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    Re: Jan14

    Greetings friends,

    Woke up to a brisk 7 degrees this morning, wow! I finally made my way down the driveway to the mailbox this afternoon without slipping & falling, nice. I don’t mind snow but the ice is another story. Today was a good day for soup so I made this one with a few changes to suit my lower sodium diet. Simply replacing canned tomatoes, tomato paste & tomato sauce with the ‘no salt added’ by Hunts makes a huge difference. I also replaced the white pasta with whole wheat couscous - turned out really good. One Pot Vegan Creamy Italian Acini di Pepe Soup - Rabbit and Wolves
    Very thick & hearty, sticks to your ribs on a cold day. I am going to get out to the supermarket tomorrow since these’s another storm due here Friday.

    Cyn, that sounds like quite comprehensive testing. I’m sure it was tiring. I’ll be interested in. The findings if you care to share them with us. It will be good to get some clarity on what’s going on with you.
    Not driving on icy roads is a good decision, that’s why I’ve stayed put myself. Don’t work too hard, schedule some rest time for yourself.

    Mick, it seems like we all have unusual weather going on. Good to have plenty of company, right?
    I slept GREAT last night but I also received my grounding mat in the mail yesterday. I had ordered it a while ago & had almost forgotten. I actually slept a solid 8 hours in one position which is something I haven’t done since the age of 41. Take a look at this thing, if it keeps working like this I’m going to buy a few more as gifts for people I know who could benefit from one. GroundingWell Grounding Mat | Experience Earthing from Home

    Slo, I’m thinking you could benefit from one of these mats too. It’s very safe & interesting technology that relieves aches & pains without meds, improves sleep & much more. Let me know what you think. I hope you & Mick both like that banana bread, healthy & very tasty. Glad your trip home was a good one.

    Hello to PQ, Pie & everyone checking in later. Please be safe & stay warm everyone!!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Jan14

      MAE ALL...I see my post from yesterday isn't here. It could have been user error, I was pretty tired when I got home. It did manage to snow all night and all day today and the temps didn't improve like they had previously predicted. Oh well. Made it to my eye appointment with no problems on the road. Everyone was going fairly slow and they were all playing nice. LOL All good with my eyes, cataract is growing but surgery is not yet needed. On the way back to work conditions had worsened as well as the drivers. Quite a few crashes in the lanes I had traveled to the eye appointment and managed to get past the one on the way back before the emergency crew shut the lanes down. Eye doctor wants to see me again in a year and I said let's make it 16 months and he said Ah, ya, May. LOL

      Lav...I read about your banana bread, not sure if I'll be making it, the soup sounds more to my liking. I am interested in your grounding mat. Do you actually sleep on it? Does it have to be against your body or can you put it under a sheet? I have been sleeping on a couch for the last 13 years, do you think I could use it on the couch? The snow is supposed to stop sometime tomorrow but the temps will hover around -29C/-20F till the weekend. Thankfully I don't have any more appointments to go to right now.

      Mick...yes, I can guess the naughty words after moving the repurposed rabbit hutch. LOL It did keep you busy and you know how you hate sitting around. Not going on your trip was definitely the right call. Everyone is having crazy weather. Work has been pretty busy after the 2 weeks off but everything is caught up so now I can move on to programing the new Summer Day Camp Registration/Programs which is to go live on Feb 29th. That'll keep me on my toes.

      Slo...I didn't realize you were still home when the power went out. That would have been a pain getting up and organized to go with no power. I'm glad you made it home safe and sound and of course the worst of it would be from the pet hospital. I'm glad you heart is full again. Whatever the boss and contractors did on Saturday seems to be working as the heat remains on, so all classes are still going.

      TG...I bet your brain was worn out after yesterday. It'll be interesting to see what they have to say after all that. Good for you going the extra mile and getting the lasagna to your elder. I hope your bus ride to make the homeless meals was uneventful for you. We'll all be glad when this crazy weather is over with.

