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Thursday, July 19th

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    Thursday, July 19th

    I have it on good account that you will soon be called a number of unsavory names....

    Lucky, blessed, chosen, gifted, destined, privileged, guarded, favored, special, and perhaps, most outrageously, "not like the rest of us."

    I say we really give them something to talk about.

    **** The Universe

    Morning mods - we are blessed. Many of us have come so very far by finding this site. Last weekend was the first time I over drank with those three shots in probably a year. My life looks and feels so different than March 2006. I am sorry to see people upset and moving on as I feel we all have so much to offer. I understand being so busy we can not always do the large post or wander the site but a quick hello and a helping hand to someone feeling down is a great place to be.

    Macs, the challenge is on! I will find the pics and post them. Can members see if they are not subscribers? I noticed the people section could only be viewed by subscribers. I could do a couple things crop his head off and stick him in with things to see or put him on a page of my website with a link to it.

    OK, this waking up for an hour every night is getting old. I took a calms fort and now it is time to get back to bed!!

    Thanks for saying it was good job on throwing the bottle out, I was definitely have a battle, feeling slightly possessed and disappointed in myself while drinking. I thought go buy it or be forced to kill someone . . . namely my brother with the carpet cleaning machine and my husband with the muscles to lift the freakin thing!!

    Lots of love to all mods past and present,

    Thursday, July 19th

    Good morning Mary and all that come.

    I know I have come a long way since stumbling onto this site or should I say typing onto this site....I still have a ways to go. I would like to see myself have more AF days during the week then days that I drink so that is one of the biggest goals I have for myself right now. So far this week I am keeping to that.

    Tomorrow I am supposed to be heading out with a couple of friends and it always ends up where we go to dinner then to the bars and now there's a block party and the focus of course is bands and drinking. Last time I was the only one not drunk and I am already trying to figure out reasons to bow out gracefully or maybe just do dinner. I am not in the mood for an all night thing watching everyone get wasted.

    Hope you all have a great day!
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Thursday, July 19th

      Good morning y'all. It's 5am over on my side:wow: I don't normally do early mornings like this! Covering someones shift this am. Yawn! MKR, I know what you mean about the awake every hour thing. I hate that. Does the Calms really help? Beaches, good luck with the block party-it will be a trial, but I'm sure you'll manage just fine. Hello to all y'all showing up later!I had a wonderful af evening last night, and am planning another for tonight. Hubby and I are having a special dinner out tomorrow night, so will have 1-2 glasses of wine, but that is it. I'll be out of pocket for a couple of days. I am not madand I'll be back rested and ready to go! Have marvelous, successful mods long weekend!
      Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


        Thursday, July 19th

        Good morning Mary, Beaches, Amethyst and all who follow!

        Mary, I am and have always been an insomniac so I can identify with you. Hope your sleep gets more restful soon.

        Beaches, good luck with the party. I did well last night (as opposed to Tuesday, when I overdid it) because I had a plan. Two glasses of wine. It was not hard because the wine my friend served was not great. I made the glasses small and had a little port when I came home. Nice to wake up HO free.

        If I go out w/o a plan I fail every time. Sad but true.

        Everyone have a great day!


          Thursday, July 19th

          I'm Back.....

          not that anyone even NOTICED I was gone (she says huffily), so I might have to go again....only joking!!!!!

          Honestly, this evening has been the first time in weeks that I've had a chance to sit down , turn on the computer and log on . Certainly seems as if things around here have been 'interesting' to say the least. Think I'll just hang around on this thread.

          I have been horrendously busy, largely due to a very sick horse!! Poor baby has required several visits from the vet, at horrendous expense, and daily medication administered by me. This is all very well apart from the fact that we live a good hour away from where our horses are agisted in the mountains. The weather has been blowing straight from the antarctic and the horses' paddocks have been snow covered for days. Naturally this coincides with the kids returning to school AFTER the holidays and me being frantically busy at work. So I've been getting up at 5am , driving up the mountain in the dark and the fog , trudging across a vast snow covered paddock, attempting to catch a horse who really does not want to be caught (the medicine does not taste very nice), invariably tripping over in the slush before driving back down the mountain and to the office. You can imagine how "professional " I look by the time I hit the office - the best I can manage is exchanging my muddy boots for a pair of heels and applying some quick lippie and off I go. The other week I was getting some strange looks till I realised I had a large blob of regurgitated horse medicine in my hair. Good look! And no I'm NOT going to post a photo!!

          The bright side is that if anything was going to drive me to drink this past few weeks would surely have done it - but I've stuck with my couple of glasses a week. Too tired for for anything more than that I suspect.

          I hope you are all well and coping with all the dramas that seem to be going on here - perspective might, I suspect, be the operative word.

          Much love,



            Thursday, July 19th

            Hey Red, good to see you back again! Don't feel bad; I was gone for a bit and a search party was not sent out, lol. There are just so many of us now!

            Hope your horse improves soon. That would have been a very funny picture.

            I like your thoughts about perspective. I have pretty much ignored some of the recent posts because I think some of us are letting ourselves get a bit too worked up and I didn't want to add to it...anyhow...

            Welcome back again.


              Thursday, July 19th

              Hello everyone, I have not moderated well at all lately and am going abs for awhile. But I still want to say Hi everyday over here in mods land as you are my buddies.

              Have a great day everyone.

