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Thursday Aug 2nd

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    Thursday Aug 2nd

    Good morning all,

    A mods night again. No HO today. I really want a drunk free August. Tomorrow I go in for an MRI of my brain. Just to rule out a few things. I think I am fine and honestly the test scares me more than any possible illness. I have a really hard time with IVs. And I am claustrophobic. The doc gave me a xanax to take, which should help. (It did help me through the last MRI because it made me very tired.) Anyhow, I have to try not to obsess about that today.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    Thursday Aug 2nd

    Hi Ducky I share claustrophobia with you. Terrible feeling. I will be glad for you when its over.

    Just wanted to pop in and say hi to all you mods people. I can never be one of you but I can still say hi.
    Gabby :flower:


      Thursday Aug 2nd

      Funny how we sometimes sound jealous of one anther huh? Some of you wanna be AF and some of us wanna be mods.....and neither of us can.

      Weird topic.
      Gabby :flower:


        Thursday Aug 2nd

        I will keep you in my thoughts tomorrow and prayers tonight that all goes well! I'm afraid to have a brain scan, probably much smaller than I imagine it to be (lol)! I did a mod lastnight and I woke up at 2am to potty and I thought, wow it is nice to know that I remembered to get Sam from tumbling,,,normally on Thursday morning I think, God please let me have remembered and I would go check her room and then pray that it was me and not someone was nice enough to bring her never happened but a huge fear. Anyway, good luck on your drunk free month!


          Thursday Aug 2nd

          Hi Gabby and Lanette,

          Yes Gabby, we do all seem to want what the others have! I am really trying to get the mods thing down but like others would go AF if I can't. So far I am drinking quite a bit less than I was, and hoping to keep whittling it down. I have read lots of your posts and you are doing AWESOME!

          Tx Lanette, I am mostly afraid of the IV! And that somehow the doc will tell me I don't have ms but my brain is messed up from A.

          Great job on mods. It is nice not to worry about what we did or didn't do!


            Thursday Aug 2nd

            Hi everybody,

            Ducky- Hope the MRI goes nice & quik. I hate going to the doc's... I've had a few MRI's & CT scans they've never found much... just send a bill.

            Gabby- Always great to see ya!

            Lanette- Yep, it is nice to be able remember the previous night... isn't it? I know in the old days I used to have to piece things together. Sometimes I never could figure it all out. Sure don't miss that!

            I had a fun day on the river yesterday. Got a lot of sun & exercise. Think I'll take it a bit easier today, maybe go for just a short paddle later though.

            Have a great day Ya'll!
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              Thursday Aug 2nd

              Hi, everyone just popping in to say hi to my mod buddies, Ducky you will be fine, the xanax should help alot. Gabby hi to you, Lanette you are doing good. Judy I am so glad you had fun on the river, everytime I see a kayak on our lake I think of you and how much you love that river, its almost like its your river!!!!



                Thursday Aug 2nd

                I kinda feel that way about it! LOL I spend more time there than anywhere else!
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  Thursday Aug 2nd

                  Hello All;
                  Just popping in quickly to say hi. Things have been hectic here. Tomorrow is my last day on the job. I have been laid off from a job that I have had for 20 years and it's getting pretty emotional. Weird really. I have been looking for another job and things are looking good but nothing concrete yet. I do think that we will have to move and I do think we will be heading to California. I'll keep everyone posted. Hope this message finds you all well and keeping up on your mods. I am drinking more than I would like but less than I used to. Still no hard alcohol and I am still "drunk free" which is my ultimate goal at this stressful point in my life. Love to all and I'll check back in again as soon as I can.
                  Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                    Thursday Aug 2nd

                    Hey didit.....good on the "drunk free".
                    Gabby :flower:


                      Thursday Aug 2nd

                      Ducky, thinking of you and hoping all goes well.


                        Thursday Aug 2nd

                        Tx Accountable. I am sure it will be fine. I think my doc just wants to rule out MS because I have had neuropathy for so many years (7), as well as a few other symptoms. It may be fibromyalgia. Will know more next week.

                        Hope everyone has/had a mods evening. Kindof quiet here these days...


                          Thursday Aug 2nd

                          Hey y'all, I had another way too early shift switch this morning plus a regular long day, kinda tired out. Ducky, I hope all went well with the MRI. Gabby, thanks for popping in to say hi!!!Jude, I am always so envious when I think of you and *your* river! I love to kayak, just don't get to very often:upset: Accountable, and all the others, (I am SOOO sorry I don't remember everyone, my brain is too tired!+ the topa fog!), saying hi! I had another AF night last night. (3 in a row!), and tonight probably will be as well. I may have a glass or so this weekend. We'll see. I want to retain the option of a drink on occasion, but not most every night. Well, hope all have a great mods night, and a great start to a fabulous Friday!
                          Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child

