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Not sure which thread I fit here!

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    Not sure which thread I fit here!

    Hiya all....

    Its been some harrowing few weeks loaded with tons of great news with my Mom getting the clear on a "terminal" cancer.... she is totally cancer free!

    So life throws other things at you. But I am learning to change my thinking patterns, and that is changing everything. No.... I dont have it all together, but I am amazed at how positive life looks, and the open doors when we actually have the energy and zest to run through them! I realized that I did a lot of complaining before about what was "not" happening in my life, and that was only my fault.

    I've had a harrowing week, and day for that matter. Its only Monday and I'm already referring to the week! My Dad went into Rehab five days ago. He left against their advice (it was a voluntary program), came home to my Mom, said he'd made a huge mistake, and asked her to take him back to Rehab. This is my Mom who is not supposed to be alive right now. So she took him back, happily that he had made the right choice. But on a bridge going over the St. John's River (google it), he decided to open the door and try to jump out. All I can say, is that God intervened. The draw bridge came up, but there was no ship going under.

    As well, my daughter volunteers in the ER two days a week over the summer. She went in today to be pulled aside and told that she as well as many other had been exposed to a toxic case of TB. (tuberculosis). Well she has had every shot know to mankind plus some, but they told her she had no choice but to get in an ambulance and go to another ER... LOL and get an emergency TB as almost 75% of those she had worked with her that day had become very sick. That was five days ago she last volunteered? No phone call? They waited until she came in today to tell her this? They hauled her off for a shot without my permission? Am I just PMS? She is volunteering because she is a "minor", but they can haul her off and give her a shot without calling me? Fumes.....

    Deep breaths....
    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.

    Not sure which thread I fit here!

    Allie the news about your mum is amazing, i'm so pleased for you .......

    Your dad in rehab sounds a major step for him as well, and as for your daughter .... WOW what a week you've had .......

    Stay strong love,

    BB xxx


      Not sure which thread I fit here!

      Thanks BB....

      I've been learning a lot about "cognitive therapy" which is changing negative thinking patterns, or distorted truth as we percieve it and instead replace old thinking with positive thinking. I'm so glad in light of all this that I was able to test myself out and see that I am learning to deal with reality and stress in new ways. Not to say that it didnt all upset me, but it is what it is, and my old coping was in truth, not coping.
      If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


        Not sure which thread I fit here!

        That is great news about your mom!
        And I'm glad your dad went back for help.
        My daughter worked in a hospital and has some more stories to tell....

        I need to work on positive thinking too!
        You sound good.
        :h Nancy
        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10


          Not sure which thread I fit here!

          Prest, so glad to hear the news about your mom, what a relief.

          Sad about your dad, but hopefully he's in good hands.

          What a week already!!
          Enlightened by MWO


            Not sure which thread I fit here!

            Hi, well all I can say is maybe the news of both your parents is good, of course the news about Mom is fantastic and maybe for Dad to. While he is there he will have a chance to take care of himself. That can't be bad, kind of a big hard pill to swallow though, no one wants their Dad to have to go into rehab. I would be really pissed about that hospital not calling you about something like that and of course then you could have taken her to your family doctor or right into the hospital for the shot yourself.

            Take care,


              Not sure which thread I fit here!

              Allie! I was awol for a while, and since I've been back, I've been looking for you. As you know, I'm a fan. I am amazed to hear about your mom. And, well, your dad, that's an old story, isn't it? Trying to throw himself out the car door is a new wrinkle. I hope she got him back to rehab. That's where he belongs, but there are rehabs and there are rehabs, as was publicly manifested recently in the case of Lindsay Lohan.

              The last I read of your daughter was that you were ready to sell her. Sounds like you changed your mind. And, by the way, she has once again shown herself to be a good, solid citizen. Who would have thought a kid could get exposed to TB doing community service? I would be tempted to go to the volunteer coordinator and protest her being treated without consent of her parents. Isn't that illegal? I'm sure she's fine, but there is a paranoia about TB just now. Good to see you.


                Not sure which thread I fit here!

                Hi Prest,

                Hugs to you.:l :l :l :l
                Enough is enough

