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    Hi Star, I'm struggling along with you just now, just feeling so down in the dumps, not depressed really just treating myself to a wee 'down' day. This c--p weather is not helping at all eh, bring on the prozac (sunshine). One thing made me smile today though, read in one of the papers regarding the Airport attack (refusing to call it a bombing), and this can only be said with a Glasgow accent - "Is that yer best shot big man?" - (grin).

    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......



      Surely you mean GLESGA accent, tea!!!! lol

      Starlight Impress


        TUES JULY 3RD

        Hey all!

        Thanks all of you who have been emailing and PM's looking for me. You gals are the BEST EVER!!!

        I was shut down on my computer from Friday morning until late yesterday afternoon. Now I am pretty well set up. Judie you were asking and it was quite an ordeal with 3 desks and 3 computers, 2 printers and scanners, one fax machine, DSL - cable telephones, 11 years of artwork and discs , trying to get some stuff sold etc. . . (Heavily panting now!)

        This whole move thing has been so hectic. As soon as my clients heard I was moving and downsizing my client list, they came out of the woodwork and wanted to get their artwork orders in.

        I am sorry I do not have time to list everyone individually but have to say, so many of you are doing wonderfully. The kudzu is great, the one from the site is tops! In fact, we have a dinner at friends in a few, heavy enough drinkers, the hubby makes incredible mixed drinks. So I just had two big glasses of water and 3 kudzu. I should be in good shape when that all kicks in. I won't be making a fool of myself by pulling up to the bar set up!

        I just had someone pm me that they missed me and the Universe:

        What if, happiness didn't have anything to do with what you had, where you've been, or who you were, and arose entirely from what you chose to think about, yet nobody knew this?

        And that changing your thoughts, so that you could feel happier more often, would entirely change what you had, who you were, and where you're headed, yet nobody knew this either?

        Do you think if we told them they'd choose to think differently?

        Thinking of you -
        ****The Universe

        Hope you all have an excellent evening!

        Hugs and Love,


          TUES JULY 3RD

          Gotta get that pencil thingy working again. Had trouble with the sign in last week.


            TUES JULY 3RD

            So good to see you back MKR and that quote from the Universe is one of the best ever.

            Contact RJ. I have had other people PM me saying there was a problem resubscribing. You have been missed!!!!!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              TUES JULY 3RD

              Oh Mary. So glad you are back!

              That Universe quote is exactly what I need(ed).

              Lushy, would you please PM me the books that are helping you achieve this happier thinking?

              Thanks in anticipation.

              Everyone else, Big hugs to you. Sophia will look on GD now.

              :l :l to all
              Enough is enough


                TUES JULY 3RD


                I am the most selfish person ever!!

                Let me be the first to say that you have been the most supportive person here ever...I have never said that to you...It is sooo long overdue...and...I have not been here much of late to notice you absence BUT..I MISS you anyway!!! You are the greatest!! I should have said this long I am sorry I am late in telling you... You are...just amazing

                all else...well, hi...Allie left this has been, well, just wonderful. It is like having my best friend here that I have not had since I was like 5 years old come and visit. OK, we were NOT very good.... we did not follow the rules even about good moderating... well, no, we were't all that bad, either. But not angels. But we just talked, laughed, enjoyed. It was really wonderful. I was sad to see her go, but now I know I will just have to drive 4 hours to get my fill of emotional good friend.

                Anyway, that is about it here....I should post more...I have been a stranger, and most of you don't even know me!!!...because I am an oldie!!! and I have not posted much recently so...Hi...

                Hope all is good

                Happy 4th...for those who celebrate

                formerly known as bak310


                  TUES JULY 3RD

                  Yes ,happy 4th to my US friends!

                  A real quickie today... I'm rushed off me proverbial - kids back from Adelaide and I'm playing taxi during my week off and also trying to organise tradespeople etc etc......

                  Starlight, you DIDN'T give in to the temptation no matter how strong and horrible it was. And there will be days (I still get them) when the temptation is really strong, but it gets easier to resist somehow. Particularly if you hit the damn thing on the head with all the tools available. And everytime you resist you get stronger, feel better about yourself, and it gets easier next time. So hang in there and Keep strong.

                  As soon as I have bit of free time I'll get back on all of this ....


                  xxxxx - to all

