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Monday, 25 June 2007

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    Monday, 25 June 2007

    G'day Absville

    This is my third day AF. Quite exciting actually. Big week ahead. Loads of functions to prove myself ....

    Anyway, just a shout from cloudy but hot Hanoi (+32 Celsius).

    Have yourselves a good week. Mine will be filled with meetings and hot air, ha, ha. That's why I'll leave you with one of Murphy's lesser known laws:

    'Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. '
    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:

    Monday, 25 June 2007

    Congrats on the 3 days paddy. It is Early morning here and I am about to go to bed. I hope eveyone has a wonderful Monday.
    What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
    ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


      Monday, 25 June 2007

      Morning Paddy and Bear,
      Its 8.00am here in the UK and I have just got up.. Well done Paddy on 3 days AF, I liked the joke, my first laugh of the day, the first of many I hope... Looks like we are in for another grey rainy day here in the UK, still thats the great British summer for you..

      Half way through my holiday from work, one more week left, we are going to London on Wednesday for the day, then later in the week up to Manchester to see my mother.. Last week was spent painting and spring cleaning, so most of this week will be spent just generally mooching around, then, ho hum, back to work, BLAH....

      Hope all to follow are in good spirits,

      Love to all, Louise xxxx
      A F F L..
      Alcohol Free For Life


        Monday, 25 June 2007

        Good job Paddy, I'm sneaking into monthly mods.

        MD Biker, I'm up late as you are.

        Irish, you are sounding great,hope you have a great holiday.

        I'm up late contemplating a lot of stuff.

        Great day to all of you.
        Enlightened by MWO


          Monday, 25 June 2007

          Keep going Paddy!

          Irish, enjoy your holidays and sleep-ins. Ohhh - how I need a few of those! Maybe next weekend if my sons Saturday soccer is canceled I'll have Saturday AND Sunday sleep in. Fingers crossed for rain! :H

          In social situations, I am going to switch my thinking and see myself as being cool-baby for not drinking and being different from the rest of the crowd.

          Happy days everyone. I love being sober!
          :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


            Monday, 25 June 2007

            Everyone sounds in good spirits today. That is good. I think I might emirgrate to a hot country- this rain in the UK does not suit me at all!
            I just spoke to my husband on the phone, he is not too happy with me as I have just dented my car pretty badly. I mis-judged our gates coming into our driveway, they got in the way of my car! Not good. Oh well, At least I was sober!!!

            Have a lovely day today all of you lovely people. Bella xx


              Monday, 25 June 2007

              morning all, I like to seeing self as cool and different for mothers train of thought scoobs, will try to incorporate that.
              It is truly rubbish weather here in the UK today, grey, cold and rainy.
              Just spent a tonne of cash (planned splurge) on new clothes on ebay - lovely.
              Today is pay day so I am very happy.
              have a good Monday all.
              one day at a time


                Monday, 25 June 2007

                Hiya All

                I had the most productive day at work today..... about time I started performing again.

                I did a few performance conversations that I have been putting off and was in a great mood all day.

                I am glad I am back talking to my staff again. It is pretty poor being a manager and just locking yourself in your office all day.

                I even left work a bit earlier tonight as a treat for being such a good worker all day .... and I even incorporated a lunch time run into my day.... and I rang my mum and had a chat and wished her happy birthday....

                I think a good weekend free of alcohol (first weekend in years) and plenty of sleep has done wonders for me.

                I will bottle the feelings I have today for next time I am run down and worn out.

                Have a great week all


                  Monday, 25 June 2007

                  Hi everyone,

                  I'm going to sneak in here too if that's ok. I wanted to get a few af's under my belt and today is day 8 for me, and a personal best! I also gave up smoking last Monday so I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself.

                  Got to say I don't think, in fact I know I wouldn't have acheived this without this site. I am a bit of a MYO addict but it's healthy and fun and I learn something new every day.

                  It's the wettest day of the year so far here in the UK which is typical as Wimbledon starts today. Our number 1 is already out before he's begun so we're all resting or hopes on poor old Tim once again.

                  (Although personally I want Roddick to win, as he came so close and he is gorgeous!)

