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My personal moderation success techniques and story

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    My personal moderation success techniques and story


    Not posted for a while but when I first found this place my aim was to cut down on the weekend binge drinking but my biggest fear was losing my social life. I'd spent 10 years getting smashed more or less every weekend and been in umpteen silly situations as a result. When I found this site I checked Mods cos I didn't want to give up completely but was determined to cut back.

    The good news is that in 2 weeks time, It'll have been 6 months since I made this decision. I've had a drink almost every weekend but have kept it within much better limits than before. I've allowed myself to get tipsy but haven't ended up smashed. Everyones limits will of course be different but thought I'd share my technique so far first:

    Initially I didn't know how many was too many. Nights out are long and 2 drinks was never going to work for me so I set out to have no more than 15 units over a whole night and no more than 21 in a week. I know to many this sounds loads in a night but please bare with me. Before this I'd often have well over 20 in a night and be out 2 or 3 nights!

    I decided to set up a speadsheet on my computer a bit like the drink tracker here. I set out all the weeks till the end of the year and columns for 'total nights out', then 'night 1', 'night 2' etc including 'additioanal drinks' and 'daytime drinks' in case I had a pint say before the football. I then totalled the week at the end and added columns to say who I was with and what the situation was on each night. In the cells I set my limit for the individual nights at 15 - under 15 units then it shows green, 15-18 yellow and 18+ in a night RED. Likewise with the weeks total I set it at

    My personal moderation success techniques and story

    Hi Sensible Sam, and welcome,
    You are only young and I do hope you manage to cut down further on your drinking. 15 units in one session seems an awful lot and will put you at risk of liver damage in time.
    Best of luck Paula.


      My personal moderation success techniques and story

      You have started a good program for yourself... Keep on challenging yourself and tweaking this until it's a healthy lifestyle... Ever think of taking up an outdoor sport.. You're a young fella... All the best and thank-you for sharing.

      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


        My personal moderation success techniques and story

        Thanks for posting about this. I am always curious about other people's moderation methods and what is working for them. I've kinda settled into my own method which is ABS most days w/a MOD night out about once/week. But, I find myself slipping into drinking more than I want sometimes on the one night I go out. Its still WAY BETTER than what I used to do, but I'd like to find a comfy limit for myself and stick to it better.

        I don't know much about 'units', but isn't a small glass of wine two units and a normal/restaurant size glass of wine three units. Mixed drink 3 units and beer 2 units? This is just my opinion of course, but I don't think its for anyone else to say what you're MOD limits should be. You are doing better and have eliminated the worst consequences of your drinking so I think that's great! I never worried that much about the health consequences of drinking, but mainly wanted to eliminate the 'out of control' embarassing behavior for myself.


          My personal moderation success techniques and story

          Hi SS. Sorry if I came across as telling you what your mods limit should be, but I have
          a son not much younger than you and I would be saying the same thing to him, because
          I care. I think medically it's suggested that men have approx.28 units per week and women
          21, well I have certainly exceeded that in my time. You have your whole life in front of you. As Niblet says you have started a good programme for you, so keep on trying until
          you have achieved your goal. Wishing you well.


            My personal moderation success techniques and story

            :welcome: Sensi Sam! I think just being here & making a start is a great place as any to be...
            I know when I first came "aboard".. it was easily a 12 pk a day... Gotta start somewhere.
            Have you read RJ's book yet? It awsome... so's she. Anyway, welcome . Looking forward to getting aquainted.
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              My personal moderation success techniques and story

              Thanks for sharing SS, I have been moderating for almost three weeks now and must say its going very well, my aim is AF in the week and only have a limit of up to 3 drinks on a social evening or over weekends, so far so good and have kept to it, I pace myself and its so much nicer to be bright and bushy tailed the next morning ;0)

