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Monday 3rd September

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    Monday 3rd September

    Good Morning all in Modsville, hope that you are all well ....

    I'm rushing round today as its back to school for Kerrie tomorrow but will check in later.

    Love & Hugs to everyone, BB xx

    Monday 3rd September

    Hiya BB

    Save some energy for the rest of the day!!!

    W x


      Monday 3rd September

      Hiya Wimpey, I'll do my best ...... I have to rush about inbetween checking in here ......

      Love & Hugs, BB xx


        Monday 3rd September

        Hey BB, how did the Dr appointment go??


          Monday 3rd September

          Skye we have to wait about a week for the results.

          Thanks xx


            Monday 3rd September

            Morning all-just checking in! Hope all have a great day. I have to work a little this morning, then hope to clean house and putter about the rest of the day. Hope y'all have a more exciting day planned:H
            Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


              Monday 3rd September

              Just got a moment to check in, been having so much fun this holiday weekend. A little to much fun, but today I am going to take it easy.

              Have a great Labor day everyone!!!


                Monday 3rd September

                Sharing the school rushing round with you BB! Why do name tapes and school sox escape in August?! Where do they go?

                I so hope Kerrie is feeling better and is looking forward to seeing her school buddies again even if 'Maffs' doesn't seem that much of a thrill!!! My son is feeling like that anyway! He's boarding (so duvets etc needed too) and I dread the September term....he only comes home about every 6 weeks - 6 foot tall but only 14 and I'll I miss him...

                Waiting Kerrie's results with a prayer for the Boops.... :h

                Finding x
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                  Monday 3rd September

                  Hi all,
                  I am back from hol now. Had a good time and it was relaxing. Did lots of walking, swimming and eating of salads and yet put weight on!!!! Couldn't believe it! Didn't even drink much!

                  I can't believe all that has been happening here in just a few weeks.

                  Welcome back to Beth. Sorry you are hurting.

                  Mkr Mary, awaiting results is so hard. Keeping fingers crossed.

                  BB, Hoping that everything works out well for Kerrie and hubby and that you keep strong.

                  Beaches, I am so glad that the first time at nursery went better than expected.

                  Welcome to all newcomers. :welcome:

                  Hugs to all who need them. :l :l :l

                  Love to all of you as always.

                  (Won't mention all names in case I accidentally miss someone and feel guilty afterwards. Am still catching up so...)
                  Enough is enough


                    Monday 3rd September


                    Great to see you back.


                      Monday 3rd September

                      Yes it is very nice to see you back Waves. Glad you had a nice holiday.
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

