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Friday 20 July

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    Friday 20 July

    Morning all, well not done amazingly well.
    Plan to be AF in the week Tuesday I met a friend and had 4 big glasses of wine, Wednesday friends came over and I drank about 5 vodkas, Yesterday drank 3 big glasses of wine.I don't normally have such a social week, I need a night in on my own, bath, face mask etc but thta's not going to happen until Monday for me now.
    I've had a great time though!

    Tonight I'm off to see bands, aim to be AF or have one vodka, tomorrow more bands aim for 3 drinks, Sunday aim for nothing at a friend's birthday.
    Smoking too, but I have decided I need to focus on being AF in the week and losing weight for now (links very well anyway).

    Good day all and will report back on my progress
    one day at a time

    Friday 20 July

    Good morning bear.......I agree being AF on weeknights is a great accomplishment.........allows us to enjoy a few guilt-free drinks over the weekend.

    Hi to everyone else in ModsVille.

    Hoping you all have a healthy, happy and successful Friday.

    Love and Hugs,

    Starlight Impress


      Friday 20 July

      Good morning Bear and Star,

      Bear you are the social one! My calendar has never been that full sounds like you are really have a great time. Good goals on cutting back. Just keep it in your mind over the weekend to drink lots of water in between and eat.

      Just a quick hello from me.

      Hope you all have a great day!!
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        Friday 20 July

        Hi Bear, Starlight and Beaches, and all modsters who follow!

        It is hard to be AF with all the social events. I am planning a quiet w/e and mods. Hubbie is traveling sun-tues so it will be me and the dogs...


          Friday 20 July

          Good Morning All,

          Great to see you back, Beth, Didit, Waves, ahem . . . RedRobin we missed you all!!

          Beaches, how's that upper lip today? did you ever figure out if it was allergies or a bug bite? I am so inclined to wonder about allergies as my list just gets longer as I get older. . . sigh.

          PP, hope the boat is tons of fun and you will be out on it soon! may I explain that I would have put it in the cabinet, except I bought it when I was angry and I knew it would call too long and too hard. The wine and beer were completely safe, I didn't want a little buzz, I wanted to just go someplace else. That someplace else feels so yucky any more!!

          Amethyst, yes, one calms forte does it for me, in fact it makes me quite sleepy so if husband snoring or dogs or whatever little thing wakes me up I can go back to sleep. Have a wonderful dinner tonight.

          Ducky, I really feel for you. Once I became a mom, I never slept as soundly as I did pre kids. I do sleep better than when they were teenagers in the house and out on dates or with friends. This hot flash stuff (sorry guys) does kind of wake me up and all of the sudden the room I felt was just perfect a few minutes before feels hotter than a furnace. I agree with you on the plan, they sure help keep you on track.

          RR, good job!

          Sammys, you have to do what you have to do for you. ABS, may help get you back on track and feeling better. I am glad you are bringing your cheery self over here though, we would miss you terribly.

          Beth, glad to see you sound so positive, you are amazing!!

          Didit, I am so sorry for your job loss. That is so very stressful. I bet you will come away with a really great job. wonderful on not overdoing the drinking!!! WOW!

          Lushy, what did I miss? Did they do a clown post for you while you were gone and I missed it?? We are all missing you so very much!!

          Awwwwwwww Macs. Parenthood, the best job, you will ever love. Still trying on your patience more than you can imagine sometimes. I am sorry about your daughter. Be gentle, be calm, have the conversation around why you are freaking out and beyond the health issues of cigarettes, it is the trust issue with her. Good luck on your tattoo today!!

          Judie the roses sound awesome, I hope you had a great visit with your grandma!! My roses are pretty well burned to crisp except for one that gets the most shade from the walls.

          Waves, dear, I do not know what happened, but you got to stay here, we love you!

          Bear, Great job moderating!! We are all very proud of you!

          Star hope all is going well for you.

          Have a great Friday all!

          Lots of Love,

          PS: Bob Dylan on Sunday, great seats too. oh yeah, baby!!


            Friday 20 July

            Hi BB, Judie, Julie, Jen, Ducky, Eustacia, Tawny, Sammys, Tea, Starlight Impress, amethyst, Red Robin, Paddy, Waves, Preciouspinot, Quiescent, Chrysa, LSM, MKR, Beaches, Lushy, Zincityzen, rudemama, Pebbles, Lauralynn, Macks...


