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Wednesday 1st August

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    Wednesday 1st August

    Good morning all ...... Hope that today finds you all well ....

    Its the first day of a hectic month for me today, A holiday, My wedding anniversary (17 years), and its a year since Kerrie had her brain surgery!!!

    I can't promise to not drink, but I can commit to not getting drunk!!!!

    I owe a big thank you to everyone here to be able to make that statement because this time last year I was an absolute mess....

    Love you all .....

    BB xx

    Wednesday 1st August

    Hello Betty and all to come! Committing to not getting drunk is great. I've come a long way from a year ago as well. Time flies.

    Today is my husbands birthday so we are still trying to figure out what to do. Birthdays for adults seem to get lost in the mix when you have 3 kids under the age of 5 at home. We have the Wiggles tomorrow night which will be a blast for the kids...I may be curled up in a ball in a corner but hey it will be an adventure

    Have a great day!
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Wednesday 1st August

      Good morning Betty and Beaches,

      Betty congrats on all the good things you have to celebrate! Enjoy your holiday.

      Beaches, my BD was last week and I feel the same way. No kids at home but it's hard to decide what to do. We ended up going for a quiet dinner. Hubbie offered to cook for me but I didn't feel like cleaning up after him!

      I am hoping August is a better month for me. Mods was touch and go last month...


        Wednesday 1st August

        Things are quiet around the house for the next two minutes. My nervous brother and his family have headed to Austin for a couple of days, leaving my kitchen once again fairly clean. I don't use the kitchen much. He's really neurotic about food--when people eat and what they eat. It all has to do with food and control, and it's not pretty. Plus, there's still my mother and her antagonism to my son's GF who is living with us and is Korean. It's beginning to look like one of those nasty sitcoms. They return, and then my son arrives from Japan, then goes to New York with his girfriend, then comes back. It's a revolving door of guests for most of the month of August. Half of the adults involved are prima donnas. I just want everybody to be happy and to avoid conflict. I'm holding my breath a lot.


          Wednesday 1st August

          Betty-Happy Aniversary!:h Do give Kerrie a big hug for me, what a wonderful day of celebration for you! A big "thank you" right back @ ya Paula! You're awsome!:l

          Beaches- Enjoy the Wiggles... maybe in more ways than one... since it is Hubby's B-day & all...

          Ducky- Happy belated Birthday! Hope it was a great one.

          Geez a lot of Leo's around here... My MIL's was yesterday, mines coming up, & FIL will follow that... Hear us roar!

          Sophia- You sound like you're headin' for saint-hood! Haven't had to kill anyone yet? I'm sure I wouldv'e by now, if I were in your situation...Keep breathing! No more holding your're turnin blue!

          Have a great day everybody. Gonna go for a nice long paddle's another hot one.
          Big Hugs,
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            Wednesday 1st August

            Hey everyone. Not much to report here. I have kept up with the jogging and have lost another pound. I feel in really good shape these days.

            Happy Anniversary Betty!

            There are alot of Leos around. My daughter's, my sister and my mom and dad are all this month.
            Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


              Wednesday 1st August

              Hi everyone, Happy Anniversay Betty!! Working alot these days and we have had so much drama at work I can hardly stand it. I also have a friend who looks up every disease there is on the internet and thinks she has it, is driving her entire family and all her friends nuts.
              That computer is like a porthole to hell at that house, people are trying to drag her off of it.



                Wednesday 1st August

                Hey all-spent the day at the pool. I feel lazy and unmotivated to start dinner! Happy b-days to all the Leo's . Don't hold your breath too much Sophia! Remember to breathe every now and then! Hope all had a great day. I've had 2 AF days in a row, and tonight will be as well. (nothing in the cupboards:H )I hope August will be a great mods month for all!
                Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child

