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Tuesday 26th June

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    Tuesday 26th June

    Seems like I'm first here, so I'll start if I may ( last time I started a daily thread I " cross-threaded" with a regular ...quite embarassing really).
    Up early to put my youngest daughter on a plane to UK then the USA with the school. Boy, school excursions have got pricey!! Great opportunity for the Kids though. My son is in Vienna so my family is shrinking. Only one daughter and a husband left at home!!
    Scoobs, I find using the mindset of being ' different' and therefore unique, helps me when I'm socializing and not drinking. I'm over 45 days AF now and I have pretty much got it licked, EXCEPT for the little celebrations in life. Landed a new job yesterday and frankly a cranberry juice just doesn't cut it !! desperate to crack a bottle of bubbly. How I LOVE champers and thats why I will never touch it again. because i cannot stop at one....

    Kitty. it always rains for Wimbledon doesn't it, but Bella there's not much point coming to Oz if you're hankering after a hot Country, we're in Winter down here. Maybe we should all lob up to Hanoi to see Paddy!!!
    Thought2, I have recently ordered a book I saw advertised in The Age for women Managers ( hope you're a woman, guess I don't really know that ??) called ' Chicks in Charge'. It got a good write up. Sorry, i've lost the authors name. if you're interested i can find it out for you.
    Congrats to Skendall on monthly mods, a grand quiet achievement.
    Enjoy the rest of your hols Louise, take a leaf out of Beer73 book perhaps and spend some beer money on ebay...a little reward for doing so well. Gotta love ebay!
    HDBiker from Texas, that sounds so....tough! :H
    Anyway, less rambling, have a great day everyone. I have to go quit my job now.
    love Jane x
    Jane :heart:

    Tuesday 26th June

    your poor daughter, its pouring down in the uk at moment, !!! lovely english weather, so much 4 summer, maybe she will bring sunshine with her!!! congrats on new job, u just reminded me i quite like cranberry juice, obviously not as much as ber but i may get some for my looming detox, cheers xxx
    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


      Tuesday 26th June

      Jane, I was just thinking yesterday about times of celebration, and I have decided that from now on, I want to actually remember the party/celebration, and that's helping me adjust my mindset.

      Jane, my son Alex (just turned 16 in April) is in Germany this year on a Rotary exchange. We're heading over to Europe in November for a 3 week holiday. I miss my first born baby boy sooo much! He's loving it. What an amazing opportunity for the school excursion, UK & USA! How long are they away for?

      45 days is awesome Jane!

      Speaking of Wimbledon and traveling, next year my parents are doing a 6 month house swap with my aunty & uncle who have a seriously gorgeous house in Wimbledon. My parents have a top floor apartment in Sydney with sweeping harbor views from the city around to the headlands. What a fantastic opportunity for retired couples to do a house swap like that!

      Irish, I reckon you should think about doing something like that. And you know you're welcome to stay with us in our humble abode when you come traveling downunder!

      :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


        Tuesday 26th June

        Aw Scoobs, thank you for that, if sometime in the future there is a knock on your front door and when you open it you see a jet lagged cat with a lime on her head, that will be me.. How you will explain it to the neighbours though is up to you... :alf:

        Jane, congratulations on the new job, and good for you with all those lovely AF days behind you.. Its funny, but when you are standing on the starting line waiting to begin, 3 or 4 days AF can seem so daunting, but, when you look back now at 30/40/ or even 50 days AF its such a solid block of achievement, its like putting money into a savings account and now you are reaping the interest on your savings.. Keep it up.. :goodjob:

        Rachel, I hope all goes ok for you with the detox... Start stocking up now on all those SOFT drinks, also try to give some thought to how you are going to fill the time you used to spend drinking... Don't wait till you actually stop drinking, set some plans in place now.. I wish you all the luck with it because this is one big step you are taking but it will transform your life, perhaps you won't feel like that to start with but stick with it, I promise you it will be worth all the hard work in the end.. :l

        As for me, well another lazy day today, then tomorrow, off to London for the day.. Have just bought my first digital camera so will probably go mad taking photos of everything, I may even be able to work out how to post some of them in the gallery, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.. :H

        Love to you all, Louise xxxx
        A F F L..
        Alcohol Free For Life


          Tuesday 26th June

          CHEERS U MAD WOMAN !!!! in a good way, pussy cat pussy cat where have u been, ive been up 2 london to look at the queen!!!!!! look forward to your photos u gonna b wearing your gren hat in em !!!!! lots a love xxxxx
          :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


            Tuesday 26th June

            Good Day Jane, Rachel, Scoobs and Louise (and all the others that will follow),

            I agree with all of you. The weather has really been mad over the past few months or so, hasn't it what?! Here in Asia it wreaks havoc, too. Floods and storms and what have you. In Hanoi, we even had an earthquake last month! Mad, I tell you.

            Jane, I so agree with you on the bubbly side. I used to finish a bottle of champagne a night! And when I say champagne, I mean it ... Where I'm from it's affordable, and my folks (particularly my mum) was (and still is) as hooked on it as I was. So, makes for great heritage, ey? In any case, I'm happy that I found this website, and that since February I'm on Topa. Can't touch Champagne anymore, leave alone enjoy it ... Thanks God!

