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Thursday August 16th

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    Thursday August 16th

    Hellooooooo, Is there anybody there?????? Do we need to hold a seance to bring back the modsters .....

    Life in bb land is pretty good, Was trying to go abs but managed pretty good mods so i'm feeling OK.

    Love & Hugs to everyone,



    Thursday August 16th

    Morning y'all-quick note to say I'm alive and kicking. I said I'd had unexpected company-for a week!-and they are still here. But it is great, and we are having a blast. I have had a few extra shifts at work, and the kids are hogging the computer, day and night. It is SOOOOOO time for school to start:H A few too many nights of drinking, but not too much. The topa (25 mg) makes me feel it more intensely, so 1-3 glasses feels like a LOT. But I don't want wine every night. Last night was AF, and a relief. Hope all are well, and enjoy the day:h
    Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


      Thursday August 16th

      BB, I'm up for a seance!:H
      Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


        Thursday August 16th

        BB I'm here. glad you doing well with mods. thought about you today. i was at a craft centre and there was a big picture of Betty Boop and I thought "Paula would love that". not that I dont think about you anyway, it was just an extra thought of you! XXXMax
        Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


          Thursday August 16th

          Maxine, lovely to see you in mods, I just love craft fairs!!! It's strange that whenever I see ice skaters I think about you too ....

          Love & Hugs, BB xx


            Thursday August 16th

            Yes, now I see Betty Boops everywhere I look!

            Anyway, things are going well for me here. Work is going well, kids are all set to begin school on Mon. It was my dad's bday yesterday, my sister's tomorrow and my mom's on Mon so we are all heading down to The Keys for the weekend to celebrate so, that will be fun. Hubby is bringing down the boat.

            On a side note: Hubby went out last night to a private club where they hang out and smoke cigars, play dominos and drink. My hubby is not a drinker. He came home at midnight or 1 in the morning and I heard him puking in the bathroom. I woke up and asked him what happened. He said he drank a bottle of red wine and was so sick that he threw up. That really surprised me. I mean in the history of the universe never in my whole life would a single bottle of wine make me sick. Was I born with a high tolerance or what. Is that how all "normal" people are??
            Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


              Thursday August 16th

              Precious-haha...i think if u started and drank a whole bottle of wind u might puke. everyones body is also different though. i could goout all night and drink, black out, pass out, and not puke. however, myf riend goesto me, "i dont get how u get to the point of passingo ut col, its weird. i always throwup if i get to drunk" everyones brain and body are different!


                Thursday August 16th

                Good afternoon modsters, I was bad last nite did not moderate very well, work crap just got to me. I have got up today and cleaned the house, and done a little bit of work so far.
                I am going to accomplish what I want today and will not let this having to many beers get me down. Been doing pretty good lately so I just need to get back on track again. Summer has been hard on me as far as moderating, I need to keep my guard up better.

                P.S. Boop yes I agree the modster gang needs a bonding experience.


                  Thursday August 16th

                  Betty Boop and Maxine live in worlds I know nothing about. I never go to craft centers and I never see ice skates. However, I still think of you all often. BB is everywhere- cannot get away from the Boop and I think of Maxine when I pet my kitty kats. I do not remember their names but I remember when they discovered the stairs and when one got stuck under the bathtub.

                  I am not sure I really think of you all on the site often or if you all are haunting me.


                    Thursday August 16th

                    Lucky, we are haunting you .......

                    Maxine and I are lucky, we don't see people in white coats ......


                      Thursday August 16th

                      Lucky I am glad u dont remember their names..... cuz i keep changing them!
                      Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


                        Thursday August 16th

                        That is a sure way to get neurotic kitties! Kitties need an identity that sticks! It makes them whole kitties.


                          Thursday August 16th

                          Can u help me out then?? I like the name sophie, just not sure about Dante. its a bit of a mouthfull. thought about bonnie and clyde, or changing dante to Zak. they only 11 weeks so as long as im quick i think the wont be too confused. they gonna be with me for about 15 years,so they need nice names. should I just stick?? right now they have a pot plant all over the floor! grrr
                          Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy

