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Monday July 23

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    Monday July 23

    Hi everyone

    Can't change the avatar yet I'm afraid (haven't finished book yet!) But it's a surefire way to not drink (or eat, or clean the house, or do anything else- though I had to go to work today.)

    Just popping in to say hello everyone - and to hope you all have a wonderful moderating week.


    Monday July 23

    Good Morning RR and all to come .......

    Just a quick check in to let you know that I haven't fallen off the face of the earth ......

    Things here at work are REALLY hectic, my parents are away AGAIN lol, and as most of you know lots of the UK is underwater, so working in drainage we are having the busiest time ever. I have three phone lines and only me to answer them and somehow have to find time to pay the wages etc etc .........

    I AM going to be AF from now till friday (now i've told you I have to do it) mostly because I took on a weight loss challenge with two members of my slimming class last thursday and I WILL WIN!!!!!!

    Love & Hugs to everyone out there ...

    BB xx


      Monday July 23

      Good morning RR and Betty,
      Betty competition is a great motivator isn't it?
      RR that must be a great book for keep you that engaged. I guess I need to start reading them!
      Back to work after a very nice weekend. We went to one of the state parks that have waterfalls and gorges or the weekend and the kids loved it. It was nice to do something as a family, we rarely do that.
      Have a great day everyone!!
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        Monday July 23

        Good Morning RR, BB, and Beaches!
        I am only on 3rd chapter of HP. Plan on getting a lot read today while the kids and I go to the waterpark--where I will plant my rearend in a loungechair and read all day!!
        Not telling either RR!
        Beaches: Family time sounds nice. It's hard to do it often.
        BB: Good plan for AF!
        PP--nothing like a hubby with a backache. I would not offer to rub his feet, but that's just me.
        Have a great day!


          Monday July 23

          Aargh! Screwed up already! Despite what I wrote yesterday about working the program again, I drank all night. Not as bad as it sounds. I only downed 1/2 bottle of wine (well, that's a lot these days!). I was in a lot of pain (physical) with a demanding day ahead of me and I was doing everything I could to knock myself out. Despite my best efforts, I didn't sleep a minute.

          Good morning RR, good luck Boopster (you go girl!), Beaches, where is that lovely gorge?, and Soccermom Mary, so glad to see you back! A happy day to all yet to post.

          Guess I start back with the program tomorrow. Wish me luck!

          :heart: E


            Monday July 23

            Good Morning!!

            I haven't posted for a while due to hectic work cycle and simultaneous home remodeling. No free time. Also panicking because hubby is quitting work to go to school full time and trying to figure out how to make lots more money. Geez. No stress or anything...

            I am doing well. Not as well as I could and should; however, still modding (sp?) away. No drunk days in weeks. Yea!!!!!

            For all before and all after please have a wonderful day.

            For those in flood areas, UK and Texas, please take care and be careful. I am thinking of you. Mother Nature is tough!! She wins. I could not believe the story of the mother trying to drive her car through the barrier with her two kids in back. I am glad they arrested her for child endangerment.

            AF April 9, 2016


              Monday July 23

              Everybody is apologizing this morning. Here's what I won't apologize for:
              not reading Harry Potter
              drinking too much (I had two glasses of wine last night)
              being involved with work (I am postponing it)
              not posting (I've kept up lately)

              E, half a bottle is still at acceptable levels, I think. I'm sorry you are in pain.
              RR, I guess I could apologize for not reading HP because I got the first book so I could start the whole saga, but I've been reading The Looming Tower by Larry Wright. It's the entire story of Al Quaeda up to 9/11. It reads like a novel, and I highly recommend it if you want to get the entire back story.

              Have a rip roaring day, everyone!


                Monday July 23

                Hi All -- a quick pop-in as I cruise through various threads. I am not trying to enable but in my book a half bottle of wine = 2 glasses (OK maybe it's a full pour) ... but it is not something to beat yourself up about... so I agree with fsophiah... I am back to the communtiy and have 6 days AF but am easing my way back... I believe I want to do 30 days AF and see how I feel ... so I haven't "landed" yet in a certain camp...
                Hope all have a great week & hope you don't mind my visit... Liz


                  Monday July 23

                  Hi guys!!

                  Just got back from lunch with my grandpa... yes, my grandpa. He is turning 99 in October, but he is like a healthy 70 year old guy. We meet about once a month for chinese food, and I am truly blessed to be able to do this. He drives!! (actually, really well), travels, lives alone, and is TOTALLY intact, mentally and physically. He has all his own teeth, and VERY strong, liberal opinions. What can I say, he is a wonderful date!! And he is the only one on the planet allowed to call me "Bethy".

                  So, not a bad day here...

                  Hope you all are well!!

                  formerly known as bak310


                    Monday July 23

                    Good afternoon just checking in and reading. Have to go back to work in about an hour, busy work for me lately.

                    Have a great day,

