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said no' to Moet!!

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    said no' to Moet!!

    i just want you all to know that I was offered Moet last night at a dinner party, ( that is a treat in my social circles) and as many of you know, I luvvvvvv champagne...but, I said "NO". It was so hard, I almost cried. I kept waiting to feel good about it, but I just felt so jealous and yearning ++++. How pathetic is that!!
    Oh well. history now and another battle won as I try to unltimately win the war. All I know for sure is I cannot 'moderate', there is no such thing for me. It has to be abstinence and it has to be forever, with no exceptions. Or I'm back on the slippery slope.
    Paddy, please consign ' love is in the air' by Air Supply ( I think) alongside Celine and Paris. Just shocking.
    I'm running with the consipacy theory because my girl is in London and I want her to be safe. Christ, I want everybody to be safe. The world is nuts !
    For the nwbies asking about the Topa. I am on only 25mg daily still ( early days for me) and so far so good. No side effects.:catroll:
    What did you call your barmy kitty, Kitty?
    Jane :heart:

    said no' to Moet!!

    Jane, sorry about the fizz. I've got a bit of a thing for the Veuve .....

    (... and I think it was John Paul Young who did the 'Love is in the Air' thing)


      said no' to Moet!!

      Hi Tawny,
      ' orrible song, don't ya reckon!
      Jane :heart:


        said no' to Moet!!

        Hiya Jane,

        Well done re. the Champagne, that must have been tough, Champagne it is such a "treat" almost too refined to be alcohol but it still is huh? I have been invited out for drinks tonight with a friend but I don't think I'll go, just don't feel ready yet to be let loose in a pub. He came round last night and had a couple of drinks with my partner and that was ok because I felt safe in my own environment, and I treated myself to a full fat Coke!!!

        Glad to hear you are getting on well with the Topa, I'm still waiting for mine. I'm doing ok on my own but I feel like I would like a little back-up because I want to give af a really good bash. I can't moderate either, and the sooner I get my head round that the better. I did well in May only drinking 1 night of the week but before I knew it extra sessions crept in, then the really bad nights and blackouts started again.

        Hope you've had a good day, and have a great week. Oh and the kittens name is Monty he's my new avatar.

        Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


          said no' to Moet!!

          I've got the solution - ban them both, ha, ha. Yup, Air Supply are painful ... Air Supply is what I need when I'm forced to listen to them. The funny thing is that here in Asia they love that stuff. At weddings you can be sure to here that stuff (along with songs played during the American war in Vietnam: i.e. Yellow River, Beach Boys - But also the newer Boys' Bands that give you the sh!ts - i.e. Michael Learns To Rock). All belong with Paris Hilton, into the Hanoi Hilton (which incidentally is located just around the corner from me!!).

          Hey Jane, sorry for the Mo?t. Me, Mo?t and Veuve Cliquot, oh dear. I used to knock of a bottle per night in my booze days ... Terrible Champus freak .... Thanks to Topa, I couldn't touch the stuff now .... But, I used to guzzle the stuff. With or without Cr?me of Cassis (as Kir Royal ... Mmmmmmh). Oh dear ... But, hey, no cravings. Just memories.
          Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


            said no' to Moet!!

            I know,I know. Wish I could wear a big sign saying 'please do not offer this lady alcohol'.... hmmmm - maybe I shall, anyone dare me??

            Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


              said no' to Moet!!

              Yes, Tea - I dare you - I even double dare you:H Jane, well done not taking the champers, I love(d) it as well, though it's bit posh for a mere peasant like me - 3 bottles for a tenner is (was) more my style! Can't believe I didn't have wine last night, the first Saturday sober for a long time (I am ashamed to say I can't actually remember how long )

              Sunday today, the sun is shining, for a wee while, and England is now officially NO SMOKING!!! Should be interesting next week to see how all the smokers cope and how the authorities actually enforce the ban. Happy Sunday all!


                said no' to Moet!!

                Now I welcome THAT! Honestly. The non-smoking thing. I remember when that was introduced in our little country in Europe. Restaurants and Caf?s became a great place to go for us non-smokers. No more coming out of those places smelling like a Nicotine den. Moreover, frankly, I always felt for the staff working at places like that. Can you imagine how many people must have died/taken ill because of cancer or respiratory diseases?

                No, good initiative. At it'll lower the expenses of what social security has to pay for these illnesses. Alcohol next, please ;-) Do I sound like Stalin reborn?
                Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                  said no' to Moet!!

                  It'll be really interesting how the ban goes down in England, all smoking Scots are watching with bated, smoky breath as the ban has been in place here for quite a while now. Personally I just don't go places, when I can help it, that I can't smoke but we are being stopped at work even smoking in our own cars from today so don't know what will happen, will find out tomorrow. I have gone for a smoke instead of taking tea breaks but now I suppose I will have to take the breaks and drive out of the premises instead.

                  Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                    said no' to Moet!!

                    Great thread,

                    'Flaccid Member' LOL.
                    I thought about being a 'Male Member', then I realised I am.

                    Thanks everyone.


                      said no' to Moet!!

                      Just popping in to say good work on not succumbing to the Champagne, Jane!

                      And, Kitty, I think I knew I was really serious when I decided not to go to social events when my AF intentions were going to be challenged.... I didn't even go to a good friend's birthday party because I knew everyone would be drinking plenty....

                      Moderation is not for me either...been AF for 14 1/2 months now and my life is completely turned around....I even LIKE myself now--what a change that is!

                      Paddy, I remember when the "Hanoi Hilton" had quite a different meaning!

                      Have a good day everyone!
                      "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


                        said no' to Moet!!

                        Right on to you for refusing the champagne. I'm glad you can talk about how difficult it was, but I am applauding how strong you were!:goodjob: That took courage. It's a big triumph. Those moments will become easier. I have a lot of respect for you for your accomplishment.


                        AF as of August 5th, 2012


                          said no' to Moet!!

                          Good for you. Sometimes it is so hard to do what we know is right.
                          God Bless
                          What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                          ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                            said no' to Moet!!

                            tea;157869 wrote: I know,I know. Wish I could wear a big sign saying 'please do not offer this lady alcohol'.... hmmmm - maybe I shall, anyone dare me??

                            yeah go ahead I'll wear one with you. the funny thing is that I think people will think that you want them to..........................
                            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                              said no' to Moet!!

                              Ohh. This thread is making me think of Veuve.

                              If it was a man I'd marry him.

                              Congrats for conquering the allure of the Moet. Continuing with this metaphor, here's one idea for saying no-- think of it as a seductive, attractive man or woman (enter your preference here) with a STD!

                              Looks good, tastes good, you feel like *(& in the morning.
                              Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.
                              Talent will not-- nothing is more common than
                              unsuccessful people with talent.
                              Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
                              Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
                              Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
                              The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve
                              the problems of the human race.
                              -- Calvin Coolidge