      It's bacon & tomato sandwiches tonight so I better get at it. Have a safe and peaceful night all....:smile:PPQP


        Re: Jan14

        mae are we doing today then? solid sheet of ice ..literally over here this morning .its still dark .Was going to take the car out yesterday ..but anything up here unless it has 4wd has no chance///I cleared and chucked some grit on the path and behind the car and that was it ..another cold one today .Didnt sleep too well at all .Next door are moving house ..and they move tomorrow so everything is getting packed up sad loss.

        hiya are you doing?hows the weather over there? you need a snow top up?so your eyes are ok?Ilove making soup..Im keeping my eyes open for what when I was back home we used to call a jeely pot .which is in effect a big jam pan ..that way I can make more in one batch You take care

        hiya Slo ,,,how are you doing today then?hope all is well.So you got a lift with the innocence of the kids hiding in the same place over and over again in sight ?Absolutely superb at an early age ...though not much good for a career in bank robbery or being a sniper ... both my rabbits love the heat pads ..its been on this last week a lot .

        hiya Lav are you doing?7 degrees thats summer !!its minus 6 here ..Ive had to put a long sleeved t shirt on !Sorry but the word rabbit in the soup doesnt do it for me ..any other name ...Ive still got a couple of bags of soup left but I need to get some more on the go.Im going to have a look at that mat ....and the banana bread .Meanwhile in the frozen tundra of Lancashire .....

        have a good one

        big hello to everyone else ..

        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Re: Jan14

          It’s a warmer day today and yesterday: 14F. But we go colder again starting tomorrow.

          TG, I can’t believe they made you answer so many questions! That is very thorough. It would tire anyone.

          Good news at your eye appointment, PQ; and so glad you made it through before they blocked the road.

          I ordered that grounding mat ASAP, Lav! I have been wondering about getting one, but thought I would have to string a stick attached to the pad out the door, and stake it into the ground myself! I am having an even more difficult time with grounding myself, not only because of Winter weather, but because I have to wear shoes all the time now to accommodate the lift and orthotics. And not being able to squat and kneel and those sorts of things make gardening and digging into the dirt and sand difficult. Thank you!

          I guess the neighbors moving means you’ll get new neighbors, Mick?
          It has to be challenging getting up your driveway with all the ice.

          I had tests and X-rays done yesterday, and will get all the results next week. I have a new, larger lift now in my left shoe to get used to.

          How are your chickens doing in the cold weather, Lav?
          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


            Re: Jan14

            Greetings friends,

            No sun today but it warmed up to freezing (32 degrees) Lol
            Getting some flurries now but the real snow storm is supposed to arrive 7 am tomorrow. Got out to the supermarket to load up on supplies. I got to thinking it?s so nice not having to worry about running out of wine & smokes anymore, thank goodness The Amish are running YB ragged this week. The woodworkers are installing kitchens & the guy who makes tables for greenhouses needed his tables taken to the fairgrounds up in Lancaster Co. so they all need rides & hauling done. Keeps him busy & out of my hair.

            PQ, good news about your eye appointment & safe travel. Cars are knocking utility poles down around here so we keep losing power. Some people just shouldn?t drive in the winter. The grounding mat can be used anywhere, bed, sofa or even if you?re sitting in a chair & put your feet on. They say you need skin contact with the pad for at least 10 minutes. I have mine right now on the edge of the mattress where I just place my hands on. The same company also sells bottom sheets where you can put the pad under the sheet. They say you need skin contact at least the size of your hand, as long as your sofa is nearby an outlet with a GFI you can plug it in there. It uses no electricity, very safe. Long gone are the days of walking barefoot outside connecting with the earth. I?m sleeping better & feeling more rested in the morning which is awesome!

            Mick, the girl who writes those recipes goes by the name Rabbits & Wolves but she?s vegan, haha!!! She does have some nice recipes that you can switch to non-vegan by using real dairy.
            We?re heading down to 13 degrees tonight, cold enough! The woodstove in the basement helps keep the place warm enough.
            I hope your new neighbors are an improvement.

            Slo, I totally agree that grounding ourselves gets more difficult as we age & we are surrounded 24 hrs per day by everything electric. This simple device is genius, really. I hope you get some immediate relief too
            I hope your tests results are good so you can move on with life.

            Here?s a quick snapshot of the pamphlet that comes with the grounding mat

            Hello to Cyn & Pie & anyone else dropping by tonight.
            Have a good night all,

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Jan14

              MAE ALL...better weather day today, still cold but no snow and the sun came out. We're not under a cold weather warning but everyone around the city is, so it may still happen. -17C/1F Way better than -29C. Was a steady day at work finishing off odds & ends, hoping to start on the new programs tomorrow.