                  See you later,

                  Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                    Monday, 25 June 2007

                    Kitty and Thought... this is brilliant news for both of you. I am seriously so excited for both of you!

                    Doesn't it feel great having an AF weekend... and Kitty, that first 7 days is so cool, and you're past it and on day 8! It gets better from here I think. Nice work you guys!
                    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                      Monday, 25 June 2007

                      Another crazy day in front of me! Yuck! I am feeling so overwhelmed these days. But slowly things are getting done. At least I got one thing out of the way that was already on my mind re: my professional license. It turned out to be easy! Whew!

                      Anyway, great for everyone already here today.

                      I'm wondering if Lisa called her "gentleman caller" back! Lisa, I hope so. Keep us all posted. I know it's hard. I'm going to get back on the dating roller coaster when I have a little more abs time under my belt. I still feel a little too tenuous right now, but I sure am rooting for you.:l

                      Anyway, gotta feed my kitties and get ready for work!

                      Day 14 here!


                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        Monday, 25 June 2007

                        By the way, anyone heard anything of Macks and Lisa recently? It's been a bit quiet around them. Hope they're doing ok.
                        Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                          Monday, 25 June 2007

                          Morning All!

                          Boy we're all a buzz here this morning.

                          Scoobs- I echo your comment as being "see myself as being cool-baby for not drinking and being different from the rest of the crowd". You know what I think-it takes a lot of work & determination to be AF, a strong willed person. So there-I'm great! LOL! Now I gotta work on that extra weight I put on after I quit. More will power -I'm pooped..... :yuk:

                          Louise-enjoy the rest of your holiday .

                          Kitty-I consider the time I spend on the PC with MWO time I'd be spending in AA meetings. AA is not for me and MWO is - so why not spend time where something is working for you. Like you said-it's a positive in my life.

                          T2M- ha ha at myself. I first read your sentence as "back talking" to your employees & then you saying you're a good boss. I was like "hunh?" I wouldn't want a "back talking" boss. Then I re-read it. D'oh!uch:

                          Am planning an afternoon with the kids in the pool. I feel like a big clock going "tick tick" in my ear waiting for my new job to call & let me know when to start (or my friend since they are calling her about updates before me). They did say beginning of July so till then......

                          Have a good day everyone!
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                            Monday, 25 June 2007

                            Hi all -- Just checking in, back from south of the border. Still doing well. No cravings and content with my decision for my future. I can't believe how much I'm doing compared to 6 weeks ago. I'm exercising, writing, having summer fun with the family. Wow!
                            Everyone sounds good. Will be spending time catching up a bit with posts.
                            Trying to stay cool. 114 over the weekend -- that's Fahrenheit, lol!
                            Bella -- I misjudged a gate when I was dating my husband, driving his truck -- glad he still married me. LOL

                            Good Luck to all this week. Every emotion, every craving is temporary.
                            Take Good Care

                            AF 21, March 2010

                            "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                              Monday, 25 June 2007

                              well, Hi to all of you in Absville

                              I don't usually post, and when I do, it is usually in mods, but, I am going to try to be abs, if I can, so here I am. I am on day 2 today.

                              Are you all in the UK? lol. Well, I know Kathy is here in the US with me.

                              After some success with my drinking about a year ago, with Topa, I did a huge backslide in the fall. I had two wonderful excuses...some legal issues with my hubby, which sent me over the edge with fear, disappoinment and anger, and my nieces illness. Yes, they were excuses, and I have used them to my fullest. As some of you know, my niece died about a week ago. It really has made me think. A lot. She of all people had every excuse to self-destruct, if she wanted to. She didn't. She lived her life to the fullest. Two weeks before her death she finished a paper for her Junior year at Princeton, and turned down a hotdog with her friend, because she was a vegetarian. I am not beating myself up, or feeling guilty that I am not as strong as her, but I am realizing that life is short, and I am hurting my own through the choices I make.

                              I need to find out why, when I am overwhelmed with emotion, I choose to numb myself through self-destructive behaviors. That is definately an issue for me.

                              I have no idea if I will make through tonight sober, I truly don't. I will not lie. But I need to focus on trying my best to be my best through living an AF life.

                              So, I am here. Wish me luck.

                              formerly known as bak310

