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Wednesday 27th June

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    Wednesday 27th June

    G'day everyone

    Paddy, welcome aboard the abs. That's great news about the Topa working for you again since increasing the dosage!

    Rachel, I echo what Breez and Irish suggested to you on the previous days thread. Preparation is key.

    I was up working til 3am so have only had 5 hours sleep again. My friend is coming to work with me all day today so I'm really hoping to knock the majority of this work on the head by this afternoon. I'm sick of talking about work, let alone doing it! :H

    I called one of my sisters last night and my brother in law answered so I told him all about giving away the alcohol... he is an absolute darling and was so incredibly supportive and told me how proud he and my sister were of taking such a big and challenging step to better myself. They knew previously about my concerns and attempts at moderating. His thoughts meant the world to me I later spoke with my other sister and she was saying that she thinks she has the potential to develop a real drinking problem too. I have 2 sisters and they have both said the same thing. Genetics hey?! I'm the only one who has actually developed the problem (so far - touch wood).

    I really feel like this big kid with all this spirit and carefree feeling. I don't feel as though I am suddenly in control as there is nothing to control anymore - instead I have this immense sense of freedom. Freedom from years of trying to control something that I clearly had no control over.

    Any anxiety I previously had has completely disappeared and I now know without a doubt that it was alcohol that created and spoon fed previous generalised anxiety. So these days I am free of anti-depressants/anxiety meds, cigarettes and alcohol. Mick has started drinking the occasional beer at home this week and it doesn't phase me in the slightest. I feel like I'm slowly making progress with the acceptance that I don't need to drink alcohol ever again. It certainly hasn't done me a single favour to date!

    Alcohol v sobriety? Sobriety please!

    Thanks for reading my little blurb for the day! :cheering

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

    Wednesday 27th June

    Hiya Scooby and all to come,

    Funny Scooby how you are up and I'm about to go to bed.

    Glad you are feeling free and I love your "blurb" you are so upbeat.

    Well it is nearly midnight here and I have completed 8 days, a personal best!! Been a tough day but I just rode it through. One of the most difficult things is experiencing problems and emotions that would usually be numbed with alcohol. Thinking back I think that that is one of the reasons I started drinking, and it has become a terrible habit.

    Anyway to anyone in the southern hemisphere have a great day, the rest of you I'll see in the morning.

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


      Wednesday 27th June

      Morning Scoobs
      Evening Kitty

      Guess I'm posting very early for Thur for me but I'm about to go to bed and then get up at 4am to get to work. I need to knock out some stuff too!

      Scooby- you sound great. I think it can be very difficult to have to make those decisions all the time - do I?, don't I?, if so how much? can be so tiring and it makes me feel like I am still a slave to it. Takes practice saying no.
      Still, alcohol can pop in my head, especially during stressful times.
      But I have tried to give myself a different thought process about it. Instead of feeling deprived by not drinking I just try to think thru the whole thing - from drinking, getting drunk, then the hangover, then the dread, then the oh crap, not again....and after going thru the whole inevitable process in my head I have to conclude - "no drinking for me"
      I feel I have ruined the allure of alcohol for myself. That'allure' used to be a comfort to me but it is just an awful lie.
      Sorry...feeling chatty I guess.
      Just wanted to say - good job- and glad you are feeling so darn good.
      And Kitty - Big Congrats on 8 days. It took me several tries to get past 10days. You are doing great - it is so worth it.


        Wednesday 27th June

        I'm about to go to bed but had to pop in a comment & say "Yes Scoob-freedom". I can now make plans worry free-without the thought "maybe I'll be drinking & I'll have to make up an excuse to cancel". I can wake up each day knowing I can do what I want without a hangover dictating how much work I can do or how long I'll stay in bed or if I can take a shower. No more constant obessesive thoughts of "do I have enough booze to last me thru the weekend or the day/night". No more waking up with a pit in my stomach wondering how bad things really were the night before. That's not life-that's prison.

        AF= abolute freedom

        That's wonderful news about your siblings. I'm so happy for you.

