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Sunday August 19th

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    Sunday August 19th

    Good morning Mod's Land,

    Today I continue with unloading toys and unwanted materials while the family is away They should be home late afternoon so that gives me plenty of time today to finish up.

    It's going to be a great day here weather wise too. In the 70's which is a nice break for the 90's.

    Hope you all have a nice Sunday!
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

    Sunday August 19th

    UM, HELLO???????????????????????????????????????
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Sunday August 19th

      LOL!! Hello Beaches. I am here.

      Hope you are getting a lot done while the family is away but also enjoying some downtime.

      Where are all of our friends today???? :upset:

      I have a nice quiet Sunday planned. It is raining here and think I will go rent a movie which I have not done in a really long time. Sounds like a plan.

      Happy Sunday to everyone!!!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Sunday August 19th

        Hey y'all! I'm finally up and about! My company is gone, and I need a week off! We had fun, but I need to have private down time to recharge, and it didn't happen. I drank more than I had planned-nothing terrible, but more than my personal mods limit. Last night LATE after they left, hubby and I drank too much wine, just to wind down, I guess. I had 5 glasses. We split a big bottle, and I had 1 last glass left over from a bottle a few nights ago.We talked about the week, had a nice, though late night, and went to bed. No dramatics, just fatigue. I don't feel bad, just slow today, and I can't afford to be slow. I have WAY to much to do. It is all part of the learning curve I know. I don't have to provide wine at dinner for company to be the perfect hostess. I don't need to unwind with a bottle of something nice. While hubby gladly drank it with me, he is grumpy today that we drank it, and doesn't want me to buy any more except for rare occasions. Maybe that is how I should do my mods. Just rare occasions.
        Beaches, I love those kind of weekends-and rarely get them. I makes me feel recharged, and in control of the chaos, if only for a brief shining moment:H
        Lushy, a rainy summer Sunday sounds perfect! A great day for a movie. What are you going to watch?
        Happy mods Sunday to y'all
        Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


          Sunday August 19th

          What movie? I haven't been to one in eons and that's a perfect thing to do on a rainy Sunday. Think if maybe we chat our friends will check in to see how we are?
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            Sunday August 19th

            YEAH AMETHYST IS HERE Sounds like you had a really busy week and yes I enjoyed having the house to myself. I actually feel more relaxed and calm than I have in awhile. I think I will try to have hubbie do this more often for my sanity.
            I know that if I have wine in the house I will drink it, period. So I think it's a great idea to only buy for special occassions if that's your goal. Don't beat yourself up about overdoing it last night.

            Have a nice Sunday
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              Sunday August 19th

              Hi Amethyst! I know how it goes when company leaves and you catch a second wind and then continue to drink. Seems fun at the time, but not the next morning. Hope your day is a good one despite it all.

              I am thinking of going to get "Little Miss Sunshine." Anyone seen it? I heard it was great. I am sure I will get going on household chores though and never make it to the store. The story of my life.

              Anyone else? Hello???
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Sunday August 19th

                As PP would say.....Wakey, wakey
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  Sunday August 19th

                  Hi Beaches, Lushy & Amethyst, Happy sunday to you all .....

                  I've been without internet access all day because of men working on my lounge, It's been worse than alcohol withdrawal LOL.....

                  Where is everyone????

                  Love & Hugs to you all, BB xx


                    Sunday August 19th

                    Hi, just got home Packer was great last nite and so was today. Miss everyone.


