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Friday 29th June

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    Friday 29th June

    Hi Guy's
    I'm up and at 'em this morning because I'm negotiating a salary package, via email, for a new position. Now this is WELL out of my comfort zone...usually I get told how much the Boss is prepated to pay me and I say thank you very much and grovel everso elegantly ! Anyway, times change and it gets more complicated too. Wish me luck, i haven't asked for the moon, but what I think my skills are worth. It's quite confronting trying to put a monetary value on what you do, day in day out.
    Congrtas to you too Breez on the p/t job thats come through for you. Where did yo get that gorgeous ' sun' avatar from on the bottom of your post?? it made me think of the Phoenix heat Cindi was describing. i can't imagine...Prayers for your boy from all of us, Cindi.
    Kitty,did you hear about the job for you??
    Hey Kathy, you know, some people aren't good for our souls and that work collegue you describe sounds like one. They are virus'. Don't let them in!
    I wonder how long you have been on the Topa? perhaps it's time to consder weaning off it and really seeing things clearly, with clarity. Just a thought.
    I SO want one of those fancy mattresses, scoobs. I want one that has " minimum partner disturbance" so I can stop hanging onto the sides for grim death everytime "him indoors" turns over.One day i shall yell " MAN OVEBOARD" , not that he would hear over the snoring!
    How long have you been in Hanoi, Topa.? sounds like you have an interesting life.
    My daughter is in London to see the Queen, Irish. Memories for me...I once went to her Garden party at Buck Palace..Ooo la really do eat cucumber sandwiches and strawberrys and cream.There must have been 500 people there all in hats! it was a scream.
    OK, enough ramblings.
    Why doesn't somebody post a missing melon thread???!!
    Jane :heart:

    Friday 29th June

    Moring Jane,

    Good luck with the negotiating.

    No I didn't get the job, bit down about it but not too suprised. Don't want to sound like I'm blowing my own trumpet but I was over qualified and had a hunch at the interview that I wouldn't get it.

    Oh well, it just wasn't meant to be, and my partner can just about support us both until something comes up. I must say that under usual circumstances I would be leggless by now but somehow my 11 days af have given me a clear head and for the first time in a long time I am able to think positively and not dwell on what's going wrong.

    On a good note today is the day I have been waiting for: we go and pick up the kitten!!! I can't wait. I was a bit upset earlier and I desperatley wanted to already have him so I could have a little snuggle

    Anyway have a good day everyone,

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


      Friday 29th June

      Morning Jane,

      Hope all goes well with the job. As a true Melbournite, you shouldn't have too many problems! i studied at Monash, by the way ;-) I've only been in Hanoi for the past 9 months, but in Asia for the past 13 years. Quite an interesting life, yes.

      By the way, this week saw TWO INTERNATIONAL emergencies! Paris Hilton was left out of prison! And the Spice Girls reunite to annoy humanity again!!! Mamma Mia! Both elements should be banned under the UNCAPA - the UN Convention Against Public Annoyance, that's a new convention I'm drawing up, grin ...C?line Dion's My heart will go on and on will also fall under that! And so will 'There's a kind of Hush' from the Carpenters. Indeed, ANY Carpenters', or Skeeter Davis, or Britney Spears song.

      Ahhhhh, now I feel better.

      ;-) Have a good day. And have fun with the kitty, Kitty.
      Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


        Friday 29th June

        Morning all, not much to say today except I have one for your UNCAPA list Paddy,
        Chris de Burgh--- LADY IN RED

        Have a good day everyone,

        Love, Louise xxx

        A F F L..
        Alcohol Free For Life


          Friday 29th June

          Good day to you all, hope you don't mind me posting here today, i.e. my thread today.

          It's interesting to see why Paris Hilton takes up so much tabloid press. As far as the Spice Girl's reunion - how is Victoria Beckham going to sing when she apparently cannot move her mouth to even smile.:H

          Irish and Paddy, always love to read your inspiring posts.

          Enlightened by MWO


            Friday 29th June

            morning well mods land not going too well - wan't going t odrinki nweek at all.
            one glass wine monday
            half bottle wed (special treat after late night meeting, I have twice a year)
            half bottle last night at friends, no real reason - had options
            plan is to have 3 drinks tonight and none tomorrow as staying in with a friend so no need
            to drink.
            will keep you posted and review next week's progress, I hope this isn't drinking days blurring into my af days like peope talk of.
            good friday all
            one day at a time


              Friday 29th June

              Hi All

              Havent checked in for a few days.. Been a bit busy with lifes little trivials.

              Still keeping up this af life. Was hanging for a drink this evening but thought better of it.

              I am really tired so havent read everyone elses posts.

              Bear, sounds like you are being unduly hard on yourself. Chin up


                Friday 29th June

                Morning All,

                Good on you, Jane, for negotiating something better for yourself. It's always scarey to do something new, but it sure sounds like you handled it well. You deserve to feel proud!

                Thanks too, about your comments about my colleague. I am making much more of an effort to be conscious of the impact people have on me and am making an effort to weed toxic people out of my life to the extent that I can. It helps when you're self-employed, even though that brings its own particular set of worries and anxieties!

                I need to be on topa for a while longer, because I don't even have 3 weeks' of sobriety yet. I might be able to cut down the morning dose though, because I don't even think about drinking during the day anymore.

                Go ahead and blow your own trumpet, Kitty! Most of us have been underconfident anyway, and I think it's great that you are confident enough to wait for the right (or better) job to come along. I'm excited for your getting your kitty. Enjoy!