              Mick...I don't remember you having this kind of weather last year. Do you wish it was still raining? Just think, you'll be able to watch the neighbours slide all their belongs down the road. LOL I googled your jam pan and they're out there, but you probably don't want to pay 400 pounds for it.

              Slo...with your response to ordering the grounding mat ASAP you two have really got me thinking. Let us know how it works for you when you get it. I hope the tests and x-rays show some improvement for you.

              Lav...thanks for the snapshot, it's almost as if it's one of those too good to be true things. Except it seems to be the real deal. I'm going to have to see what shape my taxes are in before I can commit to this, but it's at the top of my want list. I'm grateful I haven't lost any power through this brutal weather. Did you get the generator fixed? Good to hear YB is out and about, he must be feeling much better and I'm sure you appreciate him out of your hair.

              Came home to a counter full of dirty dishes, so I'm not cooking tonight. Just going to make a fried egg sandwich for myself. Shout out to everyone else. Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP


                Re: Jan14

                Mae all,
                We are having weather similar to PPQ here... looking at -16F one of these mornings... we?ll see if i walk to work or take the car for a 1-block drive. I am calling the apartment office tomorrow- the sidewalks on the street-side of the property still have not been cleared, and there are deep drifts... i?m still going down to my knees in spots, ridiculous!
                Lav, thanks so much for these recipes, they look delicious. I might have to start cooking again! So interesting about the sleeping mat - I?ve seen the adverts, and wondered if it could possibly help. Would love to know which one you got... I think I?ll invest.
                PPQ - I?m still sleeping in a sleeping bag (on top of my bed)... I?ve done that since Covid, and now it just feels normal. Glad your doc is in alignment with you.
                SLO, love the story of the kid?s playing hide and seek... so cute. How are all your ?adjustment? things working? (Shoes, etc.) Hope things are improving.
                Mick, it sounds like you are not sad that the neighbors are moving on. I hope the new ones are more to your liking. As far as heating pads go, I guess I must be part rabbit, as I have a heating pad that I literally carry around with me! (But I keep my apartment at 65 degrees F while there is this cold spell...)
                Who mentioned a site that matches elder people and elder pets? I might want to check that out...
                This evening I did not go to my elder?s house... the weather was just horrible at the time that I would have gone. I talked her through what food was in the fridge, and we decided on her menu, then she wrote me that she was baking potato... whatever! I started work at 5 AM this morning, but tomorrow I don?t start until 2 PM, so I?ll get over there and set up some coffee and food for lunch. She doesn?t really get going until about 5 PM. Not sure how long she?ll be able to sustain this. I?m looking forward to her granddaughter returning, so I don?t have to figure all this out myself.
                At the end of my Long-Covid clinic assessment, they said that I have ?Moderate? cognitive dysfunction. So at least there?s a marker. I guess it could have been worse. Hopefully they will be able to give me some ?exercises? to do to help... although working gives me lots of cognitive exercise, maybe it?s not the right kind. Next week I will be assessed for physical stamina, etc. Maybe I said prior that they are finding that a hallmark of Long Covid is that the mitochondria, particularly in the large muscles, are damaged and can?t make as much ?energy? as they should. That is possibly the culprit for fatigue. Anyway, I?m handling it by coming home from work and taking big naps! It doesn?t seem to prevent me sleeping at night (so far.)
                Anyway, life is certainly interesting, isn?t it. But these are all ?first-world? problems... my heart goes out to everyone who is a risk in this world... so, so many...
                Hoping all stay well and safe in this crazy winter weather...


                  Re: Jan14

                  Hello everyone and how are we today then question mark hope everyone is doing well. I am doing this on my phone at the moment my laptop is playing up for some crazy reason. It's certainly makes me hurry up and look at the probabilities of getting a new one! Whether isn't too bad today although it did slightly snow overnight last night however it was just a dusting it is very cold but the roads are starting to clear up now I'm managed to get the car out this morning. My next door neighbors are in final stages of packing their house up and we'll be on the move later on today we'll start then it is just waiting for the new ones to come in.