        Off to bed-be back in 10 hrs.

        oh-& Bernie-no gabbing with your friend-get your work done (LOL).
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          Wednesday 27th June

          Good on yah Bernie, really! I'm also very proud that the Topa extra 25 mgs finally helped me with AF! Ouuf. Hey, by the way, did you actually managed to get your Topa Dopa? You had this moron of a doctor who wouldn't wanna give you a prescription, ey?
          Congrats, too, that you are able to so openly talk to your rellies on the topic. I talk about it to my parents (in Europe), too. My mum has an alc problem (well, she doesn't owe up to it - my dad does talk about her problem to me ...). He's a darling. I told my fianc?e quite frankly about why I gave up drinking. I was a problem drinker, but on my way to become an alcoholic. Funny lot were are ...

          Anyway, enough rambling. Breeze, sorry, not to ignore you. I don't want to be an I-Bastard, ha ha. It's true what you're saying about AF. The reason why I finally made my mind up about it was that this constant stress of note-taking on how much I was going to drink, and if , and why, and bad conscience, bla bla bla. So now, I'm just free of this worry. And I sleep better for it. And most of all some of the side effects of alcohol are gone as well (for me one of them was panic attacks ..)
          Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


            Wednesday 27th June

            Hi everyone,

            I agree with scoobs and Paddy, it's so much easier ( in the long run) to completely abstain because it's too hard trusting yourself not to have that extra glass! and I used to have to do all these mental notes too, about accepting appts. on Sat mornings for example, because they followed a Friday night!!Would I be able to make it?
            I think one of my regular hours of shame was waking on a Tuesday with a hangover. The beginning of a working week for Christ sake....who gets pissed on a Monday night! Loser!!
            Yep, AF does stand for absolute freedom and it has taken so much angst out of my life. I'm never going back!
            Got a weork function tonight and I'm taking ginger beer. No qualms at all. I'm on topa 25mgs for migraine prevention and after all the horror stories I had read expected to turn into an alien. But so far, nothing. Pretty low dose, of course.
            Daughter arrived safe and sound in the UK , but one of the Kids got pissed in-transit in Singapore and ended up in hospital! well, there endeth the lesson!!
            Have a good one.
            love jane
            Jane :heart:


              Wednesday 27th June

              Hi everyone,

              I agree with scoobs and Paddy, it's so much easier ( in the long run) to completely abstain because it's too hard trusting yourself not to have that extra glass! and I used to have to do all these mental notes too, about accepting appts. on Sat mornings for example, because they followed a Friday night!!Would I be able to make it?
              I think one of my regular hours of shame was waking on a Tuesday with a hangover. The beginning of a working week for Christ sake....who gets pissed on a Monday night! Loser!!
              Yep, AF does stand for absolute freedom and it has taken so much angst out of my life. I'm never going back!
              Got a work function tonight and I'm taking ginger beer. No qualms at all. I'm on topa 25mgs for migraine prevention and after all the horror stories I had read expected to turn into an alien. But so far, nothing. Pretty low dose, of course.
              Daughter arrived safe and sound in the UK , but one of the Kids got pissed in-transit in Singapore and ended up in hospital! well, there endeth the lesson!!
              Have a good one.
              love jane
              Jane :heart:


                Wednesday 27th June

                God morning guys. I also agree with scoobs about managing my drinking. As long as I had another drink in the future, I was always thinking about drinking. It is really hard to quit something when it is on your mind all day. Now, I am also free to do what I want when I want. Life is good
                What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                  Wednesday 27th June

                  Morning all,

                  Lisa I like what you said about thinking it through, you're right, it's not just about having a drink because there are a string of repercussions to deal with the next morning.

                  I had a terrible nights sleep worrying about work and stuff, only managed about 2 hours, but on a lighter note I have got my sums wrong and this is day 10 not day 9 so that has cheered me up.

                  Have a good day everyone,

                  Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                    Wednesday 27th June

                    Lots of happy, free people tonight. Top stuff.

                    I just went out for dinner with my wife. We both drank water.

                    Not even a bottle of wine to get us in the mood for when we got home.....wink wink...

                    Well best get off this site quick before someone falls asleep on the

                    I think today is day 7 of no alcohol for me and about day 17 of my new life... I have lost count.

