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Tuesday August 28th

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    Tuesday August 28th

    Good morning and day modder's.

    Hope you are all doing well.

    Tonight we get to ride the bus with our twins to kindergarten where they will meet their classmates and teachers before school officially starts. It will be a hoot. Still waiting for the packet to sign the contracts for our Autism Assistance Dog which I am really excited about as well. This will be so great for my son.

    Have a happy Tuesday!!
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

    Tuesday August 28th

    Enjoy and have a very good day!!


      Tuesday August 28th

      Hi Beaches and Skye ....

      Beaches please let us see a piccy of your dog when you get it!!!!

      Well, I'm going for 30 days AF, I only managed 17 days back in January so I'm going for it ....

      Love & Hugs, BB xx


        Tuesday August 28th

        Hi Beaches, Skye and BB - BB, GOOD LUCK!! If I can do it you can....
        Been getting last minute wedding things's going to be pandemonium at the last minute; we leave Thursday morning and then discover what we've left 300 miles away!!! (Wry not negative there!) AND do a project - well, get my son to do his project! - for school which is as soon as we get back.... hmmm, 14, boy, school, work, project, write things down, stay awake..... what do you think?!?! Time for a .....coffffeeeee!!
        Have a good day and evening.
        Love F x
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          Tuesday August 28th

          Some of the coolest dreams that ever came true, weren't dreams at all, but standards that simply weren't compromised.

          Oh yeah, we takin' over...
          **** The Universe


          Morning Mods!

          A bunch of you crack me up! E, thanks for the giggles reading yesterdays posts!

          Good for the AF's BB, Jen, and all! You can do this!

          I have found over the last year that occasionally the beast is at my door but very, very rarely anymore. I think NOT thinking about it, just being AF on a very regular basis is good! I have had hard liquor in the house too now for a few months. My in laws went back to NY in the beginning of May and brought a bunch of open bottles over to us. I just say to myself, I don't WANT it, (At first I put them in a cooler in a back closet so I would really have to think about if I wanted some of it.) Once I wrapped my head around that and cleaned out the closet, I put them in the liquor cabinet and told myself I could have some if I WANTED to, but I don't WANT it, the same way I have been about beer and wine for years, I really could care about those.

          We went to my Mom's birthday celebration on Saturday evening. I didn't bother to have a drink out either as my sister and I were splitting this dinner for everyone (16 of us) and as it stood, she chose an ala carte place that I didn't want extra on the bill, it was a pretty hefty bill in general. I know I sound so cheap!! I stuck with water, so did my husband just b/c he is doing the weight loss thing. BTW, he looks so awesome and has gone from a tight fitting XL to large that are loose on him. Lots of inches. A lot to do with stopping his beer intake. . . if that helps any beer drinkers who want to lose weight!

          Well no blood test results yet and my legs are still trying to decide if they ever want to go back to normal non swollen look. This is sure testing my patience level.

          Have a great day everyone!

          Love to all of you,

          PS: I will hopefully get back here tomorrow to individual posts!!


            Tuesday August 28th

            Nice to hear everone is having a good day. Just got back from the doctors' office for my first mamogram (too much info?). Anyway, it was no big deal but, it ate up half of my day.
            Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


              Tuesday August 28th

              Hello, glad to see everyone. Back to work for me just doing my usual check in.

              Love you all,
              Big Smooch to everyone!!!



                Tuesday August 28th

                Hey, Mods,

                Hope everyone is having a glorious day.

                MKR, what is going on with your legs? It sounds painful!:l You're doing brilliantly with your almost Abs program. Congrats, sweetie! Also, kudos to you, Boopster! :yougo:

                Lately, I've been drinking a bit more, not getting drunk or even drinking heavily; "grazing" might be the proper word for it. It's amazing but since I've been allowing myself small amounts of wine on most days, I'm once more craving dark chocolate. Reminds me of something Jennah once posted about differently types of drinkers, one of them being a "hypoglycemic" sort. Kinda makes sense to me. I think that I'll go back to being an infrequent drinker like Mary. No kicks in the butt, please. That never works with me.

                Last night's dinner companion got off easily. The salesman in the toy shop spoke spotty English and so when I asked for a water pistol he didn't understand. I then said "gun" and he started saying "gun, gun, gun. You wanna gun?" and I became concerned that our interaction was alarming other customers or that I was on my way to a rendevouz with the police, so I left empty handed.

                At dinner, I decided to use one of my pretty (nonslutty, though; didn't want to add a new problem) red pumps to make my case a la Kruschev after it was clear that my friend was either being deliberately obtuse or was having problems with his ears. I gave it to him and asked him to explain the physics behind proper placement of its heel (we'd been discussing physics and architecture so the shoe was not entirely out of context). He looked at the shoe and said "Isaac Mizrahi. I know where he went to school." Because he's never known me to be dramatic (other friends, though, have seen me do "guerilla theatre") , he probably thought I was finally losing my marbles and he started taking careful note of what I was saying. We talked about why I was upset with him and how he had been clueless that his @#%* behavior had hurt my feelings and we ended the evening as friends.

                I'm sure that this is more than anyone wanted to know. TMI, for sure. I'm sorry.

                Now, I've got to go watch my nine-year-old try to negotiate the sidewalk with her new "heelies." This kid is a spitfire and earlier this evening she convinced my husband that she "needed" these shoes. Oh, well.:goodjob:

                My love to all.



                  Tuesday August 28th

                  P.S. to Beaches,

                  I've never heard of an autism assistance dog but it sounds like a wonderful idea. The little boy who lives downstairs from me has Asperger's Syndrome and it is delightful to watch him interact with his dog. He's really in his element around animals.

                  :heart: E


                    Tuesday August 28th

                    :nutso: :blah: :licked: :anyone: SEE ? I AM a threadkiller!



                      Tuesday August 28th

                      Hey E, no butt kicks, ha! Glad you worked it out with your friend, though and he understood that you were upset. My hubbie needs some lessons in that department he is just clueless
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        Tuesday August 28th

                        Mary, I always love your posts. Losing those inches from cutting back alcohol intake is a serious motivator. Glad you had fun with your mom and even better about just NOT wanting to drink. You are role model for us moderators!

                        Hey PP I just had my first mammo too!
                        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

