st December 2023

          Heya ABerooos, not much time here. just blazing through apartment listings like a madman. Saw one tonight and it was pretty crummy yet overpriced.
          welcome to modern USA. argh. Greetings and salutations Mick, Lav, PPQ, Treegal,
          and I need to call my mum back too. Glad to be zooming AF at least, that makes this doable.
          cheerio and be well loves
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Re: 31st December 2023

            Good evening,

            Sad that the little kitty didn’t make it, Lav. Now the other kitten doesn’t have the companionship of a sibling cat, and the other litter mates are given away to other homes. But, probably for the best if he was just going to be sick his whole life. I say that after watching all the suffering that D3 & her HB & their dog just went through for 9 years -with a dog who was not quite right physically from birth on.
            An air fryer lid for an InstaPot! I might have to look into that sometime.

            I don’t envy you four days of work in a row, TG. But three on and two off sounds doable.

            Glad you and your sons were together for New Year’s Eve, PQ. Now back to work, and it’s starting off with a bang! Good news on the procedure, and it all went smoothly.

            There’s some gems in those play-on-words, Mick!
            I think I can finally go without NyQuil tonight. Good thing, as it has our friend EtOH in it. Now I just have the dry cough, and a little bit of congestion. Finally feeling better! I just hope I didn’t get anyone sick at my two Christmas gatherings.

            Daughter has gone back to college, but it was nice having her here with me again for a couple nights, and Sister was here too.

            Det, that girlie can’t grow up fast enough! Better for you anyways if she’s living with friends. Sorry you have the stress of moving, but I hope downsizing will feel a relief, and you find a place that’s good for you.

            I’m happy to have the holidays over. I like “regular” time better.
            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


              Re: 31st December 2023

              hiya all how are we doing then? all good?it ISNT raining today...been out in the garden doing a couple of little jobs and getting the greenhouse ready .7 deer in the field this morning .fields are far too wet to go detecting on fact some of them are now lakes so we are looking at going next week.

              hiya Slo ...glad you are feeling better.I can honestly say I never got sick at your gatherings ..hope you have a good day

              hiya Det how are you doing?best of luck getting an apartment hope it all works for you mate

              hiya ppqp ...well that is good news ,.,,,well done to you.So the pee doctor said you were good? excellent... whatever you are doing ,,,,keep doing it

              hiya Lav are you doing then?yep its a real shame about the kitten,,welcome to the land of crazy wevvu...Over here its country wide..the south seems to be getting a real battering .a 3rd farm???wow good for them. Dont know why but I feel really tired today..certainly isnt sunstroke .Hope you have good day,

              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Re: 31st December 2023

                Howdy all!

                TG, your job sounds like a great way to stay out and active. Have seen just one Ikea opening since I registered on their site, but it was for a managerial kitchen design slot. Wonder if inquiring at the store would bring better results.

                Can?t recall who brought up the mattress discussion, but count me among the happy memory foam topper users. Memory foam pillows too, but they took some getting used to.

                Mick, on YouTube there are some interviews with the Jordan Lamb actor. Talented guy, and a chance to see him with clean hair!

                Waves to Lav, PQ, Slo, Det, etal.


                  Re: 31st December 2023

                  Greetings friends,

                  Dampish & chilly here but the skies are clear. Now the snow prediction is just 1” for the weekend storm, haha. At least we won’t need a neighbor to plow the driveway for us

                  PQ, I’m happy to hear your test results, yay! That has to be a big relief for you, I think the snow will be heading up into the Pocono mountains this time. That’s OK with me. I haven’t seen my grandson yet, I want to talk to him about his kitten, I know he’s feeling bad about her. It’s hard learning these life lessons when you’re just a kid.

                  Det, I wish you luck with your apartment search. There must be something just right for you!

                  Slo, I’m sure if I had been able to get the kitten seen it would have been an ICU stay, very expensive & no guarantees. It’s all too much to expect I guess.
                  I got the air fryer lid for my iP on Amazon several years ago & really liked it but we wanted something a bit bigger after a while. Handy kitchen tools are awesome.

                  Mick, glad you’re not getting your head sunburned haha! The sun always returns, sooner or later.
                  Yep, the Amish guys know the value of real estate & will buy up extra farms & rent them out to younger Amish couples just getting started. They do a lot to help one another out. They are definitely not like the rest of us.

                  Pie, I’m one of the ones always complaining about mattresses. I’m afraid to go to the memory foam fearing it would be too hot to sleep on. I create too much heat when I (attempt) to sleep. Weird I know. Good to see yo checking in today.

                  Hello to Cyn & the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a nice night!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: 31st December 2023

                    Grrrr. Just lost a long post (on my phone, and for once I forgot to copy the text). Ah well. Sending good wishes to all. Det, special energy - hang with us! PPQ, glad for the good health report. Mick, hope the weather turns. Lav, still sorry for the kitty, but you did what you could. SLO, hope all is well. Hello to all dropping by.


