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Thursday, 28 June 2007

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    Thursday, 28 June 2007

    G'day from this part of the World,

    hope all of you had a good night's rest/or whatever timezone you're in, ha, ha.

    Lately, I've been missing the Melon from NZ. Anybody knows what happened to her? Hope she's alright! I miss her witty comments on world events or should I say 'wold polelecs' as they say in NZ. So what's new? Tony's out? Gordon's in? Probably doesn't change much in what's happening to the poor people in Iraq and Afghanistan ... Will humanity ever learn? And then later on, millions of dollars and Euros are poured into countries in aid ... Which are then to be pounded into dust again by weapons ... Sad state of affairs ...

    Anyway, sorry, I should be more positive ... but for me working in Vietnam (in development), I'm just a little bit tired of these clowns ...

    Well, I wish you a good day after all ;-))
    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:

    Thursday, 28 June 2007

    Tony's out, Gordon's in, Di's been gone 10 years and they're still re-hashing it all!
    Down here, everyone worried about the drought and now they'tre all in a tizz about the rain....
    me in little surburbia? the older I get the more I realise it all really does go full circle. So now, i don't let much of it faze me on either a grand or a local scale. But, personally, I also realise ( since my drinking haze has lifted) that there is a lotta fine living and exploring to do. Coz you're a long time dead!! Trying to step out of my comfort zone a bit more and show a bit of bottle ( translation = courage) . Just do little things to start with that i would have shied from in the past, like going away for a few days ALONE. Quell horror!
    really, whats the worst thing thing that could happen ....?
    Jane :heart:


      Thursday, 28 June 2007

      Hi Paddy & Jane

      I hear what you're saying about being a long time dead Jane. I've been thinking along the same terms a lot more lately too. And don't you just love the way people are always talking about the weather. Deal with it! :H (not you... the people who always complain about it). I love the sunshine and the rain.

      I have nothing of real value to add today ( I am not going to talk about it! :H) but just wanted to pop my head in and say G'day!

      Ohh... our new super dooper deluxe mattress is arriving today but I'm not going to get much of a chance to sleep on it tonight, as I'm pulling (hopefully my last) all nighter, working. Still exciting to have a fabulous new creme d'la creme pillow top mattress! I appreciate small luxuries

      Happy Days!
      :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


        Thursday, 28 June 2007

        Geez and all I've been doing is

        complaining about the weather here in Phoenix.

        I HATE the heat. It's been over 110 the past two days. I know, I know, it is a DRY heat, but when the heat is so hot you can't leave your laptop in your car long enough to walk into the shop to buy a soda before it melts, it is HOT. DRY or not. heh.

        As for the politics.

        My daughter's boy is in Iraq. He is out of touch and can't be reached. We are worried and sick with fear for him. None of us care about the politics and whether it is "wrong or right," we just want him back safe and sound!!!

        I think about him all the time and worry. Not a political issue. A human issue.

        Any how, this old bird needs to go to bed now.

        Paddy, have a good day.
        Scoob, hope the allnighter works out and the new mattress is wonderful at the end of it all.

        Take care, all!!

        Sobriety, Scoob, wish it was Simple, but really, really proud of how you guys are doing. You are helping me sooooooo much!!! Such an inspiration!!

        Good night from Phoenix, Arizona
        AF April 9, 2016


          Thursday, 28 June 2007

          Morning all,

          Had a wonderful day in London yesterday... Went up by coach and when we booked it we had forgotten it was the day of the weathermen, Tony out/Gordon in.. We wandered down to Downing Street and stood with the crowd to catch a glimpse of anything, all we saw were three fast cars leave Downing Street for the Palace and that was that... Loads of protesters and the worlds press were there as well..

          We also saw the changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace, and before anyone asks, NO we did not see Christopher Robin OR Alice.. Walked around Trafalgar Square, then down to the river Thames, all round Fleet Street, Covent Garden, and loads of other places...

          I wore a pedometer, I think you are supposed to walk an average of 10,000 steps per day, well, when I arrived home I checked it and found to my amazement I had walked 20,353 steps... Dave converted it to miles and it made it just over 12 miles.. Mind you, my bones ache a bit today, but we did have a good time.. There was such a lot of tourists there that every time I heard an Australian or American accent I automatically thought of you all...