                Paddy, you always crack me up with your wit! I agree with you about those songs too.

                Hi Irish!! Did you get to go out to the garden yesterday?

                I didn't mind your post SKendall, except now all of that stuff is over here in the Abs Forum too! I'd like to see Rachel get the support she needs, and I hope that she gets help and can recover, but I'd prefer that it stay over in Gen Dis. I can see both sides. I think we need to be working on our Abs over here.

                Don't want to be a downer, bear, but do be careful! I can't tell you how many times I have been down this path, only to see my drinking turn into an every day affair again!:eeks:

                Good to see you t2m. Hope you get some time to be with us in the coming days!

                Anyway, I've got another busy one today. Clients this morning, then run home to have my house appraised, then run back to work for a few more clients! Yikes! I'm glad that my new office is only 4 miles away from home. I'm already in there part time. Tomorrow is moving day for my office. I hate being too busy to think!

                Anyway, day 18 for me!

                Hugs to all,:l

                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  Friday 29th June

                  Hello again,
                  I've nothing to add to what Kathy said apart from my best wishes for the weekend.
                  Have a good one...


                    Friday 29th June

                    Aloooha Friday AB-a-rooos! Agent Garlic is mighty tired this mornining...not allowed my coffee as my ultrasound is in a couple hours. then it will be off to starbucks for sure!
                    yes Bear, do be cautious....been there recently and have the mental scars to prove it...d-oh! a new kitty for kitty sounds fitting
                    and Yes Paddy I gree with UNCAPA. I'm also easily annoyed with pop culture but do enjoy the opportunity to make fun of it. he he. Day 9 and feeling fine. Hopefully they will determine whate this pain in my upper right quadrant really is after all this time. wow, a HUGE jack rabbit just went bounding across the Love this time of year with all the happy critters running about. I'ts Friday so everybody remember you really are too special and important to let the allure of weekend drinking get the better of you!
                    be well me loverlies.......
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Friday 29th June

                      Late morning All!

                      Only have a moment to pop in-have to run to library & make copies of my paperwork for my new job. They are my background check & reference check forms. Thank the Almighty & his angels for watching over my drunken butt for so many years that I can say that I have a proud clean record. Next will be my drug test. Never did hard core drugs but what a pickle I would have been in if I were still drinking. Ahh, anothr reason to smile & lift my ice cold seltzer glass to being AF. No worries.

                      Paddy-you make me laugh as always

                      Jane-good luck with negotiating. My salary was given & it's what I left off at with my career change 7 yrs ago. Oh well-gotta start somewhere.

                      Kitty-good attitude. Some things were not mant to be. I went for an ideal (but beneath me) job in the spring. Didn't hear from them & a month later got that "thank you but no thank you" letter. They didn't even interview me since 200 applicants went for that job. Now this one fell into my lap. Oh-I want a small kitty.

                      bear-I echo Kath's words. Since you're posting here make it a AF month & decide from there you can do mods (the book suggests it). Since you're posting in Abs the only advise I can give you is do the AF month.

                      Hi SK-always glad to see ya

                      Deter-hope they find what that squishy is. Whenever I hear the word "squish" or "squishy" I seem to think of you! Hope all goes well.

                      Pop-hi & glad you're here daily again. Not the same without my Scottish spinach eatin' friend.

                      Hi Kath-ooh sounds like a "good" busy. Are you planning on moving?

                      Hello thought & Louise

                      Well I'm off....

                      Have a good Friday & Saturday! Attached files [img]/converted_files/276462=1176-attachment.gif[/img]
                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                        Friday 29th June

                        Hello - a newbie poking her nose in to the Abstinence thread, so I hope you don't mind. I have tried to "cut down" with disasterous results which actually meant I ended up drinking more than ever - boo hoo! But I seem to be in a different mind set this time, so if you guys don't mind, I might hang around here, read and learn from you all. I usually try to start stopping (if you know what I mean!) on a Monday, do great all week and go ballastic Friday, Saturday, Sunday - get totally ticked off with myself (I'm a failure, blah, blah, blah) So this time I started AF yesterday, with the goal of doing a whole month - I hope!

                        Anyway, the weekend is here and the challenge begins - :thanks: If I can make it to Monday it will be a huge achievement!


                          Friday 29th June

                          Good luck, Last of the Summer Wine and :welcome: . Weekends remain hard for me at almost 3 weeks, but they do get easier with time. Try to keep busy!

                          Hey Popeye! Miss your longer posts, love! It's always good to see you, though!

                          Hey Deter, I hope that your ultrasound went well and they find the answers to what is wrong. I hope it is nothing serious. I see a lot of critters around here, too, but I am soooo disappointed that I haven't seen any hummingbirds at my feeder this year so far!:upset: They are just my favorites, and I feel quite bereft, really.

                          Breez, I'm not planning on selling my house, but taking out a home equity loan to pay off high-interest credit cards I am then cancelling ALL of them, except one for emergencies. I want to change my financial life. The only debt that I want to carry is a mortgage and short term debt. Fortunately, I have A LOT of equity in my house, so I can take this loan and still have lots left. Thanks for asking.

                          Also, Breez, I'm glad that you have no worries about all the tests for your new job. Good luck as you get started!

                          Anyway, everyone, Deter is right. We ARE too special to let the allure of weekend drinking get the better of us! Thanks for that Deter!

                          Hugs to all,:l

                          AF as of August 5th, 2012