                      Re: 31st December 2023

                      hiya are you doing ? hope all is good ...been out today with the camera...landscape shots rain here.I say again rain here ..will put the pics up later .We are going down to Amy tomorrow ...will take the camera with me .

                      hiya teegee ..welcome to etherworld ..thats the place you donate posts to ..its more acceptable if they are long ones!!hope you are ok? take care ..

                      hiya Pie how are you doing?hope all is well..yes Jackson Lamb has played a good few parts ..including Sirius Black in Harry Potter.We are watching a film tonight ..Friday night is film night ,,he plays in it ..Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy ..I think its adaption of the book by John Le Carre .hope you have a good weekend .

                      hiya hot stuff ..aka Lav .how are you doing? hope all is good .So you have snow forecast for the have we but not local to us hopefully .I take it the Amish renting out dont practice extortionism as the "English "do ,Hope your grandson is ok have a good weekend .

                      hiya everyone else ...hope all is good .
                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        Re: 31st December 2023

                        Oh shoot, TG. I don’t know how you type a long post on a phone anyways. You’re talented.

                        I’m glad I didn’t get you sick, Mick -but we seem to be getting one another sick here, since we’ve all been sick!
                        Huxley has a fever today…

                        Some of my knee pain is diminishing. I think I hurt it when I was spinning Mabel around in the pool between the holidays, I can’t deviate hardly at all over the center line with this artificial one, or I get a long, delayed pain response.

                        Howdy, Pie! I think my memory foam mattress topper has some “cooling technology” in it.

                        Putting away Christmas decorations makes me wish I hadn’t put any up, like TG!
                        I want to move away from Santa Claus-type decorations next year, and just put up some greenery & berries, reindeer, woodland animals, snowmen -things that can stay up through February.

                        I could finally ditch the NyQuil as I recover from COVID -but went right back to not being able to fall asleep, and not able to sleep through the night. That stuff is magic sleep potion!

                        We cross-posted, Det. I hope you find a fitting place to rent, but, with the housing and rental market being what they are now…it is a challenging time to find a good place. Lots of fingers are crossed for you.

                        Hi to PQ & Lav.
                        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                          Re: 31st December 2023





                          Happy Birthday ppqp ...hope you have a great birthday weekend
                          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                            Re: 31st December 2023

                            Greetings friends,

                            Cool pics Mick, good job
                            Hope you have a good visit with Amy & the weather is nice for a change!

                            Cyn, sorry you lost your post. I can?t do all that on my phone anymore, I go to the iPad or laptop. Hope everything is OK with you.

                            Slo, maybe you can continue to use the NyQuil but only every other night, see if that helps. I know it works like magic. I?ve used a product called Mellodyn made by BioNeurix for many years. Doesn?t knock you out but it does help promote sleep. You can find it online.
                            I prefer the ?grownup decorations? too these days, less plastic, etc.

                            PQ, wishing you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY today!!! :balloons:
                            Hope your day was marvelous!!!

                            Hello to Pie & anyone else checking in tonight.
                            Have a good night all!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: 31st December 2023

                              MAE ALL...well apparently yesterday's post is with TG's in the etherworld. Further to the mattress discussions, finally saw the ad again, it's a Dormeo topper but may be available only in Canada. Thanks for the Birthday wishes, got invited out for lunch with my brother & SIL so enjoyed the last of our mild temps walking the dogs afterwards. We will be below freezing tomorrow with snow arriving in the afternoon and continuing until Sunday night. Arctic cold front heading southeast so our high by Wednesday is supposed to be -28C/-18F with overnight lows of -31C/-24F. It's going to be a rude awakening and I hope it doesn't last too long.

                              TG...can't remember your schedule but hope you're taking time for yourself between working and visiting your elder.

                              Mick...loved the comment that "the longer posts are most acceptable to etherworld, isn't that the truth! Nice that there was no rain for you today and great landscape pics. Enjoy your visit with Amy tomorrow and I'm sure you don't go anywhere without your camera now. LOL

                              Slo...glad some of the knee pain is diminishing, be careful and know your limitations when playing with the grandkids. I like the idea of moving away from the traditional Santa Claus decorations, my twin always displayed tiny villages and I've always wanted to do that. Of course I'd want to add a train through the town. Thinking it could be something I add to every year.

                              Lav...although we've got some snow coming it's not supposed to be much. The real issue is the freezing arctic temps that are to arrive. I definitely took the right 2 weeks off! Hope you get a chance to talk to your grandson soon, he's got to be feeling really bad about the kitten. Planning on popping out tomorrow to stock up on some groceries before the deepfreeze hits. Once it's here I'll just be going to work and home again.

                              Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP


                                Re: 31st December 2023

                                Hiya all how are we doing? Hopefully all is. We have just got back from Amy's..the road's up here are very icy yet down there they stil have the heavy scars of the storms .went out for a meal really enjoyable both the company and food. Took some pics of the fields down there where they have been flooded.lots of ruined crops




                                Couple of pics of her house an

                                d the banking


                                They actually own this part of the riverbank as well!!

                                Hope you are doing good its 18 15...been a long day
                                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

