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August 8, 2007

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    August 8, 2007

    Wow! I can't believe there is not a thread started yet today! I will take on the responsibility although not much to report here. Lost another pound because I have kept up with good diet and jogging so feel great this morning. I have a lot on my plate as far as work so I will check in later. Everyone have a fantastic, productive day!
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.

    August 8, 2007

    Hi PP and all modders to come,
    Good job on the pound lost! A friend once told me that "losing" pounds wasn't the best language - "releasing" was better, because if we "lose" something, then at some level it may come back to find us.

    So I decided not to just "release" but to SEND my unwanted pounds to people who need them - ultra skinny actress-model types and so on.

    Just a thought.

    AF last night, day off today.
    "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


      August 8, 2007

      Hi PP and Zin. Boy do I have a lot of pounds I could send to those in need. But I have lost a few since coming back from vacation and having to eat my own cooking. Have committed to doing 7 days AF to get back on track after vacation and that is helping too. Hope everyone is having a good day.


        August 8, 2007

        Hi everyone - trying to renew my commitment to get back here on a regular basis. So here I am. Also working on "releasing" pounds. Doing South Beach so no alcohol. Somehow its easier to say that to people than to say "I'm just not drinking." Don't know why, but it is.

        PP - I feel like the cat dragged me in.....

        Have a super day all.


          August 8, 2007

          Good morning y'all. Boy this thread hit home this morning. The 6 pounds I was so happy to be rid of yesterday? One of them came sneaking back over night!! I like that idea of releasing them Zin. I know that that one coming back was a combination of the wine from the other night, plus we have had pasta twice this week. Not good for me. I have to get back on board. I wavered and bought a bottle of wine at the store yesterday, put it in the fridge, then decided not to listen to it call my name. I stuck my fingers in my ears and ran around saying nah nah I can't hear you:crazymonkey: Apparently it worked, as it is still fully intact in the fridge:H
          PP great job on running and great diet-losing a pound yah!
          Zin, I am taking your releasing idea to heart!
          Hawk, I am thinking South Beach myself, how do you like it? Are you phase 1? I could never consider it before because I wouldn't give up my wine till now!
          Everyone else to come, have a great mods morning!!! Enjoy the day!
          Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


            August 8, 2007

            Louise, I meant to say I really like that 7 day AF thing after a vaction. Gets you out of the vacation minset and back into the real world, right! Good job!
            Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


              August 8, 2007

              Amethyst - I do like South Beach and had great success with it a few years back. Felt better, looked better and then let old habits take over. Didn't go back to where I was, but not where I want to be. Give it a whirl. Phase 1 is ok once you get the hang of it.


                August 8, 2007

                Hi everyone! I feel the urge to post here because my long term goal is to be able to moderate someday --- not sure if I can, but I want to SO BAD!! I just reached 10 days AF, and I am feeling absolutely awesome! I used the hypno CD's to also plant suggestions about eating healthy and exercise, and it is definitely helping. I KNOW that I am "releasing" pounds because I am eating right, walking (lots) and drinking tons of water. I don't have access to a scale right now, but it HAS to be better --- even without the healthy habits, I have eliminated the calories from 2 bottles of wine a night, right???!!! (My system is probably in shock right now, but at some point, it will just have to LET IT GO!!! LOL!)

                I am also writing on this thread because I know that I am going to have a couple of glasses of wine over the next week, and I'm not sure how I should feel about that this early on. You see, I am on vacation in Napa, CA (aka Wine Country) at my father's winery!! Yup! Great place for me, huh??? Anyway, I got here yesterday, and I was so proud of myself because I actually turned down wine with dinner last night. (The "no thanks" just came out of my mouth! Surprising!) I am thinking now that I will save the glass (or 2) for a dinner out so it is a special occasion. I am struggling because I don't want it to trigger something, and I don't want to start counting at 1 again! Silly, huh? Any thoughts? Is it too early for me to try moderating?

                I really appreciate your advice. Thanks, in advance.


                  August 8, 2007

                  WOW, PP started the thread this morning that means one thing we are busy gals.

                  Well its 8:17pm and I finally am done reading and catching up.

                  Love you Modsters
                  Sammys Sleep well everyone !!!


                    August 8, 2007

                    Pink, I'm still too new to give you much advice about moderating. i think it is different for everyone. The one thing that seems common is that old patterns creep back and people often find themselves headed back to previous drinking levels. So enjoy your glass of wine or 2 but when you get home get back on track immediately. There are people on here who are successful long term moderators.


                      August 8, 2007

                      PinkLady it sounds like if you are pretty nervous about slipping you may want to stay with abs for awhile longer. It's no silly at all that you don't want to start at day 1 again you have accomplished so much, why not just keep going and see where it takes you?

                      You are doing great, be proud of yourself then one day when you are more confident come up with a plan and start slowly or maybe you won't even want to try it again because you will feel so great being abs, that's the beauty of it all. Good luck and enjoy your vacation.
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

