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Friday August 17th

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    Friday August 17th

    Good morning everyone!

    Today is the last day of preschool for the kiddies and was up LATE last night getting everything ready for their final farewell. Writing the teachers notes, gifts etc. I think the transition is always harder for the parent.

    Short day at work for me then off to plan my twins birthday party. They will be five and my daughter wants to go bowling. I never wanted to go bowling at that age I don't think but hey what did I know?

    Have a great day!!
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

    Friday August 17th

    Hi everyone! betcha thought I'd disappeared forever? Nope just my internet!
    We've moved house and nothing works...I mean NOTHING! no internet, no hot water, no TV...zilch.

    Unfortunately I AM able to get to the shops to buy wine...too much wine. I've been struggling badly. So after a very bad incident, I have decided to do my 30 days abs and then see where we go from there.
    Hopefully I'll be able to log on properly again soon (at work at the mo and scared stiff someone will see me!)

    take care everyone and thanks to everyone who pm'd me to see if I was OK, it means the world to me as do you all...snif, sniff.


      Friday August 17th

      After three weeks of nearly non-stop visitors, they're gone! Except, of course, for my son's Korean girlfriend, who remains with us until next April, I guess. We put him on the plane back to Japan early this morning, with the two of them crying all the way. There has been entirely too much melodrama in my house lately. Thank God for naltrexone. And now, maybe I can concentrate on making a sensible life. I also have my web host up and going, and I'm teaching classes online in writing the college application essay. If you know any rising seniors who need to get their essays done with a minimum of fuss and some expert advice, let me know. Sorry for the ad. The rent on this web host is obscene. Onward


        Friday August 17th

        Hi all,
        Back in to the moderation fold. So far I managed 21 AF days out of 26. Pretty darn good. I'm still going to get those 30 days in, they just won't be in a row. That still counts right?

        Everything is going well, the boys will be back to school on Monday. I remember those days Beaches. The first day of school for the oldest was so hard for me. I cried in the car. On the first day of school for the second one. He was like "Mom, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out." He was the kid going around and helping all the other kids feel better about being there. Also with my oldest going into Forth Grade and hearing how hard it is, I decided not to volunteer for the PTA this year and so far, I'm glad. Last year, the start of school was so hectic and now all I have to do is help serve coffee to the kindergarten parents and walk my boys to class. A lot less stress.

        Enough for now. It seems our moderation group is kind of small these days. Maybe we need to do some recruiting on the General Board. Any takers to tackle that. :H


        Humor is just another defense against the universe!


          Friday August 17th

          Laura, Congratulations on 26 days!:goodjob:

          Beaches, I don't think I ever tried bowling till I was in high school! A 5 yr old wanting to is pretty suprising. She must be a little tuffy!

          Sophia, glad you have some space again...You even survived all that without killing anyone! I think you're the "Real Saint" here... Much more patient than I.

          Pebbles, Great to see ya back on board. Hope you get tings into working order soon... I'll bet you do too. That's got to be frustrating, not to mention, the stress of moving.

          We've had my Sis,Nephew, & Brother in law visiting till Wed, then I had to work a day shift yesterday, so my schedule has been a bit off. But now things are getting back to normal.

          Hope everybody has a great day! I survived my B-day & the reunion without drinking too much. I was kinda proud, because I do have some cousins that can really throw back some brews! Fortunately, I have plenty of others that don't...
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            Friday August 17th

            Hiya Gang,

            Just wanted to say hi. Have had a crazy week with doctor's appointments for the family, eye appointments, school shopping, etc. Things should slow down next week.

            Have a great weekend to all my lovely mods friends!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Friday August 17th

              Hi all,

              We really do need to drum up some interest here, we are soooo quiet ....

              I'll work on it tomorrow when I have more time ........

              Love & Hugs to everyone, BB xx


                Friday August 17th

                Hello, we all sound so busy, makes me feel I am with a good group I have alot in common with. Have a great weekend everyone!!



                  Friday August 17th

                  Hi guys!
                  Havent posted in forever, and like everyone it seems.... BUSY, BUSY, BUSY! We've been out of town the better half of the last month, and tomorrow we get up early to drive down with our son to college. He is a sophmore, but going to new college, so we have the cars loaded down with "dorm stuff!" I've been super busy taking him shopping for dorm necessities and clothes, and my husband is about to have a hernia from the amount of money all this costs!! My son's girlfriend drove down from Charlotte on Wednesday and is staying with us, so she will be driving her loaded down car with us. (They go to same college). Tomorrow should be a really fun day, and hopefully I wont cry when we leave.

                  The youngest starts school Monday, and tonight we are headed out to take my son and his girlfriend out for a nice dinner as their going away thing I guess..

                  Looking forward to getting back on a schedule, and to boot... I've started full time classes online, so its all been a great recipe actually for moderation for me.

                  Sophia... my daughter is in the thick of writing college essays. She does have her college counselor who is awesome that is reviewing them, but she may be interested in having someone who can help her online. Could you PM me again with the info for your online site and what you charge?

                  Have a great weekend all...
                  If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.

