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August 9

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    August 9

    Thought for the day...

    "Handle every situation like a dog...
    If ya can't eat it or screw it...
    Piss on it, and walk away...":H

    (Thanks Mary! Miss ya!)
    Just a quik little not to say "Hi"
    Will check back later. Hope everybody has a great day.
    :l Judie
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

    August 9

    Good morning Judie and all that come. Wow you are up EARLY! Geez you beat my 4:30 wake up call Nice quote too

    Nothing much going on here today except work, work, work. Getting ready for kindergarten, pushing the school to get consultants and teachers trained and ready to work with my son before he enters kindergarten. They seem to think that working with him for one week will be sufficient. They have no clue about autism and have been open about this so why they have waited so long is beyond me and preschool ends next Friday. Their first visit is this Friday. I am breathing now. Okay done venting.

    Hope you all have a nice day.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      August 9

      Hi all,

      Sorry have not been around much but life is so hectic at the moment. Just snatching a moment here now but no time to catch up on everyone so i hope you are okay.

      I am going away on hol soon so won't be here for a while.

      I hope the week goes well Beaches and that they learn quickly how to respond to your little one.

      Jude, glad the headaches have improved.

      Love to you all as always.
      Enough is enough


        August 9

        Good morning Waves2, Beaches, St. Jude, and all Modsters to come!
        Beaches - best of luck with your boy starting kindergarten. Will he be mainstreamed or in a special ed. environment?
        Waves2-enjoy your vacation!

        I've got the day off and I'm looking forward to getting tidied up and caught up with various projects today.

        Take care, all!
        "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


          August 9

          Beaches- I wasn't really up that early, just snuck that in before I went to bed last night. Hope your son is able to connect well with his teachers.

          Waves- Good to see you! Have a great trip. Headaches have definately improved...:fingers: (almost afraid to put that in print ... for fear of "jinxing" myself...)I started taking an over the counter Estroven Herbal.. don't know if that's what's helping... but it's not hurting!

          Zincity- I have the day off too! Come on over I'm gonna go jump on the river.. it's already 74* @ 10:30!

          I spent yesterday cleaning out this little car I bought... what a mess! At least it runs!ray: The girl I bought it from is a smoker, you would not believe all the ciggy butts! She apparently NEVER emptied the ashtray! There must've been 3 cups of them inside the center console, under the ashtray(from it overflowing). Amazing you could even shift the car!

          Hope everybody has a great day. I have a date with my "Boyfriend" tonight. Our 7th anniversary is next month and we've never been to a movie theatre together! Well, the nearest one IS 37 mi away... but still.
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            August 9

            Jude and Zin -enjoy the day off! I have double shifts, so am running crazy!!
            Waves-enjoy the holiday- can I come too, pretty please??? I don't care where, I am will be ever so quiet and neat, you'll never know I was there
            Beaches, I hope they are more organized and prepared than it seems. Kindergarten is a fun, exciting year with all sorts of changes no matter what. Hope you both enjoy it
            I have come to the realization that it is definately time for school to start. The kids are de-evolving:H
            I had a late night AF evening last night with a way too early morning this morning!
            Everyone else-hope you are having a great mods Thursday!
            Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


              August 9

              I enjoy loggging onto a thead where I recognise every name.