            Wow, Mary really said it all so I'll just say a quick "good night all." Pretty tuckered out after another pre-dawn treck to the horse paddock followed by mad dash to the office.Today I was asked by some office wit if I had spent the night on the park bench! Didn't think I looked that bad.



              Friday 20 July

              PS Mary

              Can't wait to hear about Bob Dylan - I'm going when he's out here later this year. Enjoy.


                Friday 20 July

                Hello to everyone. Wow, MKR, what a great summary, you said it all. Have fun at Bob Dylan. I would love to go but visiting stepson has requested to go to Roswell in the new VW camper. For those who don't know, Roswell is where the army reported a UFO landed in 1948, then retracted it about 12 hours later, but it has become world headquarters for UFO info with museum, giant festival with everyone in alien costumes (we missed this - it was 7/4), etc. He is just curious and there is some beautiful country on the way so off we go. Hope everyone has a good weekend.


                  Friday 20 July

                  That's definately one of the things I miss about living in Telluride ... all of the great music & festivities going on there. I just talked to a friend of mine last week Bob Dylan played in the town park there, where I've seen so many wonderful performers over the years. It's a natural ampetheater with 2 waterfalls @ the end of the box canyon, surrounded by 13,000 ft peaks, great acoustics too! Sure glad I got all that dancin' in when I did...

                  My MIL & FIL are coming to town today, so I've got to finish straightening up the house a bit...I'm tempted to not bother, since most of the dog hair is from the big white dog we "inherited" from them when they moved to Fla...
                  And a LOT of the other debris is stuff Hubby likes to leave where it to speak...
                  Guess I'll put in a 1/2 ass effort for what it's worth.
                  Don't I sound sweet...?LOL
                  "Susie Home-maker" ...I'm not!

                  They are great folks though, Looking forward to seeing them.

                  Hope everyone has a great day!
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    Friday 20 July

                    Hello everyone and thanks for the kind and supportive words and PMs. Many of you are making me so jealous just thinking about taking some time and going to see some really good music. Saint Jude: I used to do the blue grass festivals in Yosemite twice a year, every year. Lovely scenery, wonderful people, and great tunes. Just what the soul needs, you know? I was younger and a bit of a hippie on those trips. Not sure I could pull off that part of it now, but it still sounds like it could help rejuvenate the spirit. Hmmmm....I do have some time off???

                    Anyhow, hope everyone is well. Love to all.
                    Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                      Friday 20 July

                      Didit, I've been to Strawberry Bluegrass fest in Yosimite! I was there in 1988 89? It was one of the years John Haitt performed, before he got real big ... same year Bonnie Raitt & I think it was Nancy Griffith recorded a couple of his songs that became big hits.
                      Great place! :thanks: for bringing back a fond memory!

                      God, I wish we could meet there now! Isn't there one coming up in Sept?
                      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                        Friday 20 July

                        Good evening all,

                        Mrs Macks and i surprised ourselves last night at how calm we were, and the result was an open and very mature teenager who also admitted to trying drinking and not telling us the truth about where she was staying...It was hard to get mad...She had literally had enough of carrying the guilt around with her...As we told her last night, today is the first day of the rest of your life...Advice i have given myself a million times...
                        Speaking of which i have'nt stuck to my plan this week..I have had 10 cans of lager over the last two previous nights and tonight i am on the wine...I've decided to start fresh on Sunday and hopefully i will do better than this week..I am not gonna let it get me down...I have been there and done that..I know better..

                        I am really happy at the moment, and that has been a rare thing this year...Things like bak posting yesterday and star not deciding to leave after all, and just hearing how the old regular names are doing...It really picks me up..And the Bob Dylan thing...My dad has seen him over 20 times...i grew up listening to Bob...My brothers and i can all do a really good impression lol....In fact i named my first boy Dylan...My dad cryed..

                        MKR...I am not a subscriber...Does that stop me viewing and posting pics now?...OMG a couple of glasses of wine i turn into Jane Austin...I'm gonna shut up now...

                        Thanks for listening and thanks for being here....

                        I love this place...Macks:l :l :l :l
                        I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                        One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                          Friday 20 July

                          Macks you really crack me up! If you are a subscriber you can see an additional section in photo gallery called "people". If you don't subscribe you can't see it. Shhhhh. it's a secret.
                          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                            Friday 20 July

                            Home late busy today, just catching up and saying Hi.