          I think the same way now about time passing by and being a long time dead, so I have decided to give up work soon and just enjoy myself, I can retire officially in October but I don't want to wait till then as a lot of things have changed for the worse where I work, so although it seems a bit scary I am going to do it....

          Jane, don't be scared of going away alone, I have done it lots of times and it is quite enjoyable..

          Scoobs, a new bed and mattress is the next thing I am going to buy, hope you manage to get some sleep on yours, don't work too hard..

          Cindi, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your daughter for the safe return of your grandson

          Paddy, I think weemelon is just kept busy at the moment with her job, I miss her breezy pants wetting humour as well, what a fantastic Prime Minister she would make.. :H

          Righty ho, housework ( blah ) to be done and then a bit of gardening this afternoon is the weather is okay..

          Take care all,

          Love, Louise xxx
          A F F L..
          Alcohol Free For Life


            Thursday, 28 June 2007

            Morning Paddy,Jane, Scoobs, Cindi, Louise and all to come!

            jane - traveling alone can be great - I find it kind of depends on where you go.
            But I have had some wonderful trips all by sitting at home alone! Just go with a great attitude and talk to people - that can make it fun too.

            I haven't kept up much on politics lately- hope the new PM is better. For some reason I have always felt a little sorry for Tony Brown, I don't know why exactly.

            Cindi - I hope your guy comes home safe and sound and soon.

            Scoobs - I hear you about the work thing. My flight was changed by the airline from 9am to 3pm this afternoon ...I think I may go into work now before leaving. Enjoy the new mattress...hopefully you can enjoy it soon!
            Louise, my hips ached just thinking of walking 12 miles! That is spectacular!
            Glad you had fun.
            Guess I'd better get going...those clothes won't iron themselves.


              Thursday, 28 June 2007

              Hi all,

              Nothing much happening here, just watching a little bit of Wimbledon. There is such mind numbing rubbish on the other channels. Paris Hilton, Spice Girls getting back together and Gordon bloody Brown blah blah blah.

              Dying to go out but am waiting for a call about a job, fingers crossed.

              Have a great day "freedom fighters",

              Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                Thursday, 28 June 2007

                Morning All-

                Another hot, humid one here. As much as people move to New England to take in all the changing seasons to their fullest-we are a bunch of whiners (complain when it's too hot or too cold).

                Paddy-Wee is still around but not like she used to be here. Her job is occupying her time. The boy she takes care of had just had surgery. But she pokes her melon noggin' in & is still the same breath of fresh air she always is. I do miss her.

                As far as being dead-yup-I might as well have been. Sleeping all the time, nursing hangovers on the couch. My hubby said to me this morning on the phone "gee you must be happy, you're taking the kids everywhere & spending so much time with them etc.. Is it because you got that job & when you start you won't be with them so much". Not really-it's because I was dead to them last summer. I spent more time with my booze companion then with them. Any time I drank-I was never there 100%. This yr I want to live. I want to make up for lost times. Next week I'll have 200 days. Of coure I didn't tell hubby this but and told him I want to make the most of this summer.

                Yeah-I finally got some concrete notice that I officially got this part time job. I have to fill out the paper work regarding a back ground check & a drug test. Start date? Still up in the air. Will call them.

                Have a great day-living AF!
                Attached files [img]/converted_files/275889=1234-attachment.gif[/img]
                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                  Thursday, 28 June 2007

                  Hi All,

                  Boy I'd better start posting earlier. Being the last to post seems to keep you out of the loop.

                  At any rate, I must admit to missing Miss Melon myself. I'm glad that she's only busy with her job. Even though she followed the Melonese Abridged Dictionary, her posts were always a pleasure to read (once I consulted the dictionary several times:H ).

                  Everyone else sounds so great these days, whereas I feel kind of in the doldrums. It's mostly because I feel so overwhelmed with work to do! I am starting to have my moments of pride though, as I am now on my 3rd week. I have some other stuff to be aggravated about as well. I am moving offices this weekend, and the woman with whom I had shared an office is angry with me for making other arrangements and is trying to limit when I move to a very narrow window. She effectively sets me up to disappoint/anger her and has done so several times in the past. I'll be happy to be away from her, but I'm sad too--at one time I had hoped she might become a good friend, but I realize now that this would be completely impossible.

