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Saturday - September 8th

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    Saturday - September 8th


    I really mean that.

    Whatever, whatever, whatever.

    You can have it.

    ****The Universe

    Saturday morning fun . . . whatever!

    I had such a great time with my girlfriends last night. Great to see them. A couple of them said that I looked 10 years younger and thought it was my hair cut, it is cute, but I think it was being out from under the stress of some health issues. Also I feel like I have a new lease on life getting out of that old brace and into one that is smaller plus having him say I can try swimming. What a cool thing!! I feel quite blessed this week.

    I had a margarita last night and have to say - I had a headache before I went to bed about three hours later. Maybe alcohol and I do not mix very well any more. It also didn't take much for me to feel pretty "lit" either. Anyone else notice that with their mods? Am I just finding one more thing in my old age that does not agree with my stomach or head?

    I am hoping everyone has a lovely weekend.

    Hugs and Love to all,

    Saturday - September 8th

    Morning Mary and all the modsters to come. Mary, that is great news about your brace and starting swimming. 10 years younger, huh? I'll take some of what you are having:H Glad you had some fun with your friends. I haven't noticed as how a single drink could make me feel lit, but maybe someday!

    I am not working this weekend-yeah! But... the last 2 weeks were so crazy that I am spending at least this morning working around the house. Gotta get that house blessed! I need to come up with some non wine rewards for myself. I posted late to yesterdays thread, but mentioned my feeling jealous of dh and his free time. Well, on heavy cleaning days like this, I feel doubly jealous! Not only has he been in nice clean hotels and he hasn't had to lift a finger to clean up or prepare his food all week, tonight he'll return to a clean house:bang Oh well, shoulders back, head up, smile on...I'm READY!

    Have a great day everyone, and y'all come back now, ya hear
    Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


      Saturday - September 8th


      Mary, it is SO wonderful to hear you sounding so happy. I know these last couple of weeks have been rough for you, so the outcome could not make me happier. Enjoy your swimming.

      Amethyst, I know how you feel. And I think that is one reason so many women like to drink their wine. It is our "reward" for having taken care of everything in our families lives. Such flawed thinking I finally realized. Be good to yourself today. Crank some good music while you clean.

      Off to my daughter's first soccer game of the season. It is a beautiful day here today so I said I would go. When it is rainy and cold I usually let hubby go alone.

      Happy Saturday to all of the rest of the modsters. Jude, please check in.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Saturday - September 8th

        Hi everyone,
        Happy for you MKR. I want to go swimming my self today or tommorrow.
        I remember Sat soccer games, Lush..have fun!!
        A - enjoy your clean house..that't the only part I enjoy otherwise i curse at my husband the entire time I am cleaning, usually he isn't here, thank god.:goodjob:

        Oh beautiful day here -- we had some great news yesterday re: hub got a nice contract -- in the nick of time--so I drank - but feel OK today.
        Oh MKR -- yes .. my capacity has diminished as I said the other day. I find it interesting the stomach doesn't much take to the stuff anymore either...maybe old age is a good thing :H

        I am wonderign if I shouldl get some Vioxx for hip -- anybody know the downside of that drug?


          Saturday - September 8th

          Hello fellow modsters!

          Mary so glad you had fun with your girlfriends and you do sound great, as always

          Chrysa- Sorry I don't know anything about Vioxx. GREAT NEWS about Hubbie!!

          Amethyst-UGH do not get me going about all the work we have to do around the house just to try and "maintain" a decent home. My husband has no idea. Any time I tell him I am leaving for the day, or I even tried a weekend once, he took the kids to his sisters and had his mother there too. He has never been alone in this house with the kids trying to maintain it. Dusting...what the crunch is that?

          Lushy-have fun at the soccer game.

          Judie-I hope you are well and I miss you girl!

          Well I have almost finished our website for my son for his Autism Assitance Dog. What a great learning experience this has been. I have actually really enjoyed it. It's interesting really. At first I was really stressed about it and procrastinated then decided to look at it as a new experience and something I need to be excited about and my brain went with it.
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            Saturday - September 8th

            Hi all, just the quickest check in ever for me ...........

            Preparing for decorator on monday so PC been unplugged all day,

            I've bargained for 5 mins to check in so hope that nothing is wrong for any of you and i've ignored it .......

            Love you all, BB xx