              Red glad your back


                Thursday, July 19th

                Hi Sammys. Sorry mods is causing you difficulties these days. Maybe an AF stint will help get you back on track.

                I am glad you are going to drop in here too. We would miss you!


                  Thursday, July 19th

         Lush once said, you really are the best moderator I know! I can put a bottle of wine back in the refridgerator but throw it away...horrors

                  Beaches....I'm sure you will do fine as you did the last time but, gesh, who is still going to bars and seeing bands? I would feel so out of place.

                  Amethyst...have a great time with hubby... I wish I had more time with mine....mine gets his new boat on Fri so it will be weeks before our paths cross again

                  Ducky...we are getting to be quite a big group aren't we.... I was getting used to you posting in the separate thread in this thread...the one with monthly goals...where is Quientince by the way????

                  Red Robin...lovely to see you back...we will have to start some sort of roll call around here. Sounds like you have every reason to be tired these days but, I really was laughing out loud at your description of the whole scenerio. Very funny about the hair. Does put things into persective doesn't it...glad you have been able to stay on track with all that has been thrown at you.

                  I have another routine day of work repeat. Love to all and I'll check in later.
                  Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                    Thursday, July 19th

                    Hi Sammy I was posting at the same time. I know how you feel and have done the same thing myself. It does work and gets you back on track!
                    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                      Thursday, July 19th

                      Hi guys!

                      It's me, the very "sporadic" poster. I come on and read the posts almost daily, but so rarely post my own stuff. Don't know why. I was on chat the last couple of nights, and I had such nice conversations. It made me decide to be more active and "join in" with you all, I am I had started a thread in general recently about feeling a loss of old friendships, and I guess God works in mysterious ways, because just after that post, 2 friends I have really felt a longing for gave me a call, and it was just wonderful to hear from them both. Then I got a call from an old friend from my NY days, who is coming to Florida to visit relatives...RIGHT around the corner from where I live. SO, I will see her and her husband tonight for dinner. This is a friend I met while we were both waiting to get amnio with our first borns (who are now 18). I have not seen her for years, as I moved from NY years ago. This is like getting a shot of Pennicillin for Streph throat. I have been down since the death of my neice, but this is just what I needed :h

                      Other than that, life is quiet. My kids are away visiting with their dad, work is very slow (I test kids for learning issues, and yes, it is summer), and it is just...well, hot. So, I have been hanging out with my cute dog (see avitar lol), reading, catching up on posts, etc.

                      I did catch some major negativity going on with some of our members, but I guess that is just what can happen with any group from time to time. This is a wonderful place, and we have to focus on the positve and leave the rest. Here, that is not very hard to do!

                      Love to all

                      formerly known as bak310


                        Thursday, July 19th

                        Hi Beth, glad to see you are joining in! Have a great time with your friends tonight. Glad to hear you are reconnecting with a few.


                          Thursday, July 19th

                          Hello all:
                          Hey, this must be "Old home Week" on the Mods board. I have not posted for over a month and sorry to say that I have not even been checking to see what has been going on either. I have missed it though.

                          Last month my husband and I returned home from our 16th wedding anniversary trip to find out that I was being laid off from my job of over 20 years. The one that supports our entire family. It has been a tough month. Things have settled down emotionally and although I still need to look for and find another job, I feel a bit more in control of my life and not quite so stressed out as I have more answers and am less in the dark as to what my future holds in terms of finances, etc.

                          I still have not broken down and hit the hard liquor, which I am proud of, but I know I am drinking more wine than I should be. No hang overs though! I just need to be careful, because it would be too easy to say "screw the world" and tie one on right now.

                          I am worried about my children and what this will do to their little worlds as I know that we will have to move and uproot them. That is never an easy thing to do. Especially for a 9 and a 13 year old just going into junior high school. They will survive and they will thrive again eventually. But they are my world and it hurts me when it hurts them.

                          I look forward to coming back and hearing from the wonderful people here again. I find strength here. It's hard to believe I have been gone so long.
                          Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                            Thursday, July 19th

                            Didit, I am SO glad to see you. Your sense of humor has been missed. I am so sorry for you losing your job. That kind of upheaval is beyond stressful and I am glad to hear you are not going too overboard with the drinking! Please keep coming around.

                            Beth, nice to see you as well as always! You sound so positive.

                            Sammy, wishing you the best on the abs train. Hope you are okay.

                            To all of the rest of you I send a big hug. I am getting such a late start to my day and believe it or not cannot spend much time here today. Ahh, what will I do?? Love you all!
                            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                              Thursday, July 19th

                              Hiya All,

                              I have really been enjoying catching up here over the past few nights...It feels like coming home..All day in work i have been dying to get home and have a read ....

                              However...I went to drop some money off for my eldest daughter (13) who was in town so she could go to the pictures tonight to go and see The new Harry potter film...

                              Lisa noticed a shape in her pocket...I said it was her phone but lisa said her phones at home...We confronted her and after some interigation found out that they were cigerettes...We are both really upset and are going to have to have a good sit down chat with her tonight...I have'nt decided whether to kill her..Torture her or keep her in the house till shes 18...We will figure something out...She has really upset us..

                              So unfortunatly we have'nt got time to come on and chat and read and reply tonight...Sods law isnt it..

                              We will be back tomorrow...Have a safe night love Macks:l
                              I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                              One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009