                  Hiya slo how are you today then question mark hope all is well with you yes the new neighbours will be here I guess over this weekend, I already know them it is the sun of the neighbor who lives in the house next door on the other side if that makes sense. Yes it is very challenging trying to get up the drive and the hill in this ice. I walked down yesterday slipped three times and fell once not bad odds really exclamation marks best of luck with your x-ray and the tests

                  Hiya lav how are you doing today then question mark hope all is well we have got the sun here today but it is still very very cold. So YB is busy hauling tables around the countryside is he?. Glad you are sleeping better. I also hope the new neighbors are an improvement on the previous people that live next door. I hope you have a good weekend

                  Hiya ppqp how are you today then? As far as the choice between rain and snow is given I'm not sure, the rain doesn't really bother me the snow does though it is more aesthetically pleasing full stop safety wise the rain winz. Well what can I say apart from the fact and shocked and stunned at the fact that you figured I wouldn't want to pay 400 pounds for a jam pan. This may be the new me you are talking to enough I think you're bet is safe. It's that time of the week again switch the phone off no work contact and have a great weekend

                  Hiya teegee how are you doing today? Hope things are okay with you. It makes sense when you think about it where you might all the pets with older carers those owners who have passed on and left pets behind, in fact I am pretty sure over here there is a very similar system. I think you are right you are suffering the effects of the Long covid the thing is normally knows actually how long it lasts for, some of the side effects disappear quite quickly others not so and yet others are there for the duration on this Mortal Coil. You take care and look after yourself are you working this weekend or is it weekend off?

                  A big shout to everyone else wherever you are whatever you are doing stay safe sober and sane take care all
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    Re: Jan14

                    Greetings folks,

                    Well, it’s been snowing all day & we are estimating about 6” on top of the 3” or so from a few days ago. There’s been no melting, just too cold. The weather geniuses are calling for rain & 50 degrees next week, Lol. YB managed to get Amos & his sample tables home in the midst of this snow today. Amos was very happy having gotten 40 some orders for tables during this event. My chickens are still cooped up, not much I can do about that. They have been nice to one another so far. Today is my daughter’s birthday, can’t believe it marks my 47th year of motherhood

                    PQ, our temps are dropping into the teens tonight, Brrr & it’s windy too.
                    The mat I bought is called GroundingWell. GroundingWell Grounding Mat | Experience Earthing from Home
                    I definitely feel a difference just after using it a few nights. Long term, we’ll have to see. If I end up feeling like I’m 20 again, look out haha.
                    I can remember coming home from work & finding the sink & counters full of dirty dishes & throwing a HUGE fit, Lol

                    Cyn, you’re dealing with frigid weather too, be careful!
                    Does your county have a Meals on Wheels program that delivers meals to the elderly shut-in? It’s a decent service & would relieve you of some of your duties keeping your elder fed. About your cognitive assessment, I think you already knew it’s an issue but you work hard to exercise your brain. At the very least get your doc to order an Occupational Therapy assessment. They will work with you & give you lots of ideas to exercise your brain & get you back to functioning near your usual level. Same goes if the physical assessment shows any deficits, see a Physical Therapist. It could be a safety issue & you don’t want to ignore that. There’s still so much they don’t know about Covid’s long term effects :hug: Take care & enjoy your naps!

                    Mick, it’s a skating rink around here too. I refuse to go out & fall & break something. I’m a weenie like that anymore. I just can’t forget all the old ladies I took care of in the hospital after their falls & fractures. I don’t want to be one of them. Having younger neighbors can be a good thing. The young couple across the road came over & plowed the driveway again today (you know how long it is) & their 2 boys shoveled steps & deck. Bless them all

                    Hello to Pie!

                    Good news is I heard from Wags today, she’s OK but has been dealing with a ton of personal stuff. She’s proudly remained AF thru it all & will try to post here next week or so. Glad I reached out.

