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Friday 3 August

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    Friday 3 August

    moring all, well things are a lot better here.I have stopped smoking, day 4 so far and have drank moderately on wed and thursday and had 3 pints(6 units) on Monday - bit too much!
    Not lost any weight for the wedding in 3 weeks time, I hope to lose half a stone by then and with my new planned exercise and gym, calorie counting and less booze I hope to make it.
    anyways see you soon xx
    one day at a time

    Friday 3 August

    Hi Bear, well done on the smoking.Did you know there are over 300 cals in a pint of beer,
    so it's not easy to lose weight while drinking it, there are less in wine and spirits.
    Any way good luck with the moderating, I could never do it.
    Best wishes Paula.


      Friday 3 August

      Hi all, thanks to you all for your lovely responses yesterday .....

      I'm feeling really rough and anxious today but at least i'm not drinking ...

      Love to you all,

      BB xx


        Friday 3 August

        Good morning everyone!
        Everyone sounds good today. Betty I am glad you are feeling better and Bear congrats on day 4 of no smoking. Hi Paula!

        We went to The Wiggles yesterday with the kids and it was great! We had so much fun. HA I can't believe how great of shape these guys are in kind of makes me motivated to get my butt in shape because they are all older than me.

        Not much on the agenda this weekend except trying to stay cool in the heat!

        Hugs to all.
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          Friday 3 August

          Hi Bear hope you feel good for the wedding(whose wedding..yours? family? friend?)
          always a challenge these big social does for me.

          Last year i did 2 weddings in august and wasnt sloshed for a change!!(i drank 2 drinks with the meal and then didnt drink until after 9pm when the dancing got cracking. i arranged a lift home earlier than usual..all cunning plands to ensur ei dint get drunk!!

          The great thing was i remebered everything, noticed what was going on..enjoyed a walk in the grounds after the meal and felt good about what i was wearing AND HOW I PRESENTED MYSELF(NOT IN A BIG HEADED WAY BUT IN A AT LEAST I AM NOT SLOSHED WAY!!)
          i love weddings..the church service, the meal, speeches etc...........better still when eithe rnot drinking or moderating,

          Have fun....cassy