                    A bit early to say that I feel cured but I wont be going back to my old life!

                    Have fun all.... I will


                      Wednesday 27th June


                      Paddy-I didn't think you were ignoring me-I'd let you know:bat hee hee

                      T2M-glad you had a nice dinner-day 7 woohoo!

                      kitty-hope the work problems at work & stuff get resolved soon. Congrats on 10 days.

                      Bear-you're up early & I'm looking on East Coast time! Have a good day.

                      Jane-glad daughter came home safe & sound

                      Hi Lisa

                      Scoobs-hope you got a lot of work done

                      Hope all in UK have gotten some dry weather. It's a hot & humid sunny day here today. Looks like a pool day.
                      Attached files [img]/converted_files/275543=1222-attachment.gif[/img]
                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                        Wednesday 27th June

                        Hi All,

                        Just a quick check in. I've DEFINITELY gotta get some work done this morning. (my horoscope said so!)

                        But I'll be back later!

                        Day 16 for me!


                        AF as of August 5th, 2012


                          Wednesday 27th June

                          Right on "Absolute Freedomers"!!!!! love your term Breez. Loverly day in the high Sierras in spite of huge forest fires tearing through the Lake Tahoe area making it so smokey here...cough. Finally feeling a little like my old new self if that makes sense.
                          One noteworthy thing about being AF for me is being able to go out at night and not worry about driving...that used to stress me out terribly. Got permission from my doc to get my GB/Liver ultrasound finally so we'll see soon what the heck that pain is I've had for years.
                          Onward march Absolute Freedomfighters!!!!
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            Wednesday 27th June

                            Deter-Absolute Freedomfighters-now that suits us......better than Wee's Spotted dicks!
                            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                              Wednesday 27th June

                              Hi All,

                              Glad to see everyone here doing okay. I'm feeling a little blue today. Just sort of lonely and sad, although no particular reason why. Well that's not true. I'm just more aware of what's inside right now than I was when I was blotto.

                              In feeling lonely, I have the same feeling that I had when I was a teen, like I knew that LIFE was happening out there someplace but it sure didn't seem to be happening WHERE I WAS. It's sort of a boredom, tiredness, and restlessness, all at the same time, always waiting for life to happen. I know I have to make it happen, but I feel so tired sometimes. I know I'm a bit depressed, and I always feel like I have so much I HAVE to do, and so little time to even THINK about what I WANT to do! Truth be told, it makes me angry. Sometimes I get scared about whether I'm going to be able to stay AF, but I try to just focus on each day as it comes.

                              Darn it feels really good to say that! My pride IS starting to increase as the days pass.

                              I really like the idea of absolute freedom and thinking of ourselves as freedom fighters. I'm also pleased that I don't think about drinking at all until the evening, then viva la topa! It is hard though, to cope with these feelings of lonliness without wine. At any rate, enough of that...

                              Scoobs, it is wonderful that your family is so supportive and open. They all sound great. I'm so glad that you are feeling so good about your life these days!

                              Good for you Kitty on reaching your personal best and riding through some tough feelings AF.

                              Lisa, I hope you got everything done that you needed to today. I feel like a whiner next to you--4 am, yikes!!

                              Hey, Easy Breezy, you sound just like your name, even when you're about to go to sleep!

                              It's good to see you AF, Paddy, even though you did so well for a while moderating. I have had the experience learning to drink "over"the topa, too, though. It's no magic bullet--still takes a lot of diligence, eh? I'm glad that your fiancee is in on the deal. I'm sure it will help a lot.

                              Hi, Jane, I don't know you, but I'm looking forward to getting to know you better.

                              MD, you are so right about even thinking about drinking in the future. If I were thinking about trying to moderate, I would be planning and plotting already, even if I wasn't going to drink until September.

                              You sound happy t2m! Also sound like you're a little preoccupied at the moment!

                              I'm so glad you're feeling a bit better Mr. D. The world just doesn't seem right without the strong scent of garlic in the air!

                              Anyway, maybe I'll try to get a little more done before I hit the sack tonight.



                              AF as of August 5th, 2012