            Today, I'm on my 4th day AF. That's when they say alcohol is supposedly out of your system? 96 hours. Well, there are many theories on that. But I can also feel that my panic attacks, which sort of started coming on again (I hadn't had them for 9 months or so) lessened.

            For those of you who followed the TOPAMAX survey thread, I had reported that despite my being on 200 mgs, my wine intake was on 3-4 glasses a night again. And that I wasn't ok with that. And that stress sort of made me relapse to drink 3/4 bottle again. Anyway, long story short, I increased the Topa to 225 mgs and cravings have gone, and I guess I will use it as a start to AF rather than Moderation. At least that's the plan.

            Enough bla bla. Have a good day. ;-))
            Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


              Tuesday 26th June

              it really is awfull here 4 june, yr b4 last i made my 1 st ever trip on a plane , to thailand, !! nothing like in at the deep end 4 me, i shit my pants all the way but it ws well worth it i had a mental time, i really loved it, bf wants to b living there in the nxt 10 yrs, id love to, our next holiday we have been seriously thinking about vietnam, saying that earthquakes quite scary, yes, it is monsoon season now isant it there, hope u r doin ok , xx
              :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                Tuesday 26th June

                Hi all,

                Jane 45 days is fantastic and well done on the new job, well done.

                Rachel good luck for the detox, sorry your experience at the docs wasn't very nice but they won't be able to ignore the results and they will help you.

                Scooby that house swap sounds great, there used to be a TV prog here about that and it was really interesting.

                Irish take loads of batteries with you for your camera. Digitals are a bugger for them. Buy the very best you can afford, I used some specifically for cameras and they last ages, think they were made by Kodak.

                Paddy well done on day 4, I have been closely following your Topa thread, mine should arrive in about 2 weeks and I'm doing lots of research. I am giving af a really good go. I can moderate in as much as only drinking say once a week but when I do I go overboard and then very gradually more sessions per week creep in.

                Day 9 for me and I can hardly beleive it, I am feeling a little odd though, kind of euphoric does anyone know what I mean? And I am finding that now and again my head is saying "you're fine now have a litle drink" It's almost like an unconscious thought and when I hear it I have to shut it up. I don't know if that make sense? Maybe I am just barmy after all.

                Have a good day everyone,

                Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                  Tuesday 26th June

                  hi a kitty, thanks, im starting to nkow mlooking forward to it in strange kind a way, will b nice to have good excuse to just go to bed an stay there, trying to think of ways 2 get mum to have my boy on a school night an not tell her y, without either of em thinking im out on the lash, not an easy 1 given track record, i dont really want 2 tell mum, not untill i have done it, she really doe s love it when i mess up, not sure y, but she s always been like it, partly y im having to do this detox, i dont want to tell her i just want her to c, then i dont ever have to admit that she was right an i am a useless piss head, or hopefully was, she thinks im having a blood test for arthritius again!!!
                  :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                    Tuesday 26th June

                    Morning All-

                    Kitty-your'e on the "honeymoon phase" of your journey. I used to know of an article about it-but can't find it. ongrats on achieving over a week.

                    Paddy-when I got off the hooch I wasn't back to nomal for at least a week everytime. Yeah on 4 days.

                    Jane congrats on 45 days+.

                    Louise-I'm a picture fanatic. Funny yet I haven't posted any pics. Have a good trip.

                    Scoobs-I agree. I now remember details of important what kind of cake or what I ate! LOL.

                    Hi rachel-take what Louise said seriously....prepare for everything as you will be vulnerable once you end detox. The alcoholic mind doesn't go away over night & will try & presuade you to have a drink the moment you start feeling better about yourself. It moments like that you will need your tools. Good luck.

                    Off to take the babes for a haircut.

                    Have a terrific Tuesday.
                    Attached files [img]/converted_files/272440=1172-attachment.gif[/img]
                    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                      Tuesday 26th June

                      Greetings. Y'all seem to be doing so well so I will try to join in and make this my day 1. Nineteen days AF is the best I have done. I will try again, it seems like day 1 is the most difficult.
                      Thanks for your posts.
                      Love and Peace,
                      Love and Peace,

                      Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


                        Tuesday 26th June

                        Good morning all. Busy this morning. I wish you all the best.
                        What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                        ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                          Tuesday 26th June

                          top o the Tuesday AB-originees!

                          and welcome here cpn.

                          Rachel do be careful on the detox and speak with yer doc if you detox at home (don't mean to be a nag but it can be rough)

                          I'm supposed to be working so will sneak back when I can,

                          Agent Garlic....out.
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            Tuesday 26th June

                            Hi All!

                            Busy day here so I just have time to say a quick hi! Boy I'm tired! Got a little more done today, though.

                            I was planning on having a half a filet mignon that I had left over from the other night, but I came home to find that Maddy ate it before she went to work. :bat It's good I'll be asleep by the time she gets home from work!

                            Anyway, I'm completing day 15 here. I'm starting to feel proud. YAY!


                            AF as of August 5th, 2012


                              Tuesday 26th June

                              Oh Kath- I hate when that happen!

                              Congrats on 15!
                              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