                    Hello to anyone else dropping by & wishing a good night for all!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Jan14

                      MAE ALL...well that's it the week is done and thank god. I'm exhausted. Never did get to my programing it was just one thing after another today. I even told my boss I'm closing my door for awhile, you're on counter duty. LOL

                      TG...sorry you're getting hit with this weather. It just makes everything so much difficult. I'll be interested to know if you actually took your car to work today. Haha I hope the apartment office didn't just blow you off. Snow up to your knees is ridiculous. Here all sidewalks have to be cleaned down to the cement within 24 hours after the snow stops. If it's not you can call the city who will do it themselves and send the bill to the home/apartment owner. I still wear a mask after covid, it just feels normal. Hope you had an easier day.

                      Mick...I thought your laptop was fairly new. It's such a pain having set one up again. Glad the snow is easing off and I hope the temp improves soon. I agree, I like the snow as long as I don't have to go out in it. It may be the new you but no matter "how new" you get you're not dishing out that for a pot. Phone is already off, no events this weekend so boss should be safe. Except that he has to fill in for the Learn to Skate instructor (his daughter) tomorrow, I don't even feel sorry for him.

                      Lav...I sure hope you don't get the sudden temp increase and rain. All that'll do is turn everything into shear ice. BC is having a hell of a time. Thanks for the link, all I need is your endorsement. The boys eat their meals in their rooms, in front of their computers, and the dishes just pile up. If they're not going to wash them they can leave them there. I refuse to wash them, especially if they've been home all day doing nothing. Thanks for the update on Wags, I've been wondering how she is. I'm out tomorrow for some lab work so I put off grocery shopping till then.

                      Shout out to everyone else, hope all is good. Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP


                        Re: Jan14

                        mae are we doing today the? hope all is well .sounds like the bad weather is doing the rounds everywhere.We have a storm warning now .Storm Isha..heres an interesting article ..How are storms named in the UK? Full 224 list including Storm Isha | UK News | Metro News Our old neighbours have gone ...the new ones are in ..Julie thought she had gone deaf .the noise was unreal by its lack of ..ok they have kids ,the walls arent exactly fortress thick .but it is already a lot quieter .

                        hiya are you then?hope all is good .its the weekend can sack it now for the weekend .Im with Lav on the dishwashing ..I recall when I was in charge of A wing at Manchester prison ..the staff room was rfull of cups and plates where the staff just left them ..2 warnings ...third time I launched it all in the bin and smashed them..plates cups and a microwave that they hadn't even cleaned ....needless to say I didnt get too many chrimbo cards ..anyway hope you have a great weekend .

                        hiya Lav how are you then?my my dont you look younger ..that mat must be a hit .good for Amos ..I take it he is the local Amish guy...nice order for the tables !Julie says she is going to have a crack at making sourdough bread..I said I would ask you if you had a recipe?seeing as you are the bread guru .47rh year of motherhood? doubt I will ever reach that some work to do in the garden but the ground is too hard.hope you have a good day

                        a big hiya to everyone else ...

                        I left my last girlfriend because she wouldn't stop counting.
                        I often wonder what she's up to now!

                        So I got fired today because a customer wanted to buy bagel with cream cheese...
                        I told them, we only accept cash.

                        Teacher: "Johnny, can you use the word “gruesome” in a sentence?"
                        Johnny: "Yes ma’am, I used to be shorter, then I gruesome."

                        Me mum didn't do the big shop this week so we had nibbles for dinner!
                        Me brother wasn't happy we ate his hamster!

                        Anyone looking for some work ?
                        Need 8 people to work at a major event on the 30th & 31st of Feb.
                        8 hours per day,
                        ?400 per day.
                        ?800 for the 3 days.
                        Might be a late finish . Got transport to and from the event. You get your hotel paid.
                        No idiots !!
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          Re: Jan14

                          Good morning, Friends:

                          I babysat Huxley some yesterday, then went to Young Daughter’s swim meet with Huxley and his mom, D2. Ex-HB was there. I demonstrated to him how we can still talk to one another -don’t have to completely ignore one another.

                          PQ, I’m proud of you for making dinner just for yourself if your sons aren’t doing their dishes. I don’t miss that aspect of living with other people one bit. My heart would sink when I’d come home from work and see all the dirty dishes & counters, and the pan still full of macaroni & cheese hardening in it. Over & over again. Wish I would’ve been a stronger young woman back then, and just said “no” and left it there! Go buy a new pan if I need one to use!

