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Saturday 21 July

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    Saturday 21 July

    Hi everyone,

    I'm just logging in to say that I'm about to disappear for a day or so to read the new Harry Potter. Just got my copy. Daughter got hers as soon as book shop opened and is already halfway through. She's forbidden from expressing by even so much as a facial expression what is happening!!

    Might log in for some light relief if the book gets too scary - or sad!

    Happy Saturday everyone (particularly the HP fans.)


    Saturday 21 July

    morning, I'm getting the book on Wednesday - payday.Don't give away any secrets please..
    Wel aimed to be af last night but had 3 beers not a disaster,allowing self a limit of that today and nothing tomorrow.
    Thing is I have to flyer for a band and the thought of doing that sober is horrible.
    anyway see you tomorrow
    one day at a time


      Saturday 21 July

      Hi all,
      I did really well last night. I was out on a "do" from work. I had 3 glasses of water to every half glass of wine so only ended up drinking 3 glasses in total and had a lovely time. Feel great today - especially as a really handsome guy had been convinced I was 10 years younger than I am.

      Love to all as always.
      Enough is enough


        Saturday 21 July

        Hubby asked where he had left his white stick!:H :H

        Jealous I reckion!!!!
        Enough is enough


          Saturday 21 July

          Waves: great idea, 3 glasses of water for every half glass of wine...

          I am going out tonight and hoping to just have one drink.


            Saturday 21 July

            Good luck Nancy, Is good to have a plan.
            Enough is enough


              Saturday 21 July

              Good Morning!
              Great job Waves!
              Redrobin, I got my copy of HP this morning. Can't wait to start it.
              Everyone have an awesome Saturday.


                Saturday 21 July

                Hi everybody!

                Thats a lot of water Waves! :goodjob: I'll bet you were able to make some waves of your own last night! LOL I always try and do that when I'm out as well, ... nervous energy or something, I just feel like I need to be sipping on something, even if it's just water.

                Hey girls! Hubby's outta town till Monday! Party @ my place! I tried to get him to take the big dogs too...oh well, @ least I feel safe...
                He went over to the valley w/his folks to go prospecting for the weekend. Too bad I have to work.
                At least I have a nice clean house to enjoy!

                We have a new gal @ work, she told me last night her "given" name is Jerry Joe, she said she never really cared for it, & goes by another name...
                Whenever she's travelled in Mexico... well you know that "J" are not pronouned... they're pronounced as "H"... and sometimes even now she gets a call from a tellmarketer with an accent asking for herry ho :H
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  Saturday 21 July

                  LOL Jude!!!! That is funny.

                  Waves, good job on the water. That is a ton of water.

                  Bear, you still sound like you are moderating just fine. 3 glasses is stellar in my book.

                  I never got into the Harry Potter books but I know how much fun it is to have something like that to look forward to. I heard Harry really ends up being a woman or something like that. Oops, sorry.

                  I am going to a chili cook-off today that a friend of mine is in. He makes a wicked chili but I was not going to go until he just called and said the contestant next to him just pulled up in a 2006 Mercedes with a license plate that says #1 chili (and the license plate holder said 2005 chili cook-off champion). The guy got out with a black satin jacket on, slicked back hair and a whole posse of people with him. He begged me to come and heckle people and talk up his chili so he might win. I still think he has a good chance of winning as he makes great stuff. Should be interesting. Maybe Food Network will be there?? I should go get a t-shirt and write the words Lushy across it and stand in the background and wave maniacally in case they are. LOL!!!

                  Have a great Saturday everyone!!!
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    Saturday 21 July

                    I almost peed my pants @ work when she told me that!:H

                    Lushy, you could print out that chili cook off thing from Laughing Out Loud to take along. I think it's way back a few pages somewhere...

                    I'm sure the TV crew would want to interview you too!
                    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                      Saturday 21 July

                      Lisa's Angel..

                      I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                      One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                        Saturday 21 July


                        Are you sure that they're not asking for a hairy ho?

                        :heart: E


                          Saturday 21 July

                          Some nights I don't know what the "H" they're askin for!

                          But I do know they all want it 5 friggin minutes ago ALL @ the same time!
                          I REALLY love when someone asks for extra sauce before they even touch what they have... when you're runnin' with arms full of plates... "YA... Sugar britches... it's in my pockets! Search me!"

                          I swear one of these nights I'm gonna be famous... psycho waitress snaps... takes out A-hole patron w/butter knife!
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                            Saturday 21 July

                            Nice, tattoo, Macks. Is it new? My musician son has many tattoos. I was never happy about it, but he's still my kid, and I love him.


                              Saturday 21 July

                              Sorry about my "after work" rant there... See what 1 little G&T will do to the Saint?
                              Macks that is a very impressive Tat! Bet it hurt! I don't even have pierced ears!
                              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

