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wed 4th july

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    wed 4th july

    morning all, thanks for all the support yesterday. I have a lot of thinking to do re AF and Mods but for now I am AF until Friday (hen weekend) and I WILL moderate then.
    Off to the gym later which always lifts my spirits a little
    have a good day everyone and see you tomorrow xx
    one day at a time

    wed 4th july

    Good morning Bear! Sounds like a good goal

    Hope you all have a safe 4th of July in the US. Careful with those fireworks

    Have a great day everyone!
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      wed 4th july

      Happy 4th of July!!!

      Morning bear and beaches and all to come.

      Bear, great to see you`re feeling brighter this morning. Happy moderating for the weekend..........hen nights can be lethal !!! lol

      Delighted to say that I`m definitely UP again........feeling fab. this morning.........possibly something to do with my `allowing` myself 3 small glasses of wine last night............left 2 glasses in the btl., so proves I do have some sort of self-control.

      Think I`ve been being too hard on myself, after all, we`re aiming for moderation, not SHEER DEPRIVATION, right??? lol
      Now planning to split my drinks up throughout entire`s just too much like sufferance to have to wait `til weekend. Aim is still 1 btl./wk., but 14 units max.(as time goes on), inkeeping with Govt. guidelines. Hoping I`ll cope better with this, PLAN B!!!! ha ha

      Anyway, I really believe we got loaaaaaaaaadsa highs and lows to get through, just glad to be in fine humour again.........sorry I`ve been so down.

      Hi to all fellow modsters yet to come.

      Have a fabulous day guys, and remember!!!!!.............THE WORLD`S YOUR OYSTER!!! lol

      Much love,

      Starlight Impress


        wed 4th july

        Hi to Bear, Beaches and Starlight,

        Bear, glad you are feeling better today. Enjoy the gym.

        Starlight, I think 2 glasses is fine. You are doing well.


          wed 4th july

          Well, here we are in America. Land of the free, home of the brave. The families are gathering on the street for the neighborhood 4th of July parade. Better here than some other places.

          Yesterday, I remembered why I love this place so much. You all have been so helpful, and I feel so grounded by you. It's been a year here, so I just want to thank you all for who you are, your reasonable ways, your humor, wisdom. MWO is a great country, too.


            wed 4th july

            I agree fsophia, this is a great place. Glad you are feeling better.


              wed 4th july

              Hi there everybody! I can smell the brownies cooking.. getting ready for the first party of the day...:H
              Should be fun. Going up the coast to Humbug Mt, to an annual Family picnic, then later we'll go to the fireworks diplay @ the party @ the Port, in town. Should be a full day!
              Maybe I can squeez in a paddle on the river in between... Yesterday was beautiful on the water...

              Hope everybody has a wonderful day! Enjoy your FREEDOM! Many thanks to ALL who make it possible ...:h

              Big Hugs!
              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                wed 4th july

                Happy 4th everyone!

                Lazy day here for me as I look forward to just relaxing by the pool and recuperating from my trip to see Beth! No.... I dont really need to recuperate as we were not that bad, but we sure had a lot of fun! We stayed up until wee hours every night having the best conversations. It was like all the great encouragement and friendship that develops here through posts, but in person! Beth lives in a beautiful area of south florida, so being at her house was like being at a time share at a resort or something!

                My drive home was dreadful though. We had promised to go to bed at a decent hour the night before so I would be up for the long drive home, but we stayed up till 2:30 in the morning instead. I was so sleepy on the way home I got scared I was going to fall asleep while driving. I would have pulled over somewhere to rest, but I HAD to get back by a certain time as my brother whom I have not seen in seven years was coming for dinner at my house, along with parents, my sister and her three kids, and at the very best, I was trying to make it there at least 30 minutes before they all arrived. Thank goodness my husband was working from home all day and he took care of all the cleaning and the food, and when I walked in the house looked fantastic, wonderful food was cooking and candles were lit. I was totally impressed! But on top of being so sleepy on the way home, the weather was awful and I went through a few blinding rain storms where I did have to pull over because I could not even see the lines on the road. So it took me an extra two hours to get home, but thankfully Beth called me several times to keep me awake! Somehow I managed to get home before they arrived, so all is well. But it was another late night and I was so tired by 10:00 last night that I just wanted to cry because I couldnt go to bed with everyone still there. They finally left just before midnight, so I am just getting up here at 11:00 a.m.!

                Well hope everyone has a safe fourth and moderates well!

                If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                  wed 4th july

                  Hi All,

                  Nice to see that you are all well ...... Sophia, it's really nice to see you back....

                  Happy 4th July to all that celebrate it ...

                  Love & Hugs, BB xx


                    wed 4th july

                    Morning, have a great 4th everyone, laptop is now being put away as company is arriving.

                    See you all tomorrow

                    love youXXXXXXOOOOOOOO


                      wed 4th july

                      Have fun Sammy!! Allie it sounds like you and Beth has a great time and that your husband is some kind of cook. Very nice.
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