                          I have been thinking about Wags quite a bit, and am happy to hear she will be posting again soon. And happy that she made it through the tumult AF.

                          TQ, well shoot: unfortunately you were right about some cognitive impairment from long COVID. You are doing good things to strengthen your cognition with the walks to work, the physical work, staying active in the community with co-workers & such, and the challenging learning that goes with a new job.
                          I wonder if something got depleted by COVID, like zinc or vitamin B12?

                          Mick, will your neighbors on either side be crossing your yard to visit each other, since they’re related? Soon you’ll have a well-worn path!

                          Bye for now.
                          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                            Re: Jan14

                            Greetings all!

                            We had full on sunshine today, it was nice to see but nothing melted because it?s below freezing still. I do hope we get some melting before rain moves in, that could be a flooding disaster in some areas.

                            PQ, I honestly think the grounding mat is worth a try if you can swing it. Consider it an investment in your health & welfare.
                            You?re not me but have you considered dumping those dirty dishes on their beds??? I?m absolutely sure I would have done that at some point. There was a dishwasher right next to the sink so there was absolutely no reason for me to come home from work & find all that mess. They learned after. A major freakout haha!!

                            Mick, I like the younger neighbors & don?t mind the kid noise - sounds normal to me. And don?t forget you can get them to help out with some high up the ladder jobs & save yourself a fall. I?ve had the same jar of sourdough starter in my fridge for years!!!. It needs to be fed once per week to keep it happy & I use the 1/2 cup of discard to flavor up my oat flour waffles or whatever I?m baking. There?s lots of instructions online for making your own starter these days but you can also get a package of dry starter online & start from there. Once it?s very active (producing lots of bubbles) you can bake your sourdough bread. Today I used some starter in my waffles & I decided to bake a loaf of cinnamon raisin bread which is so good.IMG_6600.jpg

                            Slo, glad you had some good family time. Talking to your ex on occasion should be a no brainer, glad you showed him how it?s done.
                            I guess you?re stuck in this frozen cold weather pattern too. Stay warm.

                            Hello to Cyn, hope all is well.
                            Hello to Pie too & Wags when yo decide to return

                            Have a nice night all!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Jan14

                              MAE ALL...had a decent sleep last night and woke with lots of energy, which is rare for me. Got my lab work done then went to Walmart for essentials, and there wasn't even a cart!! The store was packed!! There are some things I won't buy at Walmart so then went to my grocery store, which was less busy, and by the time I got home it took 4hrs. Lab, Walmart, grocery store all within 10 mins from me!!

                              Mick...I hate to hear another storm is going to hit especially when I'm heading into "summer weather". Thanks for the link, very interesting. New neighbours "Julie thought she had gone deaf" Very nice! I love the story of the when you were in charge of A wing, I'd have done the same except the microwave, I paid for that. I'm sure you can live without the chrimbo cards.

                              Lav...OMG, I can't believe what I'm hearing about DT. Who needs this sh*t. I can't believe the dishes would pile up when you actually had a dishwasher. I have never had a dishwasher. I did say that I was planning on cooking but since there was no dishes said F it. The dishes got done! LOL I'm sold, I'm going to purchase the grounding mat through the link you sent. As you know I don't do a lot of online shopping but I did purchase a device to help people who have low lung functions, especially with COPD. Took me a long time to decide, it arrived 2 days ago and OMG it has made a huge difference for me. I hope your weather doesn't cause you too much grief.

                     are a better person than I am. I absolutely refuse to acknowledge my ex. When his mother passed, my son was co-executor with his cousin (my BIL's daughter) of her estate. My brother in law made sure that my ex had no control over their estate and thankfully convinced his mother to change her will. If for some reason my ex was present with my boys I would "man up" and make the occasion as non-uncomfortable as possible, for my boys, not him. Oh! the dreaded Macaroni & Cheese pot!!! LOL BTW..I have often gone and bought a new pan. LOL

                     would be nice to hear from you, but no pressure, really. Just wondering if you're having to deal with all this crazy weather.

                              TG...hope you're looking after you and the snow has eased.

                              Pi...just wondering how many feet I have to add to my addition?

                              Have a good night all...:smilepqp
                              Last edited by porqoui; January 20, 2024, 08:16 PM.