                  I also fear that the topa, which is helping so much with the drinking, is subtly making it harder for me to really get things done efficiently, and I am hoping that this will get better the longer that I am away from drinking. Truth is, I don't feel a whole lot more efficient that when I was drinking, but perhaps that is just because I have too much to do. Bernie, can I borrow your friend when you're done??

                  Anyway, sorry to be a downer in the midst of everyone else sounding so great, but we're here to say where we are, right??

                  Paddy, I like to think that we are entering the age of Aquarius and Maybe, just maybe, we might learn, and not to late. It's pretty hard to imagine, sometimes. Unfortunately, most human beings are better at hanging on to the status quo than they are at waking up and changing. (Look at us and our drinking, but at least we are destroying whole countries with it!)

                  Jane, stepping out of your comfort zone sounds great! It's scary, but it's the only way to grow. It's funny but I didn't used to think I was scared of much, but the older I've gotten, the more I've been able to admit that I'm scared of lots of things. But courage isn't about not being scared, it's about facing things one by one. You go girl!!

                  Scooby, I think a great bed is NOT a small luxury!! It's a great luxury! A nice, safe and comfy place to go at the end of a hard day? That's bliss--especially when your a freedom fighter! I hope you get to enjoy it soon. I admire your stamina. (I had a bout of insomnia last night, and I hope I'm not falling asleep at work by the end of the day!)

                  db, I thought it was hot as Hades here, but next to you, I can't complain. But it is NOT a dry heat here though! More seriously, I will pray for your grandson that he is safe and sound. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to have a child/grandchild in Iraq.

                  You continue to amaze me Irish! As I get more sober time, I hope to become more like you. Your stamina and resilience take my breath away! It sounds like you had a great time in London. If I may ask, what makes it scary to leave your job before October? Are there any great consequences?? It sure sounds like you are emotionally ready to get out of there for sure!

                  Have a great time, Lisa! I hope your somewhat abbreviated vacation is wonderful. You deserve it, love.

                  Good luck on the job, Kitty. I wish I could watch Wimbledon.:sigh: I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

                  Gee, Breez, I thought the peeps in N.E. saved most of their complaining for mud season, or is that just in Vermont? Hey, the weather is terrible up and down the east coast for the last few days--hazy, hot and humid with horrible air quality. But that's supposed to change today, I hear. Glad you have "officially" heard about your job at last!

                  Anyway, I have to run now and get ready for work. Thanks for listening.

                  Hugs, (I've run out of smilies)


                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    Thursday, 28 June 2007

                    Kathy-see you're not out of the loop. You're not the last one. Now I justed posted after you....

                    Have a good come you're out of smilies? But a hug is always good.
                    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                      Thursday, 28 June 2007

                      I just noticed all the posts regarding the flooding going on in UK & Oz as well. Here in the US, Texas is getting pounded.....

                      bear(MDbiker)~are you ok?

                      and the forest fires-Deter, how's the air? heard they're bad.
                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                        Thursday, 28 June 2007

                        You know Kathy, when you asked me what made it scary about leaving my job before October, it made me realise that I was handling the making of the decision in a negative way, there is nothing scary at all... I'll only have to go for four months before I get my pension, I have some savings to see me through so I won't starve, our house is paid for, so, no rent or mortgage money to find... I guess I was worried in case I would miss not the job so much as my friends, but as its a supermarket I will see them a few times a week anyway when I go shopping..

                        Thanks Kathy, I feel a whole lot more positive now, so I'm going to give in my notice in a few weeks and start to enjoy the taste of freedom..

                        Congtatulations on your three weeks, that is a marvellous achievement, I'm sorry you are in the doldrums at the moment but perhaps when you finally get the office move out of the way things will improve for you, I hope so..

                        Love, Louise xxx
                        A F F L..
                        Alcohol Free For Life


                          Thursday, 28 June 2007

                          Hello All,
                          Just popped in to see how you all are.
                          Day 90 AF today.
                          Who'd have thought it?


                            Thursday, 28 June 2007

                            Congratulations POPEYE! Way to go. Hope you had a good vacation. Glad to hear most everyone is doing well and hope you feel better soon Kathy.


                              Thursday, 28 June 2007

                              Irish I'm so jealous of your recent walking exploits and adventures... I just love that sort of thing. Be back soon....gotta go save the world
                              be well friends!

                              ps...Breez congrads on the job!
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

